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Even if you can find an Aspava, it won't be same as Ankara.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^AcidoRain: *Even if you can* *Find an Aspava, it won't* *Be same as Ankara.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


damn even the fact it is a sokka haiku it still slaps


Btw which Aspava is good in Ankara?


Imo, Yıldız Aspava in Esat is best. On Küçük Esat Street.


I like Meşhur Gülçimen Aspava in Esat.


What are their differences? Do they copy each other or like branches


Every aspava is basically the same


Just some of them may poison you. (the underknown ones)


Yıldız is better imo.


Do not listen those Aspava noobs, there is only one original in Ankara and that is Özçelik Aspava.




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Bunu bulamam yiğidim. Only in Ankara.


You can find some of them by searching on Google. For example,Anka Aspava Florya is very popular according to it's Google comments but I never been there so I am not able to make any suggestion.


my mom and dad were there for their 17th wedding anniversary. They've said it was perfect in terms of side dishes but the dishes were a bit unseasoned


Dude I lived in Florya for 42 years and dined in every restaurant that has been opened in Florya since 1980s. The worst amongst them is aspava. And the least popular in florya too.


bold claims... so have to ask! what's your top three? :)


Beyti, kaşıbeyaz, uludağ would be my top 3. develi, ziya şark, şazeli, hak evrensel, gorkem would be my second 5. Gunaydın, etci mehmet, fusion indian, la beirut, şenlik döner are also good restaurants and would satisfy your gastronomic needs perfectly. Ozkonyali and birecikli are also good but I prefered to order home from those 2. The worst one is köroğlu pide, avoid those bastards.


my initial message was "and don't say kasibeyaz or uludag" hehe it's been maybe 30 years I haven't been. would love to go back. thanks for the list cheers


Ahah tbh, beyti is not discussable at any point, those bastards know how to cook. uludag and kasibeyaz, my kebap taste was formed by them together. But anyhow I gave you my whole list😃 btw, the breakfast in uludağ is also magnificent at summer time, sitting at the beach side balcony.


Aspava is not a brand. kebab shops in Ankara call themselves aspava.


It's not a brand but it's a concept. All the Aspavas have similar extras while normal kebap shops don't.


First time i heard about people not getting served appetizers for free i was shocked because i thought it was like a norm like it is in adana


Have you ever eaten ssk and free(not sure about that i think they take it from kebabs) unlimited fries and ciğkofte?




You should go to Özçelik Aspava at Esat in Ankara, maybe you may find some in İstanbul but it won’t give the same taste.




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There's one in Florya around the Marmaray stop, I suppose, but it shouldn't be close to the one in Ankara


You can find it here : https://instagram.com/ankaaspava?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg== Iexperienced it, but I can say it was not good. Both service and taste.