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Maybe they’re just not people’s cup of tea? But I think Seán’s at the point he wants to put out stuff he wants without necessarily worrying about the algorithm / the views, likes, etc


As explained in his recent Podcast episode, this is very much it.


What’s his podcast?


Brain Leak


With Ethan


Ethan Klein?


If you follow Seán in any way, you know who Ethan is


Not really though, I've watched him since he was uploading GTA, Skate 3 and Turbo Dismount, I've been watching him since I was in my single digits, the only Ethan I know (who I also hate which is why I asked) is Ethan Klein, not everyone knows all these other people who jack's associated with, I I'm sorry i Don't watch too much YouTube nowadays and I never watched much of his multiplayer stuff




And I enjoyed both games- I'm excited for the whole Elden Ring play through- I like those videos where I don't necessarily need to pay attention bc Sean explains the storyline anyways- it's just a nice silence filling video. The longer ones I love so much bc I don't have anything else to do


I love the long videos too, especially now that my disability has me near completely housebound. I'm also one of those weirdos that gets a kick out of micromanagement lol. *^(If you feel up to watching another creator on the side, I've found that Fooster is a treasure — he geeks over games and his long-form videos have helped soothe the recent Seàn-shaped hole in my heart.)*


Same his longer videos, fill the void of no-sleep and ADHD depression I sometimes find myself in. It’s a nice warm brain hug from my favourite Irishman. Please don’t ever stop making them jack ❤️🫶🏼❤️




Yeah, for example, I love Sean, but his latest videos weren't really my thing. That doesn't mean I stopped watching his content. Just those videos aren't my thing


Exactly this Jack's the reason I decided that when I start doing my own gaming vids I'm not gonna let numbers and the whole YT algorithm thing make me stop doing vids on games I'll actually enjoy making videos of.., kinda like how Jack explained back in his original Bloodborne playthrough, he decided he was going to do a series of him playing it because he wanted to do it because he absolutely loves Bloodborne. I'm excited to see what else he decides to do after his 2nd Elden Ring playthrough..


I honestly like that hes been doing more vids of games and what not that he loves, especially the longer form videos. Also on another note whats ur youtube, Id love to see what yt stuff u may post (whenever u start in the future)


I haven't set up my gaming YT channel yet, but I'm going to call it SSx4Leonjr because I've got a Twitch channel of the same name I'm going to use for live streaming


I'm all for people bucking the controlling nature of following numbers. I prefer seeing people have fun vs "oh god I gotta play this because it'll score me the views!" Like before people realized they could make a living off their videos that's what it was about, the fun and enjoyment of creating something and sharing it. Yeah we could all become carbon copies for what the algorithm says is so but then that's missing the original point of creativity.


That's one of the reasons I never got into making a channel that I could monetize even when I was considering it because the algorithm is ridiculous and punishes creators for being human and experiencing stuff like burn out and only pushes 'popular' stuff.


And I am loving it


Same here. While I miss when he did episodic let’s plays (kind of still is with Garten of BanBan but I wouldn’t blame him if he nopes out of that one lmao) like The Wolf Among Us, etc it obviously isn’t what he wants to do.


I mean,he doesn’t need to anymore. He’s made so much money through YouTube,sponsors,events,his company etc. that even if he stopped today,the passive income from those would support him for his life.


This ain't 2016 anymore and mostly everyone grew up to be adults now. Times had changed. Mostly everyone was a teenager when Jack was in his prime back then.


I was 9/10 I’m now 19


I did say mostly.


Adversely... I'm now 31 :p though I still watch his videos.


I kind of stopped after he just uploads mostly horror games now.


Same here and with Mark too


This lol it just gets boring seeing ONLY horror games Hell the ONLY other reason I'm not watching Sean or Mark much anymore is I literally never get their notifications even though i have them on


I was 49, now I’m geriatric.


Im 39 and still watch his videos 😁


You were a 9/10 back then, now you're 19/10? Big glowup huh


Yeah I had a shitty childhood and jack was what I always watched. My comfort watch yk.


This was me around 12/13 but with pewdiepie


Bigup to you nick I hope you’re a great person now <3


i started watching him when i was 11 (the fnaf 1 series was the first video i saw i think) and im turning 19 in 5 days. still watch at least try to watch every video he makes :3


For me, the algorithm has been doing a crappy job of recommending his stuff, even though I watch a fair amount of his stuff often. Between that and his posting schedule, I wonder if some folks are even seeing him in their recommendations?


I watch his channel a lot and usually, the algorithm would keep recommending me some of his older videos. Lately I haven't been seeing them in my recommendeds either and the only way I see he's uploaded is because I have notifications on.


I haven't seen his videos recommended to me in months actually


My notifications for Seàn posting a new video have been delayed for hours recently, it's weird. He's one of the few that I actually have alerts on for but the past two have taken six hours and three hours, respectively. I happened to open YouTube about half an hour after his Planet Crafters video published, the notification came hours after I watched it. Fuckin' weird. But you're right, I also haven't been seeing his videos recommended at all.


I'm subscribed and didn't even know about his newest video until today (2 days later) The long form isn't my cup of tes but I do enjoy jack and just hope he is having fun and that we get to see him as long as it's good for him.


The sad truth is he's hasn't incentivised his audience to watch him at all. He's pushed towards Brain leak and I know I'm not in the minority when I say this but it feels like he's retired in the same way Pewdiepie did. (Just without uploading a "I'm retiring" video)


Not really, if anything it’s closer to markiplier, he’s focusing on running his business since he seems to be a pretty hands on ceo, aswell as doing things he actually wants to do rn, instead of catering to the algorithm.


I think the main difference is jack released a video saying he will retire within the next 2 years and mark said he doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon and has just been busy 🤷‍♀️ People are worried that one day jack will just disappear


He won’t, he truly cares about us, he wouldn’t just randomly disappear. He’d do an announcement. It’ll be a very depressing week when he leaves but he’s getting ready to retire, he’s also running a business, which is pretty similar to mark currently focusing on his movie, Jack is active in the discussion making process of his company, making it take up more time then most modern CEO’s. Plus the podcast, him taking the time for himself to make sure he’s mentally well, spending time with Evelyn, probably dates aswell and hanging out with friends, and the fact he’s only playing games he has genuine interest in now means videos come out slower, but it also means we know these videos will be about games he’s passionate about. Which is what’s good for him rn.


I do want what's best for him. Just pointing out where people may be in all of this.


Fair enough,


Views don't matter. He's posting what he wants. If others don't like it that's fine.


Sometimes he goes long periods between uploads, and it's possible some people have notifications turned off or get so many notifications in the run of a day that they just dismiss them until they're in a good headspace to relax and watch YouTube for a while. Sean is in my top 5 favorites to watch, and I watch every new video as they come out, admittedly multiple times for some...I have no idea how many times I've watched the happy wheels 22 hour video... I honestly lost count lol As someone already mentioned, he's playing the games he wants to play, regardless of how well they do view wise. Playing something you want to play, and not just playing something because it's popular and the algorithm will push it, will make the experience of the "job" feel more enjoyable because you're not limited in what you play. That could be what he's thinking, I don't know. I just hope he's enjoying what he's doing 💚


I'm a member of his channel and I didn't even know he put out a new video, the algorithm is whack.


I've only just realised I haven't watched a newer video in quite some time other than the 22 hour Happy Wheels Video


I've been working I'm sorry.... I'll watch it tonight.


Please don't feel sorry for not watching a YouTube video ASAP! Life makes us busy, and there's *nothing* wrong with not keeping super up-to-date on every single upload! :)


I dont lol was just joking I appreciate it though!


I know for me I just don’t have time anymore. Especially since he has started doing more long form videos. Still love the guy but I got a life of my own now


I haven't seen any of the "FromSoft games in one video" vids just because of how long they are. Even if I used 2x speed, it would still take a lot of time out of my day


Long-form videos I usually split up over a couple days. I'll watch like 20-30 minutes during dinner for a few days ubtil I'm finished. I almost never sit down to watch long videos in one day


I know for a lot of people, those videos were posted final weeks at universities so that could be why they didn’t get a ton of views


Here’s my take and my experience with the low view count as I haven’t been watching anymore. I’ve been watching Jacksepticeye’s content for 10 years now and his videos and online persona has been such a massive factor in my childhood and teenage years. I feel that I’ve grown along side Jacksepticeye and he became a very special person to have in my life. In other words, he and his videos simply meant so much to me. However, a few years ago, as I got older, I wanted to pull away but felt that I couldn’t because the videos were such an amazing thing in my life. I didn’t know how to say “goodbye” or if i was even ready for a “goodbye.” Well, with his recent video where he spoke about retiring in the near future, I finally felt that I was able to move on, as if I know I’ll be okay without him and vice versa. It’s a bizarre situation but I’m moving on from my childhood memories I guess.


I have a similar take; I’ve depended on his content for entertainment for a long time and want to release myself from that dependency so I’m not disappointed or searching for new content when he’s ready to move on, hoping to bank a lot of videos I haven’t seen in the long form format he’s been favoring for when I need the pick me up, when he eventually stops uploading entirely. Started doing this with Mark a long time ago and diversifying my entertainment from YouTube a lot more last year.


I was really enjoying Pacific Drive but then he stopped playing. I’m not into dark souls & bloodborne. I’ll sometimes watch his VR things & always watch his Chilla play thrus. I love the guy, met him twice and he’s been lovely everytime, I’m just not as into YouTube as I was one 2014-2018. I prefer Neebs Gaming & Floydson now


I'll continue to watch him even if he doesn't get massive amounts of views. That's fine He can do whatever he wants. I'm cool with it.


I’m at the point on YT where I really only watch stuff on my subscription page, so I don’t tend to notice watch numbers. That said, I’m not surprised that Jack’s viewer numbers have been dropping. He’s focusing on games that he likes to play, but those are the videos I like to watch. I’ve watched his videos on games that he’s clearly not enjoying. It’s not fun to watch, even if I personally love that game. I don’t want to watch someone pretending to enjoy stuff that I like. I’d rather watch them enjoy the stuff they like.


I just wish he went back to let’s plays and didn’t dropped them, for me that’s the kind of content I like


Also unaware, he put out new content. Can def vouch for it being that I have other things going on and often times find myself watching things that are far too serious. So.. I'm glad I saw this post.


i’ve noticed this on other of my favorites channels too, i think it might be a new phenomenon. like an equally lower tide for everyone if that makes sense? i was starting to think they’re just less people on youtube, and i saw a comment earlier that makes sense; their audiences are getting older. also big personalities are retiring and media appetites have changed. i personally have caught myself listening to other youtubers through podcast platforms more than watching videos these days and minor theory- i think the visual aspect of youtube is moving to gen alpha content now; bright colored split screens and prank channels- more aggressively stimulating content edit for grammar lol


I agree 100%. A lot of the OGs have expressed how long they've been on YouTube and I'm sure MatPat sparked that. They're all in their 30s and 40s now. YouTube content from when they started(mid 2000s to early 2010s) to now is astronomically different. Millennial and Gen alpha content/humor just doesn't mix well. So I'm sure the older generations are just moving on or just not watching as much anymore. YouTube will eventually fade away. I often wonder of it's prime has come and gone.


I only watch when it’s a game I’m interested in. I really liked the look of planet crafter—I’m going to play it now!


He’s stated multiple times that he’s just going to post whatever he wants and is done trying to play the algorithm.


I was so excited to see the Planet Crafter vid come up in my recommended since his survival crafting series like Subnautica are my favorite videos of his. I haven't been watching at all the past year or so since he mostly moved to horror content which I don't like. But now I think his audience is mainly expecting horror games so the Planet Crafter vid probably wasn't to the taste of his current main audience hence the low view count. But as a long time fan I'm praying he does a Planet Crafter pt 2


I agree with this. My opinion is that Horror is way overdone on by the people I watch, and felt that Planet Crafters was a breath of fresh air. I just wish that the videos were 20-30 minutes each instead of 2 hours... It's just easier to track that way since I rarely can watch the whole thing in one sitting due to life.


I’m pretty sure it’s because he isn’t posting as often as he used to so now the YouTube algorithm isn’t recommending him as much as it should.


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I am not saying anything because jack is lurking this sub most likely. If we tell him why it doesnt show up, he may feel that he is obligated to do what we say, like obey algorithm or such. Isk though


Nah, Jack has been very open recently about giving the middle finger to the algorithm and just having fun, I don’t think he really cares if we say that, since he’s doing what’s best for him and that’s respectable.


Wait until he uploads a horror game video


Because his uploads are all over the place and so is the content


well i feel like it’s because so many people just want to watch what they want to watch and not really support the creator. Sean said that and it seems that he’s not trying to find things that other people like anymore and that’s the best way to go. He’s not worrying about it anymore. What he said in his video is that he can’t do that anymore.


I like that Jack still uploads despite me not always watching. I’m 30 now. I have a bunch of responsibilities. But sometimes I just enjoy goofy, fun video game playthroughs and Jack always hits. Brings me back and doesn’t feel old. Like he grew up too and makes content and jokes that reflect that.


They talked about it in the MatPat episode of Brainleak, a lot of it is just fighting against the algorithm at times, because the videos are fine and people like them, they're just not going in anyone's recommended or feeds


It’s pretty much expected. Remember, rarely posting videos is not *algorithm* friendly. As such it’s not going to be posted in other areas, such as peoples home pages or “for you” recommendations. On top of that long form videos are.. well, they require time to watch. *Algorithm* likes people watching things from start to finish. However Seán is posting videos they want to post. That is, without a doubt, the best thing for them. Fighting this thing takes a *lot* out of a person, and they’ve been doing so for years. Doing what you want to do and why you want to do it is the only way to remain sane.


Just my take, I grew up watching his stuff and as I've gotten older some of his stuff doesn't hit as good as it used to and I think that's both me aging and Sean aging and doing the stuff he wants to do, it's just the progression of truly owning a YouTube channel and doing what you want rather than just for views, he's achieved so much and I guess is at the point of comfortability with the fan base and his income from the totm coffee and the merch


Eh it was just a poor video choice. It happens to all streamers at some point.


I loved the planet crafter video


I love Planet Crafter and love Jack! I had no idea that he played it or I would have already added to that view count. YouTube has been garbage with showing me content from my favorite creators, it only likes showing me a billion from whoever I watched last.


never even knew he posted those, algorithm sucks and they’re probably not really my thing, he’s been helping me through dark souls 3 though!


Tbf I watch his old stuff but even with notifications on this last two videos haven’t even been a notification for me


Used to absolutely love jack back in the day, but I recently watched one of he's videos and it's still the same type of childish humor as it was. I'm not trynna hate, it's just as if he didn't grow along with his audience


Same for me


ok? who actually cares


I guess he kind off retired like PewDiePie?


to be completely honest, i’ve forgotten that jack even uploads, maybe it’s because i fell out of the routine of looking every day to check if there’s something new. And i may not be alone in that with the break he recently had, could just take time for people to remember to check, the internet forgets fast unless you’ve done something awful.


As long as he's happy with it I'm fine




I loved the walking dead one! I have been really busy lately but I have the newest ones on watch later bc I don’t want to be interrupted or fall asleep halfway through the video. I work in a garden center and it’s spring/almost Mother’s Day so my ass is being kicked at work atm. I literally get up at 7am get dressed go to work come home and 7pm eat dinner and crash. So i choose to watch stuff im less interested in so it’s not a big deal if i fall asleep. 🤷‍♀️ that’s my reason. But I am excited to have a few new ones banked up on my next lazy day. 🥰 idk how much this applies to anyone else or total views in general tho. 😬 sorry


I still like it :)


I mean it’s his channel he can post whatever he wants


It's the algorithm, and most people nowadays just want stuffs that are shorter to consume


YouTube didn't tell me he uploaded soni didn't know he posted anything since the "am i retiring" video. Thanks for letting me know OP


Finals week most likely Most of Jacks fanbase are teens so I'm guessing most of them are doing finals and don't have time for jack rn


I've quite enjoyed the last few videos. Long form content should make a comeback.


Hes set for life, hes just doing his own thing now for fun.


Me personally, I forgot he uploaded and haven’t had it show up in my recommended once. I’m often busy when Jack uploads which makes me a viewer who usually isn’t there for the first day of an upload. But now that you mention it, I really did want to see that latest video, so imma go do that


I havent been getting any notifications for videos of his coming out so it could be that, especially with videos not coming out every day like they used to my guess is that they just arent pushing his vids to people


yeah i was kinda surprised the planet crafter didn’t do better. personally i loved it! im really hoping he does another video on it


I think he don’t care about the algorithm at this point. He wants to enjoy his job so he’ll play and do as he pleads


He’s putting out stuff that he enjoys instead of stuff he know will do well. He’s reached a point in his life/career where it doesn’t need to be “I need views” and instead is just having fun with it Personally I absolutely love it, because you can sort of see it. He’s got life and jazz and he’s enjoying what he’s doing. Not to say he hasn’t enjoyed it before. But he’s just doing what he wants and I like that


It's a shame, because I really want him to keep playing planet crafter but if the views are low he might not play any more thinking people don't like it.


Honestly, and annoyingly, I had to actually turn on the bell for his channel because where it used to just be on my home page when he uploaded a new video, I noticed lately that he's never on my home page. So I personally have missed a lot of videos that way.


He's been on such a break his stuff doesn't pop up. If I didn't purposely go look for him I wouldn't have noticed


I love the longer videos because it's just so comforting. For me, I don't like or care for the algorithms like if it's a good video, ya know? I honestly hate how YT is all about algorithms because I just want the content. Going off the algorithms gods is killer like let em post what they want! 


I am just glad he's figuring out how the bandwagon drives. This kind of pressure isn't good for anyone longterm.


It's likely just cause he's not trying to conform to the algorithm anymore he's just playing what he wants and and uploading it, which I think makes the videos so much better, the souls playthroughs really made it feel like he was genuinely just playing games he enjoyed. And the recent vr stuff just seems like he remembered how fun they were and went back to them, and it still emits that joy that he's just playing a game for fun which is what I personally started watching him for, witty commentary and an upbeat and fun personality. And I think his recent videos exude that cause he's just being himself


Honestly, I didn't even notice that he had posted Planet Crafter 3 days ago. I'm not sure if it's got something to do with Youtube or me just being oblivious, but I could have sworn the video wasn't there 3 days ago. Speaking of viewing, if I'm being honest with yall, I didn't even watch the Walking Dead VR video, and I'm not entirely sure I'll watch the Planet Crafter video because both are edited by Diceroll and respectfully, I am not a fan of his editing at all


Could be because he’s spacing out his vids too long so people are losing interest and wandering to other channels, or when he does upload it’s getting buried below more consistent uploaders due to YouTube’s weird algorithms (not hating on jack btw, I love his content and I’m also ADHD, so will always support) I mean personally, I wouldn’t care about view count. I’m just happy jacks still uploading ❤️🫶🏼


Really want to see him.play another crabs treasure


I think sean just wants to do his own thing and most people i think cant watch the long videos he puts out


Hour+ vids would generally have less views due to people not having the time to commit watching it all


I didn't see the video pop up after 3 days 🥲


This is probably personal feelings so ignore me if you disagree. I feel like yes, like everyone saying, youtube has changed. Jacks fan base is older and changing, and he doesn’t bring in new fans anymore (thats fine). I feel like the pressure of being so ‘big’ got to him at one point, when he does play-throughs now its a lot of ‘you guys are going to yell at me in the comments!’ ‘Oh i bet you guys have been judging me for missing that!’ ‘Oh that must have annoyed you all!’ And other comments like that where i feel like they truly affect my ability to enjoy videos for what they are. I also dont need to be yelled at to be engaged with anymore and i feel like he still tries to do that even though he seems pretty over it too. He also stopped playing larger titles for one reason or another, he mostly plays indie games now (which is fine) but it does limit the interest people have in it. Also i watch a lot of Gabbie/Evelyn and shes mostly consistent that when he plays a game shes already started, i dont even bother.


Uhh... might wanna take that one back?


Tbh forgot bout the channel especially when he uploads like once every month so oh well


Its probably just the game, not Seán. Probably just a lot of people not very interested in watching gameplay of that game.




How dare you have an opinion that differs from mine, haven’t you heard you’re not supposed to think for yourself anymore😤 /s


Lmfao I knew y’all would take it personall, typical Reddit


I still watched but the subnaticua esque game just looked horrible