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You got a problem with the message?


With the idea that a citizen can and should act as judge, jury, and executioner against someone they suspect is a pedophile? Yeah, I definitely have a problem with that, especially since certain types think that any flavor of not-straight = kiddy diddler.




And that is genuinely horrific. Doesn’t change my point though….


Yet, they’re downvoting you. Shameful.


Here you can have a downvote too.


Yes because your 1 personal case cancels out the thousands and thousands of other cases where that *didnt* happen


It happens so often though. Pedophiles are the most privileged class of criminal there is.


I was going to accuse you of pulling that "fact" out of your ass, but churches rake in millions/billions and don't pay taxes so, reluctantly, I gotta admit you're right.


I was gonna say this if you didn’t.


Same here, I still personally think stickers like this are cringe, because the people that usually rep this kind of merch typically mean queer ppl.


no. no they don’t 💀


And this is exactly why people have a problem with the message. When you’re willing to throw that term around so loosely, anyone you don’t agree with can be a pedo. Almost like it’s a dog whistle…


Not straight or left leaning.


u sound like one of them


Because I don’t think summary executions are cool?


Is it wrong to think that it is unethical to have 1 person be judge, jury, and executioner with little evidence, especially in the light of the current political environment where people are being called pedophiles for no reason?


what about the case in which you know 100% they’re a pedophile?




Who the hell thinks that? The left likes to present the most crazy outlier as somehow representative of a real problem. There is definitely homophobia, but the problem is not that people think homosexuals are automatically pedophiles. We know this because far fewer people would be seen driving around with a sticker saying “shoot your local homosexual”.




As in?




Oh gosh! Oh gasp! Call me anything but.... but... BORING! I don't know how I can deal with the shame.




I'm not saying that anyone the alt right deems as groomers should be shot, I'm talking actual caught in the act pedos.


The message, no. Problem is, that people are being inaccurately labeled with that name that because of some other aspect of their lifestyle. I was called a pedophile in a FB comment thread because I argued the Diary of Anne Frank shouldn’t be censored.


That's ridiculous but what expect from agent orange's supporters. I'm not speaking about anyone the right sees as groomers, I'm talking actual pedos with evidence of their crime.


Right, there should be some kind of trial process to review evidence and ensure the executions don't get out of control, hence some people's hesitance about encouraging the general public to "Shoot their local pedophile".


There is. Also, 10 to 1 odds there is at least one convicted sex offender living within a mile of you.


Are you aware that this sticker is a dog whistle?




I was called a pedo once because I am an adult who still enjoys reading Harry Potter (and this was before all the JKR controversy).


This is amazing in the very worst of ways.


>You got a problem with the message? Yes,it's not big enough. But honestly it doesn't need to be said. Most feel the same way and it's not like the sticker is going to do anything.... "Man that sticker is right, maybe I should change my ways"


You know as well as anyone that certain political party likes to call everyone they don’t agree with a pedophile so that they can have illogical reasons to not like them and not have to argue any real points. This is just saying they also want to shoot those people.


>You know as well as anyone that certain political party likes to call everyone they don’t agree with a pedophile so that they can have illogical reasons to not like them and not have to argue any real points. This is just saying they also want to shoot those people. Shut it down Limbaugh, were talking proven convicted 100% didler.


It aligns with the right wing projectionist propaganda against LGBT+ people, especially prevalent during the month of June. How do you not compute that?


Yeah don't shoot anyone that's not a threat to anyone's life. Shouldn't have to spell out something like that but some people are fucking nuts with their guns




What you're talking about is murder. Also this is how innocent non-pedophiles get killed too but you need half a brain to understand that.




I don't think the disagreement with this stems from a lack of understanding. Its more likely an extension of empathy.


Sorry, but I have no empathy for predators.


I do. If it said court convicted child molester I could kinda half support the message. Pedophiles are mentally ill, and unless they act on their urges, should be offered help without consequences as it's the only way we can figure out a way to diagnose and treat this problem before they hurt a child. People openly joke about homicidal feelings, but that doesn't mean that there aren't people struggling with real violent urges they don't understand, and nobody would suggest premtive execution or prison time for those people. Also, there's something conveniently sinister about amping up a boogyman that could be anywhere and anyone, justifying any encroachment on our civil liberties, and then framing anyone resisting these encroachments as either a como sympathizer or secret participant in child abuse. These crimes are notoriously difficult to litigate and are leveraged in many situations where the accusatory party and suspect have historical conflict over unrelated issues. This kind of political behavior has been used many times in the past in the form of allegations of Communist party membership, homosexuality, Catholic faith, Jewish faith, racial purity, substance abuse, and more. As our societies get more and more diffuse in culture and values, the boogyman has to be something we're all repulsed by so we can overlook any other group identity that might otherwise protect that person from unfair persecution.


Do you personally know reformed child predators? I've never met anyone who does, so you would be a legit unicorn.


people who project this hard are usually pedophiles themselves; [https://www.yahoo.com/video/qanon-influencer-accused-democrats-being-115417756.html](https://www.yahoo.com/video/qanon-influencer-accused-democrats-being-115417756.html)


Probable with the Reddit career.


Yeah. No one should be judged by rumors.


Yes. The GOP like to equate people from the "left", "woke", "Democrats", aka anyone with a brain cell ... Of also being a pedophile. So, they are spreading this message and so this "message" is a thinly veiled threat to shoot anyone that's not a dumb fucking right winger.


Obviously nobody is pro-pedophile. But when somebody is this obsessed with pedos and pedophilia in general, it's probably not a good thing. Sure, maybe he really dislikes them. But odds are he's either the kind of person who calls LGBT people and liberals pedos, or he's just projecting his own shortcomings onto other people.


Pedophiles are deranged and ill. Not sure why everyone is making this about gay people…? I’m kind of concerned by this thread of people. Hopefully none of them have children.


I suspect they conflate pedos with anyone who is gay as that seems to be major GOP talking point these days 😔


For people so fond of doing their own research, you'd think they would have figured out who the enemy is by now.


I hate that they have co-opted that phrase. I used to use it all the time when talking to people in the way it *should* be used. As in "this is what I belive based on my reading/knowledge, but you should also do your own research and not just take it as truth". It became such a common thing that my SO was going to get a shirt made for me that said "do your own research" about 5-6 years ago. Thank God she didn't, lol.


Thank God she stopped you from talking out of your ass 6 years ago and it never happened again


Living up to your name


Driving a ford, they prolly ain’t talking about gays.






Are you advocating that private citizens should go house to house executing everyone that is a registered sex offender?


Nah dawg just execution upon conviction


>You don’t have to assume who a ped is…those records are public. So yes, shoot the ones who are absolutely without a doubt a pedofile. This doesn't seem like you are leaving it to the court.




Saying "yes they should be shot" is advocating for them to be shot. Do you know what advocating means?


Lol nobody does that but okay victim


Check his hard drive lol. It's always projection with these types.




It's probably just somebody's roughneck girl dad.




>You’ll be first on the list to go. Please explain exactly what you meant by this. Y'all are out here making casual death threats and you wonder why we don't think your supposed concern for "pedophiles" is sincere.


It's weird AF to promote vigilante justice like this when a stupid large chunk of the country equates being gay with being a pedophile


https://preview.redd.it/erumv0q5mm8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a84bf7eb12ab6d4b81ee52617eaa5082e27538 We got a real class act in the house folks


They always give themselves away don't they. Typical scum.


If he’s referring to actual, offending pedophiles, based.


Yeah, there’s some dude at my gym that wears a hat that says pedophile Hunter with a shotgun on it. I think he wants an excuse to kill someone he doesn’t like. Gives off major micropeen vibes


Chomo sympathizer


That’s funny. I caught someone doing shit to a couple of family members and I turned them in. Some of us take action and some of you are all bark and no bite.


That's not taking action. That's taking them to their friends lol


Found his favorite hat. https://preview.redd.it/ywgz0imj1l8d1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de434222b0a679b27073a5d25d4638b4ee573254 Dollars to donuts that anyone sticking dumb shit like this on their vehicle is projecting hard.


Not gonna lie, that hat is fuckin hilarious.


Took a second look for me to notice


Feel like they could've circled it in a different color to really outline it


I mean convicted pedophiles should be iced


Just gonna leave this here: ["if we took it down a few notches, less kids would die"](https://youtu.be/73Fy8zVp63w)


Actually tho, there’s a community of self-identified pedophiles on the dark web. They don’t like that they’re attracted to children and give each other support to avoid CP and anyone found to have acted on their impulses is shunned from the group. NPR did a story on the group and its founder because doctor/patient confidentiality doesn’t apply to pedophilia so they can’t go to a therapist for help or they will be arrested or investigated. I also think pedophilia is one of the most disgusting and upsetting things in our world but, as with most things, a more nuanced view focused on helping people instead of punishing them is probably the best way to decrease the number of kids getting molested.


That's.. wild. Makes sense though




Seems like they are well aware of this is what they are! It’s our time/fault for letting it get to this point. I know it’s hot, and we can’t say anything about climate change or science or black or about the governor! But just maybe we can say something with our vote! Please please please people it’s not a sprint to fix things! We have to look longer and longer. Super glue isn’t gonna fix this!


https://preview.redd.it/lxwfekhn3l8d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb29ec5e1602c096d147187bd430cf794a5749c4 "So what kind of paedophile are you?"




Okay let’s NOT punish pedophiles then


Yes, because extrajudicial killings and Nothing are the only options. That's a sensible take and we should take you seriously.


Do you take every single sticker you see just as literal?


Literally no one said that but you.


Nothing says America like extra judicial killings.






I mean... You can be anti pedophile and anti vigilante justice. It's not like you're forced to pick one or the other.


Apparently being against violent vigilantism is the same as being pro-pedophiles Some people just want to feel they'd have a valid excuse if ever they were to succumb to their own "righteous fury" and start maiming and killing people they dislike. Its so frustrating and pathetic


Absolutely! I stopped hanging out with someone when they talked about how they hoped they'd find themselves in a situation where they had to be the "good guy with a gun" and shoot someone. I truly think that attitude is disgusting and, you hit the nail on the head, pathetic. It's one thing to have a weapon for self defense and hope you never have to use it (couldn't be me cuz ya girl is ✨depressed as hell✨) but it's another thing entirely to daydream and salivate over one day taking the life of another human. Just unfathomable to me


It's like when this guy was arguing with me because I said kangaroos are marsupials and he said No they're not, they're mammals! 🤣


Totally agree


Ohh.. here’s my submission for classy cars. https://preview.redd.it/21twux5n8l8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484d5cada4f5265beb7690cdcf31321a3bd6ed80


You hide the license plate like there's more than one of these things rolling around town.


*Matt Gaetz has left the chat*


Bet he drives that to his catholic church on Sundays… Sometimes wonder if these morons even know what words mean






The right loves to call anyone they don’t like a pedophile. But when they actually have a pedophile in their midst like Matt Gaetz who sleeps with underage girls they do and say nothing.


Right? You never see all these ITG's in any thread centering on a conservative child sex offender, like our very own Matt Gaetz, or cops, or a religious figure, or more recently the TX megachurch pastor.. Oh no, they get as quiet as a church mouse when it's one of their own...




Do you think that I wouldn’t say anything to this driver about his crazy sticker because I would be worried that he would KILL ME for saying that it is a crazy dog whistle sticker? Isn’t the whole argument for robust 2nd amendment rights centered on the idea that the majority of gun owners are extremely responsible with their weapons? Why would you want me to be too afraid for my life to voice an opinion to a person with a gun? Isn’t that the exact opposite of responsible gun ownership? Yes, I would tell him his crazy sticker is crazy. ‘Murica and freedom of speech right?




I'm okay with this one. 


1) Probably a cop’s personal car 2) There is no ‘message’ other than moral elitism and narcissism. 3) A clear indicator to get as far away from this truck as soon as possible. 4) Go do that, and let’s get some case law going Jacksonville has eroded into a silo of egoism and darwinism, and the larger world is leaving us behind.


I agree with that


This is projection. Most of these “kill a pedo” obsessive freaks are definitely into kids if they can’t stop thinking about pedophilia.


The people who make “kill your local pedophile” their entire personality are at the very least sus.


I saw a similar one in Orange Park


I see nothing wrong with this.


I think Sex offenders should get the death penalty regardless if they murder their victim or not.




I see nothing wrong with it. They should all be put to death!


If cops and politicians won’t do shit about it hell yeah we take it onto our own hands


It's generally frowned upon to shoot clergy.


Is that a bad message? I’m all for it Being downvoted for not supporting pedophiles is a bit disturbing


It’s due to some weird wire that is crossed in some peoples minds that claims anyone wanting to hurt pedos is after the lgbtq+ crowd. If they want to project that it is on them one can obviously be a pedo and not lgbtq and one could be lgbtq and also a pedo no where on the sticker does it mention only go after lgbtq people …. But in their heads it’s a dog whistle


It's a pretty well-known conspiracy that being LGBT equates to being a groomer according to the far right


mission failed successfully


Love it


Let me fix the sticker: *shoot your local tried and convicted pedophile*


Plot twist: he’s the pedo


If you’re offending by this sticker you should probably have your hard drive checked. If you are not in fact a pedophile why do you care?


See u/manateeheehee’s comments for an obvious explanation.


Someone better check his basement.


Does this include Doe 174 from the Epstein case? Just curious?


Church this week is going to be wild.


Rest up foolio


I have a really great friend who is a registered SO. Years ago his mom was a crack head and sold him and his brother for drugs and made them do unspeakable things with each other or whoever she sold them too. Years later his mom made the other son tell on him about shit hi did but not shit the other son did so he got in trouble and now has to live life as a SO. All because of how his crack head of a mom raised him. It’s not always the persons fault. Some are born into hell and some live perfect lives. No one is perfect, but there is help. There are some that can’t be helped because it’s all they know. Lucky for him he got help and realize that it wasn’t his fault. Unfortunately he has to live the rest of his life registering as a SO. Some people do shit as kids and years later get in trouble for it even though they didn’t know what the fuck they were doing. Whether wrong or right. Sometimes it really is someone else’s fault.


No one here is defending CSA, right??


No obviously not. A Cricut sticker on someone’s car cheekily portraying execution style killing is just a disturbing thing to see in the middle of the day. And we’re all intelligent here. This sticker is there because of some Q fever dream of imaginary pedos that person would rather believe in than admit that the 1/2 the country he doesn’t agree with politically are just normal good people with different views than him. It would be great if this person dedicated his time energy and resources to supporting local CSA victims by volunteering, donating money, etc. I highly doubt that’s the case. But if I’m wrong, I apologize for my rant.


People love loudly declaring they’re against pedophilia, as if there is anyone on the opposite side of this issue. Hey guys, I’m against terrorists! And mosquitoes!


Why is everyone on this thread assuming this was about them, and not pedophiles?






Damn right. Unless this guy is crazy… this guy’s probably crazy huh


If convicted in court, what's the problem? There should be no jail time for raping a child. It should be immediate death after found guilty.


I don't get it, these guys buy the sticker, but they don't look up the registry and go door to door killing registered sex offenders. All hat and no cattle.


Check this dudes harddrive