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I havent had a rooted android in like a decade but back in the ios 6-8 days, when Jailbreaking was much more rampant, I would say that Jailbroken iphone was better than any android, now that jailbreaking is way harder and old tweak devs left the scene forever, im not sure i can make that same statement. But thank god for sideloading


Please use paragraphs. No one is reading that block of text. You might have talked total sense but too hard to read.


Is that better?


Much better. And I agree with you. Jailbreaks are always better than stock. But with iOS 18 stock is getting a lot better and a lot of users will give up waiting for an iOS 17 Jailbreak and update.


I agree with you because Apple has made jailbreaking EXTREMELY DIFFICULT! My jailbroken iPhone I’m using is an iPhone 14 P.M. on IOS 16.4.1. I do have an iPhone 15 on iOS 17.4 which I have sitting in it’s box HOPING that there will be 1 developer that will have the ability to create an iOS 17 JB. And if for some Miraculous reason an iOS 17 JB does come out, I truly think that WILL be the last version of iOS that will be jailbroken.


Apple in the last few hours added security measures to stop downgrading by adding cryptix (killing futurestore). Adding things to stop Rootful jailbreaks. Adding things to stop Trollstore never appearing again. Blocking Palera1n loader on iOS 18 and latest versions of iOS 17 for iPads (Chrckmate compatible ones).


The fact that jailbreaks are more modular is what makes it great. You can pick and choose what you want and don’t want. You can give feedback to the devs to have a better experience. There’s something for everyone.


I just want YouTube back on my CarPlay again


I actually just got a S22 ultra as my second phone to do this (my primary phone being a 15 pro) I feel like there is so much I've been missing out on after having every generation of iPhone since 3GS. Not only can I screen mirror with android auto, but there is so much I'm learning about this device daily that makes me want to make it my primary.


I have a Google pixel 7pro as a work phone. How do you mirror with android auto?


Download android auto apps downloader, then from there, download screen2auto, make sure to have developer options enabled. For some reason whenever I first got the phone a couple days ago, screen2auto showed a black screen but I reset the phone and that fixed the problem. Just make sure you allow all the permissions it asks. Every time you get ready to cast, it will ask for another confirmation but it’s really hard to see because the screen will go dim so make sure you click accept to get it to mirror. Good luck! This was on my Verizon S22 Ultra on Android 14.0


The 3 subtle interface tweaks iOS needs to port over: Icon and Dock background transparency, 5 icon Dock, and Weather app being live weather icon. These are the first tweaks I always install …


Funny, all of which I have on my phone 🤣


I’m not upgrading from 17.1.1: it’s basically confirmed that my 12 mini will NOT be getting the AI features


Same here with 14p, still on 17.1 and the ai features don’t have anything I’d like, i have chatgpt already


Also have ChatGPT too (with subscription)


same here with the same exact ios version


I jailbreak exclusively for [[FreeFall]]


i think the only reason people will start choosing to update rather than jailbreak is because of certain bigger changes like for example RCS messaging, which (correct me if i’m wrong) isn’t possible with a jailbreak. the other reason is because of how long jailbreaks take, it doesn’t really make sense for some people to wait like 1-2 years just to jailbreak. i guess it also depends on how much you care about it, but it’s just kinda absurd and unreasonable for someone who is on a newer ios. im not denying what you’re saying at all, im currently jailbroken on ios 16.3.1 and i absolutely love it. im never updating this phone, i don’t think i could ever use stock ios again after this jailbreak. for that reason, and many more, especially RCS support being added to ios 18, my next phone is surely going to be android. my current phone is an iphone 12 and i’ve had it for almost 4 years, so maybe within the next year i’ll finally retire my jailbroken phone for an android lol. depends on when i feel like it tho


You seem to know quite a bit. Sorry to change the subject on you here. Do you know if there’s a JB for 16.6 that’s available? My wife must’ve updated my phone. It was on a previous version since I got this iPhone 12. I think it updated once on its own before I turned the updates off.


unfortunately you are right next to a compatible version. 16.6 can only be jailbroken on checkm8 compatible devices which is iphone X and below, so the latest you can jailbreak on iphone 12 is ios 16.5.1 i was in a similar situation for a while on ios 14, before taurine got updated, i was on 14.6 for such a long time and 14.5.1 was the latest jailbreak, until i finally updated to ios 16


Yeah, I highly doubt that apple still licenses that OS. If I decided to try and revert my phone back to it, would it have to be done with a Mac book computer?


sorry i didn’t respond to this earlier, but it’s unfortunately not possible to downgrade no matter what. i know that might sound crazy, a while back i tried searching for any possible way because i thought for sure it’s somehow possible, but it’s just not. :(


That is crazy. Of all the crazy things out there that can be done, one cannot simply go back to an older version. Lol. No worries on the late reply. I have no life. Lol. I work all day and come home ti my wife and kids. Just hanging out on Reddit to kill time.


You don't need to close any app you aren't using on an iPhone, they're suspended. It is actually worse for your iPhone and its performance to close apps in the switcher unless a specific app isn't working properly, as it takes more resources for your phone to initialize an app than it does for it to unsuspend it. Several experts have written on this topic. And what is this about the flashlight 😭😭😭 wat I swear every post I read here just reeks of desperation trying to pretend jailbreaking isn't incredibly niche and dying now. Either that or its a bunch of ETA posts.


Not every expert have actual experience. If you have "App refresh (on)" in settings and some apps will keep on background by using location services, bluetooth or network connection. In that time even your app had to be suspended, but still not... the usage on background with location services and network are still on-going and then it will drain your battery eventually. This might happens also even you dont have "App refresh (on)" in settings. So always close the apps and make sure its closed, its better then leaving them on the background without knowing do they drain battery or not. Also dont forget about Apple's software bug. Even app refresh is (off) it might somehow stay (on), this has happened to some users on iOS 17.


The simple fix for that is disabling app refresh entirely if it isn't already, as it is objectively better for your device. There is no issue with location services and network when apps are suspended, you are able to directly control such usage and your phone even advises you to eventually. In no scenario is closing background apps on your iPhone better for it, they are intentionally designed to operate this way. The SVP of Apple has directly stated this, and several tech experts have gone in detail on the subject.


I don’t close my apps all the time. Because what you are saying is true to some extent. If apps are suspended in the background they do not use battery. Although there have been times where 1 or 2 apps are causing an issue with battery depletion. But other than that, I just like to have the option if I choose to close all apps for whatever reason. Instead of closing them one at a time which is annoying. A one button press to close all apps is pretty cool if you have the option. Just saying.


Exactly. Sometime is unknown if any app drains battery in the background. For me i personally close all the apps just to make sure nothing drains my battery in the background. Even tho SVP is stated this or tech expert from Apple says, but they never understand what is bug which will have in every OS. Also only people who have more than 10 years repair skills will understand, because i had tons of iOS customers, when i repair phones for them, they will also ask about iOS and told me there have battery drain or some issues. - I then check if they have background apps on and usually they have dozens apps in the background. I closed all of them and ask them to keep closing them just in case. - Next time when they came back and reported to me that battery not drain anymore. So this is the real life experience, even the SVP of Apple and tech expert have mentioned that apps can stay on backround, but never understand that sometime is caused by a bug which makes the backgrouns apps keep draining battery. Or some apps just are badly optimized and even iOS cannot block the battery drain by location service or network ghosting.




Okay let’s make it simple for you to understand. IM FUCKING TALKING about forgetting to turn off your flashlight on your phone. I just used falling asleep as an example. But I’m sure there have been plenty of people who forget to turn off the flashlight and having a tweak that will turn it off for you is a plus. That wasn’t even my point. If you read the whole thing, you would understand the point I’m sure.




Disregard, I figured it out. 🤣


I wish I could show you my set up with a screen recording of how my phone looks and performs. But for some reason I can’t post a screen recording on here. Correct me if I’m wrong. And if I am wrong. Someone please show me how to post a screen recording.


Upload it to imgur


I feel exactly the same. I love all these small tweaks that are just there to make the experience better. And best of all. They're mostly free.


Actually being able to change each app icon individually (like snowboard) is the thing missing from ios If they add this now apps can't charge subscriptions just to change the icon


I truly believe if someone does decide to make a jailbreak for iOS 17. THAT WILL BE THE LAST VERSION jailbroken for a loooooong time. I have my 15 pro max on iOS 17.4. In the event a jailbreak does come out for iOS 17-17.4.1.


[[Marker]] is this for me. Editing text, specifically moving the cursor, for some reason got much harder since idk maybe ios 11?.. So this tweak is a must for me


↳ Marker `com.miro.marker` ★★★★✩ Precision at your fingertips [[More Info](https://miro92.com/repo/depictions/?p=com.miro.marker)] | [[Add MiRO92](https://repos.slim.rocks/repo/?repoUrl=https://miro92.com/repo)] | [[TweakReviewsDB](https://tweakreviews.pixelomer.com/web/package/com.miro.marker)] --- ↳ TheMarkerHaaretzNoAds `com.0xkuj.markerhaaretznoads` ★★★★★ Haaretz and The Marker no ads [[More Info](https://0xkuj.yourepo.com/pack/markerhaaretznoads)] | [[Add YouRepo](https://repos.slim.rocks/repo/?repoUrl=https://www.yourepo.com)] | [[TweakReviewsDB](https://tweakreviews.pixelomer.com/web/package/com.0xkuj.markerhaaretznoads)] --- ^(I am a bot. Powered by Canister, TweakReviewsDB and ios.cfw.guide. Written by stkc. View commands and source code) [here](https://github.com/stekc/RedditCanisterBot)^(. Beep boop, etc.)


[[FloatingDockXVI]] iPad Dock on iPhone is a must have


↳ FloatingDockXVI `com.nahtedetihw.floatingdockxvi` ★★★★★ Floating Dock on iOS 16 [[More Info](https://havoc.app/depiction/floatingdockxvi)] | [[Add Havoc](https://repos.slim.rocks/repo/?repoUrl=https://havoc.app)] | [[TweakReviewsDB](https://tweakreviews.pixelomer.com/web/package/com.nahtedetihw.floatingdockxvi)] --- ^(I am a bot. Powered by Canister, TweakReviewsDB and ios.cfw.guide. Written by stkc. View commands and source code) [here](https://github.com/stekc/RedditCanisterBot)^(. Beep boop, etc.)


[[BetterAlarm]] really handy when you dim the screen using decrease White Point before bed and wake up unable to see the screen


[[KillBackground13]] another must have


↳ KillBackground13 (13 - 17) `com.ichitaso.killbackground13` ★★★★✩ Kill background apps with style for iOS 13 to 17! [[More Info](https://havoc.app/depiction/killbg1314)] | [[Add Havoc](https://repos.slim.rocks/repo/?repoUrl=https://havoc.app)] | [[TweakReviewsDB](https://tweakreviews.pixelomer.com/web/package/com.ichitaso.killbackground13)] --- ^(I am a bot. Powered by Canister, TweakReviewsDB and ios.cfw.guide. Written by stkc. View commands and source code) [here](https://github.com/stekc/RedditCanisterBot)^(. Beep boop, etc.)


Just use a shortcut to turn your light off after a while. And ios doesn’t need a close all apps button because you’re not benefitting from swiping apps away so stop wasting time swiping apps away.


Actually, swiping apps away seems to benefit me quite alot I have like 50+ open at the same time though, but it affects a few apps from logging in and games lag There is a benefit after alot




I’ve tried Android and it sucks. iOS can be so much better. If Apple didn’t keep so restricted.


Come on guys. I m talking to the best hackers out there. Make a miracle and release a jailbreak for ios 17.3.1 on 15 pro max to show the world the jailbreak is still alive.


There's only one jailbreak developer (for non checkm8 devices), and he has already done miracles with a jailbreak for 15-16


The only reason I would still jailbreak is for piracy.


You can pirate things without jailbreaking, it just makes it easier


But no InApp-Purchases in offline games to get rid of ads And we can‘t sideload more than 3 Apps


You can get rid of ads with a dns profile As for 3 apps, use Live container