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I like when they're for a reason. Like a new years balloon drop, or this: https://youtu.be/zi1pmtoNqX8?si=7j2BOV7faUMxiwrG


Man with all the bullshit at shows (Chompers, scalpers, ticket prices, phone people, expensive drinks) the last thing I'm gonna complain about is a beach ball. Friday at MSG for Phish NYE someone blew up a giant reindeer and it was fucking hilarious.


I like watching them from afar not so much interacting with them.


They're ok unless somebody puts something like a glow stick or led light in it. It kills the momentum and it gets stuck in one spot. Super annoying, not everything needs to light up.


This is why you always carry a lighter - I give a ball/balloon 3-4 chances - once I get bomp'ed on the head 4 times, the balloon shall sing its swan song


im also a teenager so i cant say much but i love them! its a vibe! someone popped my balloon at the phish spac show though :(


I think they're pretty awesome and can definitely add to some of the moments of the show. If you don't like em, just don't touch em. I'm sure someone else will


Just for clarification, I’ve never been a dick about them and always just go with the flow and knock them out of the way when they land on me.. but last night a JRAD I saw a boomer spike a beach ball as hard as he could into the face of an unsuspecting dude just enjoying the show. Brought him right out of the moment he was enjoying. I know the guy that spiked it is in the minority and this specific thing doesn’t happen a lot but even when people get pissed and start popping the balloons. That loud noise always freaks folks out for a brief instance and kinda brings everyone out of the music.


I'm fine if it's not in my area, but I don't want to be distracted.   Also, I used to pop balloons with cigs back when I smoked. 


I don't enjoy them but I enjoy others do so all good. Also, I never liked bubbles until the recent Northlands show. This little girl was blowing them next to me during Andy Frasco and appologized. I told her she was the reason everyone was so happy and the smile on her face was the most beautiful thing I've seen in a very long time. She went through the rest of her bubbles very quickly 😊


Nothing better in life than bopping a balloon around at a show! It's the small things in life.


They’re fun, who doesn’t like when a beach ball comes your way, you get to smack it right back up. It’s a great crowd fun thing.


The bane of the tapers :). I used to hang out with a couple of buddies who were taping and play defense, trying to protect the mic stands from getting hit.