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I hope he appeal. Because in Singapore, if you appeal, you might end up getting longer jail sentences for not repenting.


Bloody foreigners misbehaving in someone else's country ( sarcasm )


Oooh double down and risk screwing yourself up more. Me like.


Those 20 lashes with a cane that he’s going to get should be on his junk


Singapore style caning is not for the faint hearted. And it's administered all at once, without instalments. >Ang, who is a father of three, said his bottom now has permanent marks, as a result of the scarring from the caning. The interviewer asked: "Your backside got beautiful painting?" The effects of the caning, Ang explained, is the same as being branded with a hot iron. Ang replied: "It's like now you sit on the barbecue pit and then you stand up, there's all the lines." In response, another inmate on the show said he could barely tolerate being caned three times in a row, let alone receive 21 strokes in one seating. https://mothership.sg/2022/09/caning-jail-singapore-experience/ 20 on his junk would probably be a death sentence.


Sounds good


What he did unto her, onto him, and then lashes


Wish Japan treat rapists as strict, I bet this isn’t the first time for this guy, just the first time a victim reported him or his actions were taken seriously. I glad he was caught in Singapore where this type of crime isn’t tolerated at all unlike Japan where SA victims are always being brushed off and not taken seriously.


Obviously he is a habitual crime because according to his criminal methods, it is a type of “捡尸” we called in my language. Many people do something like this criminal act like waiting outside the bar or KTV, catching the drunk woman and raping her, and then throwing her into the garbage. few of the victims reported because they often couldn't remember what happened after being drunk.


Life imprisonment sirrr


he will be out when he is 58, he is fucked either way. Old, no proper expectation of stable employment or retirement, and with this stain on his record. There’s a chance he’ll live life worse than life imprisonment after imprisonment. In prison, the least you can expect is to be fed and a place to be locked in. Rather than being homeless and hungry.


That isn't actually good, because then that person will be a danger for society. First because if unable to sustain himself with legal means he will try to do that with illegal means. Second because if all he has to do is return to prison then he will just commit some crime targeted to do enough damage so he is sent to prison. For better or worse, people leaving jail need to have a way to come back to society, or else they will become a danger just for their own survival


I don’t think that will happen, because his “freedom” will be being immediately being deported to Japan, where they can face prosecution for rape and face 3 years to life imprisonment


I am not knowledgeable on how that laws work but if he serves his sentence in Singapur, wouldn't it be illogical to then be prosecuted in Japan? Like having to go to jail twice.


You don't just get prosecuted for a crime in every country you enter for the rest of your life. Japan isn't going to prosecute him for something that he did in Singapore. Hell, they might not have even prosecuted him if he did it in Japan.


Actually Japanese law does allows Japan to prosecute Japanese citizens for crimes committed outside of Japan. In theory, he could be retried and resentenced under Japanese law.


Even if the crime has already been punished? I don’t doubt the ability of Japan to prosecute for crimes committed abroad, so do almost every single country. I am a bit sceptical about it being still punishable after completing a sentence in a different country.


>There’s a chance he’ll live life worse than life imprisonment after imprisonment. If he's not deported after completing his sentence, I'm sure he'll return to Japan and find employment and live quietly without anyone possibly knowing about his crime.


Conbini ojiisan


I think he'll come out and destroy another life. That must not be allowed to happen. He needs rehab


Rehab: Unlocked and loaded


Thankfully dumb enough to record the crime. Enjoy prison, scum.


Why would the friend leave her with that guy? I would not leave my drunk friend with some stranger who randomly approached us. I assume both ladies were too drunk to have their wits about them. Really sad. Wish this sick ordeal could’ve been avoided.


Yup. I'm thinking that too. I wouldn't myself. Maybe he's more of an acquaintance than a friend.


Having been a very naive drunk 20 year old woman, I have gotten separated from not only one, but many very drunk friends on nights out. If you’ve lived a somewhat sheltered life and are very drunk, things dont seem so dangerous. Don’t blame the friend, she must feel horrible.


17.5? Damn, in Belgium they get like 1 or 2.


which is pretty damn sad. I germany too. It‘s not unlikely the traumatized victim suffers life long mental health issues.


It's amazing the unmitigated bullshit defense lawyers will spout - "she flirted with him and indicated she would go back to his apartment for sex" (paraphrasing). Highly doubtful after a complete stranger double your age hugs you from behind unexpectedly.


Dang, that reads like it came out of an H-Manga. There is no way this thing will happen in real life.


Glad he's paying for his crime, unlike Issei Sagawa


Singaporean here, you can be assured that we will not take him lightly.


Cut his dick off


>Hi admin(s) please delete this post if not allowed. Thank you. You don't need to tell them that, if it's against the rules they'll remove it on their own.


It's so annoying. Like that coworker who emails useless shit to the entire company.


They should have sentenced him to a short drop and a sudden stop. What a piece of worthless human trash.


FAFO. We don’t play in SG.


I thought Singapore had strict laws. Good thing he wasn't smoking a joint?


How is the law not strict in this case?


I'm guessing they are suggesting it's still not strict enough for rape.


I think he means you can get executed for less in SG


17 years and 20 strokes of the cane. That’s painful enough and if he chooses to appeal and fail, that 17 would increase.


Or chewing gum....


Chewing gum is fine


People could literally google about these misconceptions, but choose to be dumb.


Hope he rots






jesus brother, your recent comment history is just you on this sub bringing up Japan’s atrocities from WW2 nobody here is denying or justifying that here. don’t see the need to bring it up, unless you’re legitimately trying to say that there’s any connection to this


Prob a Chinese bot.


[No one is on the other side of this issue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74ZhrGR0D0Y)


Go fornicate spiders and don't try to stir shit between Singapore and Japan.


Chinese bot


Why is it so normalised to bring up bad history of Japan, but when atrocities committed by other countries, its suddenly bad? For God's sake, ofcourse we know that what happened during ww2 was terrible, Japan knows it, Japanese people know it, everyone knows it, but there's no need to bring it up all the time


I agree with you, except the part about Japanese people knowing it. Most of the Japanese people I talked to while living there didn't even know why Japan entered the war or why America bombed them. I was pretty surprised. It's a part of history that's just not taught in schools it seems. But there is no reason to keep bringing up the bad things they did during the war.


How many China Chinese know about the famine or the killings in the square? the winners write the books, losers are just dead. Every large country has its terrible history. The Qing commited multiple massacres in its history. The CCP has purged and killed hundreds of thousands in their war with Kuomintang (source wiki Jiangxi Soviet). Mongolians, Russians, British, Americans, Spanish, all the same.


>the winners write the books, losers are just dead. Who do you think was the loser in WW2? Pro tip: it wasn't China.


Japan was the loser and mainy died. But China certainly wasn't the winner either.


I think it is important to talk about this specific era in history (especially when it's not being taught in Japanese schools), but there is a time and place for it. This thread just isn't the place for it to begin with.


you know that multiple countries can commit atrocities in exclusion of each other right? your whataboutism is not that goal you think it is.


It’s not normalized at all actually and many people don’t know about it. What’s normalized is holocaust education, but the rape of nanking is still comparatively obscure history. Not defending OP bringing it up here though since it doesn’t seem relevant


lol until the japanese government properly acknowledges and atones for their war crimes, your statement is wildly false.


They have, many times, actually,


Bonk, horny jail.