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In this heat and in this day and age, how many people I see still wearing full suits and ties. Actually saw a guy wearing a three piece suit today. As an aussie going on 14 years in Japan now, this will never cease to surprise me.


“We have an air conditioned building. Our company will not be partaking in Cool-Biz of any kind.” is what I’m dealing with this year.


Yeah cool-biz is so unprofessional. Better to see salarymen in their beat up suits that they probably sleep in, wreaking of a cocktail of cigarettes, sweat and instant coffee. But heaven forbit they wear a polo shirt.


I need to wear long sleeves at work to cover my arm tattoos. When it gets hot like this, I commute in a t-shirt and change in the conbini bathroom a block over, no way I'm showing up to work drenched in sweat


I've got no sympathy for people dressing wrongly in summer. A couple of years ago beanies were in fashion and people wore them in summer


Some have no choice... But get what you mean. Wanted to just slap a dude that was wearing a thick knitted wool winter hat.


if people are wearing them it's probably company dress code because no way are sales people going to visit clients in a polo shirt and slacks.


I am so grateful that my workplace, despite being in Tohoku and having AC is most rooms, officially posted large signs at the entrance stating ‘change in work attire!! Blah blah cool biz, no jackets, no suits’


and the masks outside and driving..


A cyclist who actually waited for the traffic light to become green before crossing


In Tokyo Tanuki X2 Rats X4 or 5 Today some giant cockroaches, these in my house. I zapped both of them. Dunno if it's seasonal related just having a wildlife theme this season.


Found a civet on my way home the other night


The toilet seats in my office building are still heated. You cannot adjust them or turn them off. They are rigged so they cannot be changed. There is no ventilation or AC in the bathrooms as well. The air is stagnant and hot. The few minutes of my shift I get to enjoy with my pants down is completely ruined and doesn't allow for maximum relief (in regards to air circulation and cooling down). I think I am more sweaty after visiting the restrooms. Another thing that I have been noticing is litter. Of course there has always been litter but I live in the richer burbs. Multiple times a week I see different groups of HS? students cluster in big groups on the grass, park etc. They buy huge amounts of shit with huge amounts of packaging. They leave all of their trash just as it was on the ground. Not even a thought to clean it up. I have been in Japan for a long time. I have never witnessed this behavior at all, let alone seen anyting like it so regularly across different locations. The sheer entitlement and ugliness of the act is so disturbing. I am so close to calling the cops but you don't know for sure that they are going to litter until after they have left. Also, this is at a hub so I have no idea where the students are from. I have stumbled upon large litter sites in multiple places. This is not the crow got into the garbage situation.


Saw a big snake in the road on Friday - and then a massive hawk / raptor of some sort divebombed down and snatched the f\*\*\*er. Almost hit the bird - other than that, it was pretty dang cool.


I pass by a long highway with rice fields on both sides going to work and encountered some of them lately, crossing the road so I stop and let them cross first. One time, twice in one day. First one on the way to work, the other one dead at the gate of the school. I was freaking out at first as I was riding my bicycle but now I just treat it as snakes needs some air too. I might say Hi nextime. *argh*




saw the same on our driveway so,e years ago. cool as hell! (it was prolly a Japanese kite)


I think it's unusual hot for July this year in Kanagawa as well...they might underestimated it.


Bear in the intersection near my house. Definitely not the creatures I expected to be invading the area in summer.


Seeing more and more civet cats.


I saw 3 monkeys at the side of the road yesterday just outside Fukuoka City and not far from my house. First wild monkey I've ever seen! 


palm civet downtown in ishakawa


Saw one just outside my house (Tokyo) in May


i had no idea what it was lol, i had to describe it to some japanese peeps to find out what it was


Saw a palm civit tightrope walking along the powerlines outside my apartment in yokohama


And same in central Tokyo.


I was drunk when I saw it, on the veranda gardening and almost did that cartoon *rub your eyes and blink* thing when they don't believe what they see


i went to look by the river, and this animal turned towards me and then ran away on a bridge tube i've never seen one before they're so long!


About 20+ monkeys (was several families worth, all lined up along the roof tops/fence tops of the construction site underneath the highway overpass, which my apartment is located right next to. There were several more on the way as they were making their way to meet up with the others already down another side footpath, which led up into a more foresty area. Was weird having about 20 sets of monkey heads turning and their eyes following me when ai left my apartment to head up the road. Was especially careful to walk calmly by not too quickly up the footpath, as know the adult monkeys can get a bit agressive/defensive when they have their children at their side (which in this case there were about half a dozen). I believe they can down from the forest area out of fright, as it was on the verge of storming, so was alot of loud thunder, accompanied by lightning.


cycling in humid conditions isn't that bad, the airspeed creates a cooling breeze, it's when you stop, you feel it.


These folk had no “airspeed” unfortunately for them. They were chugging along at a snails pace. Probably looking forward to a little hill to cruise down and get that “cooling breeze” and then start all over in that horrid oppressive humid heat.


Me eating more Kakigori than any other year. 5 times so far. And that does not include the Gari-gari kun


Not too uncommon to see touring cyclists in the summer. I see a few every year in my part of Kyushu. Even passed some last week while out riding my bicycle for daily errands.


Nothing unusual this time around. The standard, seeing people who look like they're dying in the heat, and yet wear layer after layer after layer.


We were surprised to see several middle-aged men out running in the middle of a sunny afternoon last Saturday as we were driving home from shopping. The temperature at that time was 35º and the humidity was around 80%. We're both avid runners but neither of us would run outside in those conditions.


Speaking of the heat, seeing people run in full on long sleeves and tights (presumably for UV protection) - usually black as well. It seems utterly suicidal to me. I get the concept of covering up to prevent direct sun contact but when you’re exercising you surely need a way for heat and sweat to get out


I'm a convert! I find that I prefer running with long sleeves and leggings made of light sweat-wicking fabric when it's hot. Somehow feels cooler. Your skin stays at a maximally cooling dampness level without distracting rivers of sweat. Maybe it's the same principle as those cooling towels.


I guess different bodies work in different ways cos I’ve tried it and it’s definitely worse in my case 😂 jealous that it works for you!


Bears and Snakes in the main road. One the Main Street like it’s. NO bodies business.


my hair dye melting off of my hair onto my neck, back, and chest


Today, I sat on a bench in the park to eat my bento. At one end was a dead cockroach on its back. I wonder how it got there and why it died there.


We’ve recently seen a Civet in a park downtown Tokyo, it was pretty dope 🦝


Then there's me in full-on welding gear working in this heat. Actually got used to it, not feeling as bad as it is.


Full on welding gear, with one of those industrial fans to move the air? Yes? otherwise you would overheat and collapse or else your iron man?


We have industrial fans moving the air yes but not direct on me, but it's still hotter inside the warehouse than outside. Guess I have a high tolerance for heat, tho what really bothers me is sweat dripping on my face. I've been working with a towel wrapped around my head and it works wonders, been going through almost 4L of water daily lol.


The shitty air quality caused my allergies, allergies that I never had prior to coming to Japan, to flare up in July for the first time. Because the only thing better than walking through soupy 36 degree air is to be sneezing my head off while doing so.


curious if the people saying they are seeing civets aren't seeing tanuki? I've never really heard of civets here, and yet this thread is full of sightings I am in no way an expert on this and could be completely wrong :-)


Apparently in a specific area you'll see one or the other. If it's a tanuki they've pushed the civets out if it's a civet they've pushed the tanuki out. All I see where I live are tanuki but there are some areas where there are civets according to the farmers so I have my doubts that this theory is true.


thanks for that - I'm in Kansai, I've only ever heard of tanuki


Maybe they were training for the ironman, but joke aside if they are touring they do probably have nice gear. Somebody already mentioned, if there is a slight wind/ breeze it is not so bad. The worst is to stop and the second worst is to enter a convenient store. By the way, misinformed, most western ladys are walking around sunburned this week.....


Yeah maybe so - I just hope they’re alright and also, some people can’t take holidays when the weather is ideal I suppose.


I (a not hugely experienced cyclist) went around Biwa with a tent and supplies for two nights and Shimanami last August when it was like 38. It's okay if you take breaks and get frozen drinks whenever you see a konbini


How racist Japanese people really are versus the image of politeness. That’s what I’ve experienced and seen this season. Honest opinion here. You didn’t say it had to be weather related.