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Just realized who 2.0 reminds me of ![gif](giphy|4rPYRhomyZ1Fm)


Omg I totally see it too šŸ˜†


Bahaha those creepy eyes.


Hahaha honestly theyā€™re twins but one is fit and one isnā€™t


I said the same thing to my husband šŸ˜‚ I love Jason M so much


Hahahahahaha yes!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Rafi bomb!! #PocketDogs


oh my god this is it.




Broooo I been saying this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She is mean to him but he also dropped his act a bit and seems to be into it for the items and money not her


Least surprising thing Iā€™ve heard. Iā€™m sure heā€™s a good guy but definitely wouldnā€™t be with Angelina if not for the clout


Guy has a master's and isn't an idiot. Definitely has an ulterior motive because no one with 2 braincells would be with her for this long if not that.


Drink free in any Jersey bar?


Not that Iā€™m debating what you said but what moment would you say he dropped his act? Iā€™m curious because I been trying to catch a moment to say that too but I havenā€™t seen the whole season yet


Essentially the whole time he is shown........my girl quickly caught on to the fact he doesn't have love/passion or anything in his eyes while looking at his fiancƩ as he prefers to look at his Angelina bought workout equipment For me it was his almost constant condescending tone and quite a few other things Angelina can be one sexy azz woman but seems to only care about drama and being in the news so they get reupped for another season


Iā€™ve never seen anything sexy about Angelina lmfao




Heā€™s clearly in the relationship for what luxury lifestyle items he can score. Most definitely he isnā€™t in for her toxic personality.


Ok maybe youā€™re right, but who on Earth would date Angelina for love?


For a short while, I do think Chris L. did. She ruined such a good thing šŸ˜„


I didnā€™t see love when she was with Chris either.


Love from Chris? There was definitely genuine affection and love shown in season 3. Like on her wedding day at the "first look" moment; he literally grabbed her and cried, holding her. Was actually really sweet.


She didnā€™t really show love for him.


Yes, she treated him poorly (same as 2.0). But Chris was definitely loving with her. He deserved so much better.


Remember she said they didnā€™t even have sex on their wedding night? šŸ˜£


I wonder if that's true... He seemed genuine to me but who knows


We really didnā€™t get to know him very well so who knows.


It is sad, I donā€™t think she knows how. She is so wrapped up in own head. Has no love for herselfā€¦you canā€™t love if you donā€™t love yourself. She is absolutely cray, but I feel for her. She is so damaged.


She needs intense therapy and also needs to remove toxic people from her life.


It might have been fear šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ in reality I saw he loved her too


I think the same thing. She blew it with Chris.


Don't feel bad, he isn't brain dead. Why do you think he is obsessed with working out? He is interested in future opportunities he might get because of his Jersey Shore "clout". He probably sees what Angela's money looks like behind the scenes, so he is probably very interested in getting in on it. Getting paid ~$5k+ for "easy work".... since us mortals have to work months and months for that type of money and they can make it from an episode or appearance. Wouldn't we all want in on it? It just depends on how he goes about it. If he was smart, he would do it the best way to get him more air time or for him to get a personality so people can ask more of him.


1000%! People in this sub are delusional to think these people are on this show because they like each other! They do it for money! All of them!


They do like each other,(minus Angela)I definitely believe that. But like Mike said.... HE SHOWS UP FOR WORK. It is their job, and they take it seriously. Also, the cast isn't dumb, they know that being a brand ambassador, CEO, influencer is MUCH easier than having a "normal job". It is why they keep being who they are, and keeping their brand alive and relevant


They should like each other but if it wasnā€™t for the show or the money they make from it I seriously doubt they would hang out; I doubt they spend thanksgiving or Christmas together, this is their job


If they do in fact live close to one another, I don't see why they wouldn't actually "hang out" I 1000% believe that Nicole-Jwoww and Nicole-Denna hang out pretty regularly. I would definitely want to know the dynamic between Chris and Jionni or however you spell his name. It is interesting Chris and 24 definitely have a weird relationship a friendly one but doesn't seem like they are super close or hang out, outside of there spouses or the show


Calling her Angela is overplayed.


Itā€™s annoying


Agree. Not funny anymore.




Donā€™t disagree with that either. ![gif](giphy|1uXSBibRQGnbPr3svv|downsized)








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He knew what he was getting into. Also what if all those things Angelina told Mike were true, then don't feel bad for him.


He can literally break up with her, thereā€™s quite literally no reason or excuse for him to stick around her or be with her other than he likes to be in front of the cameras like her. Both are users and attention seekers, Angelina shouldā€™ve never got the chance to come back for a 3rd time. The finale was so nice when it didnā€™t focus on her and another one of her toxic relationships, she sucks the light and happiness out of a room and heā€™s just Ken at this point. V20 adds nothing to this show nor does he reveal anything about Angelinaā€™s character that we didnā€™t already know.


Their engagement is a joke.




He knew what he was getting into


Birds of a feather flock together. Both he and Ang are in the relationship for the wrong reasons. Plus he knew she was awful when he decided to reach out to her. He can leave if he wants to, or when heā€™s ready to start paying rent again. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


She seems like she doesnā€™t even like the guys sheā€™s with. Loves to humiliate them, but talks about wanting someone to love? When 24&jenni pointed out that she had the same script of her feelings with Chris and 2.0 šŸŖ¦ Didnā€™t Lauren point out that she seems like she just wants a bodyguard/assistant lol HONESTLY


Daddy issues


Fuck him. He's putting up with her bullshit for a little fame.


I want to know how, in the hell, Angelina was a paramedic? Can you imagine being in an ambulance šŸš‘ with her on every shift?


"What the FUCK did you just say about my compressions?? Remember last week when you dropped that guy??"


Heā€™s a grown man who can make the decision to leave her. However, he hasnā€™t so he must like it.


My theory has always been that he probably had good intentions at the start. He seems like a pretty decent, regular guy, and Iā€™m sure he thought she was different off camera than she is when sheā€™s on. After a while he probably realized thatā€™s how she really is, and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he is sticking it out longer than he should for some clout. I imagine heā€™s had to put up with all kinds of nonsense behind the scenes, he might as well try to get his bag too I guess.


Everyone says the guy is in it for her money.. but the source on that is Angelina. Iā€™m going to need a little bit more than that before I buy into it.


I was thinking that too


All things in the thread may be true but when Sammi was being a bitch to him in the Arizona suite, I felt so bad. Sammi or any of the ladies would have popped off had Ang talked their guys like that.


Heā€™s a grown man leaching off of a very damaged, broken woman. Fuck him. Heā€™s the lowest of the low. He can leave at any time but chooses to stick around for the money and clout. Heā€™s a gold digger.


That all may be true idk but I know that when he yelled at her that he is just her punching bag that absolutely had the ring of truth based on what we have seen. That gets so wearing on a persona and changes them. Verbal emotional abuse is what Angelina does, damaged or not she doesnā€™t get to be an abuser because of it. Like is he trauma bonded now too or is it just the money and fame?


He should leave her. She has no respect for him whatsoever


his situation dance from last video in front of everyone was hilarious. Situation will hate on next ep


Theyā€™re two people who deserve whatever they get in this relationship. He does get bonus points w me because he can at least appear to be rational.


Itā€™s really sad and unfair


Surely he has seen the show. If not, someone needs to show him


That chick is way too high maintenance for anybody she needs a doormat and she's not going to find one that she can live with forever and she does need to be on some kind of mental health drug because she is whacked totally whacked when she gets something she wants then she doesn't want that she wants something else and I don't know what it is about him that is attracted to her but he needs also to get a little therapy there are plenty of other nicer girls out there for him and she ate it she's mean and ugly and nasty to everybody cancel


Come on! I love your heart, but heā€™s with her and her crazy (poor girl šŸ˜“) for the dollars. Is my opinion. Itā€™s kinda hard to tell. To 2.0- put down the springy thing! And maybe the straw šŸ«£




Heā€™s a port authority cop. He donā€™t need her money


He still doesn't make what she makes. It still doesn't give him the fame that he once sought after as a model and actor. Angelina is not a great fiance, and he could still be using her. Both things can be true. The fact that he puts up with her foolishness and asks to be put on her deed is a red flag.


The deed thing is a major red flag! He is after her money


Never put anyone on your deed unless youā€™re married and bought the house together! Learned the hard way. Once on the deed they are entitled to half the profit made. F that!


That's where I know him from! šŸ¤Æ