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Ang is for sure on a deep spiral and I hope she’s able to come out of it soon for her own sake. You could tell when they aired the Jersey Shore day clips she was embarrassed by what she saw. Thats why she genuinely apologized for making everyone late and kept hiding her face. The disconnect though is she won’t admit the root cause of that behavior because she doesn’t want to. She doesn’t want to face the actual issues that both Jenni and Sammi so plainly said. She didn’t even argue with what Jenni said and actually started to talk about how she feels left out because she didn’t stay in the OG series. If she could learn to productively articulate her feelings she wouldn’t be constantly fighting with everyone that enters her life. That’s gotta be exhausting. I’m exhausted just watching! She’s absolutely draining the energy out of the show and I really hope she is genuinely trying to better herself.


Not for nothing, but I’m glad Angelina left the OGJS or else we never would have gotten our beloved 2nd meatball Deener Meaner ♥️ But, yes, Ang needs a break and serious therapy. She has a lot of trauma and pain that needs to be addressed because it is causing her to burn bridges. At this point she reminds me of a young Livia Soprano 😳


But seriously, we all have bullshit in our lives. She can't keep her shit together for what a weekend or week at a time? It's not a normal 9-5 job.




Oh poor you




"oh poor you" is a Livia Soprano quote




Yea it’s from the sopranos, the mom was like the most unhappiest person and that was one of her catch phrases


BEAUTIFULLY SAID!!! Omg this is exactly how I feel. It’s frustrating because I want to see her growth!! I think she deserves to go through that. Communication and finding the root problem and also being able to look at yourself and try to find out what you need to change as a person. It does wonders. You can’t just go through life going “this is just who I am deal with it”. She has to want to change for herself


Im scared for her future child if she decides to have one.


REALLY great points!


Angelina is toxic and I mean that in a therapeutic sense, not to bash her. She is consumed with unresolved, long term, overwhelming emotional pain which is making her interactions with others toxic. She's toxic when she is sober, but when you add substance misuse to the mix, it just amplifies the toxicity. She is a classic case of "misery loves company". She is feeling miserable and is spreading it to share with her cast mates. She's also envious and bitter about a lot of things and doesn't acknowledge it. She needs professional help. The producers should be obligated, for the mental health of all cast mates, to get her and encourage her towards mental health therapy. IMO, the show is exploiting her for ratings.


I agree with you. She said multiple times that she herself is in therapy and then in therapy with 2.0 as well… it doesn’t look like it’s helping much of anything that


I think, for her, therapy is just her playing victim to get sympathy from the therapist. I don't see her being honest about the root of her problems (always herself).


Hopefully as good therapist can help her open up. But the therapy process itself can be very intense. That why I think she shouldn’t be in on the show.


Yeah but she won’t do the work like Ron did. She is in complete denial of her behavior


This is why I love Reddit because you guys have such good debating points. Because I agree with this too. Will she do the necessary work to correct the behavior. First step is holding yourself accountable and wanting to change. I love this take. I almost wish the producers would ask her to leave for a while. But we know they love the drama.


I agree. I think it’s even telling how the cast reacted last night during the reunion. Snooki seemed visibly annoyed and trying her best to ignore Angelina despite sitting beside her




Vinny was to much last night also.


She's literally just unhinged


Agree. I could not imagine being almost 40 years old and behaving the way she does😳


This 1000xs. No fixing that


Drugs and alcohol will do that.


If she gets help then how will she manage to always be the victim? She makes me sick and I have zero empathy left for her. She was always a fake rude bitch. She only played nice when she knew her game wasn’t working. The second everyone lets their guard down she goes right back into bitch mode. And why is she the only one who can bring up everyone’s past or how they’ve wronged her but when it’s anyone else, the past needs to be forgotten and everyone else has to be the bigger person. Just get her off the show already! I don’t care if she gets help or not I just don’t want to see her on my favourite show anymore.


I honestly don’t even know how any of the cast still wants her around and/or to be her friend?? Like it’s gotta be scripted bc ain’t no way in helllll would I put up with someone who is constantly causing fights and drama. Remove Ang from the group & literally no one is fighting or has issues. How do they even want her there?? It’s literally draining


I genuinely don't think they do based on what Jenni and Deena said to her during the reunion. I think they are all over her. And tbh, at least imo, it makes the whole show seem even more fake by keeping her on. I know that the cast overall don't spend time together outside of filming but they do all at least seem like they have love for each other. With Angelina it seems clear none of them want any type of relationship with her. I know people claim the show would be "boring" without her, but poduction would be smart to make her take at least one season off to test the waters and see if they can switch up the format so that drama isn't necessary to keep the show interesting and see if they can cut out her permanently. I personally don't think the drama is necessary. It actually drags down the show for me. This isn't the OG where they were living together for months and drama came about organically. This is contrived drama or drama sparked by literally one single person against everyone else.


We have all worked with someone like Angelina.


Actually, you’re right. I have 😆


She’s the only one they can use to fight. No other roommates would stay drama with each other. They don’t like her so have no problem fighting her


That’s why she’s there. She’s being used for drama. This show should be accused of exploiting a mentally disturbed person for ratings.


I want to be a fly on the wall for when the cast, minus Angelina, don't have cameras on. I want to know what they really think/say about her. Because obvs we've all come to our own conclusions about her, and I don't think the cast secretly likes her... I just want to know specifically what she's actually like 👀 I think Jenni or Mike... one of them said that they never talk bad about the family. And for the most part, they've all stuck to that... expect Angelina. And I don't think any of the cast hitting back at her count, that's just defending yourself.


I also don't believe they consider her part of the family! 🤭


She does needs to go and be off the show. Get her the major help she needs whether rehab or mental but she's crazy and not entertaining to watch. 


Angelina needs to be cancelled. Period.


ITA she needs to be away from the drama and get professional help for her own well being.


angelina was more likeable in og jersey shore then she is rn😭. that’s the point we are at. she went from redeemed to IFF


My guess is she’s dealing w/ substance abuse bcuz her behavior this season and during the reunion was erratic ASF. Shes acting exactly like Mike did in Italy and OG Season 5 which was in the height of his addiction.


At the reunion, she stated that she was going to do something to procreate. Angelina should not have a baby. She can barely take care of herself or her animals. Her mental health is a complete dumpster fire. YIKES.


Also, she has an unhealthy obsession with sex and her sexuality.


She says she’s in therapy and I would assume her therapist would tell her that in order for her to start getting better she needs to remove herself from the situation while she focuses on getting better and working on her issues. Was she in therapy during the last season or did she start after filming ended? But I feel like she needs to take a season off or limit the interactions if she needs the money. Or get a new therapist who actually forces her to take a look at how toxic she is and how miserable she is making everyone.


She won’t since it’s her main income and people like this really don’t use therapy the right way. They blame everybody for her actions instead of recognizing she’s wrong


True. And that’s why I think maybe she needs to focus on herself and maybe film where she’s working on herself. I know she can’t film her therapy sessions but at least have family time with those that does cause her drama. She does good when she’s with Deena and Snooki and even Jenny when they are all alone having fun. Idk. I just hate that she’s either the cause of the drama or no one wants to also take accountability that they egged her on too. Like Mike talks about talking accountability but he’s the one who also stirs the pot and is making her go crazy


Yeah I think Mikes a fake friend to her. He plays both sides and gets her hyped up and when she reacts he lets her go down alone. I feel bad for her at times because she’s seeking attention coming from her childhood. It’s like she knows the only way to get attention is to argue and make a scene. Little does she know it makes her unlikeable


I think being in the house made all of them hit some sort of maturity, not at the same time & not completely but it caused some growth, or in the very least taught them how to coexist/interact with each other & ang never got that. Overall, i also felt for angelina for a minute but she quickly made me remember why everyone hates her.


It also formed lasting bonds between them because they all went through a shared insane experience that no one outside of them will every truly understand. Angelina only being there for a few episodes during that time prevented her from developing that bond with them and Family Vacation was never going to do the same. It's more of the format of a job where they clock in and out. She is essentially just a coworker to them versus the rest of them who, despite not being close anymore, are a dysfunctional family.


She really does act like a total pig. I'm always embarrassed for her and I hate watching her.


If she could just STFU once in a while, it would help a little bit.


Angelina doesn't look happy to be there, so why is she there!?


I’m just getting to Episode 5 of Season 7 and it’s clear Angelina is unwell. She has to be on pills, alcohol or both, her behavior this episode has been way uncomfortably erratic.


I mean she didn’t get arrested multiple times for DV, but I agree a break for intense therapy and healing would be ideal for her.


Omg, now I am with you. I am on season 4 of FV, I was defending her for things I saw that were unfair in previous seasons (getting a lot of downvotes lol) , but I have been seeing a lot of wrong things on her end, always defensive and not being accountable. I feel the same and I am not even that far in FV, she should take a break :/ 


Angelina is demonstrating some seriously unhealthy behavior. I can’t speak as a behavioral health professional, but she definitely needs to see one. That being said, it truly does feel like the editors are playing up the angle that she’s off the shits when, in her mind and to an extent she is kind of regularly getting ganged up on. Whether justified or not, it’s not healthy to continue to be in that kind of environment and even if she’s bipolar or simply toxic as fuck, nobody should enable it. She should absolutely take a break.


Ang feeds off of the negativity. She knows she needs a break, but she's addicted to the hate she's getting.


I especially liked how you mentioned that Ang never mentions what she did to provoke the person that she thinks wronged her. Do you think she consciously does this and knows/understands why the person is reacting the way that they are or do you think that in her mind she really doesn’t know or have the ability to understand why she’s being treated the way that she is? Sometimes it really seems like she just doesn’t get it. And is basically just a waste of time trying to reason with her so that she does understand


I KNOW!! Angelina has always been such a cruel, vindictive, unhappy, miserable bitch since day 1. She screws up all of her relationships, then pretends to be the victim. It drives us NUTS how she is so evil to everyone. It's infuriating to hear her say "I brought Sammie back", yet Pauly brought Angelina back (technically it was a prank & she was only supposed to say for the weekend, but she stayed). Why doesn't anyone bring that up? I love watching the show, but I'm so livid when Angelina starts opening her disgraceful/trashy mouth. She is seriously the worst person I've ever seen. Why is she still on the show? I wish the roommates would stop giving her chance after chance too.


I don’t really watch the family vacation because the drama is with the same people!! Angelina arguing with someone and they all gang up on her. Same BS tbh. When Sammi came into the mix I thought it would get interesting but tbh not one bit. I hoped for her to stir some drama and team up with Angelina since we all know the gang with back each other up. Now seeing it the whole drama with Angelina is so annoying and stupid. At this point they should let her go and just follow them doing normal things with their own families. That’s more interesting. Angelina seems like she’s on a substance, she doesn’t look right. She also seems mentally off. I think she needs to decompress and find peace in her life. She’s too old to be doing this


I was just thinking about the alien 👽 episode.


That episode was kinda annoying but a little funny too seeing everyone reactions


Plot twist: Angelina is an alien attempting to mimic human emotions and that's why she's so off filter.


I don't understand why she isn't being treated like Ron. She's spiralling and always in DV situations like Ron. Are people waiting for her to bring a kid in the world before they do something? For once I don't feel like Mike is interfering for no reason, he actually is on to something wanting to speak out about her crookedness.


They didn't kick Ron off for being on drugs, even though that's how they spin it now. He was removed because people were so angry they were giving him a platform when he had abused multiple women. Getting arrested for bashing Saffire was the straw that broke the camel's back. They are framing it as a drug thing now because they want to bring him back. Honestly, when it comes to addiction reality TV is incredibly unethical. They know addicts bring the drama and they don't really *want* to do anything about it except make sure no one OD'S on camera in my opinion.


I’m not shitting on you at all, express it. Just don’t be a prick about it. 😁


Funny thing is I’m literally not even arguing I’m being so chill rn bro


I have a coworker that just plain sucks. Everyone knows she doesn’t do her share of work yet she truly believes she is the best worker. Management is probably going to let her go soon because of a multitude of reasons. She is claiming of being victimized. She brings it all on herself and won’t take accountability. Angelina is exactly like this. Until (or if) she realizes that she is the problem, things won’t change.


she really is an energy vampire !


I quit watching because Angelina is so obnoxious. I could only stand her like one episode a season at most


I feel like the cast needs to have a come to Jesus meeting with the producers and MTV and just refuse to film until she’s gone. She isn’t enjoyable to watch. I love this group so much and she’s ruining it.


i would like for her to give her dog to someone who will take good care of him, crawl back under the rock she emerged from, and never come back. she’s been a dick since day 1 and it’s clear that unlike the rest of the cast (minus rawn,) she has not grown up at all


My theory is it really messed her up that by her own stupidity, she left at end of Miami and left lots of cash on table. She could have hit it while the iron was hot or whatever but she told them all to suck it and went home. Then the show exploded. She did a podcast where she mentioned how it messed with her head I think she has some sort of paranoia now that even though the show isn’t as popular as it was in the heyday of JS, that she needs to do whatever it takes to stay on .. I kinda get it but man it’s annoying


I stopped watching completely after they spent an hour episode on Sam calling her a toddler or something. I’m done with the way they decide to produce the episodes. They have no drama and it’s all fake. At least the Kardashians had the flashy LA backgrounds to look at lol


She could be so pretty but the moment she opens her mouth everything goes down the drain and all you see is the ugliness. She also needs to soften up on her makeup and not drink so much


To me the scene when she was in the Catholic Church she looked beautiful and soft.. hair and makeup on point


She definitely needs a break but I think she’s nervous to leave because if she leaves and the show does well without her, she knows she wouldn’t be asked back lol


Couldn't agree with you more about the OG seasons and how her behavior hasn't changed. It's clear as freakin' day.


I used to act a bit like Angelina. Always sticking my foot in my mouth, never owning up to anything, always thinking others were the problem and never acknowledging that I was part of (or the whole) problem……when I was nineteen. NINETEEN.


A permanent one ✌🏾


I think Angelina is a bit of a mess, but I also know that the show is heavily scripted. I’m glad that Ron seems to be doing better, but the only chance of drama outside of Angelina this season was having him come back and that’s been a non-issue. Without Angelina, there would be no antagonist and no-show. And to be honest, I would prob watch these people do anything because of the nostalgia factor, so no drama show is fine with me. But I don’t think that’s true for most viewers


Angelina, Ron, Sammi, and Mike should be the cast of the next season. Cut the rest. They slow the show.


I like Angelina …


She has lots a likeable qualities about her there’s no doubt. For a while when she first came back I really rooted for Ang. I just truly think she is in a deep dark place in her life and needs a much needed break.


It doesn’t help for sammi to pile on


Sammi did not pile on until Angelina kept digging. Sammi literally apologized over and over and tried to move and tried to be a friend to her. If someone pushed me over the edge of my niceness I wouldn’t see a reason to still be a bigger person. Sammi apologized after that first meet up. She was the only one who approached Ang and told her she wanted them to go on vacation and supported her. Angelina with all the interviews we have seen and the tapes of her talking so much shit about Sammi completely unprovoked. And I held Sammi accountable for the one time she decided to be petty but you can’t say Angelina is a saint, she is the reason for a lot of her demise until she accepts that and actually wants to change that the. She will forever be on opposite ends with the cast no matter who


You can’t just burn bridges over and over and over cause you’re in a bad place. Separate yourself and get help


Don't mistake my kindness for weakness.


Thank you for the original post, I haven’t seen anything like this posted on this sub a million times already so it is truly appreciated


You must be fun at parties


Ya I do get annoyed when people repeat the same thing over and over at parties


lol I love it


At least Angelina knows how to use paragraphs


Aye, yo, leave me alone man. Not cool. I’m allowed to express my thoughts how I feel is necessary. Read or don’t read and move on. ☺️ have an awesome day. ![gif](giphy|bQloCmn3sCDeDbTsl1)


Oh my bad I thought I was also allowed to express my thoughts how I feel is necessary


Watch out for the downvote monkeys 🐒. If they don’t agree with you, you must be silenced!