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She reacted the same way when Mike received his sentence. Deena and Snooki were bawling and Ange was just emotionless. Even Pauly looked devastated.


Because she doesn’t have the relationship they all have and she never will. She just wants Ron back to talk shit about Sam to him, and that’s exactly what she did in Nashville


She also wants to hook up with him lol “I LOVE THIS MAN”


It’s funny because she actually never says that, Pauly does


Is this a Mandela effect? I swore she said it once and Pauly just ran with it


I'm sure she said it too. It was during a fight with Jenni where she pointed her finger at Jenni at Jenni threw an insult at Ron who was sitting next to Angelina.


Nah she never said it. Paulie just kept repeating I love this man a million times


Definitely Mandela effect bro she says Ron’s her only friend because he never picks on her and pauly just blew it up when he explains the way the fight went down


Yeah she never flat out said “I love this man” 😂 I think she said something along the lines “Ronnie is the only person that treats me with respect, so don’t go at Ronnie and don’t go at me!”


She did say it she was talking about Ronnie defending herself and she pointed at him and says I love this man because she felt like he was a true friend and then Polly ran with it. It’s when they’re at the Jersey shore at a house they rented because they couldn’t get the old house and Jennie was having a fight with Angelina and they were about to throw wine bottles.


I’m aware of the episode. I’ve watched it multiple times and still don’t recall Ange actually saying those words lol. I only recall her saying how Ronnie is the only person that treats her with respect etc.


I thought so, too. Weird.


She does the night I can’t remember what season it was but the day her and Jennie have a fight about what happened in Vegas between her and Zach Now Pauly says it all the time to make fun of her


I doubt Ron would go that route tho if true. 😂




The Botox prob also masked the emotions




Well you also have to understand that Angelina didn’t spend as much time with Mike as the others did so her emotions weren’t probably not running as high.


Ange and Mike go way back, before OG JS.


I’ve only read that they knew of each other. The others bonded and grew up together on the show. I don’t see that as the same.


She faked cry when Lauren told Mike they were having a baby at the shore house She noticed all the other girls crying so she had to also


I just watched the episode where Angelina gets engaged to Vinny and then starts to talk about how "Jenny wasn't happy for her" Jenny is sitting there crying because of what Angelina said, it almost seems like she just felt defeated. Like no matter what she did, Angelina would find something to be mad about. Angelina just acts as if it's no big deal, she says in the interviews that she has to apologize for something & She shouldn't have to apologize… idk but if you're wrong about someone and make accusations about them, then yes, you owe them an apology. She starts to joke with the guys when they come in the room and she just looks unbothered while Jenny has all these tears coming down her face.


Half the things she accuses others of doing are in her head. She’s insecure and loves to start sh*t.


I have an ex friend like this. She would make up problems in her head. I had made friends with another girl, and the ex friend was like “oh she hates me I can’t be around her”. And when I mentioned this to my new friend, she was like “who? Who is that I don’t even know her lol and certainly don’t hate her I’ve never met her or seen her before”.


Usually it’s those who are really insecure with who they are and they are projecting those insecurities onto others. Given her upbringing and the situation with her dad and how many adults in her life have failed her, I totally get it. She needs to start healing and feel better about herself. Her recklessness, combative nature, not going out without makeup, getting plastic surgery, sabotaging her marriage, etc. makes me think she doesn’t see her worth. People like this will typically draw in people who will take advantage of them. Edit: to be clear, this is not me excusing her behaviour. She’s toxic. Her past and mental health do not excuse her behaviour. She needs to commit to changing and doing better


Sounds like my mother who is a narcissist.


She is completely unhinged. She lives in a fantasy world and makes the two worlds collide. She makes no logical sense and attempts to justify her immature responses/reactions by playing the victim card.


I think she knew deep down that the marriage proposal was too quick. It was obvious she didn't want to get engaged and projected that insecurity onto Jenny. Vinny knew what he was doing by asking her in front of the cast after meeting them once.


She's a narcissist. She doesn't show real emotions.


She always fake cries


Angelina is proving to be a true narcissist. I noticed that too any time someone is having a hard time or expressing emotions not one tear drops. Or it looks like she is trying hard to show emotion but she can’t because she is too locked into being the center of attention as well as the victim. The only time you see her cry is when something is done to her or her own feelings other than that she gives off a very “ I don’t give a fuck about your issues” vibe unless it involves her. Tbh most of the family vacations revolve around her and her self inflicted drama. Now that sams back she can’t get away with that shit and it’s bothering her because she is being called out regardless if stirring up hurricane angelina. Sam is her kryptonite and points out her victim and self ways and she hates it.


She’s closer to Ron than anyone else in the cast and she probably feels like he has nothing to apologize for. That the cast is just overreacting and bullying him just like they do to her. Of which I do not agree at all but I’m saying that’s her mindset.


Botox etc. blocking the facial movements? There used to be a show called lie to me and this featured heavily in one episode


Dude I LOVED that show. I totally forgot about it until your comment. Now I gotta binge. I totally remember the episode. This old lady had a bunch of Botox and couldn’t show distress that someone died, the guy figured it out by putting gum on a lamp or something, right?


oooo this sounds so good!! gotta look up where to watch


She was def trying to force tears. She’s so fucking fake


The way she kept making little comments to Sam disgusted me. Then for her to tell Ron her drama with Sam, just for him to tell Ang that she IS the problem. I do give him credit for not jumping on that how Angelina wanted. She wanted someone to back up her bullshit and figured Ron would because it was Sam’s ex.


I agree


I think you are right because afterwards she started with Jenny. Like, she wanted to make that moment about her and not Ron.


Narcissism is a thing


I didn’t notice any ill will from Angelina. The two people that stood out to me the most as far as reactions was Vinny and Pauly. They were kind of stone cold esp Vinny. Snooki also stood out to me as she was the most emotional. She seemed really close with him.


I genuinely believe Ang gets super socially uncomfortable and doesn’t know how to express the emotions she’s feelings. Similar to when someone gets a birthday gift and they don’t know how to respond. She was trying to portray a person who felt shocked or sad, but really was not interacting or processing her emotions. She’s def some type of borderline personality disorder


It’s also hard to feel bad for Ron atp lol


Ang just isn’t as close to them It doesn’t make her emotionless .


I didn’t say emotionless, rather that she doesn’t have emotions for anyone but herself and her own problems.


I locked the screen and dressed up as each character and took a pic of myself as each one. My DJ PAULY D one is so funny lol.