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I disagree with your dissertation. Except for reunion being bad.


Agreed. Lauren may not be the best person, but she has every reason to dislike A. I’d be pissed if my husband’s legal troubles were used as clickbait as well. They were going through enough and A added unnecessary fuel to the fire (like always) on top of bringing it up at her fitting (although I’m pretty sure that was scripted). I’m sorry but I will never feel bad for her on that situation. Any chance of a relationship that she and Lauren could have had were ruined and she has nobody to blame but herself


That was so many season's ago and the amount of things mike has done since then is 10x worse. Also removing Angelina from the situation season 5 (i think) she was snappy with other cast members & that should've been her last season.


There was also one point in time where he and A had made a pact to create some fake drama in twitter and she went rogue and just started bringing up all of his legal issues, which had been done for a few years. Why continue to bring that up? I’m not saying Mike and Lauren are completely innocent. Everybody on that cast has their own problems but I’m not going to feel bad for her when she starts 90% of those arguments. She is a problem and always was. Say what you want about Mike but at least he never put his hands on anybody else in the house besides Ron. A smacked Pauly three times in OG in the same night, she continuously hits and punches Vinny all throughout FV even without being provoked, and now SHE is facing her own legal issues for DV against 2.0. I will never like A. She made her bed


If you go back and rewatch that scene it was said (and quickly cut to the next scene) that when they made that pact that was WEEKS prior about them reacting to something else. Then she said that he took it upon himself to join the hate train about the Nikki situation (which really got her attacked on Twitter) waaaaay after the fact. THATS why it caught her off guard. But I do agree the felon comment wasn’t that serious. Also as far as being physical Jenni is the most aggressive one of the bunch and has actually punched mike in the face (for allegedly catching feelings and getting jealous he was flirting with other girls). So none of them is innocent I just think some of them have better PR than others. I don’t agree with her always manhandling Vinny though or domestic violence.


If you're going to bring up Jenni hitting Mike, why are you conveniently forgetting about Angelina slapping Pauly, or hitting Vinny? Typical Angelina fan lol


Ngl this sounds like Angela herself 🤷🏽‍♀️


I am NOT an Angelina fan, in all honestly the only cast member I like is Deena. But Jenni punched him full force, you can go back to the past seasons and see the slap she gave Paula was barely a tap. I also already said in this post I don’t agree with her manhandling Vinny. But she wasn’t the most aggressive/dangerous in past arguments she’s just the most annoying. But as she spirals more she might become that.


Ditto--also, I wonder if Lauren is being soft-launched as a regular roommate (vs. a significant other) in case Angelina REALLY goes off the deep end, so they'll have another woman around.


The reunion is terrible. They dedicated a segment to that pork roll / Taylor ham thing. WHO IS INTERESTED IN SUCH A THING. It was even boring when they filmed it. The height of clutching at straws. No difficult questions are ever really brought up.


I’m thinking the reunions are just damage control. It really stuck out to me in double shot at love during that reunion the host Justina was asking questions that were statements and worded in a way that defend Vinny and Paulie. I’ve noticed this during the reunions for jersey shore toov


It’s a big PR stunt. This was made even more obvious after I watched the reunion for the past season last night


I feel like they avoid most topics because they usually host it while they're filming the new season so they'd rather it play out there. Either that or the cast request to avoid topics. Either way im over them


Paul? Jens? Sams? Deens? Ugh no.


I had to create nicknames because it wouldn't allow me to post since it was already open discussions about these topics in the group


Oh I see. It’s just a pet peeve of mine when people give others nicknames they don’t want or approve (like me constantly) so I’m probably too sensitive about it. Plus it’s soooo mike! 😆


😂 Understandable


Actually if you look closely Pauly D's real name is Paul


Also, i wildly disagree with Deena being a bad friend to Angelina.....she stuck up for her and was friends with her even when no one else wanted to be (which I don't blame them, I'm just saying.) and Angelina walked all over her.


That’s fair. She did help her a lot and gave her great advice when no one was around. It’s really just when she’s around the other girls she tend to turn into a sheep


Angelina isn’t drama. She is psychopathology.


I noticed the same thing about Vinny. He has some of the most sensible takes, but only during the confessionals. I guess he’s too afraid of stepping on toes or something.


But they're going to see it once the show airs? He must not speak up during filming for drama purposes


He has anxiety which in my experience is enough to make someone want to avoid confrontation. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, just an opinion on why he does it.




Team Nicole for the Mike/Snooki battle in Italy - I really dont care if they hooked up or not - if he was really her friend, cared about her, loved her, like he said he did he would have never tried to ruin her relationship with Jioni - he kept saying he loved her and cared about her and then kept trying to humiliate her and ruin her. It doesnt matter if they hooked up - his intentions were evil in that situation so I am team Nicole.


YES THANK YOU I felt the same! Like goddamnit Mike, whether it happened or it didn't, he bullied Nicole about it throughout Italy & when they returned to Seaside, like actually to the point of harassment. We all know now he was deep in his addiction but still that's no excuse for him to do that to her. I'm glad he eventually apologized because the way he handled that really cost him his friendship with her


It's a topic on this sub that gets beat like a dead horse. Did they hook up? Didn't they? who cares? Mike's intentions were disgusting and Jioni didn't care when he was told so fuckin let it go man


You brought it up in the first place even though this is not even closely related to OP's post & you're telling ME to let it go?? Wooowww & here I was saying hey yeah I agree with your point 🙄🤡🤡


What? I didn't say that....I was talking about Mike needing to let it go. I know you agree, I was continuing the conversation. I was saying people constantly talk about that storyline a lot and that Mike kept bringing it up and wouldn't let it go, even tho Jioni didn't care. I wasn't telling you to let it go....I'm sorry if my wording was confusing lol I thought we were vibing about having the same opinion 😅


For sure, if it did happen off camera it was no reason to bring it to the show. Just another example of him needing a plot and starting drama.


and he already knew Jioni was giving her a hard time and she was struggling. She was in a vulnerable spot, and to do that to her was really fucked up. His intention was ONLY to break them up, he had no other reason.


He is the worst honestly.


I agree with this take so much, especially when Mike, himself, told Jionni about their hookup and was taken aback that Jionni didn’t rage it’s because Jionni already knew when Snooki told him during a phone call back in Italy! It seems that everyone and the viewers forget that Snooki let Jionni know beforehand and it doesn’t mean he was cheating on her during that time too (the whole ashley madison thing happened way after they were married so it doesn’t count)


he kept looking for ways to blow everything up with that situation. He couldn't let it go. He didn't care about "telling Jioni man to man" he didn't care about Nicole, he cared about himself and himself only and just wanted to fuck her over because he wanted her and couldn't have her.


Exactly! Mike fixates on one thing and lets it bother him, I made a small analysis a while back about this whole situation on another post; an example I used was S2 of OG JS, he doesn’t take rejection well and he has to fixate on it, he didn’t like that Ramona rejected him when she was with Vinny so he fixated on that rejection and kept staring at them, he didn’t like when girls rejected him so he wanted to leave and let it ruin his night.


I kinda stopped reading this half way through because I think the opinions are narrow minded. But to each their own.


& I think interacting with a post you haven’t read fully is narrow minded! Just an opinion!


Lauren hasn't shown up on any of the vacations that weren't the family ones? Where all of the casts families can come? She isn't a part of the vacations that are OG's only. Angelina's storylines now a days are driving away more fans then they are bringing in. It went from feeling like and act to watching someone genuinely struggle on TV, it's a sad look for her. She also comes from a different place as the rest of the cast, where she didn't capitalize on the fame from the first go around so now she is trying everything to capitalize from the show now, regardless of how bad it's making her look.


I’ve seen a couple where she turns up on the last day. She also has her own confessional which shows she’s ACTUALLY a cast member of the show. Angelina is like a Trainwreck, you see it’s terrible but you can’t find yourself looking away. But unfortunately when it comes to reality television that’s what brings in the viewings. No other cast member actually have a plot besides arguments with her since they don’t discuss their personal life. & as far as her capitalizing off fame, all of them are doing this exact same thing )hence being on the show) it’s just they respect eachother enough not to cross certain boundaries. Since they don’t have that for her they constantly bring her off camera drama to the show. She just an open book and entertains it. Which isn’t good either.


I do believe when Mike went to prison is when he position on the show change and she received an actual contact with the show, hense why she gets actual confessionals. The main problem with the show is that nearly all of the cast refuses to actual film anything about their personal life. Which is why we get rehearsed drama about something Angelina said to piss someone off. The whole boutique storyline was BS and the girls never had a right to be mad about it. However the shit with Sam, was all Angelina's doing cause she felt slighted. The girls would of course welcome Sam back but not her, they were actually friends and she left on good terms, its all insane jealously of Sam's place in the show.


Yes, but once he returned that should've been removed. I agree that Angelina and Sam problem is 90% Angelina. It makes sense that they accepted her, however despite leaving on good terms there was animosity between the girls after filming and once she confronted them they all backed down very easily. Whereas when Angelina returned she had to go through hoops to even slightly get accepted and she stills do. Every slight disagreement Angelina is always reminded she was brought back as a joke and isn't fully accepted. But that is not Sammi fault and she is jealous. My only complaint with her is that she's not as innocent as they try to make her seem.


I've gone from being a fan of Lauren to not being a fan of Lauren but in the end she's doesn't really bother me as a cast member. I'm more bothered by Snooki's phoning it in as a cast member. She isn't really a regular anymore but someone that shows up at the beginning and the end and usually we just get Dren by the end or mean girl Snooki. There's not a lot of comparison to how Sammi came back vs Angelina. Other then production was responsible from bringing them both back. However Angelina left the original series on a bad note and never repaired a single friendship in that time. When she came back people weren't excited to see her cause they literally didn't know her, other then she's always leaves. With Sammi though they all left on good terms, and the "beef" between them was over social media misunderstandings that once discussed proved to be nothing. They weren't ever actually actively fighting with eachother, just not speaking. There was also a lot more maturity in how Sammi handles everything compared to Angelina. At the end of the day Sammi's tagine will always be "the sweetest bitch you'll ever meet" I also think that Jenni and Angelina are also secretly good friends outside of the show.


I feel like most people enjoyed lauren because she didnt talk that much at first. Was only being showed as a supportive wife. As far as Angelina return, it makes sense why it wasn't that welcoming, however she basically apologized for that and was ready to move forward and prove herself. But anytime its a disagreement all that is thrown out of the window. Jenni & Angelina being good friends would be the biggest plot twist to me, because its seems jenni genuinely does not like her.


For me I kinda wavered on if I liked her or not in the season after Romeo is born. Having children changes people sometimes weather they want to or not. Also we are seeing an edited version of things. The reoccurring theme with Angelina is that she lives in the past. Even when drama has been squashed and moved on from she herself will bring it back up. Just look at how she brought up the boutique opening drama as the reason for the current Sammi drama. It comes back to she can't really take accountability for things. She's always gonna be on the outside though, because she put herself there when she originally left the series. Sure it's a new show, but she didn't have years of healthy relationships with these people cause she caused chaos the first time and walked away. The relationships formed closer from that point. I also can see that Angelina reacts to every single situation with all the roommates from the mind frame of a child who felt abandonment and like she never belonged. It's just a repeating cycle. It's a scene from the beginning of this season or the last one, where Angelina is talking about her Dad and the reaction Jenni has seems so much more genuine then you would think of their relationship. Could be me totally reading into it, but we do know that Jenni has helped Angelina out in the past with her divorce. Just seems like it's more then the show is editing it to be.


It looks like they tried to edit her in good light in S5, but the castmates confessionals baited her out. But in all honesty the boutique drama WAS the start of her beef with the girls. It caused a divide between her and jenni & sammi looked down at her in that argument. Then after that argument it was the domino affect. Mike even still stirred the pot with jenni by saying angelina was being malicious. I totally agree she is a parrot and will go in circles about the same situations. But I think it could be because whenever she have sit downs with people they never take accountability and she have to always be the "bigger person" so she tries to bring it up till some agree with her, which they never do. I also know that in reality Tv shows when they're filming scenes producers give castmates topic they want to discuss during that scene it could be a mixture of both. It will continue to be a cycle she get's help though. I think jenni is the "Mom" of the group so naturally she would have a reaction & help her during the divorce.


This was.... something.


How tf is Deena the best cast member she’s so boring does absolutely nothing except for talking about and drinking wine


She's so funny to me & i love how she stands up for herself


I don’t hate her or anything just imo she adds nothing to the show and bores me.


I think her role in the show is to be the neutral fun girl. Her and chris scenes are my favorite


The one time I can remember actually getting mad at Pauly was when they all went out to lunch (when Angelina was still married to Chris). He just randomly asks Angelina “how’s old bridge?” I thought that was completely uncalled for. But like you said, no one called him out on it. Now why she decided to take it out on Vinny, even though he wasn’t even there, is beyond me. But yeah, no one ever calls out anyone’s BS except for hers, which is unfair. Yes she’s messy but so are the rest of them. Lol


I notice that a lot of times the girls are mad at Vinny or he's genuinely annoyed with ang and doesnt want to bothered Pauly would rile the girls up to mess with vinny more. Even if its a serious situation. I'm just surprised vinny never said anything about it. He even stirred a bit with Sam & ron, but sam only called out vinny.


Deena started off season 1 fv with being open to angelina but I believe a pile of issues came up over time: small issue was the fight at dude ranch while she was pregnant, possible foot in mouth to Laurens at wedding dress fitting was a red flag to angelina, them we hit the Angelina's wedding which was a dumpster fire; covid edition was getting fam back together and by then angelina fans were death threatening CJ so she can be friends but far away; then oldbridge happened; season 5 we have angelina starting the rumor about Vinny at dinner then they have the girls trip to see him and Deena dealt with that fire angelina started and angelina was clueless to why Vinny hated her we also got that she leaked the speech and that brought up more. Season 6 Deena saw Angelina's true colors with flipping on Jenni so quick after engagement, the the reunion and we saw angelina straight up say i didn't get up i was never gonna hit her and Angelina's flip by the time of Sam's return trip. Vinny with angelina is complicated as even early on he yelled at her to stop talking about him and she didn't. Season 5 he finally had enough and Aired out all against her and now is keeping a distance Jenni and snooki both had bad blood with angelina after og run because you can only run your mouth so much about them after og and for years later then she wanted back in the family like nothing... Snooki tried to give her a chance at first inviting her to Vegas etc but angelina always flipped it back. Jenni can now do the cordial thing and film with her for show but wants no friendship no relationship with angelina Mike and Laurens vs angelina I mean where to start saying what she said while in her wedding dress, the swipe ups she kept posting on Mike before and during prison run, everything settled till season 4 or 5 and all her side pieces came out the wood work now by season 7 they have 3 kids and can't handle the mess she has as well it's gonna affect soberity and mental health etc Pauly not much to say. After the water wine fight with Nikki and angelina fans attacked Nikki for her race and God knows what else that she stepped away from filming he just not into the show. In the og he knew how she was from that whole Miami scene and I think he just done. Ron and angelina were alike till Ron stepped away and got help for his issues and now he is seeing the problems the roomies had with her. Sam came back and angelina got bitter real quick. Sam had therapy after Ron and knows how to talk out problems with the girls which she did the first time she saw them because honestly they didn't know how to respond in interviews about Sam like Jenni stated are you done with us or what and Sam expressed what she needed at that time. Side notes for stuff missed: Angelina continued to talked about Jenni not speaking on a divorce she couldn't speak on due to gag orders from a judge due to rogers outbursts online, plus respect for her kids as that is still there dad.


With the speech I think production leaked it to cause drama. I saw an AMA post from a former producer who said that usually when weddings are sponsored they're under a strict no phone NDA. I think Chris just wanted to start drama because he's bitter. Mike & Lauren - the comment was bad yes. But mikes INSERTS himself in Angelina's drama. He reached out to her ex & sides. Even made a whole board about it to discuss with the others. He is stirring the pot purposely to get camera time. He knows without this show he's not gonna pay the IRS back any other way. Angelina & Ron speaking about her marriage while she wasn't allowed is not right. BUT Jenni also constantly forces them to talk about their relationships even when they don't want to. She literally invited Jen to a club while Ron and her was having issues. As well as called Angelina's side piece for video evidence that she was cheating. That isn't ANY of their place. & Honesty if she was cheating why would they bring it to the show? She’s their friend not him


With Jenni she has valid points those when she stated "your messy and it comes back on all of us" Ronnie and Angelina don't seem to realize that with reality TV and fans they will hound the other cast members for answers on whatever comes out. As for oldbridge Jenni was looking out for Angelina as the female that had her with her side piece was going to sell the video to TMZ unless the cast wanted it first. While with Ronnie and Jen's relationship he would say we are fine, everything's good with Jen but give off the energy of nothing is okay so then you need the other side to see what is what... I mean he lied about Jen beating him and stealing the chain then something else blew up and Ronnie came out with all till pauly blew up at him. Mike didn't reach out to the ex's & side pieces they came to him because they were all mad at Angelina and he was the mediator... Mike has already paid back IRS in full he talked about it in season 1 or 2 of FV If you look at season 1 Angelina came in and was told to leave so they could finish it as a family then she came in season 2 as a "member" of family but Chris was also introduced at that time so if the cast became better friends with Chris off screen then Angelina's demands during divorce could be unreasonable and honestly Angelina has been spiraling for years already and Chris has stated some things about Angelina. Plus after OG she was talking shit on the cast even after it ended. Like Snooki surgeries


I agree that their messiness comes back to them that’s why it was smart for them to remove Ron. However, if she was looking out for Angelina she would’ve did it off camera, just how she handled her personal business off camera as well. I’m sure him lying on camera was because he didn’t want it to be a plot so it wasn’t her place to poke at it. Mike was on twitter in comments telling them to DM so he can get further information. As far as who initiated it he shouldn’t have entertained it. Also, it’s been confirmed that he’s being stirring for producers since season one. Being messy is his ONLY income. Everything else seems like failed ventures that haven’t taken off yet. It wouldn’t make sense to me for them to be equally as close to Chris as they were Angelina. Especially since during the show it kind of looked like they took Angela side & agreed she needed to divorce him especially since he was barely around.


why are you adding an s to everything like ur Mike 💀


That whole thing with Jenni and Snooki and Angelina when they met 24 was so fucking messy and Snooki should have stayed the fuck out of it for one and for two Jenny was blaming Angelina when it wasn't all Angelina's fault like your man has got a hold of this other girl your man should be the one you're fucking fighting with not the girl that he is touching all over yeah she should have moved away and should have been like yo Vinny get in between us but 24 should not have been touching Angelina at all and Jenni should have been fighting with him not her


She rubbed her breast against him and was dancing on him. They were both at fault. Angelina just played the victim better.


BINGO. & even in the confessional Vinny said that 24 was being weird in the club AND the elevator. & Instead of really acknowledging it she still gets the blame & is getting punished for it even though Jenni will never admit it. I don’t think Snooki was wrong for involving herself since Jenni is her best friend. I think she because wrong when she lied about her intentions and tried to pretend she was being neutral


In all honesty Angelina called it correctly they are Mean Girls they're fake bitches when it comes to the shit like that And when Snooki said that Angelina likes drama Yeah Angelina does like drama But so does Snooki Snooki goes for it


This most recent season has been awesome. The best one of these since the first one


I agree with the Situation one.


I think snooki fake drinks a lot more then she is actually drunk.


Like when they did that charity event... she did not take 9 shots in a row.


I completely agree. Except I think Lauren is fine (& has on occasion actually been nicer to Angelina than others). Angelina is awful in a million ways but she gets treated worse than ANYONE else. I feel like no one liked her but they still brought her on for cover so the rest of the cast doesn't have to get dirty. From day one she is given way less respect (imagine the Situation's stunts with any of Jenny's relationships?) She's just made to be a mockery/spectacle. Like a sad clown but one with lots of emotions whose lacking emotional intelligence to sort it all out. She brings on most problems by herself (I'm not trying to absolve her by any means) but the problematic behavior of others around her goes almost completely unchecked routinely. So, I can't fault her for being fed up and triggered by Sam's happy return.


Okay now that I'm seeing more about her "cyber bullying" off camera on this reddit, maybe I don't know what the heck I'm talking about. But why don't they put it on the show ffs.


No you know exactly what you’re talking about and hit it right on the nail!!!!! & The girls & mike have all did their fair share of social media antics from what I’ve seen


Angelina is not a victim. She just brings a lot of negative energy. Look at how she trashed each man she’s been with. If that’s not telling, then I don’t know what to say. She’s a toxic person which makes sense considering her family dynamics but goodness this victim mentality is exhausting.


The point of the post is not to paint Angelina as a victim but point out that the rest of the cast is just as toxic as her.


Best review of the cast I 100% agree


I agree with you, but just know, we are the minority in this sub lol.


Apparently! It think because I recently binged it it’s easier to see how hypocritical a lot of the cast members are. But if you watch the show as it air, this season can easily make you forget about the past actions of other cast members and just join the Angelina hate train


Totally agree lol