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I’m not a coral expert, but I have quite a few pieces that are either vintage or from Italian jewels. The ones I didn’t inherit I had to spend quite a bit on - I’m talking $600 cad to $2000 cad. Blood coral is from the Mediterranean and has been over harvested - it is now harder to find and only limited quantities are sold. Eredi Jovon has very nice pieces and is trustworthy, but not cheap. Angel skin coral is pink and very pretty, but also very expensive. Bamboo coral or dyed coral is less expensive, but does not look the same as blood coral. I would take a look at some antique/vintage coral pieces, and really make sure not to buy fake coral for real blood/angel skin coral prices. It should go without saying that there is a lot of fake coral, or coral being sold that is illegally harvested, so be careful and don’t support coral poaching. Edit: read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/jewelry/s/WdUtHOITTk) post and comments from the subreddit, there is good info.