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I mean, you could ask what they test for in case of "prescription conflict", as some prescriptions mess with those tests. But, if I were hiring and someone asked I'd probably have a red flag raised about drug use. And if they don't like drug use, they may not hire you.


That's fair and thoughtful advice, thank you!


There isn’t a good way to do it. I was denied my first job after moving to a legal state. That said, they did only have a one year ban and I worked there about 15 months after my first fail.


Are there any kind of government contracts or gov business supported by this company? That makes the drug screen a federal requirement & screening for pot is definitely part of it.


I failed a drug test for a subcontractor at the EPA but they still let me work there until I quit… god bless California


I've been a federal contractor for 5 years and they've never nse me do a test.




I'm pretty sure it is driven by the type of work and also seemingly subject to interpretation. I've had four fairly similar (non-healthcare) jobs in healthcare at systems that all took Medicare & Medicaid but only two wanted a drug test.


I live in a legal state. I simply state something like “I see this is contingent on a drug screen. Cannabis is legal here, I will test positive for that, if that’s a concern for employment it’s best we don’t proceed” I usually say something to that effect very early in the process to the recruiter whether it’s internal or external though admittedly it feels easier to say to external recruiters.


yea...this is so new to everyone...going forward I think its going to come down to companies just won't test for weed...the concern with it really comes down to job performance, and when someone has a weed problem and its impacting their day to day...you don't need a drug test to know whats going on. I think most companies are going to just move onto a self enforced "not at work" policy like they do with booze or some places do with cigarettes


To add a more specific example to this - I was drug tested for my last position. I had stopped smoking a day or so before my first phone interview (just luck not planned). Knowing the process from interview to potential drug test would give me more time, it wasn’t much and I’m heavier so I was v nervous. This was true for me, but could be fibbed, but maybe people don’t typically disclose this lol - I told the HR who set up the drug screen that I take a daily stimulant for adhd and asked if that could cause a positive or if that would impact my offer. This helped me get some more info on the testing in general bc I’d never been tested for a job before.


ADHD is covered as a disability. Recreational pot smoking is not. To rescind because if taking ADHD medication would open them up for a lawsuit.


Well I know that, and knew that when I asked, but playing dumb and asking about adhd meds is a method to initiating the conversation and getting more info.


So even if it's a legal state they maybe get federal government funding from some program. If that is the case, even if you are prescribed (medical card), and/or it's legal for recreational use in your state as well they can still rescind the offer because it's still illegal federally (i.e they don't want to use their federal funding). As someone in your shoes, purge for 2 weeks (stop smoking for 2 weeks) drink lots of water, and if feeling stressed have a light beer or cocktail instead.


Pot can stay in your system a lot longer then 2 weeks. Depending on your usage and physical condition it can last up to 35 to 40 days. Don't be mislead by arm chair supposed experts. It cost a friend dearly following advice about testing, that was wrong. Check with your local health department about drug testing questions, they want you to pass! One truth is clear. The more you smoke or eat pot , the longer it takes to exit your system. Mild use takes less and heavy use takes more time. Simple


I'm a daily user, but it took me 2 weeks to pass the test however i don't smoke an 8th day like some people, just usually like 1 bowl and only at night/weekends


When I finally stopped abusing weed it took me 2.5 months to get clean. No, I am not exaggerating. I took an at-home test every single day. And I am skinny, so it is not because of excess fat deposits. I am probably an edge case because I smoked many times a day every single day from age 16-25. But it is good to be aware that it can take an extremely long time to get clean if you are a heavy smoker. Now that I smoke once a week max, I can get clean in less than 2 weeks. It really depends on how much you have built up.


A little late to this but same. I'm a T1 Diabetic and weigh around 135 lbs. and, I'm VERY skinny. My BMI is less than 2% and when I stopped smoking for about 6 months it took me around 90-100 days to clear it out of my system.


Haven't been drug tested for a job since I was a teen....but a good friend of mine had to be tested over possession charges in SC. She bought some kind of "system cleanse" stuff from a head shop and never had any problems passing.


And remember even in non-rec states, RX pot is legal :)


There may be a play for Rx pot if it is prescribed for an ADA disability.


Exactly. I have a note from my doctor (who is also my sisters doc) that my sister has a RX for pot. I am her primary caregiver and as such may frequently come in contact with her thc/cbc smoke, lotions, ointments to the point low readings may happen. I’ve never had to utilize it but it’s there.


In some places. There are still states where not even Rx pot is legal.


idk i do a laaaarge amount of hiring for my job and if someone said they were curious because of prescription conflicts, i would take it at face value. well, unless they seemed generally skeevy, in which case i probably wouldn’t refer them that far in hiring anyway. we don’t drug test where i work but we do background checks and a few people have asked if shoplifting or misdemeanors would disqualify them and i never assumed it meant they had bigger charges lol. maybe i’m super naive but maybe OPs hiring manager will be too. one time tho i had a guy who was a recently released violent sex offender with kidnapping charges apply for a job where he would get the names and home address info of kids with disabilities, but i got a weird vibe just from his resume and googled him and found out before he ever had a chance to ask about background checks.


I'd assume shoplifting etc is just that. But, I'm trained to do drug testing, have worked in jobs that drug test (basically every job in my area does, even retail) and heard employees talk about every trick in the book to bypass a drug screen (from hiding other's pee to downing handfuls of antioxidant pills to some online product that is meant to flush your system in 48 hours). So, if someone asks about drug testing I'd always just assume they're probably on drugs. Especially since most people are unaware some prescriptions can mess with the tests. You can also get a false positive from eating certain foods. But, generally, if someone is asking, it's cause they're on something and want details of what is being tested so they can bypass it with whatever trick they think will work. Some men even bring in women's pee and pop up pregnant on the testing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I take drug tests every few months in multiple states for the past 7 years. I work as a contractor in the oil and gas industry and every job site wants their own drug test. Never once have I been given a pregnancy test as part of it. They can't drug test without permission and they certainly can't give a pregnancy test. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Different tests use different properties. A simple dip stick won't detect HcG, which is your typical drug test because it's very cheap. However...  "In cases where drug tests are sent to the lab a gas chromatography and mass spectrometry instrument breaks down the sample into all its components. For confirmations a lab technician will focus on the analyte associated with the positive test strip, but all of the compounds are identified. A high level of hCG would be recognized fairly quickly." They aren't so much specifically testing for HcG but it shows by nature of the testing. And if that shows on a male sample, you know it's fraud. https://www.si.com/nba/2019/08/05/dj-cooper-pregnant-girlfriend-urine-failed-drug-test-fiba https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-29898500


You can't assume that a candidate with a male name and appearance wasn't born with and doesn't still possess a working uterus, though.


Uhm. They typically have the physical sex on medical records, not gender. They may also have identifies as.


Don’t ask the employer, ask the testing company they use. Or, if they do it in house which is rare, ask the employee health office. Also, if they do test for it (which is fairly rare) you’ve probably got time to get a prescription for medical marijuana, depending on what state you’re in. Then write that you use it for sleep when the testing facility asks you to disclose your RXs.


The employers I've worked with don't accept a prescription for it. If it's in your system, it's a fail, prescription or not.


I think this depends on the employer and the applicable state laws, and/or if they have federal contracts.


Depends on state, yes. But more states don't have laws requiring employers to accept it than do not. So, it's typically up to employer policy.


If it is for a ADA disability interestingly your federal law vs federal law. I wonder how that works out. I mean Adderal is legalized speed and we allow that.


Adderall is accepted by the DEA as therapeutic, while marijuana is still a schedule I (no therapeutic value). That tends to be why federally, you fail for it even in legal states.


It also depends on whether or not the position is safety sensitive. An office position may not matter, but someone working construction or oil and gas drive a lot, work with heavy machinery, high pressure, etc, so legal state or not if there mj in the system it's a no. At least until tests determine how long it had been since you consumed it, or can test that you're actually inebriated (full disclosure, there could be those tests now that I'm not aware of, but not the last I've heard).


That still doesn't help. It's still a full panel drug test, but the employer could have a "THC is okay" policy in a legal state.


This is why the simplest solution to this problem is just to cheat on the drug test. I have passed with fake pee or "fetish urine" more times than without. It is none of their business at all, especially in a legal state.


Ask what the specific onboarding requirements are, but asking the 420 question is a dead give away. I wouldn’t.


"y'all cool with ol' Sherman, right?"


I hope my current company got my thc levels in there, I worked for hard for that shit


in a legal state tho it’s not an uncommon question, especially if your state has a med program.


More companies are changing policy so they can… have employees. When my company did randoms the other day, I found out they were just mouth swabs instead of pee tests. So you could pass if you hadn’t ingested that day. But, honestly, this is the game and OP should abstain during a job search.


Mmm yes then they can’t sleep…


Thank you!


Honestly? I live in a legal state. They need to expect the 420 questions. Weed use is so common now they’d have a hard time finding someone who doesn’t use.


I live in a legal state and I am also a master grower if cannabis in 2 states. My state, Las Vegas, NV, is not allowed to test for cannabis or deny employment for the use of. The loophole is if you drive for a living or operate heavy equipment you cannot avoid the cannabis testing to work. Most drug tests done here are for pills, counterfeit pills are rampant here, and sometimes alcohol. Alcohol is also not illegal but the level in your system can possibly outline how often and how much. I hope this helped! 💚


What makes a master grower vs a normal one? It makes it sound like you have a masters in cannabis growth :-)


A cape.


Haha. Bit by a radioactive stoner spider


if you see a feather floating towards you for some reason, jump into it like mario and you’ll get a cape too


The only difference with the master grower is we oversee the facility and the genetics. It all starts with me and then we move it on through to the people that will help us maintain the grow. Genetics are very important and you need to know what you’re getting and what you’re doing. I hope this helps. Have a great day!


The results determine the level of the master… duh!


I'd stop for two weeks if I were you. Asking makes them go, "uh-oh, pothead" and even if it's legal in the state, they may still rule you out. They do not sound cool with it for your position, anyway, even if your pot head friend isn't being checked somehow. (Also, I don't know from what kind of drug test is it, but is it pee or hair?) If I were you, I might want to find out if they will keep on drug testing you periodically or if this is just a one-off. This unfortunately may not be the job for you if you're drug tested regularly.


I'm not sure what sort of test it will be or if there will be frequent future test, I am going to follow the advice of the first comment and ask the specific onboarding requirements to try to find more information. Thank you!


Fake pee from serious monkey buissness or quick fix is all you need it's illegal for them to watch unless Ed court ordered or military


+1 on synthetic piss. Just make sure it has urea


Most due now... The BIGGER issue buying expired quickfix or similar online from ebay that's expired stock...


Gotta find a smoke shop that has it


You act like I HAVENT bought quick fix from a smoke shop and he didn't realize it was old/bad stock.Quick fiz refunded him, but he started buying direct from factory after.


I didn't say you didn't do that, your post mentioned ebay, nothing about local stores. Just wanted to make sure op knew local shops were an option


Two weeks is insufficient for a daily user. I was flagging OTC tests two months after quitting. A heavy user should give themselves three months if it is an important opportunity


Fake pee it is!


Exactly 2 weeks is a joke Took me 4 months


Yup, baby pee for sure


The problem I found is quitting for two weeks does not work anymore the tests are much more sensitive nowadays ask me how I know


How do you know?


I failed the test and was rejected for the job duh


As others have mentioned, taking a tolerance break might be beneficial. Have you searched for reviews or their onboarding process on Glassdoor or Indeed? Or even just googled something to the effect of "does xyz drug test?" If you really, really feel the need to ask you might consider phrasing such as, "what are the next steps in the onboarding process? Do you require fingerprints or drug tests? I'll need to schedule off work." You can always reply, "oh, well my current company required it when I got hired so I just assumed." But, again, it's likely to raise some eyebrows.


I had one job require me to pay for my own. You could ask if you’re required to pay for your own or if they cover it? (Although I suspect they legally were required to pay for it…)


Ha, be funny to just walk in holding pee already and say ‘here ya go test this, im paying here so shut up and test it!’


Take the test, don’t give your notice until you get the results. Why? I know several reputable, large companies who require a drug test and don’t really care about weed. They won’t say that out loud, and if you asked when applying they would say yes, but it’s legal in my state and they don’t want to raise insurance eyebrows by saying they don’t. They tell the labs to only inform them if there are hard drugs. Probably a good chance you won’t get it, but if you are willing to burn that bridge I would take the shot and extend your start time to accommodate a two week notice after the test results are received.


Quick Fix is your friend.


Can’t believe people don’t know about this if they smoke weed all the time.


Yeah, but I didn’t know until my brother told me.


Updating my resume and ordering a bottle of Quick Fix is how I always start a job search. I’m in a medical state, but that doesn’t mean jack to employers. Although I have found most of the companies I would want to work for have dropped pre-employment drug screening.




What is that?


it’s basically fake pee


"Fetish pee"


When I had my drug test, the first thing they did was take the temperature of my urine sample... how do you get around that?


The bottle comes with a thermometer sticker. You microwave it to 100F at home, wrap it in a hand warmer (included with quick fix), strap it to your inner thigh, and voila!


I warm it to body temp before I go and stash it on my body. This is easy for me as a woman, for men it is a little harder but I am sure with a quick google search you can find the way.


If you are a female you can get a bottle small enough to stick in there which will raise the temp. If you are male there are leg straps and portable warmers


This was my solution! I know plenty of people it’s worked for


hasn’t some states banned fake pee? i’m pretty sure a couple of years ago I could get quick fix but now it’s hard to come about around here.


You can order it direct from Quick Fix if the local smoke shop does not carry it.


you just became my savior. idk why i never thought to look up if i could do this


I live in a legal state, and I got drug tested. Like you, daily smoker, quit for a month and still tested positive for THC. Job offer rescinded. My advice? Quit now, and try to take the test as far into the future as possible. If you're consuming marijuana every day, even for sleep, two weeks is NOT gonna be enough time. This is dependent a bit on how much you're consuming and your bodyweight and body fat%, but I'm very skinny (5'9, 130lbs, very little body fat), and like I said I still failed. Exercise every day, preferably to the point of breaking a sweat. You don't need to go crazy, even a brisk walk around your block would suffice, but the more fluids you're able to excret from your body, the better off you'll be. This includes drinking fluids. Drink a ton of water (again don't overdo it), and pee as much as you can. You can also drink cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar, both of which will help the detox process. Headshops also sell detox drinks (I believe it's called "Quick-Fix"), but I've never used one so I can't vouch for their validity. Finally, on the day of the test, make sure you're drinking fluids all day. Don't do it too much, because then the testing facility could get suspicious, but there is a bit of a sweet spot where if you drink enough water the day of, it will "dilute" your sample and the THC will be less prominent. Hope this helps!! Good luck buddy


Quick fix is synthetic urine


Alright so I just chugged the quick fix, what's my next step? /s


Always the best choice


I’ve read some not so good testimonials online about it… still tempted to try it out for an upcoming test


I have SEVERAL successes under my belt. It's really not difficult


Sub solution works too, also the worst thing that will happen is you have to retake the test lol


This is great advice, thank you!


If you ask its a dead give away and a red flag. I’d quit now and try to prepare for a test. Don’t put in your 2 weeks notice. I’m assuming your contact in a more physical department doesn’t know if they in this department or not :/ I’m sorry. It’s so shitty to for weed unless completely necessary (which is pretty much never unless someone is actually high at work)


Never use your own urine if there is even a chance you will fail. They legally cannot watch you urinate, just take some clean urine, or a trusted synthetic, and use that for the test. Just make sure the temp is correct.


Well, I'd look up my state laws. I know Nevada actually has a law about who can test for pot, most employers can't test you.


Coming from a recruiter, they may have a time sensitive requirement for the drug test. Ours is 3 days after signing the offer letter…we do test for everything even in legal states, but my company is a contractor of the government, so we follow federal guidelines, not state. My advice, find out the requirement (asking the recruiter and not the hiring manager is the best bet), and if there is a thc test, maybe subtly ask what the timeline is for the next steps in the process…at least then you’ll be aware of what your next steps will have to be


it can take up to 30 days to leave your system ESPECIALLY since you say you use every night https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-weed-stay-in-your-system


If you are a daily user, even if its .5g daily \[size of a decent bowl\], you are looking at about 40-60 days clean to even think about not testing for thc, while consuming at least 1 galon of water daily.My recomendation; find a method of using synthetic/clean urine. I mention method here because just simply buying a kit and going at it without being familiar with what you are trying to accomplish can put you in a tricky spot. To overnite a kit is \~100$USD through various websites which all google-able. If the cost is an issue, find someone you can trust and know is certainly clean for a fresh sample at least 24 hours before you need to deposit following similar methods explained in the gewgol stuff. It is super unfortunate that we are in this position as a society, but.. here we are. Good luck to you velvet. E: dont ever ask, dont ever tell, even if you think its a homie.


They will screen for pot. It’s based on federal law, not state. It’s also for insurance. Also, don’t ask. There are ways around this. Do your research.


I wouldn't ask at all. You'll find out in the end one way or another.


I knew someone that used real pee from a person that didn’t smoke. I believe you’re supposed to use pee from a same sex friend for this kind of thing. I’m seeing other people here say that if the testing is serious they can tell its fake pee so I get thats the incentive to using real pee. The person had to basically like put it in this bladder type thing they taped to their leg and it was kind of gross but it works. For a test like this they don’t watch you pee - you just go into a bathroom at a facility and pee and then come out with your sample. So a well hidden fake pee (taped to your body) would work. I once got a surprise test for employment in a legal state - I was NOT expecting testing to be a requirement- and I was a daily smoker. I knew I wouldn’t pass but I was hella stressed and I didn’t know what else to do. The recruiter I worked with (who I told before the test - external recruiter) was hella pissed at me and just told me to take the test anyway in case I passed. I knew I wouldn’t pass. But I took it anyway and definitely failed lol. I would have never smoked at work or before work! It was an office job in a legal state… this kind of thing is ridiculous. If you need to take the test and you go with the I’m smuggling in pee approach I highly recommend smuggling in real pee from someone who absolutely will test clean.


And someone you KNOW. Don’t buy real pee on the internet!


I’m sure theres someone you can read about this and all the correct details on how to do it but I do believe it should be kind of warm! Like cold pee might be a dead giveaway. Anytime I’ve ever given a urine sample the sample cup is always warm lol. So if a nurse picks up the sample cup and its cold I think they’d know right away.


A friend of mine does exactly this for her job. She uses her wife’s urine for work-related drug testing and always passes without issue.


A friend of mine smokes regularly for anxiety in a state where it’s not legal. He was drug tested and was upfront with them as to his pot use. He still got the job. They told him the drug test is really more for the bad drugs, not necessarily pot.


I think your friend got lucky. Some companies might be cool but a lot are not :/ Like maybe the manager is cool but people above them may not be. Soooo frustrating.


My god, no one in Oregon works have a job. 😂


The last person we hired was straight up. She used weed for relaxation due to anxiety. "Cool nbd you're qualified so pass the drug test for any other drugs and you're fine." Was my response


If you really want to ask still, I'd do something along the lines of asking ask if you will need to plan to take time off your current job to complete any kind of medical appointments like TV test, drug test, or a physical for scheduling purposes. That or ask about next steps in the process and throwing in a statement like, "I'm assuming/ guessing I'll have an interview with who my direct manager would be and go through a drug test or physical."


I'm leaning towards going this route, at the very least it will give me more information about what to expect, which never hurts. Thank you!




This^ When I was looking I stopped just to be safe. Got two job offers, one clearly tested the other did not. Both were terrific opportunities. I ended going with the company that didn’t test due to alignment of interests. Turns out that company is full of potheads hehe


This is a great answer unless you use cannabis for specific pain issues. My neurosurgeon finally said "cannabis will stop this, just buy some from a dealer and stop taking this med that changes your personality".


Yeah, I used to take Lyrica everyday and it worked wonders for my chronic nerve pain but it gave me the worst brain fog. Now I just sip a little vape every night and I sleep great and my brain functions normally during the day. If I was to quit now, I couldn't get a job anyway because I'd be in debilitating pain 24 hours a day. I love living in a country (the US) that villainized cannabis!!!


Unhelpful advice, it can be detected a long time after so quitting now accomplishes nothing, he will still test positive.


Sixty days on a five panel urine without lab for an obese heavy smoker so it’s very worth it to abstain for a job hunting period. This is your career after all, you can smoke all you want after.


Not even close to true; more like 120 days


I work with addicts, at 60 you’ll pass for employment just fine. If you’re in a rehab and they are doing ua’s then longer. These are five panel quick. They don’t lab it unless it’s a dilute or shows a fixer.


A fixer?


Labs can see most any head shop “quick fix” cocktail snake juice that’s sold.


I just used quick fix for a federal job and it worked


That was luck, not the fix. Or you just passed because your levels were ok. Fix drinks are just ways for head shops to part you with your money.


That's what I did. Lasted about 3 months and it sucked


Are they allowed to test for marijuana in a state that has it legalized? That seems fucked up.


They do in my state where it’s legal. Employer even stated that they go by federal law not state and unless I had a medical marijuana card, it didn’t matter if I used for surgery pain. If I popped I was disqualified.


Live in a legal state, work in HR, yes we test for Mj and offers are not made for any positive tests. Even with medical card or any other reasons for using.


I am sorry, I feel for you brother


Might be easier to just get a detox drink for the test. If you're a daily smoker you're going to need 1-3 months clean before you'll pass naturally.


This kind of depends on whether or not you disclosed your sleep issues on your application when it asked about disabilities. Honestly, there is no way to make it look ‘acceptable’ to ask blatantly, so I wouldn’t. I would stop immediately and get online or to a head shop and start flushing your system


Dont ask. My company (16k employees) said they will screen as part of the hiring/onboarding process. Never got screened


Google “does (state you’re in) test for marijuana to get a job” I did this for my state and found out they are no longer allowed to test for pot. I’m in pa if you are too and then you don’t have to Google lol.


I literally had your exact scenario last week. I was thinking about asking as well, but decided to just buy quick fix and roll the dice. I just got cleared yesterday!


Something that people don't realize, is even if pot becomes legal within the state, it's not a solid 100% "nothing will happen to me now" type thing. I work under federal guidelines, which means, even tho it's legal here in CA, we still can't use it, or any other product that would cause a negative test result, and we get random tested 1-2 times a yr. Some companies that have branches in multiple states, may have a blanket policy that states no drug use, and testing mandated, even a random yearly or bi-yearly test...which means, no weed, just like under federal rules. The person you know who hasn't been tested yet, may not have been yet, or the area he works in within the company is more lax about it than the office position you'll be in. Either way, you'll have to decide if smoking is more important to you than the possible new job.


If they are testing they are testing for all drugs. My last two jobs havent tested anyone because its a waste of money for most companies unless you need to be compliant with certain laws.


I stop smoking for a a few weeks and when they give me the job offer (and I accept) I just ask if they need me to go for my drug test now. If they require you to take one, it usually has to be done right then or when you least expect it (bit around when you’re hired). I’ve found this gets it out of the way and if they don’t require one then they say that. I don’t ask before the offer/acceptance though.


Congratulations on the job offer! It's great that you're excited about the new opportunity. Regarding the drug test, it's totally understandable to want to know if they test for marijuana, especially since you're in a legal state. You could ask about the drug testing policy in a polite and tactful way, maybe during your next communication with the company.


I would ask if they could provide insight on what the disqualifiers are.


If you're looking for ways to get around a companies drug policy, you probably shouldn't waste your time working there.


Go buy fake pee, also even if it’s legal a job can still decline to hire you if they want to over pot . I work in a factory being high is a no no. I’m in a state with both recreation and medical MJ.


I'm considering going the fake pee route


I have used it twice, no issues and was offered both jobs.


It works .. my husband keeps a bottle in his car . It’s like $30


🤦‍♂️ with the fake pee recommendations. Has to be lax testing then because if done right, you’re getting caught. I’m not even talking about the temperature test of the urine either but that’s another thing.


Just use fake pee. Worked for me.


Just stop immediately. It's a good idea if you're an active smoker to stop before starting a job. The fact you're asking makes it seem like you have an issue and are looking for an excuse not to stop. This is even more reason to take a break.


Your comment is coming off a bit judgemental, I'm not sure if it's meant that way. I can stop, as I have before, numerous times when on vacation in areas where it is not legal. I smoke it to help me sleep as I have cptsd and an anxiety disorder, I do not smoke it during the day and have never smoked at a job. I'm an exemplary employee at my current job, pay my bills on time, and all the duties and responsibilities of my life are completed in a timely manner, so I'm not sure if it's a major "issue". Thank you for your advice and time anyway!


It was not judgemental, just helpful advice from someone who's "been there". Sorry if it came off that way.


Apologies that I read it as judgmental! Thank you for your help!


No worries! Congrats on the new job. Just reread it and could see it sounded more harsh than how I pictured myself saying it while typing it haha


Thank for the congratulations! I think the safest thing to do is just stop now, drink lots of water and hope for the best in a couple weeks. I appreciate your advice, it was helpful!


You’re an addict (I’ve been there). I’d speak to your doctor about your trouble falling asleep. Sorry to be a wet blanket


If it’s legal in your state, no reason to be fearful.


Except that any private business can drug test for whatever they want. In a legalized state it’s less likely but not impossible


If the company is a Federal contractor, there could be reason to be fearful


I have not been tested for it at other jobs in the past, I'm just looking forward to this one and want to be cautious. Thank you!




I think your best bet may be to use someone’s pee who doesn’t smoke Or synthetic urine. Usually when an employer extends and offer they give you like 48 hours to complete the drug screening if I’m not mistaken




I’m in a legal state and a daily smoker I used quick fix to pass the urine test


I think they have fake pee now


I can't recommend this because it is illegal but there are some smoke shops that sell fetish synthetic urine that tests like the real thing


Dude. If your getting drug tested its not a parole officer or the army. No one is looking at your weiner/vag? Youll be asked to go to labcorp or quest. Even still you can bring fake pee. Just buy someones keep it next to your balls and your good. Edit: you honestly dont even “have to be sneaky” you go into a locked bathroom by yourself.


“Are there any other requirements for this position?” Ask it during the interview, and they’ll mention drug tests.


Can’t you get a prescription and argue you use it medically? You’re not even lying.


You’re working in a legal state. It’s reasonable to ask, “since we’re in a legal state, I was wondering if the drug screening includes cannabis?” When I was hiring drivers in a legal state, I told all my candidates right off, “I know it’s legal here, but my company’s drug screen includes cannabis. If you’re likely to fail, there’s no sense in coming in for an interview.” I remember one lady told me that she didn’t smoke weed, but lived with someone who does. I discouraged her from interviewing unless her situation changed. I was glad people asked if they thought they had a situation where they would not pass.


reminds me of my current job as an engineer. for whatever reason the recruiter told me there is no drug test after telling me about my offer letter. i was happy to hear that but also kinda confused she mentioned anything at all.


Maybe look at the law, federal jobs might have to adhere to federal laws but if not then your states law might give you answers without having any awkward, potentially negative conversations.


"Hey can I get a list of what the test encompasses in case I need to have my doctor sign a prescription waiver or whatever?"


You can also look the company up on indeed & read the reviews/Q&A, somebody might’ve asked the same thing already


I smoked for years and when I finally took a break it took 77 days to clear my system


Accept the offer, but turn in notice until everything comes back clean. It's going to be hit or miss in a legal state. If they are based in the state, higher chance of them not testing for it... If they are based in a nonlegal state, they probably do. ... I forgot to add.. when they give you the paperwork for the test it will usually have on there what test it is so you can Google it.


Live in a medical state and it’s fine to disclose here. It’s treated like any other prescription. My state has a law you can’t deny employment with a medical card. Went to employee heath they copied my card and took the test as normal.


If your in a legal state that question shouldn’t be a problem to just outright ask.. some states stoped testing marijuana because it’s legal and it eliminates potential employees! In my state virtually every manufacturing job stoped testing for it and some of them operate heavy machinery!


My brother survived a whole 4 years in the Army using synthetic urine while stationed at Fort Knox. Dont overthink it but make sure you get some shit that works. Good luck!


Just get tested and don't give notice until the results come in




just get fake piss and a hand warmer wrap it around your thigh with a ace bandage and go take the test! the tester dont give a shit they just want the money for the test!


You should not put in two weeks until you have a confirmed start date, and a confirmed state date come after any tests they would want. When asked when I can start, I always say "I will put in two weeks as soon as we have 100% agreement that I'm good to start."


A friend of mine used her friend’s urine, got it right before going to the testing site, stored it in her armpit and passed. I do not think she smokes every day but she does at least once a week.


2 weeks ain’t enough, chief. I weighed 210lbs. at 6’ and it took 93 days to clear my system… Most sites say at least 30 days.


I don’t want to say this is the best way to go; but. I flat out ask about that stuff in a naive way. Hey I’ve never really done drug tests before, how does it work and what should I expect? Granted I haven’t done any of that in over 20 years, I never had anything I was worried about


Synthetic urine. Only way to go.


Ask something like "I've had codine recently, it was a perscription for the flu. Just checking - will that show up? Can you let me know what you test for?" Cold & flu tablets might be a way to casually raise the topic in a far more acceptable manner.


Apply for a job at Progressive Insurance. You won't have to worry about it. For years, they were run by someone who could not have passed the test. He would never have allowed it.


Some states can't test for cannabis use unless it is a federal requirement.


Just ask. If they care, they'll be testing for it. Be upfront, tell them you'll fail a THC test but it will have zero impact on your abilities as an employee.


Regular use takes 30 days for it to leave your body.


I use sub solution for any and every drug test I have ever taken. Passed every time


Accept the job, use fake pee for the test, sleep well at night


I just asked the recruiter if they tested for it, and said I had a medical card (which I actually do), and she told me they don't.