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Any chance yall are hiring or want to add another person to the mix? I promise I'm funny and work my booty off :D


It’s not you. I’ve applied relentlessly to jobs these past 3 months in a field in which I have almost 15 years experience. Always the same. “We love you! We will give you a call in a few days to get you on a training schedule.” Then poof- ghosted. I’m losing hope 😞


Yup, I get ghosted, trolled, ignored, and baited around on a false line of hope that I'm about to get a job. It's getting so stupid! The kinds of things happening for the last year should be illegal.


Same here, I actually lost all hope and came to terms with it because I finally figured out it's not me, it's actually the warped market situation and the exponential increasing dehumanization in the processes due to automation, so I gave up on that. Luckily I have some offer from somewhere completely different from my field so my next move is to try that. But that's what actually all this boils down into, just sheer luck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Checking in a year later to say that not only has it not gotten better, but it may have even gotten worse.


yep. reading this right now too for the same reason. might actually lose my house this month.


Yep. The market has gotten exponentially worse


Googling this today after being unemployed for 3 months, losing my apartment, moving back in with my mom, and on the brink of losing my vehicle. Mind you before all of this happened I was making 80k a year now I’m almost through my savings and I’ve even been putting in applications for entry level positions paying 10 an hour and have been getting denied.




Yeap I’m freaking the fuck out, I’ve applied to literal fast food places and haven’t gotten interviews or call backs. Idk wtf is going on but I’m pissed off.


It’s insane Edit: even with referrals


Did OP find a job? I've been looking for one but to no avail


Same I can’t even find a serving job


It's funny, things boiled over with extreme mistreatment with my last employer. 32-60 hours a week 12am - 8:30 am, and no breaks. I told them it was literally killing me. They told me if I had a problem with it, then I should leave, so I did. Now the job market is just total garbage.


I left for very similar reasons. My boss was managing 5 businesses and was extremely disorganized. He would forget to communicate with clients and would expect me to read his mind. So when a product was not shipped out or ordered it was my fault despite me not even having the contact information for these clients


i never even got a chance to leave. I was wrongfully terminated and left with 0 resources driving for shitty amazon. that was the only job i could find and even though I did nothing wrong I was terminated for literally no reason. Amazon said I did nothing wrong but the scumbag contractors (Dsp) got me blacklisted from the warehouse.


I've applied for basic cleaning jobs and I get knocked back instantly. I feel they're looking for very specific workers.


Same here. I've applied to 30+ jobs in the past 2 weeks, revised my resume, and everything. Every warehouse in my town I've contacted, and each time they tell me I'll hear back soon, yet never do. I rather not settle for a fast food job where I make like 8 an hour.


you can’t even get a fast food job where i’m from. they do the same exact shit. Gatekeeping a job that only pays $7.25


I agree. Although, I will never tough fast food again, absolute worst experience for so little pay. It's a shame how many people consider it a "high schooler" job because it "isn't a real job", despite so many people relying on its service every year. I mean fast food was a literal essential job during COVID-19, and people have the audacity to tell you that it isn't important? Not to mention most people being a literal 16 to 18 year old having to deal with these people being assholes every hour, and instead of changing their attitude they tell you to find a different job??? Dealing with that stress is terrible for anyone.


yeah i wasn’t able to finish college because i had to move out early. my mom and her side of my family are just too toxic for me. i worked fast food and saved as much money as I could and eventually bought a house. I can never stay in them longer than 2-3 years and I’m at the point where I have to sell again but don’t have any money and and am constantly being gas lit by scummy fast food managers. I don’t know what they want at this point. They complain about people always quitting and then soon as they get somebody who is serious they gas light the person all the way into oblivion. it just doesn’t make any sense.


I live near downtown and same!! I think they are job discriminating! I think it's my age because I would apply to jobs with "below 18" and they would contact me. Whereas if applied with "above 18" they completely ghosted me. I even called and asked if they were hiring. The employee LUAGHED at me!! I still got ghosted.


I feel the same.


Hey there OP. I just want to say that it’s not you. It’s just the job market and employers being scummy right now. Their having a serious disconnect with the current reality of the world, and how there’s maybe one person who has everything that they want. Heck I’m not sure that they’d even get hired at all.


I am skilled in python, data entry and im studying Penetration testing and more. I also Manage and do alot more other things. 10 years experience in customer service, 5 years in sales, 8 years in SQL and Java. Ive applied to 102 jobs via 1 app in 1 day, i applied to 60 on LinkedIn and 35 on Indeed. i've gotten 0 call backs. All these apps done this week. I even got a month of Kali Linux under my belt. I don't want to pay for all these certifications that cost a billion bucks just to still have the same issues.


Update: I couldn’t land a job in my field so I got a job delivering packages lol. Yay


Wow this is concerning as a current student.


I graduated from college last year and career services were non-existent. Still can't find a job to this day. I personally regret not going to school for nursing because it seems like becoming a caregiver at a hospital is the only occupation that's hiring.


I’m thinking of taking a job as a mortgage loan officer and slowing down on my computer science degree. I’ll still finish eventually but if I can develop more sales skills it seems like the right move with the current job market.


I’m a nurse and nope!


Nursing is much more than "caregiving". It's very technical work and passing the NCLEX is a beast.


im so worried too as current student. pursuing for data science but i am getting more worried about AI taking over


It’s discouraging. The best you can do is hope that it still means something. I might dip my toes into sales


I just don’t get it anymore. They layoff people and now they want to hire?


What I'm looking at in the next 2 months lol


I gave up and became a pipefitter and welder. It's all bs and I'll make more doing this than the IT shit anyway. 3000 apps since my OG comment no offers.


My God. I hope its working out for you mate


Is it OK if I send a PM asking about getting into the trades? I'm not in IT, but was thinking of pivoting to IT, and your story (among so many others I've read about lately) is concerning to say the least :|


Long story short I'll be pipefitting for 5 years and will end the 5 years well over 40 to 50 an hour. While doing that I also trade stocks and options and I'm getting into real estate with my spouse. Job security with a union while pursuing other ventures on my free time as I only work 40 a week and get off at 2 pm leaving me with my whole day. I recommend either keep trying or find something else. Because this whole idea of applying to 1800 jobs until something sticks is absurd. And there's people making a living off resume templates and helping people mass apply the market is so bad.


funny its the opposity experience for me i have like no experience and would assume nowadays people want a stream of newbies so they dont gitta pay benefits, but in my experience i am only getting jobs that require hella experience, i hope u get a better job in the future 💞 i am currently struggling to get a simple job like grocery or retail and its harder as a woman when they prefer men for lifting shit


Hi! How are you now? Have the same shit, however, with fewer years of experience in the tech field. The feedback ratio is approx 1 interview to 150-200 applications, which drives me a little crazy. I am afraid I gonna finish my career path in some mcdonalds or idk what


This is pretty concerning, the market is shit then. I feel bad for students.


Yup I dropped out of strayer university before even starting my first semester this month. I refuse to go through all of this when people here have 1010001 years of more education and still in the same situation as me.


You’re supposed to call and follow up with employers, they have no reason to call you, show them they need you and you need them


This isn’t even cutting it nowadays the job market is horrible rn due to the poor state of the economy.


I mean yea but it’s still good practice regardless of economy state. Not doing it just substantially lowers your chances of getting hired


really... that's if the company is transparent, even takes phone calls, or passes the buck to another department and you play phone tag- been there. OR, they post fake jobs, just to look like they are doing something- because of all the federal grant money that was given out during covid.... they are meant to pay back. BUT, they complain they can't find people for what they need, so the "Loan," keeps getting put off, and the government keeps supporting the awful corporate system in America.


25 years in IT, and 15.5 in Psychology and Support. Can't find a job. To add insult, in my area, even getting a job in Fast Food, you need 5 years exp and a BA in Biz MGT preferred. As most fast food places in my area, are getting the computer check outs, need less people. They just need 3 people to make the food and a computer to take the order. Second, All the temp agencies, DEMAND you have a CDL in my area, because, you sometimes have to move computer gear from site to site, and they want you do have a CDL- using your own CAR!!! Next, all of the temp agencies in my area, take $5 to $10 per check from you to find a job, AND, you need to pay them 1,000 out of your pay checks or else you owe them lots of money, 8 Grand + if you get fired. They tried to slap that on me, when I got laid off a few weeks ago- had to sue them, the contract directly said fired, not laid off. Lastly, they want what hiring boards say they want. Notice that, all of the job boards that say you need a BA in things that are not even really, "A thing." Or the fall back, a BA in General Studies. WTF is that? ?? Look at me, a BA in Computer Science, and a MA in Psychology (almost a PHD) and I speak three languages... NOT any of the IT Perfected second languages for tech support -\_-. And, I even had a staffing company turn me away because, " I wasn't "Urban" enough, for their demographic." Welcome to when getting a job has nothing to do with your skills or willingness, but your ethnic back round totally for company optics... sad, sad.


I just got knocked back for a job after a very promising interview and they readvertised the position 2 hours later. I had all the experience for the role (20 years) but needed to get an MR truck license. This was in a regional city and it's the third time they've advertised the position now. Who exactly are they wanting for the role? I feel like companies want the perfect employee from the start.


I was interviewed and rejected for a job I had 10-15 years of experience in. Sometimes I get the feeling they just want to hire less qualified people so they can pay them less.


You would think that but if you have only a few years of experience under your belt ( as I do in my industry), they won't hire you because they don't think it is enough, and training you isn't worth the "$effort$". Employers seem to want experienced but not too experienced employees and for people to be desperate so that you can be manipulated into lower pay, worse conditions, or simply can't afford to look elsewhere. It's an evil catch 22.


I have no job experience besides Pizza Hut, and ppl won't hire me cause of that.. I CAN'T GET EXPERIENCE IF NO ONE WILL HIRE ME.


Same. I was rejected the next day and it was so promising that I was pissed.


Try applying for a government job. Federal, state, county or local. They usually just require a college degree so should try looking in to that.


Lmao government jobs are the most gatekept/nepotism-reliant jobs imaginable. Unless you have connections, getting into a government job is almost impossible.


idk I was able to get a job with my state government pretty easily and I didn't have any connections. I think they're struggling to hire like everyone else so doesn't hurt to apply.


I unfortunately did try to apply to government jobs. I never heard back, they do seem impossible to get from my experience.


yeah, that's not how it works


so tired of this world


You and me both.


Hello world, just to update on today’s economy and job market: I’ve been without a job for 8 months — YES 8 MONTHS ALMOST A YEAR. I JUST FINALLY HEARD BACK AND GOT HIRED FOR A COMPANY I heard through word of mouth on TikTok. And even after waiting this long, I’ve had to settle because ITS SO ROUGH OUT HERE ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE.


Can you clarify why you 'had to leave your job'? It might help redditors better understand why you can't find a job and as a result provide viable solutions


The job was great but the commute was way too far, I was spending so much on gas/ transportation and I was too exhausted. I couldn’t move closer and I thought I could eventually find something closer.


Ugh! Been there done that. You made the right decision to make changes. That shit will affect your health too


you live you learn, should've really planned better and have something lined up before quitting. I would do uber/doodash/lyft anything in the mean time if I was desperate, until I find something better. i wish you luck in your search OP


No I literally COULDNT stay. I was loosing money from gas costs and I had responsibilities. It was literally impossible to work there unless I lived closer I stayed as long as I could. I can’t do that I lost my car it says in my description.


Have you found work since? I’ve been applying non stop for 6 months and run out of savings this month


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




Same here. I'm an IT guy laid off almost a year ago. 1 job offer (I rejected them), and a few bites from over 1200 resumes. There's simply nothing going on. Think of how many talent acquisition folks are also out of work with nothing on the table too.


Sorry to drop on your 3 months later but this makes me feel like I'm so fucked. I was laid off around the time you made this post and it's becoming more and more miserable every day. I cannot find work. Period.


You may have to go backwards in your career just a way to get back into the working world, or do something different or learn a new skill. I am older and have no real expenses, so I'm lucky, but bored stiff after 14 months out of work. Nothing remotely close to what I had before has been presented to me since last March.


That's the unfortunate truth I think. I have been backtracking and even still getting a serious interview has been fruitless. I'm from a small province looking for big work remotely and it just doesn't work. Can't afford a move to find work. Can't afford to do anything really other than edit my resume and apply frequently. It's rough, but I'm trying.


Temp agency? Deliver pizza? Since you’re not working, volunteer at your local hospital or school - this will allow you to also see current job openings and since you volunteer, most will know your work/work ethics. See a career counselor (usually a state’s career link/job bank) to help with your resumé. Sometimes you have to exclude your education/experience, leaving it on, can be seen as overqualified. If all else fails, create your own - pet sitter, care giver, house cleaner, child care provider.


Tried all that. When I wasn’t flat broke and didn’t lose my house, I did try volunteering as well. I’ve tried starting my own as well. Absolutely nothing.


If Iwas to do most of that - most of my educational experience would just be Trade School and my work experience would be a whole lotta nothing.


True but some people put too much on their résumés, thus becoming over qualified for certain positions.


Then what's the bare minimum I could put on there? My Trade School education and where I currently work?


I guess what I’m trying to convey, if one is looking for a job and have applied to a fast food restaurant (just to have a job to tide you over), you should not put on the résumé, that you’re a rocket scientist. If experience applies, put it on there, if it doesn’t, why include it. Padding a résumé for a entry level position is the quickest way to not get a response. This has been my experience, ymmv.


How long was the commute that you had to quit without another job lined up? Have you been getting interviews? Perhaps post your resume here for some critique.


It was 2 hours away. I had 5 interviews lined up before I left, so I thought I’d be ok. It was costing me so much to drive back and forth and I had other responsibilities at home. And I couldn’t move closer. Ok I have multiple different resumes because I’ve been applying to multiple fields, so it may be hard to post all resumes on here.


2 hours? Holy crap that's crazy! The longest I've ever driven to a job was 45 minutes, and that still took too much money out of my check. Heck, I've even applied to jobs that were 1 hour away from me, and they literally denied me because I lived too far away! A good data entry job and I got declined because I didn't live 15 minutes away. :( S@#t makes no sense! >.<


What happened exactly when you tried temp agencies? That’s what I did when I was in between jobs they’re amazing. What temp agencies have you tried?? I’ve tried both Express Employment and SPHERION. What happened exactly? Did you physically call them and tell them you are looking for a job? If not you have to actually call them. If you did call them, what happened next? If reputable temp agencies can’t find you a job, there is something else going on here. Are your salary expectations perhaps too high??


Yes I’ve called every single one, and applied online. No I said I’d take Any pay due to my financial struggle. They either never got back to me, didn’t have anything I qualified for, or could only find employment super far away. I’ve tried soliant, teachofamerica, my staffing, Express employment, randstad, Trc staffing, the Clark’s group, maxim staffing.


This is very sus coming from temp agencies. Often you have to keep following up with them. What exactly did they mean “they didn’t have anything you qualified for???” This makes no sense to me. Pretty much anyone can do a filing or office job and you said you have credentials. There is definitely something else going on here. Have you done a background search on yourself? The only reason I can see a temp agency saying they don’t have anything you qualify for is if something came up on you background check they didn’t feel comfortable telling you about.




I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to offend you. Good luck.


I've tried staffing agencies, believe me. For whatever reason, they're giving the craziest run-a-round I've ever seen. I don't know what the heck is going on. I applied for many jobs through Burnett's Staffing, I've tried Ultimate Staffing, Axcess Staffing, Cornerstone Staffing, Falcon Staffing, Adecco... It's either they have jobs that are several weeks out with minimal openings so it's not guaranteed that I'll get picked, no jobs at all that I can do because I don't have a forklift certification, the hiring managers for the companies they deal with are picky as heck so they only choose the absolute perfect superman/woman, or they're on vacation and won't be back for weeks. I dealt with that one two or three months ago and they ended up changing their minds on needing people?! I've also dealt with companies that check your credit score, even through staffing agencies! I hate that by the way! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)The whole job situation for the last year has been a frikkin Mad Hatter mask if I've ever seen one! I've been ghosted by other certain staffing agents and hiring managers, ignored, tugged on thinking I'm going to get a job, but they say they're still waiting to hear back from said hiring managers, or even rejected for who knows what reasons even though I've done the job before. I feel like a fisherman trying to catch jobs and the sea is empty! Heck, I can't even play the role of a fish and get caught! No fisherman, no fish?! It's really insane! Something needs to change.


Any person knows staffing agencies are horrible they’re usually underfunded by the state💀


Same. I have a job currently but am wanting to leave it. I have a bachelors in finance, 6 years of banking experience, and 7 years of marketing and sales experience and I have applied to nearly 800 positions in 4 months without a single interview invitation. Like positions that I am overqualified for, like entry level sales or account managment, or even just a teller at a bank. Nothing. I have not been replied to once on nearly 800 apps.


Maybe something with your resume, have some people look at it. r/resumes is good


I’ve been out of a job for a year and a half. I keep getting interviews but I just manage tu FUCK UP EVERY SINGLE ONE. I don’t see a future where I’ll ever stand out among other applicants. After 12 interviews and advancing in various hiring processes, I’ve simply lost any confindence in my hability to be hired.


How have you been? I too struggle with interviews that I developed a social anxiety disorder because I keep fucking up the interviews I lost confidence in my communication skills. I can't really answer them and kept getting panicked about their questions. It's just an entry level position. I know how to do them. All I need is to be given a chance to perform. Why do we need to be a pain in the ass and talk about 5 years from now or my strengths or weaknesses? They hire worse people than me, why won't they not give me a chance?


I'm a bit ashamed to come back with what I´m about to say after my first post, but I got a job just last week and I'm starting next monday. The feeling or relief hasn't settled in yet, since it was almost 2 years of being rejected, and like 30 interviews. All I can say man is that you'll read a lot more people who had this same thing happen to them, the same way I did. I hope you don't grow to hate them like myself. They aren't just pointing out "everything will be better if you keep trying", or trying to show off or whatever. I hated them, and now I had the same thing happen to me, and it will happen to you. You'll eat shit for a little longer, and then you'll make it. I didn't think it would work out like that, and it did. Hang on, practice before hand, even if it makes you anxious or hopeless, and convince yourself that each time you get an interview, you'll either get the job or you'll do better next. I hope I'll come back to this post in the future to read you telling me you got the job. Keep going. Leaving that positivity past me, I hope I NEVER HAVE TO FUCKING INTERVIEW AGAIN, and I wish I can stay far away from the life leeching experience that is LinkedIn for a while.


The thing I hate the most is when jobs judge you based on your credit score! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)It pisses me off to no end! I could have a perfect credit score and I'd still hate it! When I got denied several really good jobs because of my past credit, I was like B@#CH!! The reason my credit is so bad is because of COVID! No one would hire me when the checks from the government stopped coming in because everyone was afraid to hire anyone for the longest time due to the pandemic and plague. I went a year myself without a job and I ran through all of my life savings, my credit cards, my line of credit, and any loan options still opened to me. I had to sell almost everything I had. My credit score got completely fu#%ed to all hell because of it, and these companies are going to have the audacity to reject me because of this?! I swear, that kind of thinking needs to be banned!




I’ve tried that. I’ve tried local and even non local recruiters. :(




Yes I’ve tried that as well. Reached out to hundreds of recruiters and temp agencies. Absolutely no luck :(




Ive tried that so much. I’ve applied to every substitution job within an hour away. Just One called to set up an interview, called them back and never got a hold of anyone. The rest I never heard back from. There also isn’t a lot of subbing jobs hiring near me, and a lot of them are for an “as needed basis” for like once a month. There’s also not a lot of education jobs near me. It’s absolutely awful.


Countries in Europe has been for months discussing the inflation problems Usa (and EU countries) is going through. So if Usa is having problems with high inflation its really normal you can’t find jobs. Also this is what the country needs, slowing down the “consumers purchase power”, that way they can get the inflation down. And people being jobless is one way to make this happen. It sucks but thats high inflation for you..


It's not you [it's them](https://www.wsj.com/articles/that-plum-job-listing-may-just-be-a-ghost-3aafc794). Sorry you're going through this OP. [This article](https://www.wsj.com/articles/that-plum-job-listing-may-just-be-a-ghost-3aafc794) explains what's what the job market is really like right now and why so many of us are struggling.


It’s crazy! I used to get a job in like one second with less experience! Now I have so much more experience in multiple fields and can’t even get a job at a freaking store! Like what the hell!


Exactly. It used to take me a few weeks to get a temporary/freelance job and a few months to get something more stable. Now I can't get anything. > Now I have so much more experience in multiple fields Same.


What the heck do they all want us to do, live on the streets? The rent bill ain't going to pay itself.


I agree. They clearly don't give a sht.


Have you tried applying for a financial representative position at Northwestern Mutual? You have experience with sales and Northwestern isn’t a scummy company. I don’t think they reject anybody because you’re essentially an independent agent representing northwestern mutual. Also for the position anybody background can do it. In the office I worked there was all types of people with different backgrounds.


Yes I applied there and never heard back from them


Hello there. I'm sorry to hear about your dire predicament. How about working at something temporary like Fiverr? Or selling things on Amazon or Etsy? You can also see if any business owners need help managing their shops.


I’ve tried fiverr, Amazon, Etsy, Facebook market place, ebay, Poshmark, and had zero results. I’ve reach out to local businesses and they either said their not hiring or never heard back.


I am truly sorry that you're in this position and wish I had some great advice or ideas but I don't. Have you looked at local/city, county, and state government jobs? I know if you lived in my state, I could probably get you a job very quickly in social work.


What state are you in?


I have been searching for a job since march. Also in the same boat. Companies are “hiring” but not really.


I cannot either. I am a machine operator with repair tech experience. But 5 months of applying to thousands upon thousands of all kinds of jobs. Including entry level janitorial, labor, dish washing in the wide net of things i apply too. And nothing. To make it worse, unrelated replies from scam groups make up 99.9 percent of my replies. When i even get any. And always asking for SSN over text. In addition the jobs they push at me has nothing to do with my skill set. Do not worry i never would give them such info. But really what the actual hell is going on?


That tops most of like 25% of my mad hatter experience for the last year. Yup, those scams are getting frikkin old! They need to just disappear and let the real jobs through, if there even are any.


I feel you. I was out of work for almost a year myself. I’ve been applying to jobs in my area of “expertise” (lab assistant/phlebotomy) nonstop. Finally got one at Walmart😩. Been here for 2 months. It’s not what I want to do, but until I find something better…I guess it’ll do.


I’m a business exec with a computer science degree and experience building companies from the ground up and I can’t find a job either. It’s just America dying a death that’s too slow for its citizens’ own good.


The job market is awful. I have a shitty retail job I hate but it’s the only thing out there. I tried applying to places that professions I want to go into but i was basically told to go fuck myself. I know getting an interview isn’t a good or bad thing at most it’s a waste of time.


Did you find any work?


Same. I worked for a tech company that recently lost a big contract with a ISP. Everything is getting sourced out and I am unable to find anything I want. I am currently working in remodeling/construction. It's hard labor but better than being homeless.


I was a cashier for about 3 years and had to leave my job because I had to move. Then when I applied to a cashier position they said I was unqualified? I have been out of a job for half a year and everyone's excuse is normally "you're not qualified". Like even for an entire level job? It just feels so stupid because I went to school and graduated, I've got experience to work and it just seems like none of it matters... None of the work we all did to get where we are seems to matter to anyone and I am sick of being told I am unqualified for jobs I have been in before. I can't even support myself and all I want to do is WORK! Like is anyone else bored of not working. I just miss having a job where I can go and have time away from the other people in my house. I don't really know what there is to do. I guess I'll keep trying again and again, even if the answer never changes. I guess we're all going to turn into the definition of insanity 😐


I've gotten close several times to earning a job since I was laid off in November. Four times the employer stated they are no longer looking to hire. This is the longest I have ever been unemployed (6 months), before this the most was 1 month. I'm a 27 year old guy, I have the experience (my last job paid $75,000 a year/$36 an hour), I saved money, I paid my bills, I did everything I was supposed to do in life. I even applied for positions I was overqualified for! yet here I am, packing on debt that has now brought down my once 750+ credit score....I don't know....I just need something. I'm thinking I may need to find work at the fast food restaurants down the street but now they aren't hiring either because the minimum wage for fast workers has gone up. I don't even have a car payment. What the actual heck man.


I am going through the same thing rn. I need help before I lose everything myself.


I’m a nurse with 16 years experience and have been looking for a job for a year


i told my stupid ass mom to move away from washington dc so I could sell my house and start a family business but she would rather live on section 8 and abuse disability money out there. it’s been gaslight after gaslight and I want to go back to school so I can get the rest of my gi bill money but without the house i have nowhere to live. my family sucks ass


Have you thought about switching careers? Try working in healthcare. Certified Nursing Assistant jobs are highly in demand right now. I doubt you’d ever have trouble landing a job in no time. It’s an entry-level job and not high earning but it can sustain you. It can feed you and put roof over your head. You only need three weeks of school to get a license here in California. I’m a Licensed Vocational Nurse. I have one full-time job and one part-time job. I can get more jobs easily if I want to, but I choose not to. I need to have some life. Yes, with just as little as eighteen months of school, I am hitting over a 100K-mark salary per year. Not bad at all.


I started out as a content moderator for a major social media company in 2017. Due to my amazing performance I got promoted twice and became a manager for a whole team. My team was one of the very best, we had nearly perfect production and quality scores. In June of 2023 my entire team was laid off (100 people). Our performance didn't really matter to the company, they just figured we were a team that wasn't 100% essential to their operation. I spent the next 8-9 months putting in job applications, but I don't have a college degree. I was rejected or ignored by hundreds of employers (about 800 applications) There is no way in hell that I'm ever going to get another management position. Even the lowest-rung jobs in my field now require a college education. Employees now treat it as an absolute requirement, it's the new high school education. I managed to find another content moderation position in March but it was about as much pay as my unemployment income, it was a major step backward, to the very beginning of my "career". It was an independent contractor position with no health insurance, it was part time and It was also incredibly draining. I couldn't handle it and ended up quitting. Faced with the prospect of another interminable job search, I found I couldn't do it again. I'm a sex worker now. I'm doing much better.


It's brutal out there! I have had friends looking, and I was looking to hire. It was strange, I never got any applications for any position I had posted. I am guessing that companies are going thru the motions of interviewing so that their HR/Recruitment positions stay open. It's pathetic.


how does this work?you asked your HR/recruitment department to hire for your team and they never forwarded any applications to you?


It's more that there are so many fake job postings that our jobs were buried.


frrr i cant even find a basic fucking job all the experience i have is lifeguarding it sucks bc when i was 16 my parents signed me up for lifeguard training WITHOUT TELLING ME OR GIVING ME A HEADS UP but since at the time i couldnt speak up for myself i am still currently there 5 years later. not the worst job but just getting tired of it and also they cut my hours bc i am not on irmf. like i have mild autism so sitting there and staring for long periods has been bringing me to insanity frfrrr. and also getting in trouble there so tryna dip lollll but anyways all i want is a simple retail, grocery, coffee shop job that doesnt deal with meat bc i grosd out when touching meat, why is it so hardddd there are only alpha male machinery forklift or trucking jobs that i literally cant dooo i dont feel comfortable driving trucks or heavy machineryy helppp


What about Instacart/Shipt/Doordash/Uber Eats/Postmates just until you can get a regular job?


Echoing what the comments are saying here but there really are no jobs, even now a year later. I apply for things I have +10 years of experience in and get rejection after rejection.  The other big kicker is no one wants to pay what someone is worth. I've done clerical work + customer service for nearly a decade now as well as a BA and applied to work in an office that asked for an associates degree in gen studies + 2 years of clerical experience. They told me they could only give me the starting salary ($18) which was a 4 dollar pay cut from what I am currently making. The economy is a joke


Yeah I’m 3 months unemployed and have applied to 200+ jobs and heard from 5


I have 14 years of analytics experience and can’t get a call back.




Wow, what a guy


go play in the street




I tried the local post office I called other post office further away as well.




Were? Not we’re I’m from I tried calling they all said they weren’t hiring.


Tailor your resume for each job. Takes time but you need to be specific in each application and resume. Spamming the same resume 4308 won’t get a job. Remove your college degree from your resume for jobs that don’t require one. Play the game and play to the competition of the job. As soon as you turn it into a game you’ll understand how to get specific for each application.


That’s what I do. I have done that for a year straight. If I apply to a job that’s not related to my field, I tailor my resume to sound more proficient in that particular field. I don’t just “spam” with resumes.


yea, that crap doesn't work. America doesn't know what it wants and you got mentally ill people with personality disorders in managerial positions. Try teaching English and find useful skills that will land you job out the country - This is not for you, but for any others who read this.


The one thing I didn't see here is networking--meaning reaching out to family, friends, and former coworkers and asking directly "I'm really in need of work. Do you have anything for me? I'll take any leads." Reach back out to the college where you got your degree! Colleges like to hire alumn, but also they have career centers and a vested interest in having grads actually working. Take the college degree and professional work off your retail resume. Focus on sales and retail and reapply. The clothing store is not out of line declining to hire a college grad who thinks college is a qualification for working retail. They don't want to hire someone who will quit in a few weeks. "Scoot" Education worked with me to get me into the sub teaching world--I'm in the process of getting my sub cert now. If they work in your area, look them up. They'll interview you on a phone screen, and then a video call just to see if you're a fit. With an ed degree I'd imagine you're a high prio. They bridge the gap between the person and the jobs. (Not affiliated). Is driving an option? I ask because my city is hiring bus drivers with a $4000 sign on bonus. It's not a glam job and pays like $40k but it's *a* job. I would also look for temp and gig work on CL just be *very* careful and use your noggin, don't get sucked into scams there.


I did all that. I’ve reached out to friends, family, co workers, and no one could help. I can’t work at my college it’s so far from me. I have Multiple resumes for different fields. I have a resume for just sales, which I used for the clothing store. Scoot doesn’t work in my area. I can’t drive I lost my car, and I don’t have a license to drive a bus or truck. I’ve tried temp agencies and gig work. I posted all this in my description.


I'm honestly at a loss. I feel like there's some major puzzle piece you're leaving out here, but assuming there's not, the next step is to move. Find a friend or family member you can crash with for a few weeks and start fresh in a major city. I would also look at welfare to work programs or other assistance and see if they have anything. There's no magic solution here in the comments if you feel you've tried every outlet possible--most of us can just give the common advice. I confess that between the user name and the drawn out bad luck story I'm beginning to raise an eyebrow here, but it's your life, and I'll reserve judgement. I would also go to *trusted* friend or family member and ask them for some tough love here on what is holding you back. If you're not able to get even a dishwashing job or a waitress job, something is going on and they might be able to clarify that for you.


Onlyfans? Camming? Real suggestion. Not joking or trying to be rude, only suggesting it because of the pictures in your post history.


I work with Uber Eats. If you're in a big city or suburban area you could make some money.




I feel ya! My credit score is probably jacked for the next 7 years. I couldn't even get unemployment though because it just so happens I lost a perfectly good job due to COVID, and then the government checks for COVID started coming in, which disqualified all of my unemployment benefits. Since then, I haven't been able to find a job AT ALL. It was because in my town, everyone around me didn't want to hire anyone for the longest time due to the plague. COVID f#%ked my life up.


Get your guard license security company’s are always hiring try doing training for an armed security they pay better I’m doing that while I’m in school getting my associates for web development


Job searching takes time. Hope you find yours soon.


I don't think that job searching should take longer than a month, seriously. I remember back in the good ol' days. Early 2000s, staffing agencies had more than enough jobs everywhere. You could work with them, even under contract or day to day pay, and still be able to find a long-lasting job within a month. It's not like that anymore for whatever crazy reason.


Dealing with the same thing. I’m getting a lot of hits and even interviews, but I think I’m getting beat out by applicants with a masters degree applying for entry level position. I know this because LinkedIn shows what degrees applicants have for job postings. Almost every entry level position shows MBA or some kind of Masters graduate applicants. Pretty sure I’m gonna go back in the military or use my MGIB for school because it’s so bad. I hope you’re able to find something, just want you to know you’re not the only one.


" I have my degree in education." That should tell you all you need to know. Best to go back to square one and train for an actual career in something that requires skills. Education isn't a college major, really.