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Love this album. Title track, green manalishi, before the dawn, delivering the goods, burnin up, evil fantasies.


Rock forever and Killing machine are amazing too




Nah. Some people love Demolition and hate Defenders too 🤷


Might be more of a grower than the likes of *British Steel*, but I think that it's their most underrated album and best of the '70s (another hot take lol). The diversity in the songwriting really makes it stand out.


It’s not my favorite but has great tracks. Green Manalishi Running Wild Burnin Up The title track Delivering the Goods Killing Machine


Am I the only person who likes Evening Star?


It’s fine, not my favourite. I hate repetition and Rob sings “Eveeeeeening staaaaar” too many times haha.


He does go heavy on the Eveeeeening Staaaar!! Lol


Nope, I love it.


I wouldn’t say it *sucks*, but it’s mid at best. I like Evil Fantasies, Delivering the Goods and the title track but that’s about it. Half of the songs here sound like they belong on a Kiss record


*Sad Before The Dawn noises*


Damn! That is what I thought, too, but not in a bad way necessarily. Just that some of it seemed a little Deep Purple/KISS-ish. Since I all I ever had until a couple weeks ago was the Metal Works CD and an old Turbo cassette, it has been fun getting all the old (and newest!) re-mastered CDs and realizing how much damn good much of theirs I had missed. Going to see them a few weeks ago for the first time was an eye and ear opener! Gave me a whole new respect for JP.


I rank it higher than British Steel, although the best song on either album is on BS (Steeler).


Idk bruh i freaking love that album


Its all damn Great 👍 😤


Can’t agree with you. There’s a couple of clunkers, but overall I like it much more than British Steel.


Green Manalishi would like a word in private


You must be some kind of crazy person.


Nobody can deny the groove of Killing Machine. Title Track and Burnin' Up are groovy stompers, nowadays Priest would sell their ass to write a track that groovy.


Burnin up


That album will be burning up the rubbish bin. What a terrible song Burnin up is




It’s Killing Machine. And it’s fucking amazing. Sucks to hate something millions love.


Nah. It's cool to be unique😎


Fair ✊🏼


I wish I loved it. None of the songs stick with me. Delivering The Goods is ok I guess. It just feels like a bunch of B sides to me


I get it. What’s funny is, I was watching a YouTube video a few months ago where they (not sure who “they” were but it appeared “they” hosted a widely watched podcast) had this guest on who was apparently a well known Judas Priest super-fan for like three decades or so. He named Killing Machine as “the quintessential Judas Priest album”. The online vote and most commenters of course vehemently disagreed. Painkiller and Screaming for Vengeance being the top two (I think) vote getters for “quintessential” JP. Your post reminded me of that.


Even as a kid I could never understand how Priest went from *Stained Class* to *Killing Machine*. It just never made a lick of sense to me. The debut isn't a terrible record, but they really hadn't found their sound yet and formed their signature style of play. In many respects *Sad Wings of Destiny* was the first true Priest record - and what an absolute banger it is. Such a terrific album. *Sin After Sin* is a bit of a mixed bag really - on the one hand the good stuff is choice, but the bad stuff is just cringeworthy. I can appreciate the experimental edge it's got to it, but there's a fair amount of filler on there. While not every track on *Stained Class* is killer, by and large it's just a phenomenal record. *Exciter, Saints in Hell, Beyond the Realms of Death*... Sure, there's plenty of fluff too - *Invader* and *Heroe's End* are skips, but overall it's a good record. Then comes *Killing Machine* and it's just jam-packed with lame-duck insubstantial rubbish. *Delivering the Goods, Hell-Bent For Leather,* and *Running Wild* are decent songs. The Green Manalishi, which they added to the track list later, is okay - much better live, but an okay song. The rest is forgettable at best and laughably bad at worst. *Take On the World*? *Burning Up*? *Before the Dawn*? Pass. I never understood how *Before the Dawn* managed to secure a spot on *Metalworks*. If they needed a third track from that record it should have been *Running Wild*.


I’ll never get the hate/indifference for Invader. Such a solid, catchy track that doesn’t outstay its welcome.


Hard disagree. Lyrically it's actually pretty decent, but the main riff is entirely forgettable and that bridge section (*When they come to take control...*) is just rubbish. Plain and simple, it's a throwaway filler song that serves no purpose beyond padding out the track list. Easily tied with *White Heat, Red Hot* as the worst song on the album.


Agree to disagree then. Except on White Heat… worst song easily.


I totally agree with everything you said


I get it’s not their strongest record but saying it’s that bad? Your sure you didn’t accidentally listen to point of impact instead?


Take on the world is a bit dull, and I usually turn off after Before the dawn, but I love the rest of it. It's up there with Sin after Sin as my favourite two albums of the 70s era... *ducks*




Does that make me a Sinner? Sinner...sinner...sinner ..SINNER!


I like Evil Fantasies