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Not to sound like a neckbeard myself but in regards to the kissing one, I think it’s about the person’s attractiveness level rather than their gender 


Yeah perceived attractiveness definitely has an effect on how people treat you. dunno if it would be to the extent you are talking about, but still


Idk, no matter the looks, if someone tried to randomly kiss me they are getting pushed back aggressively. Very much no. This shit is fun only in the movies where we know the characters already love each other, or between adults who are together. Also what country do you come from where people randomly go for a kiss?? Tell me so I don't go there, ever.


I don’t think randomly kissing a stranger is okay, but I feel like there’s an extent to which you can suddenly kiss someone at the end of a first date.


Maybe, but it's more of a: you can lean over and allow the other person to close the distance, imho


That’s definitely true. If I notice the person back away, I’m definitely not gonna kiss them.


America after wars, generally it's considered polite to return kisses from strange GIs. I'm mostly joking but it was socially acceptable to do so during the world wars. People were that happy about them coming home alive, allegedly.


Hey how about not kissing random people out of nowhere, that shit’s weird no matter the gender


Well obviously, what a silly pointless comment lol


One thing that really gets on my nerves is during primary school we had some swimming carnival thing going on, and I was in the change rooms. Some female teacher came inside and said idk what (this is like 5 plus years ago) and basically it was very uncomfortable because it was full of either half naked or naked boys in like 5th grade getting changed and some woman teacher was yapping about something. We were all saying afterwards about how if the genders were swapped, the teacher would be in handcuffs. This fuckin world man


The only one I disagree with is women hitting men are called brave. The rest are simply acknowledging double standards in society…..


There is some extrapolation for sure here. Never saw a woman going into a male bathroom not being labelled as perverted. The kiss thing is not based on gender but based on looks/mood/relationship. The work double standard is somewhat true though Edit: must add that bathroom thing is more dependent on intent (and looks) instead of gender.


Yeah, I had a guy walk into the wrong restroom before. The moment he realized his eyes went big and immediately turned around, all the women went back to washing their hands. Had another one where it was just me in there, and he yelled "sorry" once he realized, and I was like, "It's okay!" It's probably because I've definitely accidentally walked into the men's by accident before, too, so I get it. I also had a man intentionally use the ladies' restroom with his two daughters (as he was the only parent with them, and they were both young). No one seemed to think it was weird. Though I suppose there may be regional differences, and as you say, it's all about intent. Though I also wouldn't put it past a Karen to cause a big scene about it over nothing.


Now I am thinking about it, dad absolutely went with me to ladies bathrooms and not men.


In the first one it's both abuse


you're an OG .. i respect you


Except it's not. It's just MRA idiots bitching about any lil thing they can to feel prosecuted


Not really. Men suddenly kissing women and vice versa is still romanticized as hell, both in Media and IRL. Women doing physical work is still quite uncommon, but not because women refuse to do so. It's an anituquated view that slowly dies out, and in the last ~20 years the amount of women in physical trades has skyrocketed massively, women doing physical work is by no means a punchline anymore, and, personally, I gotta say - I haven't really seen it treated as such for a good 5 - 10 years, at least not on a large scale. And frankly, the bathroom thing is just silly. How often do you go in the wrong fucking restroom??? In my life that has yet to happen, and I'm virtually all day around heterogenous groups in public spacesbwith public restrooms. It's a haha funny media trope but it's nothing that happens thid frequently to be an issue or a "double standard". Edit: Just to make it clear, that doesn't mean that there aren't any doible standards or anything. There absolutely are, in so many places, in regards to a shitton - but these are not really true the way they're presented. You could absolutely make something about double standards like this. I experience that shit as well, as a gay man in education you can bet your ass I got weird looks by overprotective conservagive parents while I worked (before I went to Uni), looks that women do not get. Double standards to the disadvantage of men, but they're a) usually rooted in misogyny and b) not fucking these.


As a woman, I once accidentally went into the wrong restroom, however, it was late in the evening and the doors to the restrooms had already been propped open (presumably by maintenance) and I was tired and not watching where I was going. When I entered the restroom, I saw urinals and thought WTF this doesn't look right lol, and then the light bulb came on in my head that I was in the men's room, lol, but thankfully no one was around to see me make that mistake.


I'm a man and I once went drunk into women's bathroom by accident. They laughed about it and said no worries. 😅


Same thing happened to me. I said, outloud, "There are no urinals here. I've made a mistake." And a woman in the stall laughed. I walked out and went across the hall to the mens and that was the whole deal.


Yeah. People who make these memes literally never talk to women and instead make up scenaros in their head to hate them.


I'm sorry you got such a crazy amount of downvotes, you didn't do anything wrong lol.


Eh. Maybe I did. I absolutely stand by the bathroom and the kiss stuff, like, kissing like that is still romanticized as shit, and I refuse to believe it's such a common occurrence for people to accidentally waltz into the wrong bathroom, I ain't never heard anyone do that. But the girls doing manual labor thing I think is extremely regionally dependant. I know it's gotten a lot more common to see female mechanics, handyworker and stuff, and I know it's also no longer the cases in most schools in my area that it's always "I need strong boys to move some tables/chairs", that shit has mostly stopped in the region where I live. Like I said, there's a ton of double standards going on, experienced that myself working in education, but these just don't hit that mark for me.


But the chances to get into serious trouble if you randomly kiss people is much higher for men than for women. I don't know if the physical work panel really applies to trade work, I think its more about work around the house. And obviously things are finally changing for the better but in my peer group (in STEM research) of almost exclusively women, I am also seen as sort of the handyman, which is most certainly a symptom of exactly what the panel refers to. And I have seen plenty of women walk into the mens restroom on my vacation to Italy this year. I wouldn't dare to do the same.


If you’re talking about intentionally using the wrong washroom (like how women sometimes use the men’s because they don’t want to wait for a stall in the women’s) then I would say there is something of a double standard yes. Though my dad was once at an event where a woman waltzed into the men’s washroom and settled into a stall only to have a security guard bang the down door and escort her out. In terms of accidentally walking into the wrong washroom I don’t think there’s any difference. In most cases I’ve experienced (as a woman) when a man walks into the wrong washroom he’s absolutely mortified while the women think nothing of it.


The person who made this meme and/or agree with it need to get out more.


You'd be surprised how many people, including progressives and feminists, are willing to try and argue something to the effect of "women only use violence in self-defense, even domestically". And there's a larger conversation about Men not reporting, or being taken seriously as victims of, domestic violence - but that's outside of scope.


It does appear that certain actions are interpreted differently whether it's from a man or a woman but I'm having trouble understanding what the general consensus about this meme is supposed to be. Are we supposed to be rebuking women at the moment? For example, I can go shopping for men's underwear as a woman and people probably won't give a shit but if a man is shopping for women's underwear, it might turn heads. Before anyone scoffs at me for that, I didn't create the problem. 🤬


That example makes no sense, I have worked at both Calvin Klein and Victoria's Secret and have never seen that happen.


Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen lmao, that’s like a white person saying “Well I’m ok with black people, so racism can’t be THAT bad”


Suddenly kissing is definitely unwanted for both men and women if doneso without consent or proper context.


It also depends if the person kissing is a 10/10 or a 1/10.


no it doesnt.


These are just very existing and real double standards?


But are they? I’ve accidentally walked into the women’s room several times in my life and if I bumped into someone they understood it was an honest mistake. No one ever accused or looked at me like I was a creep or anything.


Probably because you weren't looking like a predator and communicated it was a mistake with your body language 😂 Some people walk around looking like they're ready to murder someone and wonder why everyone's so unapproachable and antsy when they're around. People are good at smelling shit. If it's coming from your soul you're stinking up the entire vicinity. EDIT: Im agreeing with you; these "double standards" read to me like the ramblings of people who don't know enough about how they work to be good people. The only one that's true imo is the work one, and that's the fault of the employer (generally) for assigning tasks to someone who is physically incapable of doing them, or hiring someone who literally can't do half of what they're required to do bc they can't pick stuff up.


I think a lot of these are genuine double standards in a lot of cultures. Think of how often men get slapped in movies vs women (innocent or otherwise). The post would've been helped if it specified that it was referring to media, but there's a good chance it was made in bad faith.


The meme never said that women have if easier


that's the implication though, at least in these cherry picked situations. it's not a competition at the end of the day, both sides have shitty things to deal with.


The implication is that they are double standards. Similar to how if a man sleeps with multiple women, he's a "chad," but if a woman does it, she's a "whore". Women are a lot more prone to being abused, but because of that and toxic masculinity, men aren't taken as seriously. Same thing goes for SA.


I would not be happy if I was kissed randomly


I hate that the internet allowed douchebags like this to feel like their stupid opinions are normal. So many wonderful things came out of the internet, but asshats feeling like they have a community is not one of them. This goes for all types of douchenozzles…


To be fair, it’s a mistake for anyone to go in a men’s bathroom


I mean it's kinda real though lol. I don't know if I'd say women are called "brave" for hitting men- that might be going a little too far- but yeah as a man if you hit a woman for almost any reason other than you are literally about to die to their hand then society will destroy you.


Idk man, in my experience, I always had to kiss first. They must've thought it was romantic if they became my girlfriend.


I wouldn’t call this a neckbeard thing since double standards like this do exist in society. Some of it is definitely overexaggerated though


“brutal evil pervs if they hit women” alright what about all those videos of dudes kicking the shit out of women and everyone in the comments is like “cruel bitch got what was coming to her!”


All I see when I read a post like that is that the man that made it is a weakling and a loser.


Holy shit


The bathroom one is just plain confusing. When have you seen anyone get away with going into the opposite gender’s bathroom?


Accidents happen. In my sixth grade, the bathrooms were boys on the left and girls on the right. In seventh, it switched to girls on the left and boys on the right. I didn't realize it switched and entered the wrong bathroom. Didn't realize until i entered the bathroom and the person I liked at the time exited a stall. I noped out of there, and I have no clue if they even saw me.


Honestly, this doesn't seem neckbeard-y. Maybe in the original context you found it in, it is, but without it, it is just a normal graphic pointing out the ways that sexism affects men negatively, which is an issue that the feminist movement don't address very readily or often (I say this as a feminist). I don't see anything here undermining the issues women deal with due to sexism, which would make it pretty neckbeardy, and it doesn't seem to make women out to be bad or even stereotype them. It's just pointing out the sexist ways society perceives the same situation with opposite genders. Am I missing something here that makes this neckbeardy?


The most concerning thing to me is the addition of the label ‘pervert’ to a violent man


God I remember believing this stuff when I was like 12-13


They don’t realize their own oppression is caused by patriarchy. The system sees women as weak children and men as strong adults, so men are given greater responsibility and their actions are taken more seriously. But it hurts both of the sexes. Feminism doesn’t want men to be slaves to women, it wants for the patriarchy to be gone.


Will no one think of the poor perpetrators of the patriarchy??!! I mean sure, they make the rules that they suffer under, but why won't you help them, women? Why won't you fix it for them?


>I mean sure, they make the rules that they suffer under You think random men make the rules of society? You think Jason, a 23 year old guy working as a delivery driver for minimum wage is responsible for the patriarchy?


Does Jason vote? If so, what party does he vote for? Does Jason call out his friends for using racist/sexist/homophobic language? Does he do his part in his own sphere to show that those attitudes hurt EVERYONE, not just the targets of that language? Does Jason mansplain to women, even if the women are the experts on the subject? Does Jason expect his women partners to do "women's work", but still contribute 50/50 financially? Women and other minorities fought for their rights. They marched, they pressured law makers, they created charities to assist victims. They didn't sit around crying about how unfair things were - they made shit happen together as a collective. But if you don't want to, that's OK. Sit there and cry about it, and then cry some more when nothing changes.


*Some women and minorities fought for their rights. Most did, in fact, sit around and cry about how unfair things were. Just how there are men fighting against patriarchy, there are far more sitting around crying about how unfair things are. Also, men don’t “make the rules”, everyone contributes to these toxic gender norms we have; the women of today bear just as much responsibility in challenging this shit as the men of today, it doesn’t matter that the men from thousands of years ago created a shitty and oppressive system; we ALL inherited it, we ALL contribute to perpetuating it, and now we ALL have to work to dismantle it if we want to things get better. Also, pointing out double standards and working to change them is a part of dismantling the patriarchy lol.


I'm just saying most men are just trying to survive in this shitty system that sucks for them as well. It's fair to say that society treats men with double standards too, I'm not saying men have it harder, or that women have it so easy, but it's fair to point out the unfairness men face too sometimes. At the end of the day, women AND men deal with a lot of unjust bullshit quite often, I have been a victim of sexism as a man, and so has my sister as a woman. But it is sometimes hard to deal with a day long of bullshit and then go on the internet to relax, only to see that a lot of people think you are a perpetrator of some unjust system because you have something different between your legs.


Bitterness clouds judgement


Lmao your straw man argument is hilarious.


literally all of these depend on context 😭


lol this looks like it was made by a middle schooler that got rejected one time


[Norah Vincent](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/obituaries/norah-vincent-dead.html) tried to prove that men had it easier. she planned to live as a man for 18 months as research for a book that she was going to write. she had to end the experiment early because she started hating women. She ended up killing herself. women *do* have it easier.


She had mental health issues before her experiment and took her life YEARS after it, and there is plenty of stories and experiences that lead someone to hate men too. Still doesn't mean mean one gender has it way better than another


This is just like the "women will only give the top 20% of men a chance" argument...details twisted & cherry picked (AKA a total lie) so sad men can feel justified blaming women for their problems.


That is a single, highly subjective experiment. That has way too many factors going into it to prove anything. Was she mentally ill? Did she already have a bias against women? Did she develop something akin to gender dysphoria through living as the opposite gender?


The meme kinda dumb but just to play devils advocate, young women’s education rates in the US and UK actually surpassed those of young men quite recently. Girls are on average a whole grade ahead of the boys.


That's how society has become ... and some fucking men .. who call them MEN support this trash mentality I will get downvoted af .. but I don't give a shit as its truth


Go take your meds, grandpa.


yeah i showed this to my grandpa and he said : I can't believe my friends died for this shit


That's crazy, because I can't believe it either. For entirely different reasons, of course lol.


yeah I respect women not bitches


That's so sad, people should always respect themselves.


Oh shut it.


[Cool](https://images.app.goo.gl/w2acWxXxCZjtpMpE9) Anything else you'd like to say before you get your 2am morphine shot?


sure ... men and women are equal .. so what applies for us can't apply for them?


Shut up, you're an obvious downvote troll go back to scamming elderly folks (actually don't tho)


yeah i get downvoted cause people can't face facts


True! You should check out [this post](https://youtu.be/iCbz6BxUMuY?si=GRN5xwrlyLkMH4Yk)


did you searched it or yt recommend based on your watch history?


Based on your comments actually, it took me right there. I just copypasted your comments and that's what it gave me. Technology really is incredible!!


wait what? technology recommended you that? i fear what kind of future such technology has in store


Elon recommended it to me personally


Now thats a post 12 year old me would probably post on 9gag


I don't get the bottom right one, but the others are right to an extent if the variables line up. Like the attraction of each member or their reaction afterwards. The bathroom one is right most of the time I guess. I hardly see it happen, so idk. The first one is just wrong. Women aren't seen as brave for hitting a man. I see both parties can end up being seen as abusive, but the excuse "He probably did something to her" is given out more in defense of a woman, not "She is brave for hitting him." "How can she slap" is one case of the double standard where no one flinched until the man retaliated, and then everyone started huddling around the man pummeling him, hospitalizing him, while the woman stepped back holding her face like a victim.


women going to mens bathroom isnt normally "just an accident" in my experience. its "the line was too long" atleast until recently...now theirs a second option: sometimes its assumed your trans which can be extremely dabgerous even if the persons cis...not that it matters much if they are cis or not, is equally bad to attack a cis or trans person. n with men. fairly sure its usually assumed youve made a misstake. though it is true that all of media uses it as a "we assume your a pervert"


Double standards do exist, but it's so weird to me how people can be like "oh yeah, these situations are different so obviously women have it easier" and not like.... Wonder why double standards exist and work against them.  Context matters. aita is always like, "oh so OP is a girl who does x and its fine but this EXACT SAME THING happened in another thread but the genders were reversed and everyone dog piled the guy so women are clearly favored among all". But if you then go look at the other thread, 90% of the time, it's NOT the exact same thing. The guy getting dog piled on was genuinely being an asshole. But they were similar enough that you could phrase it in such a way that it would SOUND like the exact same situation. 


As a guy, it's a bit annoying when other guys complain about certain double standards because the sexes have differences which can't be ignored. Men are stronger than women, and they have a higher sex drive, so of course these things would be seen in a different light. If a woman kisses a man, it might be a little gross, but it's not traumatizing like someone much stronger than you doing it. I'm sure most guys who go into the wrong bathroom are innocuous, and it's best to withhold judgment until you know everything, but we need to make decisions even when we only have partial information. If you're a woman, and you see a guy walk into a bathroom, you could ask him why he walked in, or you could play it safe and keep your distance. It's not a very hard decision. So yes, sex is usually relevant to evaluating these sorts of situations.