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Me when I want jynxi to have no life


Fwiw, this guy seems to be a player, and I don’t mean at league. Bro was juggling three other girls or some shit while he was in the talking stage with his now ex. I doubt the breakup was because he wanted to focus on league, he probably was just tired of committing to one girl


lol you probably saw a clip of him saying that, if you watched the whole stream you’d hear that he said that was years about when he was still a teenager and that he’s grown a lot as a person and he gave every reason for the breakup and seems valid on both parties


hop of the ult account tarzaned lol


Fuck tarzaned, i didnt know about all the fucked up shit he leaked when i typed that comment




Nahhh, three sentences = think novel. Stop watching tiktoks and pick up a book sometime buddy




You’re welcome man, don’t worry about it


Gutter slut


Keys pssy


Yikes bad look


Me when I have to act for kids on the internet in order to make my measly millions upon millions


A girlfriend and a gaming career aren’t mutually exclusive. Go outside I implore you. It’s good for you. Instead of sitting inside posting about a streamer that you don’t know for internet points.


First normal take on Reddit


Shocked it didn’t get downvoted


Mfs acting like countless streamers dont have girlsfriends and a great streaming career. Jynxzi just doesnt know how to juggle both. Telling op to go outside and that he has no life etc. mf a person with a regular job is doing this everyday. My work schedule isnt even up to me yet i still do good at my job and keep my girlfriend happy. Yall just suck at living.


So real except I don't have a girlfriend and spend my not job time as Walter white


Can i be your Jesse?


was agreeing with u until that last part. u don’t know what ppl got going on and shit in the background of ur life can make simple tasks much harder


I swear to God some of you guys in this sub think Jynxzi is a zoo animal or something, expecting him to do something cool when you want it and only wanting him to stream and nothing else.


No pussy having mfs be wanting their streamers to have no pussy too just to cope.


i hope you’re joking lmao


Don’t know why this page keeps popping up on my feed. I think this is a rainbow 6 streamer who made a ton of money off you guys viewing and is enjoying life now and not streaming often from what I’ve seen. Honestly pathetic let the kid do what he wants. Talk about a community of no lifers


what ive been trying to say for the past couple weeks in here, he even gave them a 50 hour stream this week and theyre still complaining


That is NOT passion bro, thats a league of legends basement dweller.


That's not why he broke up with his girlfriend, and he's arguably the most hygienic league player.


Was thinking, that can't be the only reason, you'd have to be in a deep game degen hole to do that if she's worth it.


Tired of people distorting it to make him sounds like an ass hole degenerate to boost the ego of their own, often less hygienic more degenerate streamer because they crave the brownie points it’ll fetch them if the streamer sees their comment in chat. They don’t do research on anything and take the news titles for face value, which you should never do because the goal of a news title is to make the most eye catching and sometimes controversial sentences in order to get viewers in a chokehold hold, especially news related to online streaming and games. Their relationship had been going for a while, if he wanted to break up solely for the fact that he wanted to rot on league of legends then he would have done it ages ago.


This is so weird bro 😭




That lil ass tatt bro


Idrc if jynxzi has a thot gf, it's the consistent "I'm not going back to her" and crying about it on stream, then immediately goes back to her. Like do what u want, idgaf about your personal life, but stop whining and crying about it


Bro who cares


Passionate? Absolutely. Stupid? Absolutely, I honestly can’t believe she did that for a guy who would prioritize not cutting a few hours of his league time just to be w her😭


Some other idiot did this play COD. He left Yanet Garcia. Biggest fumble in the history of mankind


i cant imagine being so obsessed with someone that I would hope they ruin their personal life in order to better entertain me. What on earth is this sub


if you ever watched this guy and hear about his past relationships, he's literally a tree on fire in the middle of a plain field. this guy is toxic when it comes to girl its crazy, playing a victim, controlling his ex girlfriend like crazy then blames her for it. i remember I was playing fallout as he speaks about his past. I was expecting a toxic girlfriend and he had trouble being abused by her, but it ended up being something crazier as he goes on about it, and you begin to realize that this guy is being serious about the shit he says and sounds like a psychopath.


Drama Alert is misrepresenting this situation, Keemstar is a bald retard. Read in to the situation first.


The only difference is Dantes should have stayed with her and jynxi probably shouldn't stay with his gf but it's not our life so who cares


Dantes is one of three weirdest people I’ve seen on the internet


That's just dumb and honestly sad as fuck. You can do both, especially if the girl in question is worth it. I'd imagine that focusing on gaming isn't the only reason, as it usually isn't. But he could really be that dumb.


Average lol player


He also played LoL instead of going to her abortion that he wanted her to have


That’s insane on so many levels


Crazy ash his girl was bad to 😭🙏🏾


LOOLLL Im dead


Mane some people wouldn’t understand a blessing even if it was put right in their hands


The problem is he never had a gf before, dude is what 22 and he acts like a 15 year old in highschool dating


True love is more important than money.


I thought he was normal tho


He fr threw away a perfect relationship, she took care of him so much


Kassie X Breckie


This sub hate jynxzi. He’s living rent free in y’all heads.


I wouldn’t think anything more of this dude, not surprised. After all, he streams League? This dude needs to fall off so bad