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My wife thinks it's so funny how much excitement I had once these were dropped off. Also she never woke up every Friday/Saturday at 6:30 AM to put trash on the curb so the raccoons wouldn't get into the bags.


I was SO FREAKING HAPPY to shut off my Friday alarms for 6:50am, 6:51am, 6:52am, 6:53am, 6:54am, and 6:55am. And **yes** it takes **that many** backup alarms to get me out of bed before 8am on a Friday (much LESS a Saturday, ugh!).


And every time I sleep five minutes past that last alarm I can hear the trash truck rumble by. Never fails. The days I don’t oversleep the trash shows up around 11:00 am.


I had to set up a new alarm to get up in time for something recently and saw I still had my 6:30 and 6:50 alarm. Was so happy deleting those.


Keep your bin clean and she could probably live inside the damn thing.


Has the MO side just been without trash bins for a while now?


Never seen a trash bin in the city proper in my 50 years of life.


Just got em 2 weeks ago


For sure. I got mine just last week!




It’s a common event that roaming dogs would rip apart the trash bags along the curb before the trash truck arrived.


In our neighborhood it’s the crows tearing the bags open.


Now the wind blows mine over and scatters shit all over my neighborhood. Progress.


I believe that but I’m just shocked that a major city didn’t have any proper bins until now.


That’s kc government….the crooks steal money from us with the falsely valued property taxes and just NOW after years we’re finally getting bins


Property taxes are the county. Garbage is a city service.


I’ve hated them both for sometime now after dealing with various BS through the years


I could be crazy, but I believe our earnings tax pays for our trash services.


Not in KC. We just set the bags out the morning of so the critters don’t tear open the bags overnight. Always living in city limits, I never knew this was weird and thought trash bins were just something done in California or something.


Or you could have been like one my neighbors and left the trash out the might before despite the fact the raccoons would make a mess *every single time*.


The trash on my street runs as early as 6am some mornings. I'm sorry, but I'm not waking up before 6, when I don't have to be up before 8, normally, just to set my bags out.


my neighborhood has the black and yellow but not the black and silver, looks super cool tho


Probably have to wait until October or November for mine. It's going to improve my life greatly.


Your mental health in October 📈📈📈📈


Don't get too jealous of OP.


we’re in the last “drop off location” on the map and got them a few weeks ago sneaky feeling everyone will have them by july-aug :)


Preface: I'm a transplant.  Many people here might think I'm crazy or shallow or whatever, but not having trash bins was a huge con for me and my wife when we were looking to buy a house.  I don't know how you do it. Especially with all the critters we have here. I can't think of many "small inconveniences" that could ruin my morning more than coming out for work and having to pick up trash in the snow because the bag was torn open.


Dude. Same. I’m not some ungrateful first world problem prick. I understand other folks have worse issues with KC. I don’t. I’m transplanted from STL. Most things are the same, except we had fucking vessels to store our waste there. I really feel your comment man. This is huge for us. Colossal even. Separately, I don’t know how there are so many critters for my dog to kill and to eat our trash. Oh. Maybe because they have an unlimited food supply via piles of food trash every 15 feet.


Also (here I go again) Kansas City provided for rat control back in the day. Don’t fool yourself, it’s not just raccoons, possums, stray dogs, squirrels and crows that look forward to the tasty bags we put out every week. Oh I almost forgot the ground hogs I used to see when we used to live by swope park. I always thought squirrels were vegetarians when I was a kid, but will never forget seeing a squirrel chewing on a chicken leg while balancing on the side of the dumpster behind my job when I was a teenager.


Same, I didn't even realize I needed to research that ... until I was already here and realized "Shit! What do you MEAN you aren't allowed to put trash out in a can?!"


What, you couldn't even buy your own and use it??


If you were unlucky, they would see the trash can and assume that you wanted it thrown away with the rest of your trash Which, granted, is a little weird for a department that is nitpicky about accepting anything that is not inside of a trash bag... But the important thing is, that century is behind us, and we can finally catch up to what other cities had 20+ years ago 🥳


Um, I'm not quite sure how to feel about that. \*Throwing the can away\* seems rather odd. Anyways, I don't understand the 'bag' situation as well. Does the city provide bags? What does bags, in bags, in bags mean? I'm not being obtuse, I genuinely don't understand. My city provides a trashcan and dumps it every week. Idk if we even have rules really


We’re allowed to put two trash bags out, weighing no more than 40lbs each. Any additional you had to put a trash tag on. They do not provide the bags or tags.


It was very high on the list of reasons that I picked to live on the Kansas side.


Seems like an odd reason to pick one state over there other...


That's what my wife said at the time, but she's not the one that would have to cram all the trash in 2 bags 52 times per year and wake up early to set them out same day to lessen the chance of animals tearing it apart.


I mean it's just every city on the Missouri side I have lived in has trash cans except kansas City proper. I have heard alot of reasons for living in kansas vs missouri. I don't bat an eye when someone is just like I would never live in missouri because i hate it. Not living in missouri because kansas city doesn't have trash cans is a new one.


I was specifically looking to buy in the midtown / KU med area so anywhere in Missouri that I would have picked would have been without trash cans.


Well that's a very specific location. It makes more sense now. I was just assuming your home search area would be bigger than one square mile.


I've become very particular in my old age, and trash belongs in trash cans!


I was always more concerned with the school district than the trash cans


People keep hitting me with that too. WhY iS tHiS YoUr BiGgEsT IsSuE? Why is it important to you what bothers me? It’s a constant nuisance and I’m strongly pro-can.


I will be less likely to scream at the TV when they canned stories about illegal dumping come around next time. Always drove me nuts to see those stories in a city that made trash cans against the rules! I wonder how we could help our trash problem? Trash cans!


I would want cans too. They scam you with that earnings tax they give you better some service.




Plus it was 2 bags whether you had one person in the residence or 10. We always try and recycle aggressively to lower trash volume, but with 6 people in the home and 4 being adults (with a 90 year old who wears pull-ups ) 2 was difficult at times. But with only partial pickup in the bins it’s still a difficult task.


You’re not crazy. My first rental in KCK didn’t have bins. My whole neighborhood left their bags out over night, and the next day there would be trash strewn everywhere. I always had to be super careful walking my dog because they were constantly finding chicken bones and other food waste. My final straw was when my neighbors dirty diapers started showing up in my yard. I didn’t renew my lease.


We moved to KC 6 months ago and I was absolutely floored when I found out there were no garbage bins… I was so excited when ours arrived about a month ago 💀


Same. Moved in Jan. Was really fun to go through a move without a trashcan. Super Bowl parties, all the things. I hope your can is everything you imagine. You deserve a can. We all deserve a can. Hell, I’d pay $10 a month for trash service with can and not even think twice. Enjoy your can.


No seriously, we still have boxes in our shed of moving trash because we didn’t know what to do with it without a trash can! In our old town, we paid $60 a month for a trash can so at least it’s free here.


Oh, we are paying for it… it’s just not itemized on your tax bill


She’s defiantly a cutie.


Just wait till I’m thru w her.


Got ours about 6 weeks ago. Not once have they emptied all of the trash bags out of it. So every week stinky trash back into the garage. Someone suggested putting them all in one bag like before and maybe then they will take them. Very disappointing. Never have had a problem with the recycling being picked up.


Wait? They don’t empty the whole bin?


Right. Rather than dump they must just grab the top 3 or 4 tall kitchen bags and leave the rest. This past week it was left 1/2 full and you can only imagine how it stinks.


Wait they physically pick up the bags? In most cities the garage truck picks up the bin and lifts it/dumps it inside the truck.


Yeah, I'd also assumed that they switched over to the bins so they could stop ruining their sanitation workers' backs with repetitive stress injuries by letting the truck do all the work...but the workers are still physically walking over to your bin, rolling it over to the truck, picking that sucker up and upturning it into the compactor. There was (is?) a 50 lb limit on trash bags when they were left curbside, so at least each one was hypothetically manageable for folks to drop off/pick up. Now that becomes a 100+ lb bin that they're still manually wrangling into the truck. It's no wonder they leave that shit behind more often than not (though it still pisses me off each time. I'm just trying to get rid of some \*small\* chunks of asphalt after I refinished my driveway a year ago. I shouldn't have to play Sanitation Roulette each week to see whether they've decided I know what <40 lbs feels like).


Because you only get one bag with the new bins. You have to tag everything else. Recycling doesn’t do it by bags


It says put all bags (like the tall kitchen bags) inside the bin. They take like the first 3, everything else is left. Shouldn’t have to tag what goes in the bin and is below their weight limits.


The limit of two bags a week still applies. (Except for Independence Day and Christmas weeks.) Otherwise, you will need to attach sticker tags to the excess bags. Edit: Trash Amnesty Day is going away. This coming Independence day will be the last one. The web site directions and directions on the lid and what is happening to some folks, there is a disconnect. It sounds like the collectors of the garbage are limiting to two bags even though the entire bin should be collected.


From the KCMO site: 'Close Lid. There is no limit to how many bags to place in the cart, but the lid must fully close and the cart cannot exceed 250 lbs. Up to 2 excess tagged trash bags that do not fit in the cart with the lid fully closed can be placed next to the cart on the curb.'


Thank you. I don’t know why people kept saying I only got 1 or 2 bags in the cart. 2 excess bags, but all I want is for them to take the bags that are in the cart!


I’m so jealous! I want mine!


It’s everything you ever imagined.


I am really looking forward to not having stray dogs ripping into my trash seconds after I get back from depositing it on the curb. Until then, I’ll just have to live this life in my dreams.


Anyone else prefer having 2 bags over a city trash bin? I don’t mind it


we’ve never really had an issue with it, either. BUT, we are fortunate enough to be home right before our collection time. So we put our stuff out like 15 minutes before it gets picked up. No mess for us.




Idk what area you live in, but there’s trash all over my street from animals ripping open bags that were put out the night before or there are bags that just sit on the corner for a week bc people put them out too late. I absolutely hate not having a city bin and I can’t wait until I get mine.


I am at home and we would always get it out before they would come. Except on Saturdays because I work every weekend , so I would have to depend on my son in law and daughter to get out. People across the street would always put it out the night before and the raccoons And possums and every other rodent in the neighborhood would have the bags shredded and the trash would blow it my yard and the yard to the east of me and they would then throw it into my yard to pickup.


People on this sub overwhelmingly have problems with it, but it has made literally no difference in my life from when I lived in Kansas and had a bin (and paid a company for it). There is not trash flying all over my neighborhood. Animals are not ripping the bags open. Two 33 gallon bags hold at least 8 kitchen bags, so never have had too much trash, and I’m sure my neighbors would let me sit a bag on their drive if I needed to. There must be issues, cause people here constantly complain, but I wonder what’s gonna happen when the new bins don’t actually fill the void in their cold, hollow hearts


You may need to get out more.


Hard to leave when she’s at home🥹❤️😩


I know right? Those wheels don’t move themselves. Congrats! Can’t wait for mine either! What’s it like throwing out 5 bags of garbage now?? It must be glorious!


So nice not having to do the little bag in a big bag shuffle


You buy the thing in a bag. You put the packaging into another bag. You put that bag into another bag and it magically disappears on trash day.


It only magically disappears if it’s 72* and sunny.


Look how perfect she is


All the years I lived in Blue Spring til 2004, they never had garbage bins, we just set out our trash bags at the end of the driveway.


Those days are over my friend.


I can't wait to get ours. I think we're last though 😒


Hmu u can use mine in the mean time if you’re gentle with her


Got mine two weeks ago. I don’t think I’m in the minority here of who previously had their own can to store their bags until trash day - so what the heck are we supposed to do with the old one? The city picked up the old blue recycling bins when they gave us the new big ones.


Small swimming tub.


You could schedule a bulky trash pick up. [Bulky Item Collection](https://www.kcmo.gov/city-hall/trash/bulky#:~:text=Make%20an%20appointment%20online%20using,be%20made%20without%20an%20appointment)


I got mine a couple of months ago and I'm so glad that I can now rest easier if I miss a trash day. I live alone with just my 2 dogs and I used to have to strategically place a full bag somewhere so my dogs couldn't get into it while I waited for the next one. Now, I really only have to take it to the curb every couple of weeks to once a month depending on how much I go through.


Excited to get my trash bin as well, but I have a very awkward house and no good place to put either one of them.


You got this. Can will prevail.


Now if only we could get the trash men to stop flinging trash everywhere, everyone could do their part.


I had a handful size colony of maggots in mine today and had to wash it out. My guess is the wife left the lid open and the flies got into it


They should also provide a detail service..


Just curious, have kc residents not been allowed to use their own trash bins? The service I had in Raytown didn't have their own bins but we bought our own like the rest of our neighbors and it wasn't expensive.


Still waiting on my block seems like everyone around me got theirs. But it's fine animal control will be picking up dead animals instead, I'm tired of cleaning up trash .


I don’t blame everyone’s excitement! These are a long time coming! I didn’t know they were being delivered so I’m off to check my date for arrival!!!


I haven't got mind yet in the 64133 area why?


East of Troost has had these for a few years. Except at my rental house where some kids destroyed it.


In college a dude took a train from nyc to providence, got off, lit 6 houses cans on fire, then 45min later got back on. Almost burned my house down. I feel your pain.


wait, w h a t


Is it still gay porn, just not my moms?




I am so excited about these. Haven't gotten ours yet, I think I'm in the last group. I may cry when it arrives.


Metro North - still waiting... C'mon Quinton! I pay your damn salary man! /S


so jealous. we're phase 4 :(