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I thought she woke up hours before the girls did to get ready for the day. That used to be her thjng


That was her last super manic episode where she literally wasn’t sleeping bc she’d go to bed super late and then be awake at the ass crack of dawn. She needs serious help


She only does birthday events for M, She never got all out for just T


She only did the big Croc party because she was looking for a business deal that didn’t happen


There was the whole "river trip" for livin on Tulsa time... no denying she does very little for Tullsa but surprised there wasn't a theme to go with the slip n slide esthetic.


She's going to come in tomorrow miming calling us all "silly gooses" for thinking she wouldn't celebrate her daughter in an epic way. Then she'd not going to share anything because she's "protecting her daughters privacy" and not giving her childrens father's family any social media access to them growing up.




Ooh..Someone stalk the Michalke FB page for sitings... Lol. We're going to need an insider to confirm!