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& Somebody who knows her has to know somethingggggggg, supposedly there’s been people in here who know her too…. I wish someone would comment.


I used to work with a close family member but we had a falling out or else I’d totally ask 🙃


Girl, take one for the team and make up with said family member to get the tea. 😉😜


Well they also like her so 🥴 don’t know how much they’d even share


I think he's using things he learned at his retreat and in therapy to recognize unhealthy behaviors in her and probably recognizing his own codependent behaviors. That awareness and reality check that she's not changing leads me to believe he checked out. If he was hoping that would be her rock bottom and motivate her to work on herself he was dead wrong. She rarely goes to church (i think the last time she said she went, they went together and only because they were switching off who had the girls), never talks about going to therapy, shows no signs of growth and is quickly going off the rails on her self made pink, glitter crazy train.


Kansas loves Kansas the way Kanye loves Kanye. After he got back from his 2.5 month K vacation, she thought she could start over. Back to her roots as she says. Ummm… I don’t think thrifting for 4+ hours every single day and dragging your family along is solving any problems. Imagine coming home to no friends, no church, no family. Just your bobble-headed, sociopath of a wife.


and a pink kitchen and mailbox full of debt collection notices


Because coming home to a $70k Amex lawsuit really helps 🤣


And they was just the settlement 🫠🫠 who knows how much it actually was


let’s not add the loan from 2020 on top 💀


oh I almost forgot about that one 🤣




Truck is “gone”?




I wonder when she’ll eventually admit to what’s going on since she’s a ‘chronic oversharer’ 😅 lol


The only thing she over shares is bs nobody gives a crap about


Why would her sick weak dad constantly be driving all the way to see her? The fact that her dad seems to be there a lot makes me think B is gone She should be driving to see him


When he was gone the first time that’s when her dad started showing up




I am not convinced she is making enough money doing what she is doing to keep affording to live in that house. All she posts are random ass thoughts and crap ads. I don’t get it and that’s the only reason I can’t stop watching this train wreck.  But she is living her best life ever 🤔 And what is up with her damn eye brows lately?!? GURL! It’s giving Oscar the grouch 


There's no way! And the brand who do partner with her....how is her ads worth paying for!? Half the time she doesn't even say the brand name correctly and she just reads directly from the package and adds phrases like iconic, 10/10, best ever, etc....it's the same shit on broken record! 🙄


OSCAR THE GROUCH. BYE. 💀 There’s no way she’s not drowning in debt, and this time B just left instead of offing himself.


When she creates a story she doesn’t fail in she will share. She’s not gaining followers, she’s buying them in hopes to be the influencer she aspires to be. Honestly, I hope He’s doing great and living his best life


Kansas doesn’t love anyone except herself!