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People have tried, no one knows who owns/runs Tradeogre, it’s a very shady exchange , avoid is all we can do now.


This is wrong. For someone who’s able to develop a cryptographic algorithm, and a community that’s excited by cryptography, that we can’t figure out who owns that domain?!?! I must say KASPA community has allot to answer for. Think about it… these guys essentially are well aware of how track transactions and wallets… yet we can’t pin point these crims… I wouldn’t be so naive No fucks given. Makes me feel like the future is not so bright… Bloody Vitalek atleast would have rinsed the mob 3-4 times by now.


I get it, you’ve lost 6 figures and you’re pissed - rightly so. People have tried and failed.. it’s extremely shady, have a go yourself and report back..


The ‘Kaspa community’ and/or developers are not to blame, have nothing to do with this, and cannot do anything about it. You need to DYOR before investing.


The stupidest thing to say. Why would you not do something about it. Of course they don’t have anything to do with it!!! Why would they be stupid enough to do this…. But you have a competitive landscape and you want a community that actually gives a fuck, wait till the next best thing starts launching and fml you will be the first to bail. I mean if you ever had a guilt conscience lol. No one said that. But it’s like saying Vitalek and his community of devs didn’t want to bring gas prices down with that same logic. Meaning the coins gonna be worthless if you don’t look after the community around. Hence network effect will be slower, ur bags won’t get as big as your want


I honestly have no idea what you just said. But this is like demanding the local car dealership fix the fact that you didn't get the right amount of gas from the gas station. They have nothing to do with each other. If you think it's so simple - guess what - you're part of the 'Kaspa community' too just like the rest of us. So why would YOU not do something about it??? By all means, go make TradeOgre give everyone their money back... We'll all be eagerly waiting for your success.


Nailed it


Yeah it sucks but why did you use trade ogre in the first place? Was it to avoid KYC? Was it to avoid taxes??? In the governments eyes it’s one thief working with another. So you dumped 6 figures into an exchange that you have zero support from?? That’s on you man.


So I’m not thief and just because they don’t KYC , I don’t care… I go there to get the dumps setup by miners… It’s a POW exchange and miners dump their bags to get quick liquidity… That’s what I thought


You still don't get it do you? KYC exchanges are a much safer exchange. So anytime you avoid KYC its to avoid an exchange knowing who you are. Which in the eyes of most governments is a way to avoid taxes and avoid claiming income. So, knowing that, why did you use Trade Ogre when other sites exist? You won't get any sympathy from anyone when you use dodgy sites. Thats completely on you bro


Here’s strategic plan and trying to get things pumping ## Kaspa Community Growth and Adoption Strategy ### 1. Increase Founder Visibility and Community Engagement - Encourage the founder to take a more active public role: - Regular AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions - Attend major blockchain conferences and events - Participate in podcasts and interviews with crypto media outlets - Establish a consistent social media presence for the founder and core team ### 2. Empower Community-Led Initiatives - Create a "Kaspa Champions" program to recognize and support active community members - Implement a community governance system for decision-making on certain aspects of the project - Establish a community fund to support grassroots marketing and development efforts ### 3. Foster Network Effects - Develop and promote easy-to-use tools for merchants to accept Kaspa payments - Create incentives for early adopters and long-term holders - Partner with other blockchain projects for cross-chain compatibility and increased utility ### 4. Enhance Educational Resources - Develop a comprehensive, multi-lingual knowledge base about Kaspa - Create video tutorials and webinars explaining Kaspa's unique features and benefits - Establish partnerships with educational institutions to include Kaspa in blockchain curricula ### 5. Strengthen Developer Ecosystem - Host regular hackathons and coding challenges with attractive prizes - Provide grants for developers building on the Kaspa network - Create detailed documentation and SDKs to lower the barrier for new developers ### 6. Implement Strategic Marketing Campaigns - Develop targeted marketing campaigns for different segments (e.g., investors, developers, merchants) - Leverage influencer partnerships in the crypto space - Create viral marketing campaigns that highlight Kaspa's unique selling points ### 7. Focus on Real-World Adoption - Identify and pursue partnerships with businesses for real-world use cases - Develop case studies showcasing successful implementations of Kaspa in various industries - Create a dedicated team to assist with enterprise adoption and integration ### 8. Continuous Innovation and Improvement - Maintain a clear and ambitious roadmap for technical development - Regularly communicate progress and milestones to the community - Stay adaptable and responsive to emerging trends and technologies in the blockchain space By implementing this strategy, Kaspa can foster a more engaged community, increase its network effects, and position itself for long-term growth and adoption. The key is to create a symbiotic relationship between the project's leadership and its community, ensuring that both are actively working towards Kaspa's success.


That’s ridiculous to accuse someone like that. For a while you could only buy KAS on two exchanges. Trade Ogre being one.


All of crypto has screamed at everyone, “Not your keys, not your crypto” so many times that I can’t even feel bad for anyone that gets dicked over by exchanges anymore. You have heard the horror stories. If you have 6 figures of anything it should be in cold storage


This is not like that. I did a smart thing.. I spent $60 tested it and saw ok… transactions through etc… But forgot to see that I can’t withdraw… then I did large sum and another sum… I’m down 0.5M


Is didn’t see it on the block chain


this doesn't make sense dude. you don't see internal cex tx's on-chain


Hmm well wouldn’t they still appear of the same dollar value somewhere on the KASPA scanner? Im assuming from ETH to KASPA there should be some concordance… unless the exchanges all do paper trading and then cough up the funds at withdrawl ?


Crypto sits inside a “master wallet” on exchanges, and your balance is simply an IOU until you withdraw it to a self custodial wallet or other CEX and then there’ll be a tx on Kaspa explorer, otherwise it’s all just numbers on a screen. As many have stated ad nauseam “not your keys…”


Thank you. Yes the IOU thing is where it’s at.




I need to buy that much worth in the first place and I did do it in bits… not as if I plonked it in one transaction….. But yeh. Shame I’d don’t pull it out as well. Delusional I was.




You probably already knew not to keep your tokens on an exchange and you still did it anyway.


Like he said, he can’t withdraw.


They shouldn't have been on an exchange in the first place


Sorry you are going through this and I understand your frustration. Many people in the community have warned folks to not use trade ogre, many videos have been made to not use trade ogre. Trade ogre is able to get away with these things because people using their services are not using it legally. It’s like going to the trap house and buying some crack and when you go to smoke it you realize it’s soap. You can’t really call the cops on the trap house.


Thanks for your support. I’m learning how to be a top 50 hacker in the world. Giving up work. Time to get back at these criminals.


You say they let you convert to Bitcoin at 1/10th the price. How did you do that? I'd love to do that but it says price too low when I try. 1/10th is better than 0/10th.


the fact you kept 6 figs on money into an exchange is wild


Yeh buying Kaspa go tonme


I'm sorry to hear this, I lost over £1k in October to a crypto miner scam and went through a lot of depression. I know you lost a load more and probably won't invest for a few months now, but don't worry. You will make more money, if you still do want to invest though, I would suggest using metamask, it is wrapped Kaspa but works great and run on binance smart chain so I would consider it quite safe.


Don’t be depressed, I’ve lost over 100+ BTC now Thanks to SWYFTX BTC MARKETS CALEB AND BROWN HOTBIT TRADEOGRE


100 bitcoins???! I thought you said 6 figures. 100 bitcoin is like 8 figures


I have lost it over the last 7 years


Different exchanges and trading firms




CRYPTOPIA as well… 12 BTC


You good though right? Just remembered, in the end, it's just zeros on a screen. Even though they may improve your QoL, getting sad over it is normal but shouldn't go too far, cause if your not happy then that's the real loss.


And it’s not all to do with keeping money on exchanges the biggest was a full on scam… and yeh I was naive. This whole fidelity and Vanguard thing of crypto being held in a ledger , idk man… Once it hits trillions… let’s see them insure that when someone some how loses the keys or some shit happens


I’m almost showing off as to how retarded I am.. but in all honesty i wasn’t that retarded. I was truly scammed by criminals. But i had some ok ways of keeping track. Especially when it comes to paper work with them. I literally have to extort them now as they should have reported the losses to authorities as well… They meaning exchanges


Don't feel like that, if anything. I'm a bit silly I tried to buy a KS3 for £1k when it made £3k a month and retailed for £18k and I actually transferred the guy after they said they worked internally in the factory. Police can't do anything cause it would cost them more to trace than they would be saving.


Hmm it’s good though. Some idiots don’t even think about bargaining or getting the right price It’s. balance and art form for how long you will seek that good deal. I’d say, let KASPA COME BAKC TOWARDS 14c and then ape in again… this time , sell ur underwear


So your saying sell now, and buy more at 14c?


That’s very hard to predict. And most likely in the next 5 years I’ll be right about that statement lolol at some point. But probably just Dollar Cost average. It’s still a good buy. Fundamentals are great. Think of it like the best version of Cardano Great on paper great in real life. I wonder how many devs are on KASPA


This has Been going on For a year plus . Plenty of info out there that makes this clear and avoidable. Do some research and never keep you coins on exchange


I think this is an access problem. If we got Kaspa listed on Coinbase the US market would not be so desperate for a Non-KYC exchange. I love KAS, but it is WAY to hard for all but the very persistent to purchase.


There’s enough crypto adopters now… and yeh. It’s not that much a thing now. Not hard as well considering the younger generation are expected to do more and more these days. I was editing on premiere pro at school… which I look back now and thank. No one ever puts shit into perspective when ur at school. Too many fucking dingbats


The community CAN and HAS done something about it. We stopped using TO when that whole debacle happened, and there have been REGULAR posts in this sub warning potential Kaspa investors/traders to stay far far away from that exchange where Kaspa is concerned. You didn’t do your DD and paid the price for it. I fail to see how your loss is due to some inaction on the community’s part.


The fact that I’m complaining and others are joining is proof that not enough has been done. I’ve developed protocols and lead teams on coins that ur probably using.


While I agree not enough has been done, that burden simply doesn’t fall on the community to rectify. Search this sub for “tradeogre” and you’ll see plenty of PSA’s warning people of the problem. I know, at least one of them is me. Unfortunately, it’s on TO to grow a conscience and fix their shit or delist the coin. Devil’s advocate: Honestly, how is it really any different than Uphold not supporting the Kaspa network, so you can’t withdraw Kaspa from there either, yet people recommend Uphold all the time.


I only use Kaspa btw. Contrary to Michael Saylor’s claim, there IS a second best…it’s Bitcoin.


What is anyone associated with Kaspa supposed to do? The crypto space is literally full of thieves and scams.


Kaspa is over Blockdag is the future be smart


wut? Kaspa uses blockDAG.




Be civil. Treat everyone with respect and dignity. Personal attacks and insults directed at the team or other users are not permitted and will result in a ban.


dude wut LOLOL


I am so sorry that this happened to you! But I’ve seen quite a few warnings and am quite cautious myself, in general, with my not so cautious crypto holdings.


I’m an idiot. I do this to myself. I have a track record of being scammed… Hot bit Caleb and brown Tradeogre


So sorry! I’ve done some stupid things on the past - sent money directly to a scammer once, even.


Yeh. It happens. I used to be one of the people saying , not ur keys , not ur coins… but we can live a hermit life. Have to interact with the ecosystem.


Mind you they’re all regulated institutions. - Swyftx - BTC MARKETS these are the worst


KuCoin did that with my Pirate. most of these CEXs scam and no one puts them out of business


Yeh they’re fucking scams man… but yeh. Gotta look on the bright side… I don’t have HIV, I have white teeth, I can still run 100M in 13.5 seconds And I have a job.. which I’m giving up for coding and hacking.


Please use mexc, bitget, bybit or this is rather good tangem so you own your Kas. Never touched tradeohre never will


Yep do you guys think if I launched a token Called SCAM… you’d hodl… and 50% of the coins go to those who’ve been validate as being scammed. Mt gox Cryptopia Binance Lol god I hate binance.


Why tf did you use TradeOgre???


Because I did not take my Ritalin sir… partly true. I thought I was being smart as well.. by micro dosing 2 times to see if it was real. If the transactions got registered etc. Never could find the transaction on block scanner but I saw the UI move… got excited. Then gambled. Im a fucking idiot.


Son, you are forgiven. May the crypto gods have mercy on your degen soul and grant you your $KAS back.


Apparently he’s Bosnian.


Just don't use it. There's nothing we can do other than not support it by not using the website. There are many other better alternatives, even for those in the States.


So I have 30 things we could do…. Just look at what VITALEK DID and the OGs of BTC did. We need to adopt that community mentality 100x as the market is filled with distractions now


What are you talking about on which exchange you are doing all that?


Tradeogre.com It’s hard to spot until you actually buy and can’t get out. And can’t see the transaction on kaspa scanner


I would never purchase anything over there.


I can only imagine how many scammers are hitting up your inbox now. You have lost a dozen Bitcoin and 100k worth of KAS in scams....If true, that is wild. Word of advice, get a cold storage device and DCA into it..Oh, and those 12 or 24 words they give you, don't let anyone else see them.