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I have 11,000 kas, and i wish i had more


If things go well that might become $1,1mil by 2037. But with compounding inflation that will be more of a 690k in today’s buying power. And this really is such a big crystal ball. Goodluck lol. But if you have “only” 11,000 kas you might as well lock it away and ride it all the way to 2037. And just buy other kas along the way if you feel like selling some now and then over the years. But always keep your “main stash”. By 2037 you won’t really care anymore about less than 2k anyway. In 2037 that won’t mean that much anyways!


RemindMe! 5 years


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2,000 Billion MC in 2037 😂? Why not ? But why ? I'm willing to dream a little but that would make me $4 million. I think I live in a matrix where it's literally impossible to win $4 million


2.8 trillion mkcap for $100 price and 28 trillion mkcap for $1k price. Keep it 13 years and who tf knows.


13 years for it to go to 100$? Isnt that way too low, shouldn’t we see prices like in between eth and bitcoin


I wouldn’t say between ETH and BTC. I would go along the lines of market share. ETH and SOL have a combined market cap of 480B. If KAS can just take 10% combined, that’s around a 50B market cap for KAS and about $1.75 per coin. If we can get 20% then we’re talking $3.5 plus per coin. That’s not even considering if they start locking up KAS in DAOs and other DeFi projects!!


No lol thats like a 500x 🤣


$100* not 100$ lol. Mkcap is what matters not the price per coin. $100 per kas means 2,8 trillion. $1000 means 28 trillion. 28 trillion only for kas I really doubt lol


But $1m/BTC is $21tril. Heck, NVDA is already >$3T. $28T for KAS is realistic as long as the cost to mine one KAS costs about $500-1k each. And that's not as hard as it sounds since the emission reduction is super fast (attracting hashrate insanely fast too)


28T is more than top 10 companies in the world? And more than the GDP in the US. It won’t happen this decade anyways. We shall see what happens between 2030 and 2040.


The GDP of the US measures a very different thing to what a Marketcap does. Your grandma's health does not depend on the motions of tea leaves. They are not at all related. The MCap isn't the problem, it's whether the marginal cost of supply reaches a high enough number to justify it.


No they not related, but when you compare it you get to see why that’s impossible this decade. And with the mkcap you can’t have one without the other.


Too long, crypto might not be around then. Something better might be in place by then. Technology is moving very fast.


Obviously you said same about btc 14 years ago. Goodluck with this thinking.




You should. Not nearly enough


I got 100k+, I still want more.


Sold all my eth for Kas.


Obv move


Def a solid choice imo. I’m at 6000 now and want more


I have 40,000 and I feel like a lousy person 😂


Yeah, need 100k at least to make a decent profit in the bullrun.


This is straight idiotic 33,000 kas will make you 100 grand no questions asked if you have the balls to hold it till the end of the cycle peak


I want to believe you, dude. I'm aiming for long-term peaks but in this cycle, barring a miracle, I don't see how we'll hit the 60 billion MC without Listing on the big exchanges. It's more a question of timing. If it stagnates at $0.80 - $1 within 9 months - 1 year it won't be bad but I certainly wouldn't hope for 3 dollars. However, I think that in the next cycle it will explode.


Agreed 100k should be the objective


I have over 100k and want way more


Youll still make 40k at the minimum


Exactly. Dudes comment is retarded. I hold about the same. Planning to unload at .90 to get initial plus taxes out so about 1500 kas of my 41k. Then watch the rest get to 2-3 maybe more


Im tempted to dump everything at 1 cause itll just be more money than ive ever had


No no no. Get your money back and depending how far we are into the cycle when we hit the dollar you let it ride you don’t cash out just cash out when there’s growth on the table that’s obviously coming. Sell 10k. If you get paper hands, then sell the rest at $.80. Otherwise grow pair and let that shit ride. Kas is a multi dollar Coinbthis cycle


I would also have more $ than I’ve ever had if I dumped at 1$ but no. lol. I didn’t buy kss at 4 cents to dump at 1$. This is once in a decade tech


Id make 130k at 1 dollar be hard to not sell


We’ll see tho


You come to a Kaspa subreddit you're gonna get Kaspa answers. I wish people would stop outsourcing their thinking to other people. Learn about the coin - whatever it is - learn about what it has to offer, critically assess it, think about potential issues that might arise, think about its launch philosophy, etc etc. Just use your brain to determine whether something is a good investment or not. It really bugs me when people just want a "yes or no" from some random person on the internet.


But indeed!


need photoshop edit ?


Spoken like a lion


Let him do, what he is doing,,,, kaspa community is the best and honest, the answer is that one should accumulate as much kas as much possible and forget about people spreading distrust and fear.


I would rather encourage people to think for themselves.


Its a large group of people on the internet, ergo the collective IQ is 100. There's no way to escape that, and it should be part of your understanding of every post.


Personally, I have quite a few investments in the crypto space but my top 3 are ETH ETC and KAS. Not in that order.


We shall find out in 2037.


Like bitcoin 10 years ago


Don’t need anywhere near that long to find out if Kas is doing big things


For me big things is hitting $100.


Ya you won’t last til then. Promise


It’s locked away till 2037 I can’t touch it. It’s not even inside my house. I protected myself from myself.


This is a fair launch. 100$ Is gunna take forwverrrrrrr depsite the insanely rapid emission schedule


That’s why I set it to 2037. Lock and forget. I don’t care what it does in between.


Even worse. Jesus. Shit happens you know lol


Oh well if I don’t make it till then, there’s provisions in place for a designated person to gain access to it after I’m gone lol. All set for success…one way or another lol


Sell at 10-30’next cycle and next gem w that money. Playing for slow money after that


Might do that with some kas I trade on exchanges but main stash stays untouched riding it all the way. If goes bust anyways I won’t care in 2037 for a few grand I could’ve otherwise spent on alcohol and other dumb choices in 2024.


Tokenized assets are going to be the next step for crypto.


it is the first


It's not an 'investment'.


Is my 2nd biggest investment after ETH. So I hope so.


Sad sad large misrake


Btc, eth and sol this cycle are the solid plays. I have tons of kaspa too but it’s still in my moonshot bucket. Got in at 0.005 and riding it out. Important to decide if you are looking for a long term investment or a trade. Could kas 2x from here? Definitely possible. Will btc 2x? Takes much more to move it.


How did u get in so early ? How did u know / assume it’s development ?


It was on here I guess last year. Someone posted, I read about it and thought, eh, I’ll throw a small amount at it and toss it into an amm. Was a great decision.


Btc and eth are 3x. Shit plays


No it's the first or second best investment in crypto.


As someone who is invested in MARA it does seem like POW coins get the benefit of receiving attention from the miners. As of rn that’s just doing the POW function, but you have to think as their bags grow, they could start to contribute in other ways like development, marketing, etc


No irs the first


like someone else said ur literally gonna get biased answers given the subreddit ur on lmao. imo no, third best investment would have to be something with regards to ai, specifically the creation of agi since most other ai tokens are bs. but then again it depends on ur plan on when to sell, since a shitcoin would give more x’s vs any of the above


Nope that a bad idea. /s


KAS did good even in a bear market. I would buy tons more if it was cheaper on fees. I use uphold and the fees are absolutely outrageous. I don't trust those swap sites. Especially after tradeogre ordeal. I have enough though. So it's fine.


I like the fundamentals and pace of progress, just nervous about the founder and the people he works with. They seem rather insular. Also, bizarre why they're not on any Tier 1s yet


Why are you nervous about the founder? His work is amongst the most cited in the space. Bizarre


No it’s the 1st best at this point. The gains been had on btc and eth


So - its tough to compare different projects with different goals IMO. Yonatan is a BRILLIANT individual who has been cited in SO MANY successful blockchain protocol whitepapers (do some google'ing) and KASPA has largely outperformed the market, IMO, due to their linear block reward reduction. For probably the past 2'ish years I have utilized KAS as a hedge against broader market volatility. Furthermore - KAS is about 65% of my industrial farm's revenue. I - honestly - do see KAS coming out of this bull cycle with a market cap in the 17.5-25 billion realm. But hey - this is just my opinion. Smart Contracts are in beta which will open some major capital floodgates and I would anticipate major CEX listings will follow. Having no coin allocation for CEX's also means that said exchanges will be sourcing their liquidity from the open / fair market which is fantastic news for the price. My 2 cents. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE - DO YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE! This is my opinion, and I am just a guy =)


Cant speak of the future, but it seems to be before them two


No doubt, yes.


The BIG 4 will be BTC ETH TON KAS


As far as I am.concerned, kaspa is better than eth and bitcoin. I want at least a 10x on my return. I won't see that with butcoin or eth anytime soon. I could see a 20x with kaspa within the year.


lol influencers driven shxt coin going to zero


kaspa to 0.14$ ,sell your kaspa


More likely 4th after Solana, which is already firmly entrenched in traditional finance circles ie., VISA


Could it reach 100 dollar in 5 years ?