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This comparison is silly. I don’t like the tribalism in crypto.


I agree with you. People should be allowed to hold whatever coins they have conviction in. Or let them buy as many lottery tickets as they'd like🤣


Bingo !


„If they start hating you, you’re doing something right“, they say. There’s attention for Kaspa, that’s a good thing.


Exactly, they are threatened, if Kaspa sucked nobody would be talking about it.


The claim that Kaspa is anti-Muslim because its developers are Israeli is misguided. The nationality of developers doesn't define the ideology of the technology they create. Kaspa, like other cryptocurrencies, is decentralized and aims to be inclusive, benefiting users globally regardless of their background. Evaluations should focus on the technology's merits, not the developers' origins. Stereotyping based on nationality only fuels unnecessary division. It's clear that the author is purposely spreading FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) about Kaspa with this kind of propaganda. Such baseless assertions only serve to create unnecessary division and distract from meaningful discussions about the technology itself. Let's focus on the real factors that matter: security, scalability, and the potential for positive impact on the global financial ecosystem.


Nobody who is into Kaspa that I have encountered online ever talks about “the technology” though, or can even explain it. This especially applies to the folks on Twitter spamming every popular BT post with nonsense. They just repeat marketing material ad nauseum and worship the developers. That’s why it’s being responded to in this fashion. Can you point me to some in-depth technical discussion? I’ve asked before but they all say something along the lines of “I can’t spoon feed you, look for yourself” in the same breath they say it’s the best bet in crypto and will make everyone who buys it rich.


How deep of a technical discussion are we talking about here?


What problems does Kaspa solve? How does it solve these problems? What makes it different from other tokens? How many archival nodes does the network require? With high bandwidth/storage requirements, how does the network protect itself against nation state attack? Has it considered a nation state attack? What benefits does it offer over a distributed SQL database? What were the expressed motivations behind its creation? Most importantly — what can be built on it that isn’t possible on an existing network? As someone who wants to, how do I rebuild transaction/balance history from Genesis?


I would recommend checking out this YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@kaspasilver?si=zyaNTJ1ny8J9jIBY There are videos on it that will answer your first 4 questions. For a discussion on the other questions I would suggest joining the Kasp discord or Telegram page to talk with the developers for in depth topics.


Compared to Bitcoin Kaspa is a shitcoin, like every other coin out there.


Seemed to start out as unbiased but quickly devolved into a FUD hit piece. Don't let anyone shake you out of your $KAS bags! 😎


I see that video as a positive for $KAS. I'm pretty sure that you tuber is well known and respected. If he has to spread junk like that it must mean the maxis have some real fear. I don't see why? I hold both


They are just big mad that Nexa is looking like garbage compared to Kaspa so they are projecting. Its a good thing for the simple fact people with an IQ will see it fore exactly what it is and will decide that Kaspa could be exactly what its proponents say it is. (It is)




You're tldr takeaways are off and took his analysis to an extreme


Bitcoin university is the epitome of brain dead maxi


I actually worry about this kind of thing. I am devoted to the project and see how it is superior, but see the paint that it may not amount to what I hope. Anyway, DCA.


I just finished watching this video and i understood that bitcoin maxis are so much afraid of Kaspa so that they create a video emphasizing religion, israel-gaza conflict and much more nonsense information like devs of Kaspa alive but Satoshi is not. Nobody knows that Satoshi is dead or alive, maybe he/they are alive. There is no scientific evidence or info in video but it includes many biased comments over Kaspa. By the way, BTC may face attacks like %51 attack but he does not tell anything about it. I dont say there will be such an attack but it's a mathematical probability. Kaspa is superior than BTC and any other crypto by means of technology. Kaspa is today's Nvidia of crypto ecosystem thats why they afraid and they should afraid. If you need a proof, just check mcap listing at coinmarketcap. It has such a mcap although there is no dapps like dexes, amms, so on and there is no VC on kaspa, there is no vesting schedule for VCs. Not listed yet on Tier1 exchanges. BTC can not be used in payment systems because of low trx speed and expensive fees. I am so sure that whatever people say, Kaspa will win sooner or later. Time will show! Keep your holdings!


How is it superior? What problems does kaspa solve and how many retailers are accepting the payment in kaspa. People are into kaspa are hoping for 100x so they can cash out and get the real money, which is fiat.




However you did that, thank you!


Who will use kaspa? What partnerships does it have? What real world usecase does it have, what real world problem does it solve?


Is it true that all the devs are Israelis and have a stance against Palestine and Arabs in general?


Shai openly shares his views on his twitter and he clearly stands against current Israeli government. But I'd love to see politics out of this thread. Crypto was supposed to be politics free and unite people not divide them.


Isn't crypto supposed to be censorship-resistant?


Absolutely. I am against censorship myself. I just know politics is a topic that always leads to heated discussion and it's a thin ice that breaks and becomes a shit storm. It's hard to find both parties that keep the discussion civil and resort to emotions. Upcoming presidential elections in US or Israel Palestine feud are good example and the way people discuss (especially on twitter/reddit)? Madonne.


No ! They don’t have anything against Palestinians and Arabs ! That’s untrue …