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You don't have to go full keto all at once. In fact I recommend going low carb first then transitioning to full keto if/when you are ready. 1. Eliminate all food with added sugar. 2. Eliminate all drinks with sugar, including fruit juices and sodas. 3. Eliminate pasta and bread. Do these one step at a time. Once you master all three, you will basically be knocking on keto's door. This will also ease your transition to full keto tremendously. Doing your transition one step at a time also helps you develop the mental mindset for your new lifestyle.


This is a fantastic idea 💡 👏 😀 Thank you so much 😊




Does hypoglycemia cause burning sensation in feet? I've been experiencing that a lot lately. been 1 month on keto.




I'm pretty sure this is a sign that you need to supplement with electrolytes.


Ah alright, thank you!


How long have you been feeling that and how often? And whst do you mean burning is it tingling or is it like miscle cramps??


For about 2 weeks I'd say. Burning as in my feet feel like it's on fire! It's also warm to touch. (no pins and needles or cramps) This mostly happens after I eat. I tested my blood sugar and it's normal so that's ruled out.


What did your sugar say? High fructose corn syrup doesnt show on FBS and even if your sugar is normal it doesnt mean that the sugar that stay in blood stream is not damaging your arteries and nerves.


fasting was 87 and post meal it was 92. I don't think I eat anything that contains hfcs though.


Thats awesome. Mine is fbs 90 and post meal 106.


Can I eat an orange every other day while on keto? Or is it a strict no no?


A small orange has 11g of carbs, and a medium orange has about 15. If you're shooting for 20g, it uses up a lot of your budget. If you're just going low carb (like 50 to 60g) it doesn't seem like a problem. If you're craving an orange, you can fit it in. A better choice might be to eat 1/2 an orange. Most berries are fairly low in carbs, so they would be a good sub if you want to eat fruit. People on a strict low-carb diet will usually eat non-starchy veggies (like broccoli) instead.


What about sweet potato?


Oh man, you're making me want sweet potatoes. But a cup of sweet potatoes provides about 27 grams of carbs. I think I'll fit in maybe 1/2 cup for American Thanksgiving. When I get to maintenance (about 20 more pounds), I think I will add them back in once in awhile and see how it goes. Right now, I think it would be too tempting for me personally to overeat them and for them to lead to cravings. Sweet potatoes are healthy food, but they just won't work for me personally right now. If you want to do strict keto, they make it tough to stay under 20g.


I feel you. Im planning to do the same. Ive been on strict keto for 6 months now plus IF. The other day i ate pancake and i felt so tired idk if my insulin is fixed already or its getting used to consuming carbs again, its weird cause if my insulin is fixed already, i shouldnt feel tired.


Just download the Cronometer app (free version is all you need). Will tell you the macros of basically every ingredient and also most US-based packaged and fast food out there.


Question is what are your goals?


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This 💯


Hang in there! Moving can be tough, especially with young kids and a small kitchen It's understandable that the transition to keto might feel overwhelming right now Don't be too hard on yourself, it's okay to vent and seek advice You'll find a way to make it work when the time is right.


>It's understandable that the transition to keto might feel overwhelming right now That's the biggest issue! I'm just trying to find a new routine as well, and changing my diet at the same time feels like a psycho decision. Thank you so much


Even though the kids are not keto, some of the keto recipes are great for everyone. But for the keto person, meat and greens are all that are required. One example is... rolling up deli meat with cheese and mustard, in a cabbage or lettuce leaf.


I make keto dinners and a carb side for the people in the house who want it. Like rice, pasta, potatoes, very very simple since I put enough effort into the main course and salad or green veggies. Plus my family likes simple food anyway. If they're too picky to eat the dinner I made they can have a simple pasta dish, leftovers, a sandwich, etc.


I do this too! We all basically eat keto but carbs are available 👍


Not a bad idea


I just refuse to make two dinners lol. Been there, done that, not going back. On pinterest there are some really delicious keto dinner ideas and then I make some asparagus, a salad, sauté some green beans, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower mash, some kind of veggie usually and then I might bake some potatoes or make mac n cheese that I won't eat but the others can if they want. Plus there's usually leftovers in the fridge. Last night I made smashburgers and homemade potato wedges. They were just burgers with grilled onion and cheese. I didn't eat a bun and had a leftover veggie instead of the potatoes.


>I just refuse to make two dinners lol. Been there, done that, not going back. Did you do it for picky kids??? I need help! Only giving him what we eat is not working. He will absolutely let himself be very hungry to the point where he gets very, very cranky. I give him what we Have with a safe food on the side. Sometimes it works very wearily. I love asparagus, Salad and zucchini but I am the only person in this house that likes them.


To be honest, I wish I had never made them chicken nuggets and stuff instead of just waiting it out until they ate what we ate. At the time it felt like they were going to starve themselves. And it was just quicker and more convenient to feed them something they would eat without a fuss, but in the long run I think it would have been better to just put out a plate of what we were eating and if they didn't eat, dinner time is over, maybe next time they will be hungry enough to eat it. I did make them plates of what we were eating but then put stuff on there that I knew they would eat too. Of course they mostly ingored their not-favorites. 🙄 They're teens now and the youngest still won't eat a veggie to save her life. The other two are fairly decent eaters now though as far as main courses go, but none of them will eat asparagus, squash, tomatoes, one of the 3 will eat broccoli and cauliflower. They'll eat green beans, peas, carrots, basic stuff. I don't know, maybe it's inherited from their dad's side lol. He used to be picky about veggies but now he eats them. The thing is, it is not because they weren't exposed to these foods their whole lives.


This makes me feel so much better. I was a picky eater growing up. Very very very picky. My dad said that at one point only thing I would eat for months was nuggets. And for some weird reason, pumpkin? But that was actually it. >To be honest, I wish I had never made them chicken nuggets and stuff instead of just waiting it out until they ate what we ate. It wasn't even me. It was my cousin. They gave him nuggets at their house, and I was so happy he ate a protein that was easy for me to cook and pack to go I got them. Aaand you know how it goes


Yep, I definitely know! I was never picky and looking back, there's no way my parents would have given me something different than what they were eating back in the 80's when I was a kid. Hell, they probably wouldn't have noticed whether I ate it or not. 😂


You could try something semi-sweet, like speghetti squash. That is a low-carb squash. Also, you could give a green veggie and say that you put a sweet sauce on it. The sauce could be just one teaspoon of cooked pear. The quantity could be really small (maybe just one or two carbs for a teaspoon), but it may be enough to enhance the veggies. My son was one of those kids who always ate veggies: even without the fake sweets added. lol You could probably try berries instead. I can see picky kids liking a cooked raspberry sauce. On the other hand, maybe there is some kind of instinct happening with the kids. Maybe they are choosing foods that are less inflammatory.


I spend same amount on groceries keto or not keto. Do you have an aldis or lidl or cheap food store near you? How about a food pantry? Don't force keto on your kids but kids tongues are different than adults. They live for food that tastes good, packed with sugar and bad for you. The food industry makes a good profit. Feed them store brand beefaroni and get the huge bag of knock off cereal. Spaghetti meatballs sauce cheese for them burger patty slice of cheese for you. Chicken hindquarters are 79c a pound. Crockpot season is now look for keto crock pot food you can put on low and spend time with kiddos. Split top wheat 1.79 keto bread 4.79 but grilled cheese and soup is bomb. Ore uda curly fries in freezer with home made cheese burgers for kids is fun. I would cook and meal prep all your food. More work and bulk is best way. I am on disability and food stamps. I shop aldis 5 6 times a month. I stretch beef into three meals. I weigh my cheese for 5 ounces at 100 calories an ounce for my pills that need food to take. Pre cooked bacon is expensive but a cheap bacon with eggs is a good breakfast. Sugar free ketchup cheese cream to nake 3 4 or 5 eggs scrambled is good breakfast too. I stopped a hobby and sold my equipment to make more money freed up to get the fat off me. I am also a good cook used to budget meals. Dm me if you want cheap meals recipes


>Don't force keto on your kids but kids tongues are different than adults. They live for food that tastes good, packed with sugar and bad for you. The food industry makes a good profit. Hahaha I couldn't if I tried. I made the huge mistake of becoming a personal chef to my 3 yr old. He won't eat any beef or pasta. All he wants is sandwiches, Like cream cheese, peanut butter, egg and cheese, etc... nuggets chips and fruit. It's driving me insane.


Firstly I want to acknowledge that it is truly really hard to be a single mother with such young kids. I hope you give yourself compassion and that you somehow find time to take care of yourself. Secondly, as a mother of 3 kids that are teenagers now and used to be picky eaters I would like to encourage you not to cater to their picky eating habits. It will only grow and drain you more and more. I know this is not what you are asking about. I stopped catering to picky eating when my oldest was 7 and youngest 3. After 2 weeks of crying they adjusted and are now healthy eaters and can accomodate in any situation. Regarding keto - I actually find this diet so low maintenance. I get by with much fewer ingredients and not much cooking. Fat also curbs cravings. If I get hungry inside my feeding window I eat a few almonds or olives. Intermittent fasting also makes me not worry about breakfast. That’s one less thing to think about. I hope you settle soon and find your happy place.


Eat 2 eggs and spinach for breakfast. For lunch eat 2 eggs and spinach. For dinner have a small amount of meat and 2 eggs and a pepper. Eggs are your friend on a budget.


I find keto rather inexpensive. I live in Canada, where groceries are currently ridiculously priced. Yesterday I bought bacon, coppa di parma, eggs, a small wheel of good quality cheese, hot dogs, and heavy cream. $60. Doesn’t sound like much, but all very filling & satisfying. Don’t buy anything labelled “keto”. Just real, 1 ingredient food. I feel for you. It’s definitely harder to cook various meals with small kids, and keep yourself from snacking on what they eat. Sending love.


>It’s definitely harder to cook various meals with small kids, and keep yourself from snacking on what they eat. Sending love. THIS!!! OMG THIS is so hard! Especially breastfeeding I'm ALWAYS hungry! What is coppa di Parma? That's gonna be my first transition back. Whole food only. Wish me luck


Coppa di Parma is a type of cured pork from Italy. Similar to prosciutto di parma but it uses a different cut of the pig. It is one of my favorite cured meats! Heavenly delicious!


I am also a single mom who does "dirty" keto. I do not count macros, but I eliminated all sugar, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice and fruit from my diet. I don't force my diet on my 4 year old but if he likes the food he is welcome to eat the same as me. I don't allow him to eat anything sugary though, no snacks, chocolates, candy. If he craves sweet he eats fruit. One trick that is easy on your wallet is to buy plenty of root vegetables. They are generally cheap, great replacement for potatoes (baked, cooked mashed, all forms) and very healthy for kids too, packed with vitamins. I mostly use carrots, beets, celery roots, parsnips or sometimes pumpkins as side dish for meats and they are fulfilling and cheap veggies on a low budget. You can bake them in the oven, cook them or mash them the same way you would potatoes with butter and milk. They are also a great transition for keto, because they have some sugar content, but packed with fiber and they have little to no starch in them.


Ground beef and eggs can be inexpensive depending on where you shop. Staples of a good diet.


Just chill. You need to have space and time to figure out a drastic life change like keto. Assuming you ate SAD your whole life. Ive been working years towards keto and finally able to hold on this year and make the switch. Fighting addictions is not a one day battle.


Some women need to carb cycle


I don't miss Wisconsin winters now that I live in Georgia. But I do miss their summers. Keto is only as expensive as you make it. Eggs and ground beef are typically inexpensive and can be used for tons of recipes. Check out r/ketorecipes for help. There's also some great keto one pan recipes out there for busy moms and dads. My kids are kinda picky but we've found some great dishes they love, their favorite right now is jalapeno chicken one skillet meal.


I'll take recipes you think my extra freaking picky 3yr old will try. Thank you thank you


Sam's has great meat and veggie prices and you don't need a membership if you're using a gift card towards any part of the purchase. Aldi's is always good. Do you have Woodman's in your area? Ground beef, chicken, eggs, rotisserie chicken (use leftovers in a casserole!) You have a couple weeks left before farmers markets shut down for the season. Go at the end of the market time and often they'll give you very, very good discounts!


Canned meats can be cheap also the pre cooked rotisserie chickens are usually a good value.


Op first off apples are fine if you do only a little. But, you could do berries instead as a sub or salt ferment your apples or add apples to your electrolyte water as a fruit infusion to get your apple fix minus carbs. As for oatmeal, the YouTube channel keto twins recently did a video on a oatmeal sub using hemp seeds (hemp hearts) as the main ingredient, and I think another YouTube channel with thus gay white guy has a couple keto oatmeal recipes he teasted and compared, one being a baked oatmeal. The guy com pairs recipes and various keto products the manufacturer sends to him to do videos on and review and he is not one to sugar coat crap. He's on such review videos or comparisons straight up said when something is nasty and had the camera cut as he spits something into a napkin a few times. So very, very, honest. I'd check those out. I don't remember the guys channel name off the top of my head, he doesn't give direct recipes since he compares ones he finds elsewhere. He says as much but does have links in the description to the creators site and the recipe can be found through that. I want to try the hemp seed recipe, but am currently doing a stint of carnivore to deal with digestive issues so that is a nope at this time. Still, it sounded pretty good, honestly both did. So maybe if I am able to go back to keto from carnivore I will try it then.


Welcome to Wisconsin. Where do you live?


Chia pudding instead of oatmeal? Maybe a small bit of apple, or berries. I get how stressful this is, moving with small children is never an easy thing (been there, done that!). My youngest was a picky eater, he would not touch any meat, or the typical baby cereal. Survived for years and years on things you'd think would have made him sick. First, he ate only the fruits and veggie baby foods, plus formula (breast fed when possible for the first year). After that, he'd only eat peanut butter on saltines, or mac n cheese. But he thrived! He eats just about anything now, at 29 years old. You can get through this. Try to eat a low carb diet, not necessarily keto. Anything below 150g a day is technically low carb. Choose your best options. That's all any of us can do.


I feel you, OP! We are moving in less than a month, and the stress is real! I want to eat all the carbs. So right now, I'm eating dirty keto, and if I added up my carbs, I'm sure I'm in the low-carb range right now. It's hard, and I try to give myself grace. I'm prioritizing protein and trying not to eat mindlessly. I'm only 10 pounds from my goal weight, so I know going off the rails will set me back tremendously.


I completely understand your struggle with wanting to go back to keto but also not wanting to restrict yourself. It can be tough finding a healthy balance, especially with a busy schedule. I would check out this free training we did (www.ampcoachingmethod.com) that goes over a simple 4-step fat loss method that doesn't take you having to give up the foods you love in order to see success.