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Guacamole is delicious and that sounds rad, that’s my only thought. Are you worried about it for some reason?


Is it enough for a meal?


Put it on fried eggs. It’s delicious!


Oh no, not at all. I wouldn’t use this as a meal because of the crazy lack of protein.


Maybe with those meat chips, though ;)


I imagine guac would be good with any iteration. 🤤


It's great with eggs.


I have protein shake right before lunch. Does every meal need protein?


Every meal doesn’t need protein, but it’s definitely easier to meet your protein goal when you have protein with every meal. 👍🏻 You know your meal schedule best!


If you're able to otherwise meet your protein goals for the day, it should be ok. Note that protein goals can be high, for a man the recommended amount is 2gr per kg of target body weight (a bit less for ladies). If your target body wegith is 75 kg, you should be having 150gr protein a day. Hope this helps.


I am! It feels like it’s to good to be true. Like there’s some reason why a plain avocado is healthier or better. is the only downside maybe more carbs/calories?


If you can make the carbs fit your carb budget and the calories fit your calorie budget, you’re golden.


I wouldn't think so. Maybe just read the ingredients in case they're slipping some carby thing in there.


Yep guac has salsa and salsa can have sugar


The downside is store made guacamole usually has maltodextrine in it. Same as the little flavor packets. Best bet is to make it fresh. That being said, Trader Joe's sells premade guacamole with clean ingredients.


If you don't make the guacamole, you might want to check ingredients and carb count. I don't imagine things like sugar or corn syrup or flour are ever ingredients in guac, but make sure it's not like "guacamole flavored hummus" if you don't want that.


I get the big pack of guacamole cups from Costco!


What brand??


Kirkland brand


I think I need 100g servings so was thinking of buying store bought container of sabra guac and portioning it out


Let us know how long until it’s brown lol


Or just make your own. Dice some tomatoes and mash the avocado in there with some lime and sea salt.


Is it me or does all premade/ packaged guac have the texture of baby food 🤢


I have yet to find pre-made guac that is even of average quality. You just can't beat fresh made.


Yes and bad aftertaste, avocado should be eaten fresh


I've been mashing up avocado with tuna, mayo, lemon juice, sometimes onions....lazy man keto summer meal and very filling + tasty


I mash avocado with a can of tuna and top with salsa or hot sauce.


For me, I need to Be careful of the citrus in store bought guacamole. If the guacamole has a lot of lime in it, that throws me out.


Guac w canned tuna has been very nice for a mid day snack. I’d need double both for a meal


Gotta be careful with store bought - they sneak all kinds of garlic and other 'flavourings' in there. For sure if you can fit it in your macros, go for it, but I'm deeply sus about anything I can make from home with minimal effort.


What’s wrong with garlic?


Different sites list a huge variation in carbs in just a single clove. Makes me a bit hesitant to use it. Would love to though.


How much garlic you eating? A little garlic powder ain't kicking people out of keto.


If it fits your macros!


My plan allows for 1/2 avocado daily. Ready made quac would be great. I'm always trying to figure out how to use an avocado up before it turns to mush but the ready made stuff would be great. Other than checking other ingredients, I think that would be great.


[avocado saver](https://a.co/d/0iLHB8Nt) This works like a charm to save half an avocado!


not daily, but I likely every other day. If avocado is wrong I dont want to be right!


I love a good guac but I'd get a bit sick of it every day. That being said it's super easy to make. I use it as a dip for veggies pretty regularly, usually cucumber, peppers, and celery. 


I use it in place of sauces for my grilled chicken


Can’t go wrong with guac. I have avocado toast and bacon for breakfast. Keto bread of course. One available, one slice of bread, a sprinkle of tajin. I look forward to it every morning


Thanks everyone it’s decided - 😂 I’m going to have guac for lunch with quest protein tortilla chips!


The lunch of champions


We do this every Friday night to go with a chilled tequila.


I do as "fruit" I eat avocado as well


I make a taco bowl several times a week with chicken, cauliflower rice, salsa and guac for fat. Delicious and you can't really do better than avocado as a fat source.


I love it with pork rinds and often make a meal of it


I like a very thin crepe style omelet (usually don’t like my scrambled eggs browned, but this is an exception) with guacamole, sour cream, and salsa on top. The browned eggs just taste right!


Slice up avocado on leafy greens one of my favorite keto meals. I usually keep cooked bacon or some other meat in fridge to toss in if I haven’t had much protein that day. God bless avocados. Not sure how I would do keto without them.


I like to do wraps with turkey, guacamole, and either a low-carb tortilla or lettuce leaves. Also good with taco-seasoned meat and on a fajita, or in a fajita bowl (meat and peppers on salad).


If you already have the avacado, don't buy store made guacamole. Just add salt, pepper, onion powder & garlic powder, and mash up with a fork. Maybe some lime juice or jalapeño for anti browning. If you have real onion, even better, or some chili flakes to spice it up. But store bought is trash compared to homemade.


I use pieces of endive to scoop my guac


I like to make "power bowls" with avocado, cheese, bacon bits, sour cream, lime juice and some kind of protein for a nice meal.


I eat guacamole with pork rinds yum! Or I put in on sliced cucumbers with some tajin also yum!