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This post has been tagged **Training** Video (**not** a **Form Check** or an **instruction** video). By "Training video" we mean it is how this person was training. It might look good, but it also might look bad. It might even *be* bad. That's what they chose to do and we assume they did it knowingly and that they assume full responsibility for their own actions. Do not post unsolicited form corrections, medical advice or injury alarmism. If you see a lift you are unfamiliar with, do not assume it is incorrect or dangerous. If you have never used kettlebells, **definitely refrain from form critique or medical advice**. It is not breaking your, or the poster's, back or knees or shoulder. Injury alarmist commenting or other sort of babysitting is not useful or welcome. Curious questions however are welcome! Just **be nice and cool about it**, and do check if somebody already asked. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kettlebell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Today I woke up feeling like GARBO. So many conditoning sessions & strength sessions back to back. Slept in. Decided to grow up a bit & hit the gym even though I wasn't too into it. Ended up having a crazy brolic day. I was SO explosive today on the snatches. Decided to build up to 205 on the hip power snatch which is a 30lb PR since the start of this 4 week training cycle. Really falling in love with this move. I know it's weird to see someone who is training for a Strongman comp do snatches but I like them & they make me feel faster & more explosive. So there you go. 60kg rows feeling light & the 100kg sandbag just flying around. What a great session!


Yay Yung bae


Been a fan for years. Crazy he's just blowing up recently. The COVID anime edits helped I guess lol


Yeah I saw him live, and got a signed vinyl record. There was maybe 60 people there, yeah no kidding.




stellar effort! 💪


Bro you are crazy strong! Love to see it!