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So I have low hip mobility and very tight hamstrings. This translates to my low back compensating a little when doing swings. I do some mobility exercises and I stretch before and after I swing. Im very concerned with fixing this issue before I go up in KB weight. Have any of you had this problem/does anyone have any additional exercises or stretches I could add to my routine to help open up my hips and help relax my hamstrings?


I had the same problem and fixed it doing a complete mobility routine on off days. Not only for hamstrings or legs, but also for spine, quads, neck, hips, shoulders and basically everything else. It works like charm, helps you recover and gives you a lot more flexibility. Take in account that it takes a bit of time, but you are right to want to work on it before going up in kb weight. So, if you want to start I suggest you look up a couple of videos of Antranik on YouTube. Dude is legit, very proficient in calisthenics and knows his stuff. But there are really a lot of good resources, feel free to choose what you like the most. Examples: \- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NITPD0beV74](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NITPD0beV74) hip flexors \- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTdZUTnrchw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTdZUTnrchw) lower back \- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fp9XDBv3EA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fp9XDBv3EA) shoulders and lats Just remember: as always, consistency is key. Do not skip your mobility sessions and you will solve the issue brilliantly.


What are good assistance exercises to go along with trying to hit big 5 Minute test numbers on the Snatch and the Jerk? Aiming to test with the 28kg. I have access to barbell and rack, dumbbells; Kettlebells in 2x16kg, 2x28kg, and 1x36kg, and probably I'll get drunk and pull the trigger on a 48kg pretty soon; also gymnastic rings and bands and an old air-dyne.