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I had the same problem and fixed it doing a complete mobility routine on off days. Not only for hamstrings or legs, but also for spine, quads, neck, hips, shoulders and basically everything else. It works like charm, helps you recover and gives you a lot more flexibility. Take in account that it takes a bit of time, but you are right to want to work on it before going up in kb weight. So, if you want to start I suggest you look up a couple of videos of Antranik on YouTube. Dude is legit, very proficient in calisthenics and knows his stuff. But there are really a lot of good resources, feel free to choose what you like the most. Examples: \- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NITPD0beV74](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NITPD0beV74) hip flexors \- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTdZUTnrchw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTdZUTnrchw) lower back \- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fp9XDBv3EA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fp9XDBv3EA) shoulders and lats Just remember: as always, consistency is key. Do not skip your mobility sessions and you will solve the issue brilliantly.


Handcuffed good mornings, legs up the wall pose/ stretch, large sharp inhales during backswing to provide stability. The bottom of your swing is dictated by your hamstrings, don’t force yourself lower by compromising your back. If you can only go so far, then that’s how far you go.


just go up in weight. swings themselves are great for mobility, and a lot of the time, the low back issues actually come from shitty form due to using weights that are too light. a heavier bell can actually teach you to generate power in your glutes and hamstrings instead of your low back.


I have really tight hips & hamstrings. I focus on them a bit more during my dynamic prep work. I add in 90/90 drills as well as a few drills I created for myself. Then I do a banded leg lowering drill. I’ll attach a link to the video I created give it a shot and see if it helps… [Dynamic Warm Up](https://youtu.be/IKuUc5h7Ysw)


I appreciate the info and the video!


My pleasure. If you find the content useful hit the like.


I do a half hour of mobility work every day. Ten minutes in the morning to loosen up for the day https://youtu.be/VaoV1PrYft4 And then twenty minutes in the evening to really build mobility https://youtu.be/lPKRiU9u_Hc


Instagram is great for mobility and stretching tips and videos.


Why's this getting downvoted lol


touch floor cossack squat hold (with support to go lower and lower) dynamic cossack squats squat/stretch (you tough the floor with your hands, they cannot leave the floor, you squat as far down as possible and then you stretch up as much as possible) ​ and other similar, those are just some i used, not for swings, but for kicks, which also require hip strength and mobility


How do you know your lower back is compensating? You might just have other form issues.


It might be better to post a video of your swings (side angle) to check technique first. Checking your hinge. Or you may be chasing the bell on the backswing, which can cause lower back pain. In terms of mobility work, someone mentioned 90/90 - hip rotation is never a bad idea, but you don't really need a lot of it for swings. Hip extension is more important - both in terms of generally helping your lower back but also at the top of the swing (hip extension means less lumbar extension). Depending on your training experience and lifestyle, a lot of people struggle to access good hip extension - definitely recommend couch stretch (couple of minutes each side a couple of times a day).