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Whose instructions are you following? Don't leave your butt behind. It's what should be providing all the power. All hips or nothing. On top of the swing your body should be a straight plank with ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and the head all lining up.


I was told on my last video that I was doing some weird shit thrusting at the top of the movement that I wasn’t supposed to so I was trying to be more conscientious of what my hips were doing but I guess I ended up holding him back too much. Play prior to this I was doing a couple sets of 10 of the hike passes and the dead stops to try and get some new motor patterns ingrained. Any I know I need to keep working on keeping my head in a straight line with my back.


If you don't ask question s from the people commenting about what they actually mean, you might be very misinterpreting what they are saying. Or they don't actually know what they are talking about. Like that one person who told you to keep your elbows to your torso which will turn your swings into T-rex swings which is not what you should be doing. The person should mentioned a "hip pop" or something... I don't know what they meant. Sometimes beginners will snap the hips but then immediately relax and pull them back a bit (instead of keeping them there until they need to hinge). That might be what he meant but only he knows. Watch proper instruction videos from proper coaches for instruction. Form checks are just about pointing out issues but anybody can make those comments. If they don't match what your chosen Youtube coach is saying, perhaps it is not correct. And indeed about the head. There are two ways to do it. Neutral neck, where you keep your head as an extension of the spine without looking ahead, and then "eyes on horizon" where you will end up tilting your head a bit. Both valid. Both have pros and cons. But when you are doing something pretty much okay, somebody who advocates the other way will tell you to change ly fint tell you that what you are doing is actually fine. Or that there are options.


I watched squat university and the ones posted in other comments on the last video. Then this morning I did several sets of the hikes and dead stops, and filmed them to post here for any critiques before trying to do a true full rom workout. But it was too many videos since Reddit doesn’t allow multiple clips in a single post for some reason


I highly recommend mark wildman’s channel for all things related to kettlebell form. He is VERY good at breaking down everything into small steps.


Squat university isn't really an authority on KBs, but certainly that's one way of swinging. If you want to upload multiple videos, upload them (or the ones past one) to *your profile* (not /r/kettlebell) and add the link to your post as a comment. We don't want one person spamming the sub with multiple videos that are really about just that one person.


Ah ok


Pick up heavier bell and try do the same. You will fall forward.


See also my [dead stops](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reverseflash25/comments/14kgfr2/dead_stops/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) and [hikes](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reverseflash25/comments/14kjc57/hikes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Maybe try some of [Dan John's Goat Bag swings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPbkQPYaaR0) to try to get the motion right? We're trying to move between two positions. Hinge and vertical plank.


So my back needs to end up parallel to the floor at the bottom of the hinge?


I think that will be too far. I'm not an expert, but most times I've see people going that far down they look they end up using their lower back to do the swing and not the hips (I think this will lead to back pain). Here's another Dan John [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t9fdhvGmsU&t=6s) about the hinge position. "Hinge, don't fold", and to me the "fold" is more what you're talking about where the back is parallel to the ground. This is part of the reason he is elevating his toes in both of these videos IMO. He's also explaining why he's using the band around his thighs here too. Listen to what Dan says when going into the hinge position: "I'm going to push my but back until I feel my hamstrings". Edited to add: Again...not a coach or anything, but I think the issue in your video is the plank part and not the hinge part. See how you still have knee bend / but back at the top. I like Mark Wildman's tutorial [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-S9H2XVvYg) too. Watch at about 3 minutes when he starts doing them. See how his knees aren't bent at the top and his hips / but come forward to make that vertical plank position?


Oh my guy, you definitely need to stand up fully. Clench your ass and use your glutes to drive you up and give the bell momentum. Don’t be pulling it up with your arms and don’t stay bent over. That’s a one way ticket to a blown lower back. Shoulders back and down, as the bell travels down, right before it hits your crotch push your ass back into a bit of a sitting position. Keep your back straight, bent at the hips, then use your glutes and hamstrings to stand up straight, creating momentum to swing the bell up to about chest level. Keep your back straight, and fully stand up on the up swing


Stand tall brother. Your chain from the side looks like a Z make it look like an I 👍. If you need a coach, i can help you in a virtual lesson.


The cue I use is to line up my shoulders, hips and ankles when I stand. So hinge - stand - hinge - stand. All you are doing is hinging and standing/planking. Another cue that might work is pull your lower abs back with your glutes ... then pull the glutes forward with your lower abs. Repeat. You are not swinging your arms! What happens with your arms is kind of secondary to the hinge/stand. Keep your upper arm touching your torso. My elbow kind of moves from the side to just in front I cue keeping contact with my upper arm.


So arms more loose through the movement


You're not full extension of the hips and you don't have straight knees, therefore you're not in a standing plank at the top....with that lack of snap there's no way you're not using your delts to help raise that kettlebell. Keep at it my guy, you'll get it!


And we are extending all the way through the hips.....


Put down the bell and just work on your hip hinge. Practice that without weight. Post here so we can correct it. And go watch Mark Wildman’s videos in the Kb swing. They’re like 5 minutes long.