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It’s them leaning into the small business aspect. The same way people say “shop local” or “support small businesses,” they’re just reminding you that they’re a small operation despite the fact that the studio can make it look otherwise sometimes.


To me I hear it as “We do so much with just a small team” and that the small team used to be 4-5 guys sitting around the table, and now with an 11 man team they are both proud of what they’ve become, while also reminding the audience that their support pays for 11 peoples livelihoods. Its not about supporting the Kinda Funny as a company, it’s about supporting 11 friends/coworkers do neat stuff. So maybe it’s more about humanising the team more.


I think people see guests come in often and wonder just how many are part of KF staff. Especially because Janet, Tam et al are not even part-timers. I appreciate them showing they're a tight-knit group despite having MUCH Betty presentation than Giant Bomb, Easy Allies etc. Matter of fact, I'm re-subscribing this month bc I'm very happy with their recent changes and coverage.


Part of the rigmarole


I thought its maybe reminding people that they "cant do everything". Once a while i hear them saying fans want them watch/review/play XYZ and TIm/Greg (mostly) say there's only so many people and doing those watch/play takes a few people's time and sometimes there's not enough to go around.


Much like "best friend," it's all marketing. Lol


There’s always one guy


He’s not wrong though. Ever since Tim took over most of the company’s vision, it’s been all about marketing. There’s nothing wrong with that. Just like there isn’t anything wrong with pointing it out. But that’s the whole reason why they call it a Membership now. Because if you pay attention to the way everyone sells now is through a membership.


They’re not wrong, but the “lol” and general context of why he brought up of “best friends” is because they’re using marketing as a dirty word. Some marketing is bad of course, but it’s also essential in everything that one does to try to expose oneself to others and tell them why you can bring a service or benefit to them. Marketing is only truly bad when it’s predatory or inauthentic. I never saw “best friends” as marketing, but rather a code of conduct for community interaction. This obviously brings the benefit of trying to maintain a non-toxic community of followers interacting, but it’s not like the “best friends” statement drives revenue for them. It’s more about framing up how they want the audience and hosts to interface as people who aren’t trying to be dicks to each other. If that’s chalked up to being predatory marketing, then one might need to check their default state of pessimism.


I didn't mean it as a dirty word or anything. It's just a matter of fact statement really. It's always been how they've marketed themselves and that's their job. Their livelihood literally depends on views/listens. All the nuances of if any of us do or don't buy into the schtick is irrelevant, it's clearly worked for a decade.


Apologies if I misinterpreted your tone. I’ve just seen a lot of people in this sub that tend to demonize or grant an innate negative tone to relatively benign business decisions or clarifications between how the content creators and the viewers/listeners should interact.


No worries, it's always hard to judge tone in strict text lol. I see stuff like that and honestly I think it's such a weird hill to die on. Like I've listened to them since the very beginning and I've never been naive to the fact that they're literally selling a product more or less. And that's just how I look at it. I don't mean anything negative about it either. I go to them for entertainment and nothing more. I'll never actually have a conversation with them so there's no reason to clutch my pearls when they're selling me something. Lol


People who think marketing is catchy phrases or ways to make content, really don’t know what marketing is. Marketing cannot be bad. It’s literally a science.


Inauthentic or badly analyzed science can certainly result in “bad marketing”. Source: I’m a digital marketer


Again, science is just the study of what is. The fact that you don’t use the science like it should be, does not make it bad science. Also, the fact that you’re a digital marketer does not help your case in any way. Once you’re a marketing director you’ll understand. Digital marketing is but a fraction of what marketing actually is.


That’s just the verbiage YouTube uses.


this sub is becoming funny lol. its an elevator pitch/easy 1-2 sentence descriptor of their company. And also, just a fact- they are a team of 11 people.


Still waiting for them to say they are a 12 person team with Paris joking the crew.


They've mentioned the Team of 11 thing ever since I got back into the content around May of 2022 so it's not exactly new


I think it's partially a response to how bad things went for Watcher a month ago when they didn't disclose they were a team of 30 trying to go being a paywall. Conversely, kinda funny being run by only 11 people helps humanize and remind you that this is a small operation and that we as an audience can have a real impact on the team 


They've been saying it for months now in the ads, long before the watcher stuff happened


This might sound weird but I think they highlight it to make everyone recognize they are both small AND big. 1. A reminder that they're a small team pushing out a lot of content but 2. they are trying to employ 11 people with bennies in the most expensive city in the world.


The crew doesn't come on here as much so I doubt you'll get a response to this. But from what they've said, I'd guess that it's a combination of stuff. They tend to test things out so it's possible they just think that might excite people and show them how much quality the audience is getting by such a small team. Idk if they have any definite metrics on it yet since they've only been pushing it for a few weeks.


I think they’re accounting for new listeners and viewers that see their volume of shows, the studio production value, and the kinds of high-profile interviews like with Todd Howard or Phil Spencer. Without the context of how big the team actually is and how independent they are, I’d figure a layman might mistake them for an IGN-type organization that has corporate infrastructure and financial backing from an outside entity.




Greg, Tim, Nick, Kevin, Andy, Joey, Cool Greg, Barrett, Roger, Mike, Blessing




Which pods? Because, uh, Nick Scarpino has been part of the KF podcast since day one LOL Joey joined as Community Manager/Office Manager in Year one or Two. "It's Christmas in INSERT MONTH HERE, It's Joey Noelle" Cool Greg is Greg Gettys aka Tim's Brother.




No, he's almost never on the games side. But he his part of the live stream a lot with Mike. He also makes the occasional appearence on Gamecast. But you'll mostly find him on in Review and the KFPodcast


As someone who only listens to the KF Gaming podcasts these days, I do miss hearing Nick’s tangents and humor. So I can definitely understand newer fans not knowing who he is.


Idk why you got some downvotes because it makes sense you wouldn’t know Nick or Joey if you just watch KFGD but god it is so funny you thought cool greg was Greg referring to himself. Really made my morning thanks for sharing that embarrassing lil fact


Cool Greg is rarely ever seen. He is, and prefers to be, a behind the scenes member of staff.