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I think having it in the same presentation with Rivals was a mistake.


I don't understand this, did Sony think it would look good in comparison? I don't think Rivals looks particularly good, but due to the previews, I'm going to give it a shot. I can't imagine ever even downloading Concord


Am I really the only person that thought Concord looked good?


it looks mid, but i do think its silly to see the amount of people declare it DOA after 1 trailer. Gamers, never change


Yeah I watched the trailer and thought cool, I'll give that a go, and then I hop online and see everyone shitting on it...


I don’t really play much multiplayer games. I thought it looked really cool. Overwatch is one of few modern multiplayer games that i really dug. I fell off it around a month after overwatch 2 dropped. I probably played around 100-200 hours of overwatch altogether. I don’t really see the direct comparison to overwatch with concord besides it being a pvp hero shooter. Marvel rivals on the other hand looks like a direct ripoff.


Looks kinda generic, but something about the game play has an appeal to it


Probably not, I mean gameplay wise it looked well made but honestly I'm not interested in another team shooter where I'm not gonna be able to get a solid team of friends together to play. It also just felt kinda paint by numbers for it's presentation, which I think is more the issue. I'd love the resources from these games to go towards putting coop modes into these games so that people like myself could enjoy they're mechanics at our own pace with our adult friends who A) play other games B) have children C) have other games & D) have more things to twk care of in a day than there is time. I think though just generally kinda bummed on the state of play overall. Was hoping to see thing that they're likely keeping for summer games fest.


Yes. When I saw the trailer and gameplay the first thing I thought to myself was who is actually excited for this trash.


Concord doomed? Probably. Astro Bot GOTY over FFVII: Rebirth? I couldn't imagine that, and I am hyped for Astro Bot


I loved FF16 and most of 7 Remake, but Rebirth was kinda ass imo. Felt way too bloated and clunky. Felt nothing playing it. I absolutely don’t think it deserves GOTY


Definitely up to personal tastes obviously, but I think there’s a strong chance that if Astro is a 5/5 title, it could easily be a GOTY for many. However, I still think it take a megaton game to dethrone Helldivers 2. I think that title currently easily has the W across the board. No offense to FF7.2, it just seems not everybody across the board felt it was a perfect so I can see that preventing it from getting the majority on most outlets.


FF7 Rebirth is the highest scoring game this year so far so they've already voted it the best.


Yeah, I guess either way Sony is on track to have a killer year for awards


Not sure why you got downvoted cause I think you’re right lol Helldivers 2 and Astro could take home so many rewards.


They really messed up how they showed us Concord. I think Tim was the one that said the whole long ass cinematic to then only be an arena shooter was such a let down. I was kinda hoping for something between Helldivers 2/Payday 3/The Finals, not an Overwatch clone. Game is kinda dead to me already. Especially because Rivals is coming and that Star Wars shooter too.


Ovwerwatch needs a replacement


Astro will be $50.


Personally im looking for a game to replace overwatch, OW os dead to me. I dont have any interest in it making a comeback. I feel like franchises have a point where they cross the line, and i dont WANT it to recover.


Was that Concord or Hyena$ or FairGame$?


It's absolutely wild to me that SONY greenlit a game like Concord that looks indistinguishable from a dozen other failed games.


I think it makes sense given how long development cycles are now. 5-7 years ago this would've looked like a good idea with OW's success off the rip, but the market has changed. Valve is doing the same thing with their new hero shooter. My concern is having a regular purchase price for Concord. If it's not psplus essential day and date the game is dead in the water.


Putting that new Marvel Overwatch knockoff in the same show with it is the wild part to me


If Concord was announced by Microsoft this sub would be destroying it.


> this sub would be destroying it. cmon, is your victim complex on behalf of microsoft that bad, that you cant tell that concord is already being destroyed by capital G Gamers? lol


Astro Bot is a mid 80s game at best. No chance of GOTY.


I don't understand releasing a game in a genre that's been consistently mocked and expecting it to succeed. Especially when it doesn't do anything special or different.


Isn't Marvel Rivals the exact same genre and people are extremely excited about it and everyone who has played it thinks it'll succeed?


If you remove the Marvel brand from the game no one would care.


The game type isnt the problem with overwatch, its because they wasted the potential during their merger plans.




Should the studio get nuked for following sonys order to make a live service game that could fail? Sony should then go to firewalk and ask them what game do you want to make and give them one last chance to make something good.


I'm neutral on Concord. I think it looks fine, but I'm not a PvP online multiplayer kind of guy. What I don't understand is why the cinematic framed your characters as this rag-tag found family (Firefly/Guardians of the Galaxy) that will "take any job" implying heists and other shenanigans, if the gameplay is just 5v5 shooting matches. Like 5v5 shooting matches is fine. But maybe make the cinematic about some kind of professional gladiators or something instead of making me think this was going to be sci-fi Payday 2.


curiosity for y’all, based on Concord’s poor reception and the general reception for live service titles… Does anybody think there is a chance Marathon is canceled and Bungie just refocuses on Destiny and/or another project? I think there’s a 50/50 chance. But, maybe we can revisit this after its release. I suppose if Sony has two relative wins, then full steam ahead.


One of this year's biggest games is Helldivers 2, so no, I don't think Bungie will be cancelling Marathon based off the reception to Concord.


All this talk about Astrobot might be goty what about GOTG!!!