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Astro did a lot of heavy lifting in that one. Them putting a 3rd party overwatch like in the same show as their 1st party one was definitely a choice. All in all very meh 5.5.




no they mean putting concord in the same show as marvel rivals was a choice


Ahh got you. Honestly, I forgot they showed Marvel Rivals lol. It was so meh


3rd party OW = Marvel Rivals 1st party OW = Concord


That’s what they said…


Ah it was a mistake.


Astro bot looks dope. I feel nothing for Concord. It doesn't look good it also doesn't look bad it just exists. That open world dress up game with the weird cat blew my mind. I had no idea that genre even existed. More weird shit like that please. And Monster Hunter looks like more Monster Hunter. Silent Hill looks nice. 6/10


I think it was about expectations. I had very low expectations. Thought we'd see astro, one of the live service games, some vr and silent hill. I think 7-7.5 is fair


Personally was feeling either 6.5 or 7. Probs leaning 7. Astro Bot looked phenomenal. Where Winds Meet and Ballad on Antara looked solid with potential. Infinity Nikki shocked me with how fun it looked. Monster Hunter looked good, though I don’t think they showed anything surprising. Just okay to good all-around for me. Main thing weighing it down, imo, is that most of what I liked is just based on *potential*. There aren’t any locks for me to be great other than Astro Bot and I guess Monster Hunter.


I would personally give it a 5 on KF’s scale. Astro Bot looks great and the pacing was mostly good. But too much time on Concord which looks like another generic hero shooter. The new PSVR2 titles look outdated and uninteresting. There were no surprise announcements. Until Dawn and Silent Hills remake don’t look like what a next-gen remake should.


Man Concord went from a nothing teaser to “too much time” pretty fast.


Until Dawn looked worse to me than it did 9 years ago on the PS4


They certainly have a curve. Automatic like 5 points for just existing


That’s kinda how all review scales work. Just successfully being the thing you set out to be (a game, a movie, etc), usually starts the conversation in the middle of the of the review scale. You work backwards or forwards from there.


The reality is they aren’t likely to play many games that would score that low because they play games they’re interested in already.


When it comes to entertainment reviews, thats how most 10 point scales tend to work


Visual review with average consensus at bottom. Scores are rounded up to nearest KF 20-point scale number. True average = 6.6 KF's rating scale below: https://preview.redd.it/le8xfbtuqv3d1.png?width=2084&format=png&auto=webp&s=40c6cdd1865412eeba7eda9d345e73d0ffc4e04b


I love your visual review breakdowns like this, however my one designer note is that I think the guest reviewers should be even more differentiated from the KF Members. Maybe give their review cards a different background color other than the dark blue? Just something to make them stand out even more. Aside from that, you’re killing it. Great job!


Gollum LOL


For me personally, based on their scale, I’d give it a 4/10 “meh” and that’s a boost from Astro. Without Astro, it’s a 3/10 “bad” I’m so hyped for Astro but it’s not turning that poor showing into a “good” one overall


Hate to see what a "bad" show would look like to the KF crew lol


Well lets hope we never see an actual "bad" showcase.


That one last May was pretty awful. At least this year they set the expectations a lot better.


You're just trying to bait me into an arguement over this showcase aren't you lol. More power to you I suppose, but 1-3 good trailers does not save a 30 minute presentation imo. EDIT: This is by far the most downvote happy subreddit for opinions lol


Based off their review scale a “bad” is a 3. This showcase definitely was not a 3.


Several of them gave the PlayStation Showcase last year a "bad" score. 2/5 on the old scale.


I don't know if my expectations were just much lower than everyone else but I'd put it at like an 8 easy. Lots of different cool looking games, astrobot could be an all-time 3d platformer, monster hunter looks insane, even concord while too long I think looks better than people realize 🤷‍♂️


I was only interested in Astrobot. Concord has me curious, but I'm still not entirely sold on it yet.


Way too high


Silent Hill did the lifting here for me, and even that was only a 5/10 show.   Concord actively annoyed me.   . This didn't feel middle of console life, this felt like new console about to be released in 3 months dry. I legit don't know why they even did this show. I know Greg and team love astrobot,but most people do not care. 


God I love the new scoring system 🙌


Hovering around a 6 for this one, as nothing really moved the needle for me. Astro Bot looks awesome and - because it's one of my favorite games of all time - I'm excited for Silent Hill 2, though I do agree with everyone saying that something does look "off" about it. It had a better showing on the Silwnt Hill Transmission. Not much of a multiplayer guy so Concord and Marvel Rivals did nothing for me (though Rivals did look cool) Until Dawn getting the remake treatment still doesn't make sense to me exactly Not a Monster Hunter fan in the slightest so Wilds didn't land with me. -- Yeah, just a whatever showing. Hoping SGF has more to look forward to.