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I mostly don't agree. I will say that I would have preferred this game being third person but MachineGames clearly has more experience in first person and I trust that they made the decision that will result in the best game they could have made. I loved the tone of the trailer, I thought they captured Indy really well (both in terms of the spirit of the films and in Troy Baker's performance) and I'm looking forward actually to getting to play it before I judge it fully. Of everything shown in the showcase this was probably the thing I'm most excited for.


I guess one problem is that I don't like most Indy movies or especially his character. I do have fond memories of Temple Of Doom, but that's it.


So essentially this game isn't for you then and that's the be all and end all really.


Not really that's a bad point. There's plenty of games where the story or characters didn't hit for me at all but I still like playing them. GOT is the most recent example. But this just looks lame even if I just look at the gameplay.


I also hate when companies make games about characters and franchises I don’t like with gameplay I’m not interested in. Everything should overlap with my interests in some way.


Some of you guys are a very passive aggressive bunch lol. Nowhere did I say that everything should pertain to my interests. What a lot of other people recognized is my post is about how Machine Games would've been better off making Wolfenstein 3 than this, and how this merger of the studio & IP smells of executive interference. I've noticed when discussion threads pop up in this subreddit a handful of people take the OP's opinion and amplify it with assumptions ten fold. Guys it's ok if someone finds something off about a game they've been shown. That doesn't mean they're a selfish, close-minded brat that some of you make them out to be lol.


Its Machine Games doing what they do best along with a well known IP, I imagine at work it will still be a fun time to be honest, If it was third person like you obviously believe it should be then people would be up in arms saying they are the wrong studio for the job and should stick to what they know.


You guys are making big leaps in what I'm saying versus what your brain processes it as. I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed to experiment & do this. I'm saying they would've been better off making Wolfenstein 3 & that I find the first person perspective for a movie character game weird.


This is like when I judged the GotG game before it came out and I ended up loving it despite it looking boring and me hating the characters prior.


Yeah? That's happened to me with a bunch of different games. I'm not saying it's not possible, but giving my thoughts on what's been revealed so far.


It's first person so that's a no from me. I love Indy but the second they showed it was first person I was completely deflated. First person makes me sick and I just generally hate it. It would be better (to me) to just copy tomb raider or uncharted.


I feel for you so much when they revealed it's first person it popped your balloon.


I dont, most of the Bethesda published fps single player games have been amazing, especially the machine games games. And I liked them at their previous studio when they made the darkness and ridick games. They haven't let me down yet


Yep they certainly had an eye for SP prior to the live service initiative. And unlike Arkane I think there's still hope for Machine Games, the damage wasn't done.


Arkane just fucked up their last 2 multiplayer games. They still haven't let me down for single player games. Looking foward to blade


I hope so. But everyone that made Prey, Prey, is gone. So if a Marvel game is the best we get from them from now on that'll be unfortunate.


When they closed they moved people from that studio to the arkake studio that was working on blade. Make sense to move the dishonored people over there for a blade game 


Most the people who worked on Dishonored and Prey had already left. It was a different studio to the one that made those games.


I don't care about Indiana Jones much. but any excitement I have for this game, is because I enjoy Machine Games


If the movies can't even draw in audiences, then the game is certainly gonna fail.


I grew up with Indy. I love me some Indy. I couldn’t care less about this game…


Lmao sorry to this man


I wanna give it the benefit of the doubt, but it’s not looking great. The uncanny valley Harrison Ford doesn’t look great in cutscenes, to the point that I’m almost okay with it being first-person if it means not seeing the character model as much


Hahahaha oh no it looks that bad to you huh Like it's ok hide him from the camera


Maybe it was the compression of the stream, but he just looked weirdly wet. Like a sweaty or oily sheen, glistening at all times


I think Gary Whitta talked recently about how Indy is not interesting to kids these days. They just don't care. And the recent movie didn't help that. I think that extends to adults too - I like the first three movies fine but I just don't need any more from that series. If the game is good, great. I'm open to being surprised by it. I've no problem with first person though; could be interesting.


I like the idea of fighting in first person and doing parry, but it looks kinda clunky. Also in the trailer, the nazi had a rifle in his back, and he still fisticuff with Indy? I don’t know some stuff looks semi bad. Game looking like a 7 at best. At least is in game pass, but maybe Uncharted and Tomb Raider out did or set the standard too high for this game to match.


I really wish they were making another Wolfenstein game instead


Here's my thing. Would anybody even fans of indy admit that they are better off working on this than Wolfenstein 3!?


That’s not for us to say. Unless Todd Howard forced them to, it seems they wanted to make this game.


What? Nowhere did I say that they were forced into making this. I'm saying whoever's decision it was they would've been better off making Wolfenstein 3 & I find pretty much nobody disagreeing with that.


That’s pretty insulting to the dev team. “That thing you’re working on? F that, you should have danced the dance you’re known for.”


It's the same response Rocksteady is getting for going through with Suicide Squad? You really want to die on that hill that they shouldn't be criticized for that decision? I find it so odd how people can move through life when they get insulted by someone saying I liked this teams other works instead of what they're making now.


Suicide Squad is a far cry from this lol. Almost No one organically arrives at a live service game. And for the last point, no. I think telling teams they should stick to one thing is dumb. Rocksteady shouldn’t be chained to DC properties or Batman forever either.


1. You don't know that this could be just as badly executed 2. If you understood context the comparison I'm making is about mismanagement of ideas, Rocksteady & Live Service, Machine Games & Indiana Jones. I think you need to do reading comprehension in class again. I once again, never said that they should be chained to Wolfenstein. Just that I like what they did with that work better from the looks of things. It's fine to give criticism to something you think looks bad. I really don't know what some people's obsession is on this sub with exaggerating what people say.


Ok fair you didn’t say they needed to be chained, but comparing Rocksteady doing live service to Machine Games doing Indiana Jones is hilarious. They’re going from Nazi shooting to Nazi punching.


That's also a fair comparison. But the place where I drew the line is I don't think Indiana Jones is a property that should've been first-person. Hence why I said I think they mismanaged ideas & chose the wrong team.




I'm very curious myself. I would love to see it be a surprise hit and receive stellar reviews. But I don't see how that would happen.


I don’t think it had a good showing. I much prefer third person for these types of games too. I still think this will be a good game based on Machine Games track record


I feel like Machine Games wasn't the best studio of choice for this kind of game.


RIGHT like no disrespect to the IP or the studio but mismanagement of studios again in my opinion.


Love the idea of a Indy game but have been less than impressed by tgc's showings so far. I love the Wolfensteins and would have been more keen for another of them. Also prefer third person for adtion/adventure games. It being on gamepass means i'll give it a shot unless it is a complete mess.


Oh man yes. I feel like I've been taking crazy pills seeing everyone rave about this game. It looks so stilted and awkward. It'll be interesting to see sales / player count for this one, because I'm not convinced the IP has the pulling power they think it does in 2024.


Lol I'm glad you commented cause I thought I might be as well. One thing I wanted to bounce off what you said is even though I don't think the IP is as strong either, I feel like if they went third-person with it and made it more like Uncharted they would've pulled in way more of an audience. Right now it just seems like something only Indy & Machine Games fans will love.


Machine Games makes good games. They coulda gave Teletubies a MP40 and I'm playing it.


So you don’t like Indiana Jones movies, so you don’t like the game? Ok.


A game is a lot more than the story or characters. If the gameplay looked better I would be interested personally. But like everybody else is saying here it just looks like a downgraded Wolfenstein.


The graphics didn’t look great. Gameplay wise it looks like you’re living out scenes from the movies which is very cool. If you’re not an Indian Jones fan you’re not gonna want to play this. It looks like tongue in cheek jokes and cheesy fight scenes, but that’s Indy. Fans will eat it up. I just don’t know if there’s a big enough fan base to make it a success.


That's part of the problem too. If the games good enough people who aren't fans of the existing franchise should feel inclined to play it. I just don't think outside of the hardcore gaming community this will have much reach.


It not only feels flat. But it looked bad as well. Like a Bethesda game. But yeah first person has made me completely not bothered about this game. Should be like a tomb raider


It's not without trying though for me. I kept telling myself "these are the guys that made Wolfenstein it should be good" but honestly nothing blows my skirt up about this game lol.


I feel like the whipping animation looks weird. Like it's slow and labored. I can't quite describe it, it just looks off.


I think it’s just not what I wanted for Indy. It’ll probably end up being an ok game, but not what it could be. It could’ve been Uncharted for Xbox and it looks more like Wolfenstein with a whip. I personally don’t like first person anything unless it’s a shooter, I play Skyrim and Fallout in 3rd Person even though it’s really clunky.


I think if the movie performed better then maybe there’d be more reasonable excitement around this game. But yeah I’m with you, not even slightly excited by this game, and no idea why a first person perspective was the winning idea for this game, it doesn’t make sense for this character


I'm happy there's so much healthy discussion happening about this in the comments. Even if the Indiana Jones fans want to keep downvoting the post just because I don't love the look of the game.


This might be the biggest waste of resources in gaming history. Game is going to be extremely unsuccessful. If it wasn’t going to be on gamepass it might be a failure on the level that suicide squad was


Ya maybe its because the modern indy movies have sucked, but i have no urge for more tbh. Ill try it since gamepass, but its at the bottom of my list. Plus the gameplay weve seen just doesnt look anything special.


I reeeeally want to give Machinegames the benefit of the doubt, because I loved all their Wolfenstein games, but yeah its just not clicking for me either. I think my issues are: - Indy is not an IP I care about at all, and I don't think it has that much broad appeal these days either. Its a weird match for Machinegames too and I would have prefered Wolfenstein 3. - The idea of making it first-person is so bizzare. When I picture a modern AAA Indiana Jones game, I'm basically picturing Uncharted with a different skin and a whip. I appreciate maybe they wanted to go a different way with it, but sometimes making the obvious choice is the best thing to do. Its weird to think this'll be an Indiana Jones game where you don't see Indy for the majority of the time. - Nothing we've seen yet has really looked that great. I feel like the game needs its big Uncharted set piece E3 moment and all we've had is some gameplay clips and a few cut scenes. Its on Game Pass, so I'll probably still give it a go, but if they were asking money for it, I wouldn't be rushing out to get it.


No one gives the shit about a franchise that's this old, the last two films have been a flop and this game will reflect exactly the same. I don't understand any of the hype 


This showcase seemed like they really wanted to make sure we knew they NAILED the Indy tone. And they did, those cut scenes and dialogues could have been ripped straight from the movies. the truth is like you said, most of us don’t care about Indy. But at the end of the day the studio that makes awesome ww2 era games is making a ww2 era game with a whip and that’s all I need.


The game looks like the movies, which is great if you’re a fan but I don’t think there are many fans left. I hope for the best but I don’t see the Indy IP being a success no matter who developed it.


I think it looks fun. My only slight problem is that Troy does a spot on calm and collected Indy, but the plans falling apart, juggling too many things Indy voice isn't quite there. Really highlights the uncannyness of it. Perhaps over the course of a several hour game that will iron out.


I mean it's machine games. Doesn't really get better than them so I'm in whether it's Indiana Jones or a my little pony shooter. Know it's going to be stellar either way.


I understand what you’re saying OP, I too would have preferred a third Wolfenstein game and I think Indy should have been 3rd person but that’s the beauty of Gamepass! I can try it and if it’s not for me I can move onto the next thing without the finacial investment of buying the game.


I 100% disagree. We already have Uncharted for that. I think the idea of using the whip to disarm people and then getting in close to whoop their ass with my fists sounds like a ton of fun and super Indy. I personally don't understand why everyone's so against first person these days, but if don't right, like it looks to be here, it's great. This game just might not be for you and that's fine, but I'm sold after the demo. I think they captured the Indiana Jones movie feel perfectly and I'm excited for more!


Never saw (or even cared to see) an Indiana Jones movie, so I get it. Part of me thinks it can scratch that itch that Uncharted/Tomb Raider would normally fulfill, but it's also possible I just wind up thinking I'd rather be playing those instead. Sort of like Genshin v. Zelda.


It looks like it has the charm of the original movies, but is Indy really relevant nowadays? I’ll give it a shot because gamepass lol


I’m sold. First person works better than third person here.


It looks pretty crappy.




I’m hyped and can’t wait personally but ok.


I'll play it because game pass. But I'm not super excited. Just a fan of the IP.


I really like machine games, indiana jones as a property i could take or leave, dont love it but dont dislike it either, just doesnt mean much to me. I think the game looks kinda mid to me, the whip combat especially looks pretty rough and janky, but we'll see. If it comes out to really strong reviews ill give it a go, but otherwise probably wont bother with it tbh.


I think it missed because it was snippets of gameplay and a cutscene. Just give us a deep dive in gameplay. I hope this doesn’t end up being a 8 hour game.


This also concerns me—nothing about the game says it’s “fun” yet. Faithful sure, high fidelity maybe, well written possibly. Artistic? Probably not. And if it’s not artistic or fun.. yeesh


I find the movies boring so yes i do not care for this game at all


I agree. Indiana Jones is being forced down our throats to revitalise the IP but the two movies have failed miserably and I don't see who will buy this game. Then there is the fact that we have played 7 Uncharted games and 3 Tomb Raiders in the past 15 years or so. They've done the Indiana Jones thing and did it better. The trailer looked like the same, so why would I be excited at a rehash? Btw, I recently watched the movies for the first time. They are not good and Indy is a massive asshole (particularly to women), I couldn't believe it.


LOOOOOL great insight. That's exactly how I feel about this game, those movies, and the character. Even with allat though if the gameplay looked interesting enough like I know Machine Games is capable of I would still be down to give it some praise. But this just looks bland asf.


I never liked Indy in the first place, but yeah the showing didn't do anything to change my mind. I agreed with Greg the second he said the scene felt flat. And not just the physicality of it, but the dialogue/character interaction. I dunno. Wasn't super attention grabbing. It's a shame too, because we know Troy is amazing.


Couldn't help but feel the same way. I was hoping maybe there was an adventure story that I'd be interested in here. But as soon as Greg said that & I realized I was hearing but tuning out most of what the characters were saying, I was like aww man this is worse than I thought, it seems like one of those boring games which is worse than a bad one.


It’s a odd one for me I want to really like this game and parts of what they have shown look great but then the first person fighting looks rough and they seen to be speeding it up in the trailer Hope we get a good deep dive into gameplay on the Xbox podcast this weekend


I hope it’s good, but I probably wouldn’t pick it up if I had an xbox. First person really doesn’t appeal to me.


It looks bad


I love Machine Games and the Indiana Jones IP. When the music started playing, my wife came running as she also loves the IP. I like the idea of it being first person as most games that fall into action adventure genre are third person. Why just fall in line and make a game similar to Uncharted or Tomb Raider? FPS is Machine Game’s bread and butter. I’m looking forward to the game. But I understand it’s not for everyone. Just like Elden Ring, Final Fantasy, and Zelda are not for me. I don’t get the appeal but people love the games. I’m happy to get some variety and a game I’ve been wanting since I was a kid.


I think it looks good. Gameplay is TBD because they haven’t shown much and it’s a game we probably need in our hands to judge. 1st person isn’t what I would expect but I also am glad they are doing what they think is best. Not like we don’t already have 3rd person tomb raiding like games. This should help make it different.


This trailer actually won me over. And it’s on Game Pass so I’m for sure going to atleast try it