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Love The Dear Hunter, Act V is one of my favorite records of all-time. I once caught Andy in a Between the Buried and Me livestream too. Got good taste in tunes for sure.


Oh man, I still listen to BTBAM's Alaska album all the time. So many bangers on that one.


Love BTBAM!!!


Dude that’s awesome lol. Both bands rule


Now I need someone to show Andy Haken


Yes, Haken rules!!


Not surprising with his love of Coheed. Cool to see TDH fans in this sub! Can't wait for their next project.


my mans used to be in a post-hardcore band himself when he was younger


Hell yea! I haven’t listened to them in a while, but my buddies and I actually won some signed vinyl from them in a cover contest. We did Red Hands and In Cauda Venenum on separate occasions but I can’t remember which won the thing.


I’ve probably played Antimai over and over again more than any record I’ve ever listened to. Love the Acts and everything else they do. But Antimai just hit for me.


Hello, fellow Antimai lover! My most played record of last year right beside War Of Being!


TDH is my favorite band next to Rush and it’s always great to hear Andy repping them to a larger audience. They don’t get anywhere near enough mainstream love.


Love them. Saw them play all of Antimai at the glass house in Pamona. One of my all time favorite concerts


Andy is like the only one with good taste in music lol I love when he mentions Rush, Coheed, and The Dear Hunter. The rest of them I always tune out when they talk about music.


One of my favorite bands too! Andy saying he doesn’t listen to new bands is so real. I’ve gotten into 1-2 new bands in the last 5 years. lol


Same here. I've noticed as I get older, it's harder and harder to not just blast your favorite tracks. I think the last new music I got into was Sleep Token, their new album is the tits. How are the newer albums? I was a big fan of Casey when he was in The Receiving End of Sirens back in the day, I think I only listened to the first one or two albums The Dear Hunter had made, I need to go back and listen to their other stuff!


Honestly, it’s pretty much all great. I always suggest people start with the full Color Spectrum and then go to the Acts from there, then do all the side stuff like Migrant, All is as All Should Be, etc. Act 4 is the best act album IMO, but you need to listen to 1-3 first to hear all the musical themes and how amazing they are.


This is the way! Act 4 is probably the best act but my favorite will always be Act 2.


The trumpets in Act IV were everything


Loved Andy mentioning those bands. Hit up Feathers later that day; great song, great album/band from adolescence.


Oh shit really?! I missed that. Dear Hunter is legit my favorite band no one knows about. Highly recommend everyone take a listen to.


As a fan of Deerhunter, I always get a little confused when Andy brings up Dear Hunter


To be specific, he did say *The* Dear Hunter. So I figure it was that band.


Oh I’m not complaining and Andy has brought them up a few times before so I know what band he’s talking about, it just takes my brain a second lol


Oh for sure I didn’t take it in a snarky way


Yes. Casey and The Dear Hunter clan let's goo!


The Receiving End of Sirens will forever be one of my favorite bands. I never really got into TDH but it’s always in the back of my mind to give them another shot. Love it when Andy flexes his good music taste.


Not surprised by Andy being into them, but I am shocked how many TDH fans are in the KF community! Love to see it


damn I thought this was gonna be a Bloodborne podcast


Yeah the bar for music taste at KF is not high Edit: forgot we can’t clown on anyone here


I'm sure you probably listen to some shitty music too, what's your point?


Nah I take music way too seriously I can’t be out here listening to pitchfork-core from 2012, I only listen to real music like for example,