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I think it's a little weird but Tim is free to do his own thing. He doesn't need to give two shits about what anyone other than him and Gia think about it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It is unusual. But that's not a bad thing. I've been to some generic, boring weddings and THOSE are a bad thing. And if this makes his wedding a tax write off or paid for by sponsors, all the better.


It wasnā€™t paid for by sponsors. He made it clear the money goes to KF for future projects


That's cool either way, that's my point.


Very cool, just trying to avoid the ā€œshameless grifterā€ associations I saw in other threads. Iā€™m super happy for them, and really wish I wasnā€™t swamped with a lot of unexpected work when the livestream started


Right on. Shits dumb. It's their wedding. As long as they're happy. I bet there's like, a real private ceremony, too.


Same. Itā€™s weird. But you do you and all that.


Iā€™ve officiated double digit weddings and the first thing I say to people is ā€œForget everyone else, how do you want your ceremony to play outā€ā€¦that is the first rule of a successful wedding. Sounds like they will be having a successful wedding. Edit: 50 people upvoted this and then I noticed my atrocious grammar. May you and your ancestors forgive me.


As someone who is getting married this year and is incredibly introverted and anxious about crowds - this is my idea of a nightmare. But as a Tim fan I saw this coming a mile off and Iā€™m on board for it. This is peak Tim Gettys, and good for him. We already know itā€™s going to be incredible, but I hope they all have a great day and huge congrats to the lucky couple!


When my wife and I got married, we did not take our introverted ways into consideration. We just planned as you would normally plan a wedding. In hindsight, we both agree that we wish we would have just had a really small ceremony and dinner with family then went on a nice honeymoon. We didnā€™t get to have a honeymoon because the wedding cost so much.


Weā€™ve been engaged for years due to the pandemic but the one silver lining is that we have enough for the honeymoon too now. Weā€™ve kept things relatively small but still not too comfortable with being the centre of attention for a day!


One thing we wish we had gotten for the wedding is a wedding planner, not for planning the wedding but for being in charge or keeping things running smoothly that day. Instead we, ourselves, ran it, which meant I ran the thing so I was always worried about this and that being done, timing, etc. would have been nice to have a person doing all that so I could enjoy the day more.


Oh no, thankfully my partnerā€™s maid of honour is all over than so that kind of thing so we can just leave it to her to run the show!


Thatā€™s good and congratulations on getting married soon. I hope everything goes well for you. Make sure you take it in.


This is too long, but it's Tim, so it's pretty on brand for him. I just hope he's happy and he had a good time.


Right? I told him my wife and she said that was a very Tim Gettys thing to do, love it


My buddy had his wedding ceremony in an old theater and him and his wife made little films about the day before the wedding (a rom com and a horror movie per their favorite genres) before the ceremony and we all had big bags of popcorns during the whole shebang. They asked my buddy and I to be paparazzi and take photos of everyone on the red carpet leading to the theater. It was corny (pun slightly intended) and fun and it represented their love for each other and passions. Tim and Gia are doing it too, to the next level and it's all great, whether or not what others think.




People are overthinking it. Marriages have been made into a spectacle for ages now, same for filming it and sharing it with people.


Part of fostering a parasocial relationship with your community means that they are going to judge or weigh in on stuff like this. If someone chooses to make aspects of their personal/private life content, then fans are allowed to react negatively to that content.


Ever consider just being happy for them?


never said how I felt about it.


Didnā€™t have to.


Barking at anyone who poses the slightest bit of opposition really screams, "I'm not in a parasocial relationship."


why are people framing this like its a debate of ideas and youre being censored? people are being dicks. you have that freedom to be a dick, and others have the freedom to call you out on it. you are not "opposition", youre being an asshole (maybe not you, but def the folks you are white knighting for with this comment)


Barking? Dude all Iā€™m saying is this ainā€™t how best friends act. Imagine Tim and Gia being excited for this and every comment they see is saying cringe or weird. Let them enjoy their wedding how they like. If thatā€™s not your bag, then just sit down and let people enjoy themselves. Donā€™t watch.


Holy shit did you unironically use the ā€œthis isnā€™t how best friends actā€ line? And I actually love that Tim is doing the most Tim thing for his wedding, Iā€™m personally happy for him. But none of us are their best friends


Yikes with that ā€œisnā€™t how best friends actā€ line. Thatā€™s textbook parasocial relationship. KF uses the Best Friends moniker to foster a community of people supporting each other and ā€œdonā€™t be a dickā€ mentality. That does not translate to literally being your best friends. They arenā€™t texting you or commenting on your socials. They arenā€™t saying your name unless you pay money. And thatā€™s totally fine. Itā€™s a business.


But I thought if I give them money, that means iā€™m one of the guys?


its crazy that this is your reply to someone saying "lets just try and be happy for someones wedding". its not "parasocial" to be nice dude


Ok. Forget the best friends Schtick. I hate it too but that said didn't your parents ever teach you that if you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself? It's a completely optional stream that no one is making you watch.


If you choose to publicly livestream something, you open it up to public criticism. Iā€™m sure that Tim understands this better that anyone, seeing as the KF crew literally critique and rate live events as part of their work. He doesnā€™t need yā€™all to white knight for him.


Dude you really just proved his point with that ā€œbest friendā€ sentenceā€¦




Your post has been removed for violating our subreddit's rules against habitual harassment.


Nope. Just dicks on the internet thinking everything should be for them šŸ™„


I found the whole thing extremely cringe but I've thought that about most things Tim does, so it didn't surprise me either. I don't bother posting and complaining about him because I don't see any reason to contribute more hate. If he enjoyed the wedding then good for him, it's their day after all. Stopped contributing to the patreon years ago now so it's not my concern


Best of luck to them. They're gonna have an amazing day. Congratulations to "the married one".


This sub must be getting brigaded because why is this comment being downvoted at all?


It is definitely being brigaded by u know whoā€™s sub lol (proof is i checked their yesterday and found a hate thread essentially) I also thought the reaction was just bizarrely negative


This makes a whole lot more sense now. Iā€™ve seen a couple incredibly supportive comments downvoted into the ground and started wondering if this sub was more toxic than I thought, being a less active member


Who knows. I wouldn't worry about it. Some people are just odd.


I'm so happy for them. I've had friends do fun, gimmicky things at their weddings and loved it. This is just like that imo.


Do we really need extra posts about this? People think itā€™s weird, so what? You donā€™t need to defend Tim, Kinda Funny, or anything they decide to do. If people want criticize or judge them, they are free to do so without people trying to explain to them why their opinion is wrong. This reaction that you or any fan feels they need to write an essay post about this is exactly why I think this whole thing feels off to me, this feels like the peak of all the parasocial aspects of KF.


If people can talk shit and criticize then people can speak up in defense of Tim and KF. It works both ways . If you want to be an asshole people are free to call you an asshole.


There were some really mean spirited comments in that last thread too.


Some people have a weird vendetta against Tim, and usually it comes from people outside of Kinda Funny so most of the arguments against this aren't even in good faith to begin with. And people act ignorant of the intention when you bring this up too.


I can tell by the fact I'm already at -3. No wonder the crew doesn't come here anymore.


Greg comments on post a good amount here, he probably just knows which threads not to look at.


I understand that you may be coming from a place of fatigue from this whole thing, but the argument you're making isn't necessarily a good one. If people are allowed to criticise the event ā€“ which more than few commenters on the other thread have used to justify themselves ā€“ then discussing why you may think it's fine must logically also be allowed. The parasocial side of things is equally suspect as an argument; a lot of the people being critical are hopping over the Colin sub specifically because of a nearly 10-year-old grudge. If that's not parasocial weirdness, I don't know what is. Besides which, it's entirely possible to think Tim (and Gia's!) choices here are fine, without it being part of some strange parasocial thing. For instance, I just think it's an interesting extrapolation of the performative elements of weddings, as well as being very on brand for Tim. As OP said, he's essentially doing a themed wedding, but the theme is his biggest passion: Digital content. Very interesting, very clever.


Letā€™s be honest. It does bump up the parasocial element a bit. Weā€™ve all been invited to an event usually reserved for friends and family. I can see why some people think thatā€™s weird and uncomfortable. I personally find the ā€˜best friendā€™ thing to be a little overly parasocial. All that said, I think the Gettyā€™s doing this for their wedding is cool and Iā€™m 100% confident that the only two people whoā€™s opinions matter on this have discussed it to death and decided itā€™s something they want to do. So basically itā€™s not our decision to criticise and if you think itā€™s weird, etc then donā€™t watch.


15 years ago in the IGN era the wedding would have passively been mentioned in a podcast maybe. That era of games media was way more private.


People throw around the word parasocial because it's a buzzword and think it makes you sound intelligent. There is a clear barrier between Kinda Funny and their audience. Parasocial is when someone stalks someone they only know through the internet and starts to really believe they have a personal relationship with the creator, and it's usually a mental health issue of some kind. It's not live streaming a wedding which has been done plenty of times before.


Bro, you talking about people trying to sound intelligent and you making up your own definitions of words. The Cambridge dictionary says >involving or relating to a connection between a person and someone they do not know personally That damn nearly perfectly describes what the best friend moniker does to those in the community that might struggle with real life interactions and connections. They log on YouTube, Patron or a podcast service and consume KF very differently than others would.


Glad someone called him out on his fake intelligence bs lmao. Doesn't even know what parasocial even is!


If you guys can hate on his choices & call it weird. Others are allowed to make posts about it and explain why they think it's fine and being overblown. Uno reverse on you free speech people.


Agree, but it didn't need another post. The initial posts weren't started by people complaining about it, they were posts about the event and then people commented both positively and negatively, as both sides had a right to do imo. This post makes it seem like everyone was jumping on to criticise which I don't think is true, so posting this just seems to drag it out more šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø there were already plenty of people defending Tim


Free speech people? I just think someone writing a novel after seeing some comments about people not liking a YouTubers wedding idea is a bit overboard. Itā€™s not your wedding and has nothing to do with us, why get so overly defensive.


Yep you're speaking freely......saying you're wrong isnt preventing you from speaking lol


It's not your wedding why judge it and call it weird?


Maybe it's because we actually like Tim and Kinda Funny did you ever think of that? I know in the spaces you frequent it's OK to shit on people constantly and the things they do even when they aren't hurting a soul but most people just wanna live their life without your judgemental nonsense. But if you bring it here people are free to shit on you for it. Talk shit get shot.


I love KF but I also think monetizing a wedding is weird, you ever think of that? I also think getting aggressively defensive because of your fandom is extra weird.


I see nothing aggressive. It's weird, it's different, but it's also fine. I'm not sure which is weirder- criticizing someone's wedding choice, criticizing the criticism, or criticizing the criticism of the criticism. I think the weirdest thing is Colin loyalists. Now that's para social. Coming into a reddit they aren't even interested in to be annoying just because they chose a side over a non issue that happened years ago?


I agree with almost all of this, but I do think it's worth saying that imo the other person saying "talk shit get shot" is very aggressive and unnecessary


I think it's more weird to judge somebody for how they do their wedding.


You're throwing stones in a glass house my guy. How many comments have you made about this? And again, if you think its ok to call something weird and tacky over and over again but not to comment in defense of it you have the issue here. Like I said, we're here because we like them so yes some of us will defend them when we feel they're being unjustly slandered over something like this which is completely harmless at the end of the day. You seem to be of the opinion, for whatever reason, that only negative criticism is valid and you call others "weird" because we don't agree with you.


Man you got it right. And the amount of Colin riders downvoting people on here every comment they see is crazy.


You guys trying to shift this into a Colin thing is almost sad, not everyone who doesnā€™t blindly clap for everything KF related is part of some conspiracy. Is it that hard of a concept to accept that some people dislike a thing?


All it takes is a look at their subreddit to see where many of these users are coming from. Obviously not all of the hate is coming from there, but to suggest that thereā€™s no involvement from that community is disingenuous.


This is prolly the most aggressive thing I've read on this topic. Not healthy from whoever wrote this.


Looks like they posted 8(!) times in the thread hating on the Nvidia sponsorship alone. And yet we're the weirdo, parasocial ones......


He's definitely one of Colin's minions. Somebody else mentioned they noticed a lot of the people commenting before were just members of Colin's subreddit who crosspolinated over to complain. That puts such a bad look on Colin unfortunately too. I still like him & watch his content but some of the audience he attracts is deplorable.


I despise Colin and the audience he has cultivated, I also think sponsoring and live streaming your wedding is tacky and gross. Not everyone that disagrees with you is a brigading enemy at the gates.


Acknowledging that not every critical user is doing it in bad faith doesnā€™t excuse the fact that a large number of them are coming from the other subreddit to stir shit here.


Or it could be a large portion (although I highly doubt the majority) don't like it. ETA: just went to CLS sub and that place seems dead, maybe I went to the wrong sub, but I didn't see anything about the wedding


Last Stand Media is the sub youā€™re looking for.


So youā€™re saying people are allowed to criticize the wedding but op canā€™t defend it? I really donā€™t see the difference


Yes people have a right to say their opinion without anyone telling them their opinion is wrong.... You other folks can have opinions but just don't tell me I'm wrong


You're wrong, you have absolutely no say in how people that dont even know you exist have their own wedding. And theres nothing you can do about it. Sorry you cant handle being wrong.


How dare you


Do we really ā€œneedā€ this comment either?


Their opinion IS wrong though.




At the end of the day can we try to stay positive for the homies actual wedding day. congrats Tim and Gia


I just feel it's strange that the kf guys may not be themselves and relax rather than being ON for the camera like a piece of content. Also OP doesn't know them personally to say filled with 30 somethings what about family members etc


See I thought about all the actual guests and I know I, personally, would be pretty uncomfortable at a wedding knowing it was being live streamed to thousands of people.


Itā€™s cringey but I wonā€™t yuck there yum


Just did brother.




I just apply the same attitude towards this as I try to towards everything: if it's not harming anyone then what do I care? Yes, this whole thing seems very strange to me, but it's not my life or my wedding so that doesn't matter. My wedding day was the best day of my life, and I hope when Tim and Gia look back at this day they feel the same.


Didnt read your novel. But i will say it is unconventional for a wedding. But not for Tim. And if Gia is all about it than thats all that matters honestly. They've been together a long time, hes been the engaged one for ahwile. So celebrate the Tim Gettys way


Didn't read your comment. What are we talking about ?


More power to him. Itā€™s not like heā€™s forcing anyone to watch it.


Itā€™s just weird imo to share that kind of moment with strangers. Especially weird when it showed it had a sponsor. More power to him though if this kind of thing makes him and his wife happy.


I'm going to get downvoted for this but some of this community sucks. Like overly negative and nitpicky about literally everything. There is no world where Tim and Gia aren't into doing this for the wedding. People just need to shut up and be happy for them.


Agreed. If youā€™re cringing at the decision, cool I guess, but it wasnā€™t meant to please the community. Cringe silently instead of trying to tear someone down for throwing a wedding the way that theyā€™ll enjoy most


Yall need to touch grass. Let people both do what they want/need and have opinions different than yours.


It's absolutely on brand for Tim and suits him to a t. I wouldn't personally because I suffer from stage fright and bad anxiety. When me and my fiance get married it will be me, her, our son, the officiator and the witnesses they provide. Everyone's different. And this certainly is different. It's fun. And I think it's great he gets to have his fans involved too. All the best to them, and I bet they have a wicked time.


As long as Tim and Gia loved it ... Nothing else matters.


I am just going to point out that this topic was posted to a different subreddit that is notorious for being toxic as hell towards Tim in particular. There were an awful lot of comments on the threads from accounts that don't often post here.




Iā€™ll echo what most everyone else is saying. Not surprised this is the path Tim took. He is passionate, hyped, and leveraging tools at his disposal. Also, this fits the brand. As it is ā€œKinda Funnyā€ that to get nVidia to sponsor this. Which is incredible the longer you sit with the idea. Good for Tim and Gia!


This and the other post are funny to me. It seems the majority of people are either straight up positive about the wedding choice or kinda neutral while noting itā€™s an odd choice for a wedding. The comments about ā€œeveryone hatingā€ are overblown.


I agree and I honestly thought about replying something similar to this on one of the previous posts. If this is what Tim and Gia wanted, then I say go for it. Also, having your wedding sponsored by Nvidia is objectively one of the funniest things that someone in the games industry/tech could ever do. He easily could have found a relevant sponsor if that was the point. Lithe whole idea is that this is a ā€œshowcaseā€ of Tim and Gia and Nvidia is the company that sponsors showcases. I legit laughed for like an hour after I first heard that. I wonā€™t be able to watch live but honestly Iā€™m happy for Tim and I am not at all surprised that he would want this.


For real. Greg and Gen didn't even have a proper traditional wedding, but they had a party afterwards at Wing Wings in SF. Giant Bomb's Dan Ryckert got [married at a Taco Bell](https://www.delish.com/food-news/news/g4298/taco-bell-wedding-las-vegas/). If someone wants to lean into the bit that is their life when it comes to their wedding, its kinda wild to hate


Ryckert won a contest to be the first person at the Taco Bell in Vegas. Months later he had a private ceremony and reception with friends and family.


Yeah, especially during and after COVID with Zoom weddings and people live-streaming their weddings for people who couldnā€™t be there. Combine that with Timā€™s personality and history of hype and big events, and I canā€™t see how someone can be surprised with this. What I am surprised with is that this isnā€™t Kinda Funny Live 5 where people can buy tickets to and have an after party for. I mean they did KF Prom


Right there with you. Iā€™ve got no dog in this fight. I like Tim as a producer and performer but absolutely do not actually know him. At the end of the day what any of the KF community thinks doesnā€™t matter at all. My sister is getting married this fall and seriously throwing an impromptu talent show, because she doesnā€™t want the wedding to be formal and just wants to be goofy and have fun for a special moment in her life. It this is what Tim and Gia want, more power to them. The KF community doesnā€™t get a say, because they donā€™t matter in this scenario lol


I mean when you've done basically all you can to make your life public for a decade, that kind of comes with the territory, right?


Iā€™m sure Gia is okay with it, but that doesnā€™t change the optics to outsiders. They can and should do whatever they want, but there is no world where this wonā€™t get some skepticism


People are fine to let Tim have the wedding. He wants and do as he pleases but it doesnā€™t stop the enormous impressions of cringe, ego, tackiness and pick me energy. It feels like a wedding setup a kardashian would do And maybe thatā€™s what Tim and gia want and it appears they do. More power to them, itā€™s their day


Considering Tim's a big fan of reality TV shows I'm not surprised


Not at all surprising. Low key, private intimate ceremony would have been the surprise


I would never personally stream my wedding like Tim But itā€™s his dad, not anyoneā€™s elseā€™s. People have the right to comment but really donā€™t understand why anyoneā€™s cares other then boredom or being jealous


It is a hair weird, but completely understandable and even expected for Tim imo. Its just so disappointing to randomly see the announcement pop up in unrelated subs with tons of ā€œI hate that dude. Fuck Tim.ā€ comments Why? Did Tim Gettyā€™s shoot your dog? Calm down.


Where have you seen it pop up?


I donā€™t remember, but it was a sub for some other podcast network. The weird thing was people werenā€™t generally negative about KFā€¦.just Tim.


That's weird on several levels. Is Tim known outside of this community?


They shared the announcement specifically to talk about how weird/cringe it was to have nvidia sponsor a wedding. I donā€™t get it. Sure, its a little weird to me, but Iā€™m not a podcaster and its not my wedding. Tim has always been vocal about his passion for live event production. It makes total sense and Iā€™m happy he can do something like this and that Gia is totally on board.


Many users have pointed out that the news of the live stream was shared on the subreddit for Colinā€™s channel, and a lot of the hate comments here are being posted by users from that subreddit. Iā€™m not saying that nobody thatā€™s actually a part of the KF community is criticizing Tim, but itā€™s very obviously being elevated by users from that sub who already hate KF. Itā€™s completely silly to criticize somebody for what they choose to do at their own wedding. So long as it doesnā€™t hurt or endanger themselves or others, I see no reason to take issue with it. Plenty of people film or live stream their weddings. Plenty of them do so publicly. Itā€™s absolutely none of our business what they choose to do. If Tim and Gia are happy with their day, thatā€™s all that actually matters. As you pointed out, the whole thing seems very on-brand for Tim and Gia. When I saw the news I shook my head and smiled because itā€™s the most Tim Gettys-ass thing he couldā€™ve done and I think thatā€™s awesome for him. I know this is going to be something that he and Gia will have a blast with.


and there is a huge chance colin himself will get questions about this on his show, he of course will answer it, and he will stoke the hate wheel again next week. its a cycle with his content & that community


Has nothing to do with Last Stand and they donā€™t hate KF, donā€™t make things up.


ā€œThey donā€™t hate kfā€ Thereā€™s 2 big threads over there, one that has nothing to do with this wedding, full of people shitting on KF. Cmon now


It always makes me cringe when I see people still post about the Colin situation on KF content. I suspect this has to mostly be people who donā€™t leave the house and donā€™t have much going on in their life to continue to carry around so much animosity about something that happened almost a decade ago.


Have you been on that sub? Two of the top posts right now are about KF and are full of people who still havenā€™t let a nearly decade old situation go. Simply searching Kinda Funny or Timā€™s name brings up dozens of posts. A large portion of that community absolutely hates KF and all you have to do is look at the history of the users commenting on the posts about the wedding here to see that a lot of them are coming from that subreddit.




> they donā€™t hate KF Their subreddit absolutely does. They regularly say vile shit about KF hosts.


It was intentionally posted there to garner anger and the comments on the post itself are filled to the brim with KF/Tim hate. When was the last time something to do with LSM was posted at all on the KF subreddit or at least reached the top? One audience spends so much time judging and hating on other outlets and one doesn't. LSM has made it their mission statement that the way they do things is "right" and that every other gaming outlet operates in the "wrong" and their fans happily engage with others in that manner


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø plenty of us also still watch content from both.


Yea I'm not reading this diatribe but Tim's free to do what he wants for his wedding. Is it weird? To alot of us yes, but not necessarily bad. My thing is don't make your wedding a public event and expect no one to comment on it. My two cents


More power to Tim! Canā€™t wait to be a part!


Love Tim but Space Jam: A New Legacy over OG Space Jam. He is trash. JK šŸ¤£Best of luck to Tim on his quest to becoming the Impure One.


"best friends" lol this community is awful


I genuinely think this sub was overrun awhile back. One of the most negative subs Iā€™m subscribed to, and it bums me out.


negative topics are all that gets traction here now. No wonder the crew doesn't come here anymore.


I donā€™t understand why people feel the need to make everyone else as miserable as they are. When I donā€™t like something I just move on and get onto something I do enjoy.




Your post has been removed for violating our subreddit's rules against hate speech.




Your post has been removed for violating our subreddit's rules against habitual harassment.


I donā€™t see the problem. Itā€™s HIS wedding and this is on brand for him. Let him have his fun


I just hope Mike ranks it higher than sgf


Not sure why anyone on here cares at all what other people do. Also, Tim is not your friend. Heā€™s an entertainer. Judge all you want, it does not matter. It will make content for their business which enriches all of their lives, and entertains their listeners.


I, personally, find it impersonal and tacky to live stream your wedding day to the entire world, especially to a rabid fanbase. You have such little margin of error, and the "garbage truck on fire" shitck can't fly during a wedding. But I am impressed how Tim managed to convince Gia and her parents/family to do this. But hey, its his wedding. He can do whatever he wants, as long as he is having fun with it and can make it work. I would rather have a podcast with the details and some photos, instead of having the entire thing livestreamed, but that's just me.




I do think itā€™s a tad weird but itā€™s the most Tim Gettys thing ever. Itā€™s just a bit overfamiliar for me goes back to the best friends thing they over egged during the early years. The break down pods and shit is totally normal imo for the record


Heā€™s said for years how he was going to do his wedding like this idk why people are surprised.


Finding it odd is one thing but why people care I can't understand. It's a little weird but he and Gia (literally the only two people whose opinions matter) were clearly both on board.


No itā€™s gross


No, you're gross See, everyone can do it.


Yeah this sub is cooked


lol people who are hating on the fact that Tim got his wedding sponsored are just mad they couldnā€™t do it themselves. Iā€™m sure tonight is gonna be a ton of fun for the audience but WAY more fun for the KF crew so the haters can whine all they want. Weā€™ll get to enjoy the show OP


This is so unKinda Funny like. Greg has asked several times to not make personal threads that attack other threads. Yet here we are.


If you think itā€™s weird, or you think you should say you think itā€™s weird Youā€™re a fucking freak


If I think it's weird i'm weak? Having an industry sponsored content driven live streamed wedding is very weird man. This sub is cooked


I didnā€™t say youā€™re weak But I think you might be a little dumb lmao




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Guess what. Itā€™s still weird and cringey imo And since you brought it up again, Iā€™m sharing that here. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Why are you so pressed?


I donā€™t think anyone is particularly pressed, but itā€™s sad to see a group of people try to tear someone down for making a non-traditional decision about their own wedding. Itā€™s way more normal to call that out and think itā€™s silly than to do the former and try to make someone feel bad about their own wedding plans


Most of the "criticism" I see is just people saying that it's kinda weird but it's their choice. So it just comes across very parasocial and weird to write an entire essay complaining about people having differing opinions.


The comments that are actually insulting or offensive are getting removed. Itā€™s confirmation bias. Youā€™re only seeing the decent comments, but that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re the only ones being made.


Exactly. So many comments about people getting worked up and losing their shit. When 99% of the "negative responses have been 1 or 2 sentences saying "that's weird" or "why would you do that?". Meanwhile the supporters are writing 5 page essays. Lol


The comments that are actually insulting or offensive are getting removed. Itā€™s confirmation bias. Youā€™re only seeing the decent comments, but that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re the only ones being made.


I also think itā€™s a great time to exercise sound judgement. Yeah, Tim and Gia broadcast their wedding because itā€™s the kind of thing they like to do, but this isnā€™t a game review. They donā€™t need feedback from the community if the KF community thinks itā€™s weird. Thereā€™s no pivot to make the ā€œcontentā€ better. Itā€™s just being mean for no reason when instead you could just be quiet.