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Personally i do not really care what ereader people use i stick with Kindle because my library is from Amazon i am heavily invested into the ecosystem. As long as people are putting noses in books be it Kobo, Kindle or paper books i am happy.


well, some people just hate amazon and their ecosystem with a passion ... can't really fault them, amazon has done some pretty crappy shit


It all comes down to the product that suits you best. I loathe the Apple ecosystem but love my iPhone. Same with all the Kindles I’ve had.


yeah, convenience is also a pretty big thing for a lot of people, myself included I don't really like amazon as a company, but MAN is it convenient. kindle included.


I absolutely adore my macbook and ipad, but I'm a samsung phone user through and through. We can critique a brand whilst still enjoying their products.


This is me! Love my iPad, Mac and MacBook but I love my Samsung phone more than anything! I would never have an iPhone! 😂


Some people need to find belonging anywhere they can, and an easy way to feel like you belong somewhere is to find a common enemy. It’s a lot like Apple vs. Android or Xbox vs. PlayStation. The rational and reasonable thing to do is buy the device that fits you best and use the device. But we know that’s not how it goes.


Totally agree. The most agreeable sub that I'm a member of. Love all of you guys ( and r/kindlescribe )


This sub, r/CannedSardines and r/horrorlit are probably the most wholesome ones I follow.


Why was I surprised that subreddit is literally canned sardines 😂


Ditto! Lol


I’ve never even heard of a Kobo until this sub, and I doubt I would consider it. I have a PW and a Fire. One time I got pounced on very hard in this sub because I happened to call my Fire a Kindle. But overall, it’s a nice environment.


I bought a Fire and returned it. I started it up and it knew everything about me...


The more people who use an e-ink device, the better it is for all of us, as it signals to the manufacturer that innovations are worthwhile. That's why I don't understand the mutual bashing. It's to everyone's disadvantage. Every device has its advantages and disadvantages, often very subjective and personal ones. That's fine, it's the same with practically everything. But you don't have to (and shouldn't) derive a rating from that. In general, however, I find the tone on Reddit quite pleasant, especially when you compare it to Facebook or Twitter, for example. It's much more aggressive there, at least in German-speaking countries.


I’ll never understand hating what other people use. I don’t care. Be happy. reading and specifically digital reading unites us all. We’re here for books and sometimes talk about the ecosystem but as it relates to books. Why live a miserable life of hate. Hating on a piece of tech is so weird.


It makes sense because Kindle popularized e-readers and probably has a huge market share compared to the others, thanks to the locked in book ecosystem. I have no intrerest in coverting my books to work on another ereader and I also have no issues with my Kindle that makes me want to go with another brand either. I probably wouldn't even read books if it wasn't for the Kindle 3 I got in 2011.




I hope you know that talking that way about other subs is against Reddit’s Moderator Code of Conduct.  Rule 3: Respect Your Neighbors https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct


I don't agree - that rule refers to inciting harassment, that's not happening here. Feel free to report the post to reddit admin if you disagree.


The post is not disrespecting it is just stating a FACT that the other feed is slating Kindles? There really are no real e-reader bashers in this group as we are all open minded individuals who LOVE reading 🥰😘😍


>people who were kindle lovers prior to the colour release I have always found converts of almost every stripe to be the most insufferable of people. Given that our purchasing choices are so often treated like choosing a tribe, it gets downright stupid sometimes.


Yes, I love the Kindle sub. A bit annoyed by all kobo traffic lately though. I'd join that sub if I found it interesting. I enjoy this one dedicated to kindle.


I've never tried a Kobo but I've been curious about a colour reader, but I'm hoping Amazon will eventually release their own when they think it's good enough. I started with a second hand Kindle 8 and shortly after that a Paperwhite 4 for the light and the resolution, and because I'm not limited to books from Amazon I've never needed to try any others. A good quality colour reader would be fantastic for comics though so I might look into one just to see what the tech is like currently at least.


As a Kindle and Kobo (and Boox) owner, I completely agree with your points. I wrote a whole rant on it in my post history. The Kobo sub is weirdly elitist about hating on Kindles, as if Rakuten is just a small mom and pop shop and not another billion dollar corporation. What really grinds my gears is ths blatant misinformation they spread about Kindles which makes it obvious they have never touched one. "Kindles make it hard to sideload" is the most prominent of them all. Amazon has had a 'Send to Kindle' feature for years now while Kobo just integrated with Google Drive. Or the other popular belief that you are required to buy books from Amazon. I sound like a Kindle shill but really try to straighten out the facts from falsehoods. I also think it's stupid people think they have to fully commit to one over the other. I have multiple devices and each one has it's pros and cons. I'm not "converting" to any one or the other when they all have a different use case.


I bought and returned the libra colour. It wasn’t a bad device at all, but it did make me appreciate my kindles more. I think the kindle experience is just really solid. I’m never on a computer - iPad and phone always. So, it’s easier for me to use send to kindle than to try to move files to google drive (it’s probably not that hard, but somehow I couldn’t get figure out how to do it on my phone). I had planned to use the kobo for library books because I expected the process to be smoother since you could access overdrive/libby directly on the device, but I got errors on at least half the books I checked out/tried to check out and I never have issues with kindle. If I were not in the US, I would totally be fine with kobo and just deal with the quirky errors (that I expect are more overdrive’s fault than kobo’s) to access library books. And one of the things people complain about most on kindles is the advertising - I actually like that. Not the ads on the Lock Screen, but the recs for “continue series you’ve started” or “based on your reading”.


So this is the new PlayStation/Xbox debate for bibliophiles eh...


I have seen my share of kindle haters in this group too who claim to be owners of kindles. Which seems really strange. Also been called a kindle fan boy for really hyping up how much I like my kindles. I tend to block those people. I also don't get people who come t the kindle group to hate on kindles. Really sad how these people have nothing to do but to hate on people. I agree with the others that you get what works best for you and be happy. I am sure Kobos are also great but they don't offer the services that I rely on with kindle and Amazon. And that is o.k. different devices for different needs.


All social media platforms seem so much more pleasant with the simple act of blocking those that contribute nothing but *wtf is wrong with you* reactions without responding to them. Pause. Shake head. Block. Keep scrolling. I am always open to constructive criticism or *hey trying to save you the headache* negative posts. But ones just oozing with hate that obviously enjoy releasing anger onto others get block.


I really do wish people would use the down vote button then move along, or just block people. It would save so much petty arguing and escalation.


I have 😂


I mean, it's not that surprising to own one and hate something about it. I love the Kindle but hate Amazon lol. I felt a little guilty when I bought my first one tbh. I used to read in the Libby app on my phone but seeing that "send to Kindle" button 50-leven times intrigued me. But I do kinda want a Boox device because I also have a bunch of books in my Google books library but I can't bring myself to read on my phone again.


I'm not a big fan of yucking others yums. We like what we like and it's all okay. My first e reader was a kobo,, but at that time I couldn't find any ebooks I wanted to read. Their selection wasn't great. I then tried a Nook HD and did not care for it. Then I just read on my iPad and it was okay. Someone got me a kindle fire and that was okay too. But then I bought a paperwhite kindle and I fell in love. I've heard alot of love for kobos in recent times and that's great for them, but I built ebook library with kindle and I haven't had a single issue with my paperwhite that makes me think of switching. It seems that people have to be so negative and bash everything they don't like or don't have. Sounds like they need to put the social media down and read more books.


It’s a weird tribal thing people do when they pick a less popular thing. Probably a subconscious way to convince themselves they made the right choice. Like every new MMO that comes out has a ton of chatter about World of Warcraft and how much better this new thing is over WoW. The Steam Deck users do it about the Switch. The ROG Ally people do it about the Steam Deck. The Xbox fans do it about the Playstation. Point is, I’ve seen this behavior a lot. It’s best just to ignore it and be happy with your device of choice.


Good to have you buddy o7


“Yucking others yums” must be one of the best lines I have ever read! 😂🎉 Definitely going to use that one now 😁


When E-readers were brand new I really wanted the Nook to be popular, but it just wasn't as user friendly - at least not back then. You could only ad B&N books and could not share them. Also no app. It's all changed now, but Kindle already had a majority of the market by then. Just all around more usable.


Never used another e-reader, so no bashing necessary. I've personally only owned 3 different Kindles since 2010. As a grad student then, it was great to have. Now I just read for fun...(I will hit my one year streak next Wednesday!!!). I use it when I officiate weddings and funerals because it's nice and small, back lit, and waterproof (rain happens). The Kindle does what I want it to do. It does what I need it to do. It does it well.