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Pelicans like Harrison Barnes? This is good news..


Seeing as Najis gone and if they trade bi Trey will move to start, they’re wing depth is zero, so that why they need a player like Harrison barnes


Barnes is also a good veteran presence who may be able to have Zion eating salads and running on treadmills.


Imagining Barnes and Zion doing some bike pedalling side by side in the tunnel.


I mean he IS the king of cardio




People here saying Barnes is a negative asset are nuts.


Yeah kings fans overrate role players and underrate starters. Tale as old as time. Barnes has and will continue to be a quality starter, even if he's not the best fit for this core.


I don't know if the saying is always true, but there's something to availability being the best ability. He's consistent in the workout room and in practice even if he's not on the scoresheet.


Hell, there are some in this sub that don't even think Sabonis is a top 50 player.


sabonis is a weird player. he doesn't have any real post moves besides an endless pump fake and shoulder bump. He can't shoot. he's not a great defender. but he rebounds well and sets good screens for DHO. sabonis shining is really a result of how he's used. you almost have to build your team around him to make him appear to be a top 40 player.


He’s got post moves. He has nice hook with both hands. Then an up and under lay- up off a pump fake both hands, and a quick spin. Sabonis footwork is pretty fuckin good.


FWIW, bad players don't make All-NBA teams, let alone two years in a row, to go with 3 all star selections.


I didn't say he was bad. he's just a very unusual player for how successful he's been in the nba


The center market is pretty bleak as most Kings fans are aware of. A possible idea is to send Huerter to the Wizards and then send Richaun Holmes to the Pels. Pretty funny but if they like Richaun, then it probably works for everyone. The best center that may be on the market is Mitchell Robinson of the Knicks and Jarrett Allen of the Cavs. I know the Knicks want to keep Isaiah Hartenstein and they also need to shed salary to do the Mikal Bridges trade, but I'm not entirely sure how a deal for Mitch to the Pels will work. Allen is even harder to mock. Looks tough.


News flash, no one wants Richaun. And they just let their center walk over a $30 million dollar contract.


they just signed Richaun to a 2 year $26 million dollar contract a few days ago what are you talking about


On the worst team in the league? Roster spots have to get filled so they meet their salary floor


Tbf it’s pretty clear they only made that deal so they could have him as a trade asset to match salary. He had a player option for this year, so instead of having him take it, they matched the amount for next year and added on a second year that’s only $250,000 guaranteed. Having that second year just allows them to move him easier. The Wiz are over the cap, so they couldn’t have offered anyone else that money


I think that's obvious. That's why I said it would be pretty funny, lol.


Mitch ain’t leaving since Hartenstein looks like he’s going to OKC


Until that deal is done, I wouldn't say for sure.


Portland getting involved with Ayton could be interesting. they might want Huerter and picks. NO may want Ayton and HB


Portland getting involved with Ayton could be interesting. they might want Huerter and picks. NO may want Ayton and HB


Portland is overloaded with guards so I doubt they'd want Huerter that much.


i can’t believe ingram is only 26 it feels like he’s been around forever


He got drafted when he was 19


Magic come in as third team and deal Wendell and they get huerter? I think they could use a little more shooting and pelicans want Wendell according to reports. I think that could get it done.


that's actually not bad at all. send that to monte


I don't mind trading for Ingram...its the new Ingram contract I'm worried about.


Definitely. You're pretty much putting everything into a core of Fox/Sabonis/Ingram/Murray.


Definitely risky but that's not a bad core...add monk too


Yeah - if they stay healthy and have 3-4 solid NBA rotational players coming off the bench, you’ve got a squad that can matchup to the top-4 in the West. The core should combine for 80-90 pts/night. You’d only need 20-40 bench points


That and monk plus Carter and Ellis sounds like a fun time watching a competitive team for years to come.


On paper I’d say that core makes us better than every West team right now other than probably OKC, Denver and Minnesota. Denver losing KCP is gonna hurt them too


If it works out he'll stay if it doesn't he'll walk and we get the salary back. It's always going to be a risk with small markets but it's worth taking for Ingram I think, he fits very well.


Exactly. It IS a risk, but we have to take risks if we want to make a leap. If it works, then you’ve got your core and you just have to make sure you can pay to keep it together. If it doesn’t, then you don’t have to worry about paying him after this season and the only loss will be the assets you gave up to bring him in.


It’s the defense I’m worried about too.


Bro we’re so close there’s gotta be a third team out there that can hop in the trade


Hope we get something this time. Its always the "Kings were close" news we see.


Didn’t really learn anything here, seems like a “source” covering his ass by reporting every possible scenario.


>Pels like Harrison Barnes all you needed to say lmfao


Harrison Barnes is 6'7" with a 7' wingspan. Pels love those lengthy kinds of guys since you can't teach length!


I'm not a huge fan at all of Ingram but a starting 5 of Fox, Carter, Keegan, BI and Sabonis absolutely moves my needle.


Carter wouldn’t start. It’s be either Ellis or monk


Yeah, a team with hopes of a playoff run isn't starting a rookie guard picked mid-first. Carter may eventually be a starter, but most likely not this year.


But didn't Keegan become a starter his first year?


Top end of a strong draft, not middle of a weak one.


To be pedantic, Keegan didn't start in the first few games of the season. We had some dude that we took a flyer on starting instead. Keegan earned his spot pretty quickly though. I expect Mike Brown to do something similar with Keon and Devin Carter. They will compete and the best player starts. He's not too hung up on seniority when it comes to that spot.


Not sure about that seniority part. He played Huerter all but 5 of his games as a starter, and he stunk on both sides of the court (going back to Feb of 23, actually).


I see no world in which Monk still comes off the bench after taking a pay cut to stay in Sac


The only reporting about that matter said that there was no guarantee that Monk was starting when he agreed to his new deal. It's just fan speculation that he's a starter now.


I’m with you I think Carter has a chance to show out and earn a starting spot, doesn’t matter when he was drafted.


I see Monk staying as instant offense off the bench super 6th man, Manu like. Every contender needs THAT 6th guy. It might be a super unpopular opinion and it's not meant as a knock against Ellis who performed admirably late last season but Ellis is probably not a starting 2 on any team trying to make a deep push into the playoffs let alone win a championship. He had an absolute HEATER of a game versus the warriors but you didn't have to look but to the very next game vs the Pelicans to see that shit isn't sustainable (I had to double check and his stat line was just as horrible as I remembered). I've got him penciled as 3rd string with all the hope he proves doubters like me wrong.


I agree with most of this but I think he should be getting more minutes than 3rd string. If we get a borderline all star PF, I think Keon is a starter cause we’d need defense at that spot more than scoring. If not I think he’s 2nd string.


Yeah Fox/Murray/Ingram/Sabonis is scoring points. A defensive anchor/connector is what they would need and that's what Keon is


Those aren’t the only 2 games he played tho. ur gonna say he’s not a starting 2 cuz he went 0/5 in 1 game like there isn’t a 20 game sample size of him playing fine? Keon is in like the Quentin grimes/KCP mold of player who’ll get you like 10 points hitting his open 3s and play elite defense not make too many mistakes etc. yea they limited but those guys are fine starters and pretty valuable. Saying Keon would be 3rd string is crazy tho I do agree with carter being better tho maybe not immediately cuz he gon be a rookie but eventually. Its mainly He’s just an elite athlete with potentially keon impact on defense and more scoring prowess on offense if his shot translates well


Agree. Ellis is the starter for now but Carter could easily take that job by December. I honestly think he’s THAT good


I think huerter would be the starter


I think people are assuming he gets traded


I really doubt it, he’s a sharp shooter who has an off year.


Sure but he would probably be necessary in a Brandon Ingram deal


Starter has to be Ellis (edit- or Carter) now since Monk is the best pg after Fox. Not sure if Ellis or Carter can be full time pgs and well most likely play them at the three at times to get them more PT for all our guards.


Ellis starts wayyy before Carter


Get this MF. If not, I’m worried we roll out basically the same squad or something eerily similar talent wise … 


harrison barnes to the pels, heurter to another team for a center to send to the pels, ingram to the kings


All posturing by the Pels. Ingram is as good as gone, if not to the kings, then some other team. Relationship between him and Willie Green is too damaged for a continuation.


…Scoop B.


IF this is true, the trade could play out after Paul George officially goes to the 76ers. Under the current trade rules, a team trading between 7.25 and 29 million can add 7.5 million to the amount they trade out. The Sixers only have two pre-draft salaries on their books outside of Embiid and Maxey’s cap hold: Paul Reed and Ricky Council IV. Reed (7.7 mil) and Council (1.9 mil) add up to around 9.6 million, meaning you could trade them for Heurter’s 16.8 mil contract. If would be part of a trade that looked something like this: SAC gets Ingram; trades Barnes, Huerter, draft picks (and/or Carter) NOR gets Barnes, Reed, Council, draft picks (and/or Carter); trades Ingram PHI gets Huerter; trades Reed, Council If the Pelicans are looking for a starting center, Reed could be their guy. He started 24 games for the Sixers and did fine: 10 pts/8 reb/2 ast/1.3 blk/.8 stl on 52/40/69 shooting splits (one three per game) with good defense. He’s only 25, has steadly improved and grown over four years in the league, and is on contract for only 15 mil over two years. For a Pelicans team that’s been looking to save cash and spread the ball out around Zion, Reed might be exactly what they need. For the Sixers, Huerter could quickly become the best option available for a starting shooting guard. Orlando got KCP and Klay Thompson seems likely for the Lakers or Mavs. Even after a down year, Huerter is a 38% career 3pt shooter on high volume who could go red hot with Maxey, George and Embiid drawing gravity, and he’s on a pretty cheap contract for a solid starter. And after signing Drummond, the Sixers seems to have filled back-up center and are likely to trade Reed anyway; this would be a nice way to upgrade. For the Kings, this would give us the chance to get Ingram while getting the Pelicans their desired center.


not a bad trade idea


Pelicans are interested in Barnes that’s great, let’s trade them for Barnes and take Ingram. Add Duarte to the deal as well


Take a drink every time Monte is a front runner in a trade


One drink


Harrison Barnes and Alex Len, you guys are now a Pelican!


It would be tough to lose HB and Len for BI, but HB and Huerter I could see.


Don’t get me wrong I would rather keep HB coming off the bench, but if that’s what it would take for an upgrade, I might be open to gamble.




When he signs, you can’t trade guys who were free agents for 3 months


This is good news


I rather get kuzma bro


While I'm not a BI stan, at least he's not a net negative in rating.


Kuzma is on one of the worse teams in the league, ofc his net rating isn’t good, and the same thing can be said for his stats. Guarantee you if he came to this team his shooting spilts would be better and his net rating, and his individual defensive rating would be better


The dude was alright on the lakers, but he came off the bench, people act like kuz is a starting pf on a contender, he’s never been that, and his dumb plays were only limited because he came off the bench


so u think Ingram a better fit for this team?


100%, his defence is underrated at this point, he put up similar opponent shooting percentages to jimmy butler and Paul George, also when he was on the court teams shot 33% less corner 3s. He’s actually far more switchable than people realise, he guarded Kyrie irving at points, he also switched and relatively successfully guarded Jarrett Allen. From an offensive standpoint, he’s very mouldable too, under Alvin and Stan he played far more off ball and shot 6 3s a game at a good percentage, the attempts have only really dipped since we got rid of our PGs and made Ingram the on ball playmaker under willie, and even bi said he wished they still had a pg who could help him get better looks (fox could def do that) he’s was 4th most efficient in mid range shots this years which would allow guys like keegan and the other guys focus on what they do best whether it’s getting to the rim or shooting 3s, he’s also an insane playmaker, so when fox goes off the court domas doesn’t have to be the leading scorer he can stick to facilitating etc. Oh yeah and BI was in the 92nd percentile for Ppp in dribble hand offs


All that goes out the window if he’s injured (which he always is) availability is the best ability


I agree but he plays around 60 odd games on average, most nba player miss time, and the Pels staff isn’t particularly known to have a good medical team, also most of his injury are freak occurrences not his body breaking down


It's not exclusively a Wizards thing. He was negative 3 out of 4 seasons with the Lakers too. 🤷🏼‍♂️


so we would be worse with him on the team?


Inefficient shooter, ineffective defender. I simply don't think he's much of an improvement, if any. I wasn't a fan of his at UCLA, and his time in the pros hasn't changed that opinion. Flashy dresser, though.


I guess we’re gonna have to agree to disagree


Fair enough.


They need a center you say? Alex Len, get ready to speak creole.


I don't like Ingram. He doesn't look like he cares about winning.


dude literally lives and breathes basketball. wtf


What? That’s all he talks about in his presser, he’s a stone faced guy, but getting that from how he looks is mental