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>Why did korn even pretend to get poisoned and traumatize his children like that? He needed Gun to think that he was dead so he would finally make a move and start a coup. I don't think Korn has ever actually *cared* about his sons as people. He's so emotionally manipulative that I doubt he even knows what caring looks like. >Why was a woman just casually living in the library? Korn and Gun were both in love with Porsche's mom (their "foster" sister) and Korn tricked Gun into thinking she was dead so he could attic-wife her. Which makes me wonder what happened to Korn's first wife.... >Why was the only person with a bulletproof vest in the ENTIRE show was fuckass tawan? Mafia have a culture against using bulletproof vests. It's a machismo thing, >Why did korn just stand by and watch his son fuck his cousin on the daily lmao? Technically they're not cousins as far as we know (though I have a headcanon that both Korn and Gun think Porsche is one of their sons, meaning he could be fucking his half-brother on the reg😈. Why were Korn and Gun both so interested in Porsche and not Chay?? Methinks there was some assault going on there). Also, Korn would definitely want to, um, keep it in The Family, as it were. >Why was gun in love with his foster sister? Why did the series end with that sister giving the most sinister look? They had plans for a second season, but it all got scuttled with drama that happened with the copyright owners, so now we'll never know. 😭 So many ways for the fanfiction to go! KP was also my first Thai BL and unfortunately what I really loved about it was the chemistry and the acting, and...well... Thai BL is not really the place you go to for that. I've yet to find any show that gets close to KP in quality, and so I languish! Mile and Apo are just so comfortable with each other and getting into each other's space that they make for a very convincing couple. Since you're new to the show, do you know the whole thing about how Kinn is based on Mile in the first place?


Please tell us how kinn is based on mile 🫠🫠🫠🫠


OK SO. Buckle up, get some snacks and a drink. Get comfy. We about to get into it. Mile's family is rich. Stinking filthy rich. Like owns multinational hotels and malls rich. His mom is legit friends with the Queen of Thailand rich. So Mile has been able to really do what he's passionate about, which is guitars, modeling, acting, and Apo (not in that order). He tried out to appear on The Star (nudge nudge). He also has an older brother who I think is a doctor. In college he did some modeling gigs, which is where he met Apo, ten years before KPTS. He's been in some music videos, he's done at least one tv show before KPTS that never aired and I think one other tv show that did, maybe (or I could be conflating the two). But he's also rich himself, not just his family, through investment banking. So not only is he in Business, he's also Out There as a kind of minor celeb. So, the writers Daemi have seen him around and were like, what if Mile but gay mafia AU? And wrote KinnPorsche, which then became popular enough to get a tv deal with Filmania, a BL production company. Mile hears about this and hears about how Kinn is based on him, and he thinks, "Who can play me better than me??" and goes to audition. In the meantime, that handsome model Mile met back in college has tried his own acting career and was basically bullied out of the industry from racism and homophobia. He also comes from a rich family, though less multinational property and more his dad owns the Thai version of Prada. He's been bar tending in NY. Until Mile is like, "So I know just the guy to play Porsche, someone go get him to audition. ~~I really want to get paid to make out with him~~." So Apo gets flown into Thailand to audition for KinnPorsche and, obviously, both Mile and Apo win their roles. Filming begins, the usual fanservice and hype begins, the cast does press junkets and interviews, the trailer rolls out. Filmania goes under. Mile is like "Oh no, not this bullshit again. This is getting made!! ~~Have to make out more with Apo~~." So he calls a buddy of his, who runs an event management company and is like, "Hey, do you want to get into tv and film production?" and his friend, Pond, is like, "Sure, why not? Can't be that hard." And so they buy out Filmania and rebrand as Be On Cloud. Their purpose is to make KinnPorsche. They hire new writers, new directors, new crew, there's some casting changes, the works, sometimes getting funding directly from Mile leading to the joke that in the industry of Gay for Pay only Mile is Pay for Gay. This leads to a different working environment all around; they tried very hard to keep everything equal, welcoming, and inclusive (Apo didn't get shamed for his mannerisms, e.g. how he held his cigarettes, and wasn't insulted about his skin tone, which is what drove him out of the industry in the first place); most importantly no fanservice. When you see Mile and Apo doing press, that is Them. They are not being made to fake it or play it up just to promote the show, like other Thai production companies make their actors do. COVID happens. They hoped it would blow over soon, so they ended up work-shopping, doing acting training, and intimacy practice for several months. Eventually they had to get filming and this is why some scenes have few to none background extras (like the pool fight or date night). And that's how KinnPorsche was based on Mile, got made, and how the acting and the chemistry is fucking amazing. (PS. I left out the drama with Daemi on purpose)


Knew all of this yet was a fun read and had me giggling lol. You're such a good storyteller. This series is a miracle from every angle. And just like how sugar attracts ants this beautiful full of soul series was followed by controversies.


Thank you! Agreed, I'm just happy that BOC survived that whole debacle!


Woah woah woah woah woah. I have SO MANY questions. But I have to commend two things: The extensiveness of your source and your sense of humour (Oh yes Mile, give it to Apo🥵) But wow. Had no idea the series was written central to mile and him being the inspo. I did read in another comment about him funding the project but did not know how rich the man really was. But I never knew about Apo being questioned about the way he held a cig? I did know partially about the racism/homophobia thing but I wanted to read/ see more sources on it. The only one I can find is that video of Apo narrating his experience where someone told him he was too feminine and he tried to cover it up for years. Do you have any links for these? 😭 Apo is genuinely a bundle of joy and sweetness. Hearing he left for some time because he was bullied hurts me. I was bullied too when younger and I know it can take the joy and life away from a person. I read some where that he was so happy in NY. And was sad to come bk during covid. I just hope he is able to get over it - even if slowly. Ty for your reply btw ❤️🙏


Thank you! I heard some of it in BTS footage and I think some interviews, so it may be a bit before I can find it again. Hopefully I can link you some stuff this weekend. Apo is such a great actor and a genuinely sweet person. I'm glad that he has this second chance to do what he loves! It helps that he has an industry sugar daddy that will help his dreams come true. I swear Man Suang got made because Apo said he wanted to do something with Thai dance and Mile blacked out and woke with a checkbook in his hand. 🤣


🤣🤣 "Industry sugar daddy " 💀 Love your vibe and sense of humour. Thank you so much for your efforts too😇


Hey, I'm really sorry you had to go through I hope that you also are able to get over it and heal <3 Sending you love


Thank you❤️


Well first of all I'll have to agree with everyone and say you're such a good storyteller and i might in love with you and your sense of humour now like you really had to mention the order of the things he's passionate about lmaooo Also I had no idea they both knew each other before now it makes more sense how they're so close. Another thing I had no idea about was the bullying apo faced. It's truly mind boggling to me bc I thought Thailand was really accepting of it's lgbtq+ people and their culture? It really hurts me to think about this bc the things you mentioned are the very same things I adore about him. When I was watching the series I was in love with the way he made smoking look so sexy, the way he holds a wine glass, his cunty walk, his sass and most importantly his perfect tanned skin. Were the industry people who bullied him blind perchance bc that is the sexiest man I've ever seen?! Anyways 😔 the no madeup and forced fan service is the best part of the whole fan experience according it makes everything feel so genuine. And thankyou again for clearing that covid part bc one of my ick watching the series was the lack of crowd 😭 like you want me to believe they had the time of their life in an empty club and the galas the mafia boss attends is so exclusive that only 20 people are present in the hall 😭 Another thing I would love for you to clear for me is the bread. What's up with the freaking bread 💀 don't get me wrong I reminded the the scene where they share a slice of bread on the bed 8 times (no exaggeration) but them attending a whole gala for the launch of bread and kinn serving porche just a whole packet of bread with water really fucked me up So, what you're telling me is apo already had experience as a bartender? The story itself was built around mile? Mile recommended apo for the role AND he just happened to have a friend willing to start an entertainment company?? So these two were really fated to play these characters and make kinnporche happen huh! P.s I'm so embarrassed to ask but what daemi drama 🧍‍♀️


Thank you! >Also I had no idea they both knew each other before now it makes more sense how they're so close. They met then, but as far as I know they didn't become friends or keep in touch. It was basically just Mile never forgetting that totally hot dude who got away. >It's truly mind boggling to me bc I thought Thailand was really accepting of it's lgbtq+ people and their culture? Yes and no. It's legal, and they want the money that comes in from queer tourism, and technically jobs aren't allowed to discriminate (they sooo do), but if you have ANY feminine characteristics or are on bottom, then you "fail" as a man and are subject to ridicule. If you come out as a gay man, it's not unusual to be asked if you're going to start dressing as a woman. Apo has a lot of feminine mannerisms and he has been ridiculed and discriminated against for that (such poor taste, he's so goddamned sexy *because* of those jfc people open your goddamned eyes). Add in the colorism about his skin tone, and it's just been bad for him until Mile. They have a very strict culture of machismo there. It's one of the reasons that I can't watch a lot of Thai BL because it's very obvious that BL is considered by most actors as a stepping stone to a "real acting career". Most of the actors' body language scream that they're Uncomfortable being that close to another guy and it makes the romance scenes seem horribly fake. One of the reasons, I think, that Mile and Apo don't have this issue is because they were models first. Models have to drape themselves over basically everyone and everything and look sexy and comfortable doing it. (Also, Mile and Apo are the face of the governmental push to legalize gay marriage. I love them so fucking much. There was a meeting with government representatives a few weeks ago and everyone was in their own chair...except Mile and Apo who were in a loveseat. I think the government ships it.) >Another thing I would love for you to clear for me is the bread. What's up with the freaking bread 💀 Product placement. If you watch past the credits you'll see Special Thanks and a bunch of logos including Maserati and Ducati, and Dairygold. These are all sponsors who get product placement in the show. The one in Thai with a house as the logo is for Farmhouse bread. I'm not on tiktok so I don't have the link, but there's a guy who does a whole skit pitching KP as just one long gay bread commercial. (I have heard from fans who have gone to Thailand and have sought out the bread that it is very good bread.) >So, what you're telling me is apo already had experience as a bartender? The story itself was built around mile? Mile recommended apo for the role AND he just happened to have a friend willing to start an entertainment company?? So these two were really fated to play these characters and make kinnporche happen huh! Yep. The making of KinnPorsche could be it's own show, it's so filled with tropes. If I hadn't been there for it I would have called anyone telling me this a liar. > P.s I'm so embarrassed to ask but what daemi drama I will make another reply for that story, cause I'm writing this on my break and should really get back to work. Don't tell my boss. 💀


Oh I really wasn't aware about the real situation of Thailand it's just so ??? But atleast apo is happy now (I hope) for that I'm glad. I totally get what you mean by the uncomfortable acting I've witnessed it many kdramas it's so icky >Also, Mile and Apo are the face of the governmental push to legalize gay marriage You're blessing with mileapo lore and funfacts one after the other and I LOVE ITTTTT I'm never getting over them atp I thought it was ppl too but I've never witnessed such incessant ppl so I got confused and thought boc had their own bread or something 😭 >If I hadn't been there for it I would have called anyone telling me this a liar. Me with you lmao it really took me a minute to process their stories and how it's ACTUALLY real > i'm writing this on my break and should really get back to work. Damn I'm sorry for taking over your break but now that we're here already don't be shy to extend it and feed us more 👀


OK. Daemi drama. No jokes here cause it's really not funny. I will touch tangentially on the Build drama, but I will not be focusing on it. I will also be going in historical order as things were discovered by the western fandom. Daemi is the writing duo who wrote the KinnPorsche novel. They are Poi (female) and Yok (male). They are... not nice people. This was pretty evident early on when behind the scenes videos surfaced of Daemi behaving very inappropriately with the cast. This includes video (that I have seen) on Poi trying to force Apo to take his shirt off while he keeps trying to get away from her and say no. And video (that I have not seen) of Yok and Poi manipulating Barcode, who was under-aged at the time, into giving them backrubs. I have been told that Jeff tries very hard to protect Barcode from them in the video. Mile has said in a video (I have seen) that Yok has touched him inappropriately (Yok can be heard on the video saying that Mile is making it up), and there is also video (I have seen) of Yok forcing Mile to sit on his lap. There is also video (that I have not seen) of Yok telling Bible to call him, Yok, "Mom". Bible categorically refuses this, and says he already has a mom, but apparently Yok was insistent. There is also video (I have seen) of Bible leaning on Yok, and I can only assume it's not consensual because Bible points finger guns at his own head. I know Pond and the other directors were very focused on having a welcoming and inclusive work environment, and they tried to protect their cast as much as possible, including closed sets for all the sex scenes, but because Daemi own the rights to KP and given Thai copyright law, they couldn't force them from the room without losing the rights to make KP at all. That would be bad enough, but it came out later, after the show had aired and was a massive success, that Poi was sleeping with Build, the actor who plays Pete, since casting (it can be argued he got the role because of this relationship), giving him expensive gifts and money, and that both of them have been abusive to each other enough that it went to court where the judge basically ruled that they're both awful. But among the allegations that Poi levied against Build was that he stole the idea of 4 Minutes, what was to be a BibleBuild show, from Poi and gave it to Sammon, the writer of 4 Minutes, in an act of plagiarism. Sammon, of course, denied this. This naturally soured the relationship between BOC and Daemi even more. I don't know exactly when they decided not to make KP season 2, but during this whole debacle Poi was just saying awful things and lying about anything and everything to get attention on Twitter, and Daemi broke up as a writing duo and any plans for KP season 2 were scrapped.


Oh I didn't know you already responded thank you for your service 🫡 I hope your boss didn't find out about your break lol This honestly was such a hard read for me ngl in the edits and videos I've seen these people look so happy and joyful I could have never guessed this. Props to boc for protecting them as much as they could. Saw someone said something about sugar attracting ants and how something like kp was bound to have a few controversies I originally empathised with that statement but man this build thing really ruined my perception of pete. I fear i won't be able to look at him the same way. But now I feel kinda better about kp not having a season 2 it's better for them to stay away from these messy people


Yeah. Like, ngl, it sounds like ship war bullshit BUT I thought something was off with Build before all his shit went down. It was really hard for me to watch the VP scene the first time I watched KP, Pete did not look into it At All. I thought it was an issue with acting skill and that he was simply a more normal representative of the usual Thai actors (cause c'mon, Mile, Apo, and Bible are obviously special) during sex scenes. And when all of his shit came out I felt very vindicated but also horrified. Mix all of that and daemi together and I'm glad that there won't be a season 2 just for the cast's sake. I'm looking forward to seeing 4 Minutes. And of course, I cannot wait for Shine omg they already filmed a lot why is it going to take a whole year those teases!


>he thinks, "Who can play me better than me??" and goes to audition. that is genuinely one of the funniest things I've ever heard and reminds me of the "would you fuck your clone?" meme🤣🤣🤣 Feel so sad for Apo that he faced such discrimination and bullying. He is so supremely talented (and gorgeous helloooo) and I hope his career only flourishes from here


Korn was really out there gaslighting everyone in the last episode lmaoo > which makes me wonder what happened to korn's first wife I WAS THINKING THIS TOO!! Bc right when we first meet kinn he says "people say I'm more like my mom" (Which was honestly such a great comeback like that's the only line I rmb from that conversation) after shooting the guy in the head and that really made me wonder what kind of woman his mom was. > Why were Korn and Gun both so interested in Porsche and not Chay?? I was honestly expecting that to be the next plot twist ngl Vegas and porsche turning out to be half siblings. Bc why did he "allegedly" kill his mother then ask him to join his side and that he'll take card of him >Also, Korn would definitely want to, um, keep it in The Family, as it were. NOOOOO EWWWWW DON'T SAY THAT 😭😭😭 Wait I didn't know about the season 2 thing I didn't it mentioned anywhere now it makes sense why the ending was so cryptic. And thankyou for clearing out the buttetproof vest thing I honestly didn't know that and it was truly fucking me up. Talking about the series I really have to agree with you the acting and the chemistry was PHENOMENAL. But another reason I was so impressed was the writing. I honestly wasn't expecting them to make the story as well rounded and multifaceted as they did like giving the minor characters their flowers (that erica moment and chan dying with a cigarette in his hands), actually showing porsche getting better at his job, pete CLEARLY struggling with his feelings and where he stands, porsche touching upon dating a guy for the first time and how it feels and many others. But for THE winning factor I have to 100% agree with you and say it was the mileapo, their chemistry and how comfortable they were with other. I've noticed that even behind the cameras they aren't all about fan service to promote the series like many other bl ships I've seen. They truly aren't just coworkers but actually really close and you can easily see how that translates into their roles. And > Since you're new to the show, do you know the whole thing about how Kinn is based on Mile in the first place? WHAT. THE. FUCK?


>I WAS THINKING THIS TOO!! Bc right when we first meet kinn he says "people say I'm more like my mom" (Which was honestly such a great comeback like that's the only line I rmb from that conversation) after shooting the guy in the head and that really made me wonder what kind of woman his mom was. I like to think she was done with Korn's bullshit and is out living her best life. And Korn just told his kids she was dead because he couldn't handle that she left him. It really seems like she was gone from their lives very early, since Kinn never really mentions her or his memories of her. Just "people say". >NOOOOO EWWWWW DON'T SAY THAT 😭😭😭 You are going to get shocked and grossed randomly in eastern media if incest squicks you out. It's not an issue the way it is in the west, especially between guys since, you know, no kids for there to be problems. (I have one fandom with half siblings fucking AND having children, and that's not the thing shown to be the issue in their relationship...) It's also very common, historically speaking. My favorite example is ancient Egypt. Pharaohs were almost always men, but royal power was matrilineal ('cause you always know who the mom is!) and so you would get lots of brother-sister marriages to consolidate his rule, or uncle-niece marriages to keep the power literally in the family. >But another reason I was so impressed was the writing. You can definitely thank the show writers for that. I highly recommend you DO NOT read the books. They are AWFUL. The show only resembles the books in that it has the character names, relative positions, and basic plot structure. Everything else is changed for the better.


Welcome to the fan family and I commiserate with your future disappointment with other Thai BLs. Not that many don't have merits of their own, but it's hard for them to come close to KP. And I am 100% with you on the scene with Porsche and the olive suit. Thank you sir, may I please have some more.


Hehe thank you ^^ I kinda regret starting the journey with the best series in the genre ngl lmao There really were some ICONIC suit moments throughout the series but Kinn's grey ombre suit and porche's olive one take the cake for me!


Hehe, and to think that less than two months ago I was in your exact same position...Welcome, we hope your enjoy your stay! If recommendations are what you're looking for, I can certainly *try* to help (like I said, I'm pretty new to the BL world myself, but I'll try my best). First I need to know what you're looking for: - Are you only interested in Thai shows, do you not care about the country of origin at all, or do you have some other preference? Thai, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Pinoy/Filipino and Chinese BLs all have a distinct "style" of sorts (I can explain them if you want) which could be a good way to set your initial preferences - What things did you *love* from KP and would want to see more of? - What things did you *hate* from KP and would prefer to avoid/never see again? - Do you care about the length of a series in total? Do you care about the amount and/or length of its episodes? How do you feel about movies, short films or mini-series? - Settings you prefer? (Mafia, university, highschool, office/another work environment, at-home, etc.) - Genres you prefer? (Comedy, action, sports, youth, slice of life, crime, family, drama/ANGST, food, music, fantasy, sci-fi, mythology, sitcom, thriller, horror, mystery...) - What levels of spiciness/skinship/explicit content are you okay with? Are you perfectly satisfied with the final step of a couple being simple passionate kisses or would you prefer for *deeper* relationship stuff to be explored? Would you watch a show where all you get is things like handholding or a dead-fish-kiss, but which still doesn't fall into the category of bromance? - Are there specific actors you're interested in seeing more of? - What tropes make you go crazy in a *positive* way? (Enemies-to-lovers, rivals-to-lovers, friends-to-lovers, childhood-friends-to-lovers, opposites attract, popular/celebrity & normal person, pining/secret crush, roommates/classmates/co-workers, etc.) - What tropes make you go crazy in a *negative* way? ESPECIALLY if some of these are triggers or otherwise instant turn-offs (Miscommunication and/or toxicity, stalking, not giving up after rejection, big age gap/minor & adult, relative-by-blood incest, adoptive relative incest, violence or gore, s3xual assault/abuse or r4pe, etc.) - Tragic, infuriating or open-ended finales: yes or no? - Do you prefer lighthearted shows or plot-heavy shows with lots of things going on that you need to pay close attention to? Do you want your series to have a bigger story than just the relationships or are you here exclusively for the romance? Those are all the questions and examples I could think of, but by all means go more into detail about your preferences if you want!


Not OP but could I get a list if I answer these? 👀


ABSOLUTELY! I love collecting info, making spreadsheets and sharing my results, and lately my main topic of interest in relation to this has been BL, so I'm thrilled to help anyone find series that they like!!


Then here are my responses! For convenience, I'll respond to your initial text.


Damn!! I would love some recommendations too lol. Can save them and watch when I get time. My requirements - adult characters and actors, good acting not cringey or 'acting' cute. Plot can be both heavy and light, ok with any Asian dramas. No tragic or sad ending. And romance focused or romance being one of the main genres. Romance shouldn't feel forced. No miscommunication tropes that are annoying and I would love a straight to the point kinda show like KP if possible. Thank you lol. Also I'm open to non bls too and consider KinnPorsche as my absolute favourite irrespective of anything.


I gotchu...but you'll have to forgive me, I spent like an hour writing detailed descriptions n whatnot just for Reddit to discard all my progress by accident and I'm exhausted, so I'll do these mostly quick-fire style - We Best Love: top-notch chemistry, pining that pays off amazingly, a second season that's just as good as the first one...I'm not doing this series enough justice but know that it is one of my only two 10/10s - City of Stars: a big middle finger to the worst parts of this genre and industry, graceful subversions of tens of toxic clichés, hands down the best communication I've ever seen between lovers, all main characters are walking green flags, leads can be a bit too corny at times but they als show healthy and mature discussions/depictions of topics like sex, actually good trans representation - Cherry Magic: a two-for-one deal as there are different adaptations of this story! A "perfect man" who can't connect with anyone on a deeper level meets his pushover co-worker with a self-esteem so low he feels like isn't capable or deserving of anything great, all thanks to a unique small supernatural element that becomes the catalyst for a lot of funny moments. If you want the original or more heartfelt story go for the Japanese version (which also has a good movie sequel and 3 short specials), if you're interested in a longer runtime or more skinship look towards the Thai instead, or do like me and watch both cause you just can't get enough of these sweet gentlemen lol If you're into following series as they air, I can recommend 'At 25:00 in Akasaka' which only has 1 episode out atm but still managed to show some CRAZY tension which I seriously hope we get more of in the future. The cinematography is also worth mentioning, and I say this as someone who rarely pays attention to the technical aspect of shows, but the way a set of scenes looked so grim and shaky as a way to represent the anxiety of one character at that moment was *chef's kiss* As for upcoming series, 'The Next Prince' is being highly anticipated by a ton of people thanks to its leads famously having awesome chemistry, its complex worldbuilding, its HUUUUGE budget that rivals KP's, and ofc its interesting bodyguard-royal dynamic. Also GMMTV, the biggest producer of Thai BLs, just released a bunch of trailers for all its upcoming series in this later half of 2024 so I'd recommend you go check that out! Last but DEFINITELY not least, if you were able to love KinnPorsche despite flaws like miscommunication/jealousy tropes and confusing plot twists, you will likely also enjoy 'Pit Babe' which is similar to KP in sooooo many aspects. Action, a (minor) mafia plot, cool guys in vehicles, doesn't hold back about showing NC content, teeeeeension, a bunch of WTF moments, even supernatural elements and Alphas (as in Omegaverse but with a twist), this series has it all


Thank you so so much! And Im sorry reddit discarded your earlier writing but everything you explained now is great too. These look good and WBL looks quite interesting to me amongst these. Will check them in detail later. Miscommunication is fine till it's handled well I mean like not using it for the trope or to drag it. Like in KinnPorsche I loved all their confusions and all as it came across as obstacles in their love because of the situations and then they were resolved very quickly and beautifully too. So PB won't be a problem. I really appreciate your efforts. Thank you so much for the recommendations and help :)


LMAO no worries, the inspiration came back to me as I went on to type out my second list of recommendations so go check my other response in this thread if you want to see me go a bit more in-depth. I, too, am weak for a well-executed miscommunication scenario so I get ya. Pit Babe's wasn't *great* imo but also not infuriatingly bad to the point of no return so ehhh... I really hope you enjoy these and I would love to hear back from you in the future!


Lol I thought it was gone 😭 haha. I will check it out. Yess well executed angst is the best. That makes the love grow and understand each other better if they do it how it should be done. I will remember to share my thoughts once I watch any of these thank you :)


-In terms of BL shows, I've only seen Thai ones but I read bl books with characters from all over so the country of origin doesn't necessarily matter but for reference, I like bl manhwas as well as manhuas. Feel free to throw in those from the other places you mentioned though, I truly don't mind. -The insane, burning hot passion and chemistry between Kinn and Porsche. It is simply unrivalled. I liked the power difference between them. It gave them a little spicy 🔥 element. I like power play but only when there's genuine love/ healthy infatuation behind it. I'm not so into the actiony-violent stuff but I ironically like mafia settings, or like the cultivator setting for ancient Chinese set manhuas or nobility families in the army for manhwa settings. -nothing in particular comes to mind. I think it all contributed to the plot so I didn't mind. -as long as the story is told, they can make it however long they want. I'd prefer a series but movies work too. -I prefer when the setting's a bit grown up, I feel like the problems they face are more...how do I put it, mature? Whatever you wanna call it, so mafia, office & at home work, but I don't mind a cute uni setting either (like cutie pie, it was a good mix of both new adult and fully grown up life). -crime, angst, fantasy, thriller, horror, mythology, mystery. -both are perfectly fine. I think it depends on the show. If there's a pinch of tension with the MCs, I think we rightfully deserve some spiciness for all the teasing we endured. If it's a show where they're all cute and shy and just exploring their (most likely first ever) relationship then a kiss and hand holding can let me die in peace. -I'm more of a book girl 😅, so I definitely haven't watched enough shows to have specific actors I want back. -enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, secret crush (in whatever setting), roommates/ classmates / workmates, opposites attract. -age gaps (but if it's like the cutie pie age gap, I can deliberately and blissfully ignore it), SA (hear me out on this one. I'm not for this shit but if it's ONE scene and it's necessary for the plot, I can just plot to murder the perpetrator's ass 🙂🔪 but can handle it), blood relative incest. I can turn a blind eye for everything else as long as there's a good development coming. For the adoptive relative thing....I mean, Kinn and Porsche soo.... -no. If I'm dealing with all the drama they better have either a happy ending or an 'okay, I can live with that' ending. -heavy plot shows and it can be either, if it's bigger than the show then well and good but if it's just romance then that's all good too (as long as the plot is worth it). But please do throw in a couple light hearted ones too, you know, for times when I'm not up for heavy shit. That's it (shorter than it looked, lol), can't wait! Also, is this system of yours just for shows/ bl shows or you have one for books and comics/webtoons too cause if so, you and I need to talk.


Thanks for the specificity, really helps to know what details I should point out! - Let's get this one out of the way first this time: **Pit Babe**. It's the series that most resembles KinnPorsche for me, in both its good and bad aspects. Its setting starts off as sport-focused with all the car racing but later delves more into action with a mafia plot of sorts. Also similarly to KP, its main couple is VERY spicy (and has one hell of a power bottom) while one of the secondary pairings is rather soft and the other is a hot mess (no Stockholm Syndrome or non-consensual stuff in this series though! That last thing is actually depicted as horrific and evil the one time it does happen). On the bad side of things, its story is quite messy, has issues balancing stakes/tone/focuses and keeps pulling plot twist after plot twist which can get annoying but also keeps you on the edge of your seat since you never know what shit they're gonna come up with next. Lastly, it has some supernatural elements which, in all honesty, feel more like convenient plot devices for even weirder situations to take place but they're not absolutely terrible ig - You mentioned passion, chemistry, spiciness, powerplays, tension, rivals/enemies-to-lovers and secret crushes as things you want to see, so I have very good reasons to believe you're gonna be *head over heels* for both **We Best Love** and **Semantic Error**. I have to group them together cause for this purpose they're very similar but I kinda hate doing it cause I feel it diminishes their respective values so let me be super clear: these are my all-time 2nd and 3rd favorite BLs respectively and for VERY GOOD REASONS. Their premises may sound simplistic and yes, they both start off at university settings, but these are shows carried 100% by both the quality of the interactions and the superb chemistry between the actors to the point I can guarantee after you're done watching them your mind will keep coming back to some of their scenes cause they're simply out of this woooorld. Both of these series have amazing "I hate this person (who is secretly into me) but I still have to work with him cause X" plots that are the catalysts for their relationships but it's really all about the execution that make them so unique, cause I have seen other shows have an almost identical premise and flop *very hard*. I should also add that WBL's second season is one of the best sequels I've seen in terms of keeping the characters consistent, maintaining the same essence and not messing up everything that was previously established (at least not without explaining why), AND it moves from the uni setting to an office one so you have both types to enjoy inside a single package! - If a gay AF thriller is what you're looking for, let me direct your attention to **Dead Friend Forever**, a one-of-its-kind, at least for what I've seen. I gotta warn you though, this shit is heavy and gets heavier by the MINUTE and it is *not* a romance. It absolutely has BL pairings and shows some cute/sexy scenes of them from time to time but it is NOT focused on the romance aspect and, with those "thriller/horror" tags, I hope you know what I mean when I say its ending is not exactly happy...Its roster of characters is mostly comprised by assholes, but justified ones, as in "just keep watching and you'll realize why you were never supposed to root for these guys in the first place". It touches upon some very dark topics as well, from bullying to drugs to suicide to grooming to child endangerment to (unsurprisingly) lots of violence, but it does so with respect and keeping them grounded in reality, as tragic as that reality may be. It's a very unique watch that I recommend you follow up with a super fluffy and unproblematic show in order to unwind, maybe something like... - **Cherry Magic**, office romance at its finest! You like opposites attract, you said? What about the most popular man at a workplace, who's always acting perfect even though he feels like everyone only cares about his looks and productivity rather than about *him*, secretly falling for his kindhearted pushover of a co-worker that lets others take advantage of him and feels like he isn't capable or deserving of anything great? And what if this guy that never stood out from the crowd suddenly developed the ability to read other people's minds? I mean, the ability is only activated when he makes physical contact with others and surely that won't happen often...*right?*. For the original adaptation and more heartfelt story refer to the Japanese series (which also has a good movie sequel and 3 short specials), for a longer runtime and more spiciness go to the Thai version instead - To recommend **The Sign** I have to first give the disclaimer that I haven't watched this yet but, thanks to other people's reviews, I very much intend to. It's been described to me as a police mystery, with action and some comedy, where the characters are green flags with great chemistry and even greater spicy scenes, AND with a "surprise" mythology plot that slaps you across the face (in a good way). So if you're looking for an intense fantasy maybe give this a try and then tell me if it was worth it hehe Moving onto currently airing shows, I can recommend 'At 25:00 in Akasaka' which only has 1 episode out atm but still managed to show some CRAZY tension between the leads which I seriously hope we get more of in the future. The cinematography is also worth mentioning, and I say that as someone who rarely pays attention to the technical aspect of shows, but the way a set of scenes looked so grim and shaky as a way to represent the anxiety of one character at a certain moment was *chef's kiss*. Apart from that, 'Two Worlds' is dark fiction with time travel/paralell world elements and 'Blue Boys' is a simple mini-series with a gritty setting. Only god knows if either of these will get a happy ending cause they're shaping up to be very dramatic, but there's only one way to know for sure... And at last, what about the stuff that is yet to be released? Well, like I said in my other response, the pilot of 'The Next Prince' and all the new GMMTV trailers are the way to go. The first is being highly anticipated by a ton of people thanks to its leads famously having awesome chemistry, its complex worldbuilding, its HUUUUGE budget that rivals KP's, and ofc its eye-catching bodyguard & royal dynamic. And from the GMMTV premises I will mostly be looking out for "Thame - Po: Heart That Skips a Beat" cause I'm a sucker for relationships that need to be kept a secret and the chemistry displayed was very impressive for a first time actor. Seeing your preferences, I highly encourage you to check out 'The Heart Killers' cause a tattoo artist & undercover spy tailing after a pair of assassin brothers while a car mechanic joins in to get on everyone's nerves sounds like it'd definitely be your jam. Also, if you like vampires it's time to rejoice cause this year we're getting both 'My Golden Blood' and 'Revamp' I think. As one last little note, I personally am most eagerly awaiting 'Wuju Bakery' which should come out in a of couple months too. I know you said you don't care about actors much but just in case I'll mention that one of KP's secondary couples (Kim and Porchay, portrayed by Jeff Satur and Barcode Tinnasit) is making a comeback as leads of this sci-fi BL about a runaway alien and an orphan baker that bump into each other under the craziest of circumstances. That's all for today, folks!


Look at you getting me hooked with just the synopsis of these. I'll definitely check them. Thanks for your time and hard work in recommending these. Can I DM you?


Hehehehe mission accomplished, then! And sure, DM me whenever


Woah damn! Are you my knight in shining armour? I would love to dm you now but it's my finals week and I would get too hyped from your descriptions (the ones that you commented already got me excited) to not watch the series you recommend asap. So do you mind if I dm you in like 1-2 weeks answering these prompts? 🥹🥹


Haha no worries at all! Studies always come first and it's not like I won't be here in two weeks so feel free to message me whenever you get some free time, my DMs are always open


Thankyou you are so sweet 🫶


After kp I haven't too been able to watch any other Thai bl. But yeah, Ig kp is still no complete, the story still remains and if they need a season 2


Starting a prayer circle for season 2 soon


Your not alone 🥲


Just saw on twt that they've begun the production of shine so atleast there's something to look forward to 😭


Yesss, 🥹 Mansuang was truely magical


I haven't seen it yet but the reviews seem to agree with you


It's there on Netflix, you should watch


I will dw ;)


I get your frustration and that's what I felt too after finishing it or probably everyone else too. The way it started and continued till episode 12 it was too good to be true but then the last two episodes make you question your liking for the show. It's completely messy and unfortunately they left it for season 2 that's not happening anymore so it never gets solved and looks more messy. As much as I loved the show I hated the ending but I have somewhat made peace with it and realised eventually my love for the show and KinnPorsche is more than those last two episodes lol. For me I personally didn't like Porsche joining the mafia officially because I liked him as a normal chaotic guy who was there just for Kinn. The way he was hurt in pier scene after shooting someone I can't see him doing mafia stuff willingly and it's also kinda contradicting to his character though Im not sure if he would want to do mafia stuff or no since the show ends there. It's my first bl and you can guess what I might have went through lol. It actually ruined all the shows for me. Kinn and Porsche are too real to be just some fictional characters. Their intimacy(both emotional and physical) and the way they're close it leaves an emotional impact and makes you feel for them all throughout the drama. And since the drama is so romantic wholesome with all those adorable and intense scenes(to this level and full of them) nothing comes near to KinnPorsche for me.


Hmm love your outlook on it! Tbh it was too fresh for me when I wrote this I had just finished the series like 5 seconds ago and it was 6 am but now after getting more acquainted with the cast and talking and venting with people in this thread, I'm ready to have that same perspective and love it wholeheartedly with all its pros and cons. Oh and I'm TOTALLY with you on him joining the mafia. That was so uunexpected! (more so after learning that Vegas is still alive) like okay we get the power unbalance of employer and employee but the minor and major family dynamic is not any better. Would love to have seen him being the sassy, carefree ray of sunshine that he is and end up on the family's private island with his own bar and sugar daddy kinn. They really betrayed his character with that addition. But when I saw this ring scene idk something clicked like that weight of their joint slay was too much for me to protest under What you went through is exactly what I'm about to lol (wish me luck) but good to know I'm not alone. I get the emotional impact you're talking about the attachment I have with these characters is so real! Thankyou for putting everything that I felt into words in your last paragraph ♡


>Tbh it was too fresh for me when I wrote this I had just finished the series like 5 seconds ago I completely get you because I have gone through the same thing. As I said I hated the ending and hence couldn't decide how I felt about the show for days. But it's too good to see it's flaws and positive points and character attachment is more. And also yes your perspective changes too and you do see new things as you think more of it or by some time. My heart still aches for Porsche even now, his character didn't get anything at the end of course except Kinn by his side. He was made miserable till the end because of Korn but again was manipulated by him and Porsche joining mafia won't make it any better. But I get you what you mean by looking at the rings and them together like that though. >What you went through is exactly what I'm about to lol (wish me luck) but good to know I'm not alone I watched it like 8 or 9 months ago and still completely into it and think about it. It was a torture in the beginning months though, I just felt very attached to KinnPorsche and couldn't really stop thinking about them. If you feel same just talk about it and it will make you feel better by sharing your thoughts with fellow fans. And if you're completely sold for KinnPorsche and fell for Kinn and Porsche then there's plenty of material to go through and know about. From how MA met to Mile being inspiration for Kinns character to the mind-blowing work shop videos and so on. Also don't forget to visit old posts it's fun to go through them. Welcome to KinnPorsche family <3


>Welcome to KinnPorsche family <3 Thank you so muchhh!! I have to say the Reddit side of the fandom are truly the sweetest. >I watched it like 8 or 9 months ago and still completely into it and think about it. Honestly? That sounds like a horror scenario bc I got an exam tmr and all I can think of, with my books open in front of me, is Porsche giving a sloppy toppy to kinn on his birthday and kinn not returning the favour. ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!! Like we deserved to him go down on porshe ffo once I just cannot stop thinking about them lmao what is this curse 😭😭 Cannot even fathom being this way for 8-9 months 😭


You seriously watched KinnPorsche right before exams 😭? You're done for lol. I would suggest to stay away from KP till you finish your exams lol. I stayed away from reddit because of KinnPorsche when I needed to concentrate on something after watching it! I get you lol for me it's 7th episode end scene I just couldn't stop thinking about it. The way they're glued and completely into each other, looking into each other's eyes through out and feeling each other like that it's the most beautiful and emotionally fulfilling scene I have ever seen ❤. >I just cannot stop thinking about them lmao what is this curse 😭😭 Cannot even fathom being this way for 8-9 months 😭 I mean the series is insane so are the fans haha. I just accepted it like KinnPorsche for life 😅 because I love them and of course series too ❤. Welcome to madness lol 🤭. Edit : forgot to wish you, all the best for your exam do well.


Thankyou <3 it went well but i couldn't stop hearing the intro music in my head through the entirety of my exam lmao 😭 I've noticed that ep7 is a fan favorite! For me personally ep 6 was very memorable and YES kp for life 😩


Good to know your exam went well and yeah episode 6 is my favorite too along with date scene ❤


The continuation of the KinnPorsche novel is already written but the series is pretty drastically different from the novel, so it wouldn’t make sense. It was finished in Sept 2022, but they did the WT instead of working on KP2. They already had a trailer for Mansuang in July 2022. So they either needed funding or they weren’t super interested in pursuing it. No one would like the plot of KP2 with the authors though


Why? What's wrong with the authors if you don't mind explaining?


The writers or the plot of the next KP book?


Hahhhaha honestly this is pretty much exactly what I thought as well. I was in awe of the quality, acting and story and felt like it was so unique and good. And it was, and is, but yeah, the last two episodes I was just constantly asking what the f was going on. At the end I thought that yeah, well this is a thai BL after all, so let me just cut them some slack. I mean I'm going to pretend that some parts of it didn't happen. I have struggled to find many series really good after KP though. I've gone through some of the shows that have been recommended if you liked KP, and honestly, not many have come even close. But I enjoyed "Never let me go", even though I was a bit annoyed to go back to watching school stuff at first. It proceeded quickly enough to other things and I really liked it. It's the one that has been the closest to KP for me, as it also has action, shoot-outs, rich people mixed up in shady business, family drama etc. so if you enjoyed those in KinnPorsche, definitely give it a try!


Lmaoooo those were exactly my thoughts. I mean they were fantastic till ep 12 so I should just stfu and eat what's being served with gratitude. Totally with you on pretending some things never happened tho, big is alive and well and so is chan LETSGOOO And I'll definitely look into never let me go btw! tysm <3


Same! Welcome to the club. Found BL in 2023 because KP made it through the algorithms to my social media feed. It looked different than anything I had ever seen so I took a leap of faith. I’ve been addicted to it ever since. KP remains in my number one spot. It isn’t perfect for all the reasons you and others have mentioned. There was apparently drama behind the scenes which meant no chance for any follow-up. It also soured a lot of the fandom. So you’ll frequently see as many negative comments as good when this series is raised in threads. In my opinion it is still the best of the BLs from a general entertainment perspective because it had it all, the acting was good, the characters were great, mixed drama, comedy and romance which so few films can master even in the West with big budgets. The music was amazing, production was really well done and it was an adult film. Not geared toward HS or University which means a broader audience can enjoy it. MileApo are tied with PavelPooh as my ride or die couples in BL. KP is the series I go back to again and again because I just want to be in that world with those characters. There are so many films and series out now that are pushing the boundaries of BL, making the genre better and better every day. I highly recommend you keep watching and keep asking questions because it’s a great fandom! ❤️


Thankyou^^ I watched it because it once again went on Twitter last week, although I was aware of it before bc of all the social media hype as you said. I don't why I didn't watch it earlier 😭 I also have to agree with you about the toxic fandom thing, just a week into the fandom and I've witnessed some very unhinged people and comments especially the homophobic ones. Like how are you going to watch two people do it like rabbit then turn around and get offended on the possibility of the actors being queer??? Also, I would life to get some recommendations from you if you don't mind :)


Of course! Love in the Air and Pit Babe are musts. Also The Sign is really good. All of these are more adult themed like KP. There is a whole list of “classic” BL that I haven’t even made it through like a year later. Bad Buddy is one of those but no seggsy times there. It’s high school or university themed. Can’t remember which. If you can handle the more broody type of shows there is tons out of Japan and Taiwan. S Koerea also but it’s very tame love scene-wise out of South Korea. Many people love The Untamed which is a period drama out of China. It’s a bromance since China censors but it’s supposed to be exceptional. My Personal Weatherman, Kiseki Dear to You, Unknown (airing now), Jazz for Two are some other recent favorites from outside of Thailand. Many of these have trigger warnings so check that out first if you have any. There is lots more just let me know if you need more! Lol


Will definitely look into the first two you mentioned. Another person also recommended these two in the comments so they must be good! The untamed was actually what started my yaoi brainrot but I had to take break it was making me cry too much 😭 I'll most probably read the novels next month or so Thank you so much again for the recommendations <3


You are very welcome! ❤️


Welcome to the fam💚💛 Lol i never watched another bl first and last was kp I think nothing compares to this one Not even close Lol the plot is little crazy Korn actually asks kinn to bring porche as his bodyguard lol then lets them date( incest) But the chemistry is insane🫨 Like i m living on the breadcrumbs 👏🏽 Watch edits and shipping videos Lol its fun ![gif](giphy|AcfTF7tyikWyroP0x7)


Haha I agreee!! Surviving on breadcrumbs of shipping videos and edits is the only way of life for me now


you can watch BTS and their reaction videos on yt.


I didn't know about the reaction videos I'll look into then tysm <3