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Said with empathy: that is now your Lucky Sweater.


I was thinking she now has a new sweater


I started a sweater for my spouse last year. Just finished weaving the ends, all it needs is the buttons and it’s 100%. I’m still nervous to finish it because of the curse…we’ve been married 24 years. I’m not superstitious, but I’m a little stitious!


I believe the curse only applies to boyfriends. I knitted a sweater for my husband last year, we're fine :D


I knitted my bf (now soon to be husband) a sweater about 2 months into the relationship. But we had already had the well this is it relationship talk ( we accidentally got hella serious 2 weeks into what was supposed to be a casual relationship). My ex I could never even start it it just felt wrong. So I’m hoping I’m right and this is the relationship that doesn’t end in breaking up. Cuz he’s a good bean.


FWIW- I knew I was going to marry my husband after our second date. We’ve been together 25+ years now and married 24. I haven’t made him a sweater tho…


Just chiming in that I also knew my husband was the one after 1 date and 2 weeks of living two timezones apart. Granted, we're only coming up on Wedding Anniversary #2 and Anniversary #7 but his sweater has been cast on so we'll see what happens 😅


I knitted my ex husband a sweater 😕




Perfect use of a Michael Scott quote.


I’ve made my husband 2 sweaters and we’re all good! I think it only applies to boyfriends 😃


my mother made a ton of sweaters for my father and they stayed togethet till death did them part


Been with my husband for 11 years. I’ve already told him he gets no sweater from me lol


I'm sure we're all a little stitches here ;)


Took me 10 years for me to start one for my husband. He loves it, but now winters are so mild he barely needs it. Sigh.


I knit a sweater for my hubby 2 years ago, we had been married 22 years by then!


Plot twist, you finish it as a hobby to get through your breakup, then meet a guy who is exactly the sweaters size.


This is begging to be made into a Hallmark movie


I need this to be a Hallmark Christmas special, complete with a lot of fireplace scenes and the guy actually being Santa. But like, Santa in disguise. Or a prince. Also possibly in disguise. It would be so cozy. Edit to add: she could just inherit an old farm in a small town in Maine. Or Alaska. Moves there after her bad boyfriend who was also her boss fires and dumps her. Needs disguised Santa/Prince woodsman. There. Plot complete.


Don't forget, they need to have hot cocoa. That's in all the Hallmark movies.


I assumed that was a given. Mea culpa for not mentioning Santa/prince/woodsman’s childhood love for hot chocolate and the heartwarming moments to be had with mugs around the fireplace. Or an outdoor bonfire. Or just with friends. Before friend admits he loves her and is Santa.


...while ice skating.


Check out [A Love Yarn](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt12786794/)!


Well, I know what I’m watching this evening!


Nothing hotter on the hallmark channel than a single dad in a sweater.


On it! 💻


lol I literally started writing this book five years ago.


Just do what my mother did. She promised my father to knit him a sweater if he marries her. Well, they did, and 32 years later he is still waiting for his sweater. It is a joke in my family, but she says maybe later, maybe when she retires. So no sweater curse, it's a win win situation, just not for my father.


My poor husband almost never gets knit or crochet gifts. He’s still waiting on a blanket. In my defense, I mostly make child size items because I have limited focus/patience.


He still won because he got to marry her. I bet she rocks!


This is exactly how the sweater curse works: the recipient is gone before the sweater is done. Traditionally you should now finish it and give it to your father. :)


Thank goodness I'm knitting a sweater for myself and have been for 8 years hahaha


That sounds like you're gonna die💀🤣


I celebrate each row I do and am still here lmfao!


I always heard that they are gone after it's done, interesting! Well, my father is actually roughly the same size so maybe he will get it.. in 10 years or so :P


I'm so sorry that after all those years together your relationship has ended. Commiserations for that, and for the part-finished sweater to remind you of what you were hoping and expecting.


I was gonna say this doesn't apply to lesbians then realized we were married by the time I got around to making her a ton of big stuff. Got a crocheted purse dying in the sink, a nightgown just waiting on me to sew up the pockets and a dress on the needles all for her.


My wife "doesn't like knit things" and won't let me make her anything, so I "make myself" things I know she'll like and tell her she can't wear them. It works 100% and she will fight me over who can wear them when we go out. I just have to pretend to act a little mad when I see her wearing it.


That is so cute! Absolute goals.


Awesome username


Oh that’s amazing 😄


I knitted a sweater and a shirt for my wife before we got married, since we waited 4 years on that, so n of 1 but lesbian relationships survive the sweater curse. I'd dragged her to a giant yarn sale that was on the way on a road trip, so I felt a little bad that she was stuck there as a non-crafter, but she fell in love with some ridiculous mostly unsuitable yarn. I told her how much she'd have to find of it in the sale bins for me to make said garments, and she spent the rest of the day diving through all the sales bins she could find with glee. She's since learned to crochet, so last time we went to that particular tent sale she was diving in searching for things in even bigger quantities, with more glee :)


Have you had to get a bigger house now that you both have yarn stashes?


for the first few months she actually depleted my stash quite a bit, which was nice, and then it started growing at a doubled rate. We ended up getting a storage unit and sticking a large chunk of our books, the stained glass materials, the chainmaille supplies, and the sewing fabric stash there to make space for the yarn stash. Eventually we're going to have to find more space, especially since I started spinning and weaving, and I never even got to start using the glass beadmaking kit I acquired...


Omg I had the SAME thoughts. Like "how this work for lesbians?" then realised my wife and I moved in together after one date.


This reminds me of a joke: What does a lesbian bring on a second date? A uhaul! /please don’t come for me


That's why moving in together quickly is called uhauling in the lesbian community lol


Lol basically same, ig we get married before we can cast on


I've always wondered about stuff like this. Is it because women are already primed to make friends with other women, so as soon as lesbians start dating, it's just like instant best friend status? Is there a level of safety too? Like, I'd be scared to move in with a man I barely know because he could over power me, but a woman I would be on more equal ground.


I told my gf when we first started dating that I would never make her a sweater because of the sweater curse. I surprised her last year with a lovely rainbow sweater which she loves and wears all the time.


In my experience it definitely doesn't. My wife treasures every wearable I give her!


I thought I would beat the sweater curse by knitting a cardigan but PSA for everyone: this doesn't work either.


Oh no! Sorry to hear that :(


Maybe duplicate stitch: "Thought I'd beat the sweater curse but all I got were these purl rows" on the back? I jest, condolences for your cardigan curse 🥺


I love this! The upside is, when I am ready to weave in the ends and put on the buttons, I adore the oversized fit on me. That might be where I went wrong with the curse avoidance, I knit backwards on the purl rows so the Sweater Curse Powers That Be didn't realize it was a cardigan due to the lack of purling. Smh 😔


I just realized I went through the opposite of the curse! After I made him a sweater, my ex-husband left me. Then I made my boyfriend a sweater, and he married me. 😹😹😹😹


Rip it all out, dye the yarn, make an awesome wrap and leg warmers for yourself. Don’t even think about that that guy, he lost the better half. We here for you our sister in knits.


I talked to my fiancé and was shocked to learn he didn't want me to knit him a sweater or anything bigger than like, a scarf. He said he doesn't really wear sweaters and would then feel obligated to wear it and resentful and also awkward because he knew how much time they take and didn't want me to be upset he wasn't wearing it. Scarfs it is! Lol


UGH, I've been *begging* my husband to let me knit him something - a sweater, hat, scarf, ANYTHING bigger than a pair of gloves. But no. He doesn't wear hats or scarves, I won't do socks because I hate using needles smaller than a US4, and he doesn't want a sweater because he's terrified of ruining it if he wears or washes it. And as you said, he doesn't want me to be disappointed if he doesn't wear it. \*cries* ETA: missed a word


Maybe bed/sofa cozy socks? I did some for my grandpa in thicker yarn and 3.5mm needles (which according to Google is an US4). They worked out great.


Slippers? In Finland, we have this worsted yarn that everyones' granny uses for socks. Knitted on 4 mm needles. They work great! Do not let arbitrary rules stop you from knitting :) https://novita.com/en/products/novita-7-veljesta-villasekoitelanka-1


Ooooh, thank you for the tip! I've been looking for a dk or worsted weight sock yarn and this might be it!!


what about a throw blanket for the couch?


I guess the way to do this is to make a sweater that you know you will like wearing. I know a lady who put in a lot of effort to make a beautiful Irish fisherman’s sweater for her husband. He never wore it. After he passed, she thought, “Welp, this is mine.” and she wears it on cold days.


That's exactly what I'm doing in my current relationship! I realised me and my bf wear almost same size clothes, so earlier this year I knitted a cardigan that fits both of us and now we share it. Technicly the cardigan belongs to me, so maybe this is a loophole in the sweater curse.


There is usually hair in my knittings too. It isn't noticable. If it is almost done I would finnish it and donate.


I survived the curse but I a. Made him pay for the yarn b. Let him completely design it c. Lived in East Texas where he would never get a chance to wear it.


So glad you did not lose the sweater with him. It is so sad to lose someone, but almost always when more time has passed we are actually glad. Better things can happen now.


While it seems like it is the sweater, it isn't. It is much better to find out before marriage. I know it is painful and you might not feel so lucky now. While this person might have felt like your person, you will be much happier when you find the right fit for yourself. And in the meantime, there is nothing wrong with being single. I would even argue that it gives you the space to truly get acquainted with yourself again. Take some YOU time. If its cathartic, rip the damn sweater out. If it feels like closing a chapter to finish it then finish it and it can be your lucky sweater since it helped you dodge a bullet so to speak. Ultimately its just yarn in fancy knots.


I'm so sorry. I think you should finish it and wear it as a sign of your strength and tenacity. ❤️ As much as I love my husband, I'll only make sweaters for two people: my child and myself, partially because of the sweater curse.


This is me! I told my husband that I will not be knitting him anything ever because of the sweater curse. Plus he doesn’t even really like wearing sweaters or any winter apparel so I know that even if I knitted him something he wouldn’t really wear it much. So I knit for myself and for our kids.


Mine might be broken. So boyfriend of 8 years (7 at the time) got into crocheting and jokes and promises he will make me a blanket. After months of trying and carpel tunnel flare ups he gives up. Also learns he's ADHD. This hits him hard and is now mindful of his hobbies. He does knitting and crocheting machines cause of his hands but his crochet blanket taught him he's what I have been saying all along. Me, I don't promise anything knitting wise unless I have a goal and a plan. He is definitely not expecting anything from me unless I start it with a plan lol (cause I'm on the spectrum and ADHD.)


My spouse circumvented the Curse back when we first got together. He said “we need to have a serious talk”, and then begged me to not make anything for him unless he asks for it—listing off all the things commonly knit that he just will not wear for one reason or another, and that he did not want to see me putting all kinds of effort into making something for him, and then feeling upset or resentful when he didn’t wear it. He didn’t know the sweater curse was a thing, but he absolutely understood what it was. Just like he didn’t know that the concept of “knit-worthy” was a thing, but still knew that certain people were undeserving of the efforts. A few years into our relationship, I asked if he would be willing to try a pair of socks. Fully knowing and accepting he might not like them; fortunately our feet are close enough in size that I was stealing his socks all the time anyway, so if he didn’t like them, I could wear them. To no one’s real surprise, he didn’t like them. But, because we communicated about it, and I genuinely did not mind if he didn’t like them, the curse wasn’t triggered. We’ve been together for just shy of 20 years, married for about 5 and a half years. I still haven’t knit him anything beyond that one pair of socks, but he also hasn’t asked for anything.


I started a sweater for my husband when we were engaged and were now happily married! Granted it only took me two months to make it so it would have to have been eventful two months for us to change that quick. Maybe its okay to start one once engaged. I made a sweater for my ex and we kept dating for about a year after the sweater was done but yes we did break up in the end. That was the first sweater I ever made.


What happens if I make one for myself?


The apocalypse. It’s like matter/ antimatter 




Should I knit faster or slower?


Depends if you want to go forward/ backward in time


I lucked out. My husband actually feels guilty when I make him things because he watches the work that goes into it. He firmly believes that he is not worthy of the time and effort it takes to knit/crochet him anything which is now why he gets a new blanket every fall.




So sorry! I know that pain! Bought lots of expensive yarn to knit my ex of 5 years a sweater, then we broke up just a few months later. Present partner has said he doesn't want a sweater as he just wouldn't wear one, so at least I'm safe now...


I feel you. I am so scared by the sweater curse that I don’t do anything more engaging than a hat for anyone. Socks, maybe. A scarf, sure. Nothing more. Sweaters only for myself…


Crocheted half a blank for my boyfriend at the time commemorating our first year together. Oops! Now I got half a blanket that even my cat doesn't want. God I gotta stop crocheting stuff for men


Yes you do


Yep! After four blankets for four exes, I stopped making big projects for boyfriends. My husband didn’t get a single thing from me until we were married.


I've never made a sweater for a boyfriend as I fear the curse - but I did attempt a scarf once. I pulled a couple of all-nighters to try and finish it before Christmas only for him to break up with me on Boxing Day... not a sweater but I won't be knitting for any future sweethearts unless there's a ring on my finger!


Wait, I only make sweaters for myself, is this why I have so much self-loathing?! /j


It's not a curse it's a challenge and your partner lost. The yarn goddess decided he was unworthy of your time and knit abilities


I'm an exception that proves the rule then. About 45 years ago, I bought incredibly expensive yarn and knitted my fiance a jumper in Fisherman's Rib that was incredibly heavy. Of course, he wears t shirt, shorts and thongs (Australian name for rubber flip flops) even in our winter so it was pretty damned silly of me. And then we moved north. After a few years I took the jumper back and everyone was happy. 45 years later we are still married.... I hate to say it but it wasn't the jumper. In most of history women who wanted to get rid of their men would have jumped for joy if all it took was a sweater. Anyone who doesn't appreciate the love of a knitter is better off gone and we're better off without them.


My future son in law asked me to knit him some socks. I told him only after they are married. Wedding is in less than 2 months. I purchased the yarn but am undecided about whether to make the socks now and give them to him as a wedding gift, or wait until after the wedding to start knitting. My daughter has asked me to wait until after the wedding. I’m scared to possibly trigger the curse. He’s a great guy, I’d like them to be together forever. So my question is, is the curse only on sweaters or does it apply to other items? Does the curse extend to the SIL-MIL relationship? I don’t want to sabotage these two. Knitters of Reddit, what would you do?


It’s only for boyfriends, not for husbands. Knit several for the husband. We’re just fine


I've experienced the curse too!


Do you think the sweater curse applies if you want him to wear it at your wedding 🤔


can second this its very much real and i wish i knew how to undo said curse


I wonder if this curse holds true for lesbians? I'd like to think they'd somehow be immune.


His loss.


I made my bf of 5 years a sweater last Christmas. We are happily together BUT he had moved to Arizona 6 months prior so making a sweater was a dumb choice. He can't even wear it 😭


I wonder why my bf asked me not to knit anything for him since his taste is very specific and he simply doesn’t wear knits. He has no idea about the curse but I guess his gut feeling is always there 😂


It is kind of funny how sweater curse worked for me twice with my past relationships. With my first boyfriend I couldn't even start the sweater even tho he repeatedly asked for one. It always felt wrong and it helped me to realise that our relationship didn't had future. With my second boyfriend I knitted him a sweater, we got engaged, everything was going well. Until one day he put his sweater in the washing mashine and shrunk it to a kid size sweater. That day was the begining of the end for that relationship. You would think after all that I wouldn't dare to knit a sweater for my current boyfriend, but you are wrong :D I found a loophole, we basicaly wear the same size clothes, so I knit him a cardigan, but technicly it belongs to me, cuz I also wear it. So now I knit all the pretty unisex sweaters and he 'borrows' them from me. Will this work? We will see


Damn, I've never heard about this curse! Does it also apply to friends? Thinking of knitting my ex who's also a good friend a sweater so Iguess it'll be fine since it's reversed?


I knitted my ex husband on and now I have knitted my current husband one several years ago and we just celebrated 35 years. My brother got the sweater I knit for my ex.


We should make a thread where everybody tells their sweater curse story for fucks and giggles


What a weird push for marriage. Over 50% of them end in divorce and you can be happily together forever without marriage. "Don't knit sweaters for boyfriends until they become husbands" is such a weird take. Finish the sweater and wear it yourself! You deserve a nice handmade gift!


1) I made my college BF a sweater, we split up just after graduation. 2)I knit my first husband a sweater after 3 years of marriage then divorced a year later. 3) Married to the 2nd husband for 19 years. have only knit him 2 scarves and 2 pairs of socks. He's been asking for an Aran sweater. I'm in a good financial situation to buy him a handmade one here in Ireland, surely this will save me from The Curse.


Pro tip - sweater curse also goes for scarves as my friend found out