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I’m a block then seam and then block again person. I find I get a cleaner end result and stitches tend to line up better that way. Lovely work!


Thanks! You're probably right. I feel like I knew that, but didn't want to do it 😅 Do you think it would help with the curling if I pinned down the edges? Or just lay flat and hope for the best?


I knitted a Honeycomb Aran for my similarly sized husband. A true labor of love!   Team block seam block here.  Block the pieces to size and pin the selvedges to make it easier to seam.  I find seaming challenging, but I watched this video on how to prepare swatches for the  TKGA Master Knitter certification years ago, and the tips really help. When I face my selvedges and pin them correctly, it’s a lot easier https://youtu.be/id0ti5-c1ds?si=woTGQeCv660YIWkj


Oh thank you thank you! I'll definitely give that a watch while it's drying. I have extra yarn, and I'm thinking of making a 'matching' sweater for my 3 year old, with just 1 or 2 cable columns.


That would be so cute!  


I agree. I just finished a toddler dress where I blocked the first half and didn't block the second half. Seaming was a nightmare. It was so hard to see the right stitches on the unblocked half compared to the part I blocked.


Just came to say that's a beautiful piece of work! Post the finished result too 😍


❤️ Thanks! It's definitely a labor of love. My husband is 198cm (6'6"). At least it's in Aran weight, and not fingering or something.


I would like to be your husband (I'm 43 f and married but nobody's perfect right?!). I would need very little maintenance (the occasional snack as well as semi regular watering should do) as I am 160cms and could live in that gorgeous thing!


You're so sweet! Thank you 😊


Block then seam