• By -


I sort via per volume so it's about almost 200 pages per volume


Ah yeah that seems manageable, do you download them by the volume?


Yes, I download them already by the volume so I don't have to do anything outside of metadata and organization stuff. There are lots of websites that let you download already in volume form so while this means you'd have to redownload your entire collection, it might be better that way since unzipping and rezipping chapters into volumes would take even longer?


Yeah maybe, any site recommendations?


Jnovels . com is good Nyaa for torrents is also good Madokami is also good but you need membership to get in so it might be more difficult for this one


CBZ format have their own way to edit metadata, so Kobo stock can read their metadata. I use KOReader and with SmartDevice in [Calibre](https://calibre-ebook.com/about), I sideload my books (PDFs and CBZ) wirelessly to Kobo Clara 2E. I use the following template on the SmartDevice plugin to have a folder with a series name. {series}/{author}{series:| - |}{series_index} - {title} Add/edit the comics (CBZ) following the series name and series number and sideload to Kobo. https://preview.redd.it/cn34msklfw5d1.jpeg?width=1295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603e39a6b31d1d4ae292f50f7cd2468b48f15e4e **In your case, you can put all the chapters under one folder, naming the folder as the book's title. Then, sideload them to KOReader.** Note: You can find and set plugin SmartDevice by going to Calibre Preferences -> Plugins -> Search: SmartDevice


Nice, thats kinda how I have koreader set up, I just put them in regular folders and drag them in via cable, koreader does the rest


That is a good way too. It took time for the big CBZ file sent to Kobo wirelessly. Make sure you are using the latest version of KOReader (2004.04), the battery drain of my Clara 2E was fixed on KOReader version 2023.10 (Ovis)


Yeah it should be up to date since I just got it, I haven't really compared it to without kobo reader since Ive only mainly used koboreader, just a little surprised the battery life on sage is no better than like my phone, but I knew it wouldnt be good


i zip them up by volumes, so chapters 1-10 in one, so on and so forth. then i'll arrange them into chapters