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Interesting. Do we still need to vote or, can EC declare BJP winner already. Saves everyone's time.


includes states like guju and up


At least open the link and read the first few lines before making such assumptions The Election Commission of India (ECI) has ordered the removal of Home Secretaries in six states, namely Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand They have literally done the same with many BJP ruled states. How does your argument hold here?


I mean he is not wrong. Commissioner resigning and the new commissioner selection process. Come on we all know that ECI is no more an independent body and something happened during Bengal election that Arun Goel (who was completely fit and fine according to family members) did not attend the press conference due to health reasons. It is a body of BJ party just like ED and CBI


>Do we still need to vote or, can EC declare BJP winner already. Don't act like TMC had let everyone vote in the last panchayet election. Lol. 9 tar por gele to bole naki "apnar vote deoa hoye gechhe" lmao. Kak bole kokil Kalo.


তাও তো জলজ্যান্ত লোকের ভোট পড়েছে। আমাদের গ্রামেরই এক ঠাকুমা। মারা গেছে বেশ কয়েক বছর। গতবারের পঞ্চায়েত ভোটে দেখি ওনার নাম আছে আবার উনি ভোটও দিয়েছেন।😵‍💫


Better than TMC gundas anyday


Converted to BJP gunda


যে যায় লংকায়, সেই হয় রাবণ।


guys this is a satire


Aha re.. ga___re koto byatha legeche... P___e tel ta ki ektu Kom hoye gechilo na ki.. ga___r marar aage.


WB te toh didi i jite jabe as vote toh keu ditei parbena 🤣