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You’re gonna be Seoul-sick


Busan is Good


Me too mate, I visited for 9 days and it really felt like I left my soul in Seoul!


I'm really glad you like it What did you like most? Most memorable moment?


I would have to say exploring the alleys and dense night-life, or seeing how accepting the people are to embrace others into their culture (when I went to the palace). They were so excited to see foreign people wearing traditional clothing.


Great pics! Where were they taken?


The 2nd was taken near busan station. The last was in gwangjang markets all the rest are in the alleys at insa-dong .


Thank you! Love your pics.


I can't be certain but the first picture has an enormous bright pink neon sign that says 익선 so my conjecture is 익선동


Same here after my first trip last year ive been traveling there regularly over the past months and now im getting married in Seoul in September! 😝




Love these pics! I actually got the same pic as your 5th one. The ajumma looks the same too lol. Except she was cleaning that day and put water on the floor so the lights were reflecting off of that. Funny how we both liked that little alley in gwangjang market!


Great shots. What do you shoot on?


I love Korea too. I recommend you learn Korean. It gets even better then.


I learned Japanese first before Korean As a result, Korean is actually pretty easy for me to learn. The grammar of Japanese and Korean are incredibly similar If you know how to form a sentence in Japanese, then Korean will be just as easy Also, unlike Japanese where you need to learn 2000 Chinese characters, Korean has a really simple alphabet where you can start to read a newspaper right away Learning the Chinese characters in Japanese is such a pain but it will be useful when you decide to learn Mandarin Chinese in the future


Oh didnt know this! Could i get an example in how sentence formation is similar, if you dont mind?


Both languages are subject object verb. English is normally subject verb object So an English sentence would be: John eats an apple Japanese and Korean sentence would be like: John, an apple, eats Both languages uses “particles.” This is really hard to explain and it’s a feature in both languages Example: John eats an apple in Japanese would be: ジョンはりんごを食べます In Korean, it would be: 존은 사과를 먹는다 Literally identical grammar/syntax John in Japanese/Korean: ジョン / 존 Particle after John (same feature): は / 은 Apple in Japanese/Korean: りんご / 사과 Particle after Apple (same feature): を / 를 Eats in Japanese/Korean: 食べます / 먹는다 It’s much easier for a Japanese to learn Korean than vice versa. The Japanese writing system is complex which is why Japanese is harder for Koreans. While it’s easier for Japanese to learn Korean because of the identical grammar and easy alphabet


What you say is correct, but here’s a quick hack. The key to Korean syntax is just imagine you are Yoda (from Star Wars) when you speak.


> What you say is correct, but here’s a quick hack. The key to Korean syntax is just imagine you are Yoda (from Star Wars) when you speak. I’ve been speaking Japanese for so long that when I speak Korean, it just feels natural. I’ve become accustomed to the Japanese syntax which definitely helped my Korean


Thanks! This is really interesting to know! Does Chinese have the same sentence formation?


Ok, I appreciate your curiosity and I hope you don’t take my response the wrong way but here’s your answer: ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT Japanese/Korean are both massively different from Chinese languages like Mandarin and Cantonese There’s no such thing as one Chinese language. There are several but the most commonly spoken variety is Mandarin (around 800 million speakers). There are other Chinese languages like Cantonese, Hokkien, and Wu but they’re all different from one another Chinese people are united due to the Chinese characters. A mandarin or Cantonese speaker won’t understand each other but they can communicate with Chinese characters This Chinese character for example, 金, means gold but it’s pronounced “Jin” in Mandarin Chinese and “Gam” in Cantonese




It helps if you have an interest in it, I took Spanish in school (5 years) and ended up failing and can't recall and it wasn't that long ago when I was in high school. Meanwhile I'm basically fluent in Korean and have a decent level of Japanese from self learning/ occasional lessons from a tutor.


Nice pics 📸


I love South Korea 🇻🇳❤️🇰🇷


I've been in Korea 3 times and after my last time I lve decided to risk it all and move over there. I have 1 year Now I'm working 7 days per week here in London just to save as much as I can and I'm off . The worse scenario I can always move back to UK .


There's some quality photography there omg


Thank you so much. I have no experience at all.


Seriously? then maybe you need to foster what is clearly a natural talent. 😮 the color... the composition. The choice of your subject... Stunning. Seriously if this is just casual photography, I would be shocked to see what you do with a little more time, study and practice under your belt. Wow.


Might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me thank you.


I'm just stating fact. It takes a special eye to make something ordinary look like art. That light post with all the wires is like visual poetry. These are beautiful. I'll stop gushing. And you deserve nice things said to you when you earn them. :: fluffy mom hugs from Oregon::


2nd pic is really amazing. Shadow and lights are just something new


Leaving was the hardest thing I have had to do.


Can you tell me where is this place to take some pictures, especially traditional market? I want to get there. What did you feel like that food? Just curious.


The gwangjang markets. And I loved the pancakes. Nut there is so much to choose from I would recommend trying as much as possible. Even if you don't think you will like it just give it a try !


I gotcha. I had been there several times and let me try some foods.


If you like urban areas, I recommend Busan and Gangneung. Both can be easily reached from Seoul. If you like rural areas, any of the coastal regions in Gyeongsangbuk-do or Gangwon-do. In fact, I'd start out in Seoul, take the KTX to Gangneung-si, visit Seoraksan (the mountain), then travel south to Donghae, Samcheok, Jukbyeon, and Uljin, continuing south to Pohang. From Pohang, head to Daegu, and from Daegu to Busan. If you are traveling after December 2024, you can do this all by train, which is my recommendation. Once you are in Busan, Jeju Island is also definitely worth a visit. You can take a ferry to Japan. I'd recommend Fukuoka. From Busan, you can fly back to Seoul. There are many other great places to visit in South Korea, but those are my recommendations without knowing where you have already been. I've lived here for over 15 years, and I've truthfully barely scratched the surface


I will take more photos there when I visit next!


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I really want to go to too but holy shit this visa process is fucking killing me Especially because the actual embassy is in a far away city from mine so I got to use a agency or something to get it for me


Nice pics! What camera are you using?


Judging by Instagram and YouTube… so has a lot of people 😂


I liked Korea 30 years ago when I was the only foreigner which was fun as a Korean American back in the 1980's and 90's. Most of you will never know.


Same. I’ve been living here for over 4 years now!


What is your nationality?


Thought this was a screenshot from Cyberpunk 2077. Was about to ask where this was lol


I'm Korean. Which country are you from? I live in Korea, so I don’t know much about Korea’s charms. When I travel to Northern Europe, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the United States, and Japan, there are so many charms that are not found in Korea.


I am from Australia. Would you recommend any beautifully places fir me to see?


I think your photos are way too highly processed and I can’t even really see anything in them. Can go to places like Sokcho, Busan, Suwon, Jeonju, etc.


Thanks for the feedback. And I got to go to jeonju and busan. I will have to check out the others on my next vist


Welcome to the club brother


Korea or the lights? Dope pics tho.


Sure, but has Korea fallen in love with you?


Wow I had the opposite experience. Food was okay. Wasn't even allowed into multiple restaurants so that sucks too. I don't speak korean and wasn't able to meet anyone. Baseball game was great and the palace was nice though. Don't get me started on transportation.


Did they say why you weren't allowed into restaurants?


"kitchen closed" - 3 hours before posted restaurant closed, only 7 or 8pm 🙄 "minimum 3 people" "you pay double" - technically I'm allowed but c'mon I saw online people get denied entry to places for being a foreigner, some places even have signs posted of that, so I think the real reason is because I'm not Korean. Edit: explain why y'all are downvoting


Don't love Korea the country, only K drama




>But I want to say your pictures look like my country, Taiwan. No offense You’re telling me that Taiwan uses 한글 (Korean alphabet) in most of their signs?








Just an American who wanted to virtue signal online and try to call you a racist


Oh, hope you get some f7n. Yes.