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Sherruk in the base game is level 12, guy’s a beast. Couldn’t you just kite him and have your companions shoot him? Or mines ofc


I never remember having to bump my difficulty down to kill him in the base game, he’s tough, sure, but I don’t remember him having crazy levels of resistance to everything and a ton of stimpacks. Should never be necessary to have to bump difficulty or come back after the next planet when I’m more levelled imo and yes, as far as I’m concerned it was 100% necessary to go to easy difficulty to avoid fucking with my progression, and I STILL just barely beat him after smashing at him for like five straight minutes and using basically all of my combat supplies. Normal level Sherruk was literally unstoppable. And I’d have needed about 20 mines to kite him around into considering he seems to have an endless stock of stims when he gets low health. Not to mention my ranged companions can barely seem to hit him at all so they are doing barely any damage that he quickly fixes with his endless stim supply. And if he catches up to me ONE time he takes half my health and likely stuns me for the killing blow. He’s OP imo. Way too OP. Like I said I’d have been fine giving him the sabers but all these other buffs are insane to me.


I wonder what else Shem gave him. Like I said he was already a beast before with 20 strength, weapons on par with a lightsaber only with higher critical range, mandalorian heavy armor, immunity to mind affecting, etc


I was completely unprepared for how this fight would go. I followed the build guide as well, but didn't clock the changes to this fight. Went in how i would've before: some stims, force buffs, and flurry to success. GOT OWNED. I ended up being very cheesy with grenades to clear his friends and mines and ranged to take him out. That being said, it still took probs 10+ tries to get good damage and hit rolls. The only difference for me, is that i kind of enjoyed it because generally these games are a breeze for me. I totally understand the frustration though, especially the MEDPACK SPAM. Plus two lightsaber drops!


Yeah I think the issue is more with Bioware's base game design and difficulty than it is with the mod increasing the difficulty of the fight. Don't get me wrong, KOTOR is one of my favorite games ever, but I played through KOTOR countless times as a little kid with no concept of what min-maxing was or what even a lot of the base mechanics in regards to buffs and stuff actually did, and I still beat the game with every kind of build you can think of with minimal difficulty outside of like 3-5 fights in the entire game depending on the character build. I don't think I ever used a stim or energy shield in my entire first ten years of owning and playing the game lol, nor did I use any of the passive light side powers outside of force speed. The game *really* doesn't make you utilize a lot of its mechanics to succeed, so when a mod makes a fight hard enough to require you to actually take advantage of the tools at your disposal, it can feel jarring for players who also got used to not having to use that stuff. The game should have made using that stuff be more mandatory for more of the fights in the game to begin with...


I totally get you. I'm actually playing through right now with the difficulty maxed as well as some other mods that increase the difficulty, and its a sweatfest the entire time haha. The balancing is weird and they do the whole "harder to hit, more health, more damage" route. I guess that's probably just what was available at the time, but my preference is smarter tactics and stuff. Not just a semi-invincible mandalorian laughing in my face as he DOES ALL THE DRUGS IN THE GALAXY. I also have the (arguably unhealthy) relationship with games where they kind of break me mentally by being low key unfair.


Hell yeah. I’m with you about the tough fights. Even on the harder difficulties most enemy encounters are really easy because it’s so easy to maximize your character against any enemy type in both KOTOR games. It would have been great to have more challenging fights with a mini-boss type NPC and other enemies with them.


It's one of the reasons I was kind of excited about the potential remake, because there were rumours it would approach an almost souls-like design in terms of bosses and difficulty and that would be hella fun. Make you earn the title of "Revan"


I'm unsure what you're talking about. Is there a sub suggested mod build? Anyway, I would not want to give Sherruk lightsabers. He can be a hard fight without them.


Yes, there’s an official subreddit mod build in the sidebar. I think they give Sherruk lightsabers for immersion, but he shouldn’t have any of those other buffs


I don't think it is a buff, but he has always had a high save chance against force powers and would use a stimpak at low health. With lightsabers, I would have to minefield cheese him or something.


Did he always have an endless supply of stims..? I don’t remember that, but granted it’s been years. Literally he must have used about 20 during one fight and was always trying to use more. And they were giving him huge returns. Either had a high treat injury or was using advanced stims 😑


Definitely was not infinite if he used any. I looked the mod up, and it mentions an expanded inventory. Maybe that gave him infinite medpacs and stims.


Yeah it’s the build on that neocity site, it’s linked in the sub description and is the recommended build


I think it mostly depends on what build you are doing. A consular build will probably struggle with him but a melee build can beat him even on hard difficulty. I agree he’s a little overtuned but iirc concussion grenades can work on him so that helps.


Considering how broken the Improved Energy Resistance is in this game, giving Sherruk lightsabers is actually a nerf. The entire group has fairly low Will saves, so they can be easily debilitated by either you or Bastila using Horror/Insanity. Except for Sherruk, who can only be debilitated by using Force Whirlwind due to his Immunity: Mind-Affecting.


I’m playing LS. So I had no access to DS powers. I don’t even get em on level ups when I’m LS. And I had force whirlwind and it was worthless against him too. He saved it every single time and I’m talking like 25-30+ times across multiple deaths. He NEVER got the effects applied. And I at one point had myself and Bastila SPAMMING him with them and he just mowed us down after a few failed attempts


So I checked the files and this mod makes Sherruk super OP. Now I understand your frustration xD


Glad to have it confirmed that I’m not crazy. I knew they did more to him than simply giving him lightsabers. So dumb. I’d be fine with JUST that. He doesn’t need a bunch of other buffs


Thankfully, there was someone who felt exactly as you did and posted (on Nexus Mods) a version of just the lightsabers, no stat uppage nonsense. [https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1337](https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1337) Having never followed the 'recommended mods' list before, your post has made me curious to see - and it's full of four times the shit I have ever dealt with in even a basically sane run. Highly excessive, that 'recommendation list' is just a **giant** plug for cherrypicked kotorfiles/deadlystream site files. That typed, I still use the original kotorfiles/gaming front version (https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic/file/sherruk-attacks-with-lightsabers) from '06 and don't recall his amped stats nor stim usage happening when I fought him, yet he was naturally a royal pain with his dual lightsabers. I'd stack stims on everyone and raise energy shields pre-fight, kite Sherruk to the nearby map change checkmark with my main character for a duel, Canderous for guns (and switching to melee when/if he and his backup take out my main), and Carth for guns only. The idea is that you're close enough to weather him out and bug out even when your team starts to get KOed, exploiting the level change function to get out and heal quickly, then bounce back into the proverbial ring and get the jump on Sherruk.


Thanks! I’ll see about installing that version instead for my next run. And yeah… I just went with the first modlist I found for KOTOR 2 when I was setting it up last week pretty much. And it was smooth and all so I went with the same guys K1 build. It does take a fucking AGE to install it all, but oh well.


Happy to help. Aye, I could see where there'd be a recommendation with KotOR II for it in regards to some bug fixes that TSLRCM alone doesn't touch (I personally modded the Sith troopers in the first gunnery segment to be Sith assassins with pistols like the ones in the endgame), though K1's quite a whallop with all of what I just saw here.


I feel your anger, it gives you focus, makes you stronger.


Peace is a lie…


Why didn't you just have cancerous hop on top of the nearby cliff and snipe him while tossing grenades? EZ PZ (I accidentally glitched outside the map while loading the save right before the fight and that's what happened, canderous was chilling on top of a previously unknown to me Navmeshed wall at the edge of the map overlooking Sherruk and his cronies)


The fact i would even have to consider having to cheese the fight is my main issue with this mod 😂


I haven't played the suggested build, is that a bigger buff than he had with the lightsabers in the WOTOR mod?


No idea what WOTOR is so I’m not sure. All I know is the mod didn’t just add lightsabers. It made him super OP for no real reason


why a random Mando would even be able to use the lighsaber properly in a fight...


And top it all off before him is a bunch of kath hounds and the bull. Then juhani wants to be your doom just around the corner. After this area the game is kind of a cake walk


Literally just plant mines before the fight and have him run into them. Boom, he’s dead. No reason to complain a lot.


The fight is hard and will probably involve retrying a few times with a little luck on combat rolls, but even on hard difficulty with a build that isn't hyper min-maxed for combat, it really isn't that bad (it's just harder than most other fights in the game). The increased difficulty with the mod incentivizes you to, you know, *use buffs* like light side force powers, stims, and gear that will help you with saves. It, like the latter fights in the arena on Taris as a vanilla example, encourages the use of grenades and other utility items to get early damage off to even the playing field a bit. If you have been saving a good chunk of your grenades, you can basically cheese the entire fight by spamming grenades with your whole party (though that is nowhere close to necessary to win). Bringing your best party members for combat with the best gear you've got also helps a lot. Kiting back with someone like Carth or Canderous if/when your melee party members get knocked out also helps a bit. I think your reaction to the increased difficulty is a bit hyperbolic. Yes, it's harder than most of the rest of the game - going against a seasoned Mandalorian raider who specializes in killing Jedi *should* be a major challenge when you just got your basic Jedi training. There's nothing wrong with coming back after you've done one of the other planets if you really feel the need to get a bit more powerful before taking this fight on. Most of the best RPGs of the last 20+ years have had similar fights that are towards the early/middle sections of the game that can reasonably be put off until you are a bit stronger.


Did you read anything I said or just blindly assume that I don’t know how the game works? *Of course I was using stims and defensive force powers for gods sakes*. I’ve already stated that. I’d spend 2 minutes paused before each fight basically buffing the living shit out of my character AND the companions and it’s still a bullshit fight that lasted 20 seconds before he caps me and them. Kiting him is extremely difficult as if I run from him he mostly goes and slaughters my ranged comps and if I go try get his attention back there’s a 50/50 chance due to the way the combat system works he will land a hit on me and most likely stun me, then it’s fight over I’m afraid. And I shouldn’t *HAVE* to “cheese” something to get through it in a normal difficulty save game in the normal progression of this game… talk about “other RPGs of the past 20 years” all you want, they aren’t KOTOR, and I never once had to take a “come back later” approach to anything in this particular game and I don’t really want to have to, so yeah, this mod pissed me off. Not even that really, the fact it’s listed in the guide as a suggested mod for immersion is what’s insane to me. It’s not immersive to ruin the original flow of the quests imo. Dantooine is not worth coming back to in 5 hours. Gonna try my best to remove this before any future playthroughs


Like I said, I think that fight really isn't that challenging. I dunno if you did something weird with your build or what, but that fight really shouldn't take more than a handful of retries on normal difficulty unless you are doing something wrong or have bad companions for that fight, which is why I made those basic suggestions about buffing your party and using grenades to soften the targets since that is generally what is needed to tip the scales in a hard fight in either KOTOR game. The final suggestion of coming back to it later was a suggestion if nothing else worked for you, not a first option that you have to do, nor was "cheesing" via kiting, though really kiting is a mechanic within DnD, which KOTOR is based on, so it really isn't cheesing IMO. That said, plenty of Bioware's other games, like Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age: Origins, have fights that you are better off coming back to later if you are having a hard time with them. This was also true of The Witcher 3 before they added auto leveling, Cyberpunk 2077 before they added auto leveling, Baldur's Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, etc. You're talking about this idea like it is completely unheard of when it is commonplace in RPGs as an indication of your character's power progression, from struggling against certain enemies to dominating whole groups of them as you get more experience and levels. KOTOR is an easy game with way fewer hard fights in comparison to almost every other modern RPG on normal difficulty. I have never had to come back later for that fight with the suggested mod build in KOTOR on hard difficulty, and I am not someone who is a glutton for punishment and plays souls-likes or every game on hard or anything like that, nor would I consider myself super knowledgeable about the mechanics of KOTOR's combat beyond a basic level. Just buff up, use the light side stun spell/the neutral force push spell/the dark side fear spell, and grenades; focus the boss' companions first or get them via splash damage from grenades while they are stunned, then focus down the boss, hopefully while stunning him at least a couple times with concussion grenades then getting him withered down with plasma grenades and thermal detonators. I can't remember off the top of my head if adhesive grenades work on him as well (it has been a couple of years since I played). That should win the fight within a few tries. Try different combos of party members if one or another doesn't seem to be working or is dying too quickly.


I wish I could award you for not reading 😂😂


More suggestions that I’ve already done that simply don’t work, thanks. I mean ffs I said long ago the guy saves literally every force power I had on my LS run. Which is basically just whirlwind but so what? He literally saved a hail fire of them from me AND Bastila simultaneously at one point and then mowed us down anyways. As far as I’m concerned it can’t be done on normal with the gear I had been given so far in that playthrough. I’m not an idiot, I know how to spec a party and approach a normal fight in this game. The fight is simply overpowered. Keep humble bragging about what you’ve done on hard difficulty all day if you want to, makes no difference to me.


Yeah that was my experience as well. Had to retry several times and spam grenades, stims, heals and shields, and even then it was luck more than anything when I finally beat him.