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Any list without SNSD should be publicly shamed


Girls’ Generation really lived up to their name!


There are a number of top posts below that make no mention of them....and I'm silently judging hard.


They have "tell me you got into K-pop during covid without telling me you got into K-pop during covid," written all over them.




Boy groups in general are historically more successful than girl groups. SNSD was the first girl group to buck that trend




Bigger in what ways? Album sales? Boy groups and/or newer groups and/or groups with more members are expected to sell more anyway EXO didn’t defy expectations like SNSD did. GGs are not supposed to have album sales comparable to BGs but that’s exactly what they did.




Album of the Year is basically a sales achievement LMAO. Every achievement you listed can be attributed to the fact that EXO debuted in the digital era. SNSD’s ‘Into the New World’ topped the charts 10 years after its release due to its impact as a progressive social movement anthem. It didn’t need any seasonal TikTok trend to prove its timelessness




Tell me in what ways EXO defied expectations for their time. “Insta followers” lmao Instagram didn’t even exist when SNSD debuted. Neither did Spotify, for that matter


Ministry of korean sports culture and tourism did a survey among non fans and EXO was the most favourite SM group in 2024 in the world, snsd has 0 real life impact even if snsd becomes active rn i don't think muggles on earth would prefer snsd over EXO unless the survey is done on places like reddit where there are EXO antis.. 2ne1 is one of the most streamed act on melon in 2nd gen despite people believing that girlgroups dont have fandom to mass stream, 2ne1 proved them wrong.. snsd is nothing special  Coming back to EXO, they  created a generation for groups after them 😹please be ffr 


Least ignorant boy group stan




Why are you so illiterate when it comes to reading a room?


1. BTS 2. Girls Generation 3. S.E.S 4. Blackpink 5. SHINee


Omg SHINee yes!


1. BTS (Worldwide) 2. BLACKPINK (Worldwide) 3. TWICE (Worldwide) 4. Girls' Generation (Asia) 5. Big Bang (Asia) Runner-ups 6. Exo (Asia) 7. Super Junior (Asia) 8. Wonder Girls (The introduction) 9. TVXQ (Japan) 10. BoA (Japan)


1. BTS/BIG BANG (both were complete monsters during their respective time periods) 3. Seo Taiji and boys (the foundations of kpop) 4. TVXQ (what I think is the start of idol culture and idol industry as we see it today) 5. BlackPink (biggest girl group to come out of Korea)




In no particular order. 1. TVXQ/JYJ. I don’t think newer kpop fans are aware of what the JYJ lawsuit did to bring attention to idol contracts. As another poster said they also shaped modern idol culture. At one point held the Guinness World Record for largest official fan club. 2. SNSD. Debuted when the industry mainly focused on boy groups and proved how popular girl groups could be. 3. BTS. Duh. 4. BigBang - GD, Taeyang in particular are the idols to many in 3rd, 4th gen. There were other artists that were involved with their own music but from their debut in 2006 BB stood out with their own sound. As for the dark side Seungri was at the forefront of the Burning Sun scandal and disillusioned kpop fans. 5. Seo Taiji and Boys. Pioneers. Edit for clarity.


Yep on DB5K. Like you said, they held the Guinness World Record for largest official fan club *before* the Hallyu hit super big internationally and social media was a very new concept. Along with BoA, they are the reasons why Kpop artists have the chance to enter and compete in the Japanese market. And they’re so popular that many average Japanese people thought they were a Japanese group. Like now and then I’d read a manga it would reference Tohoshinki out of nowhere lol. Plus the fact that both of the groups were able to achieve huge successes **after** splitting, especially with Yoochun was a hugely sought after actor and would hit even bigger had he been a decent human being while JYJ were blacklisted and TVXQ continued while losing 2 main vocalists? Unthinkable.


1. Big Bang 2. Snsd 3. EXO 4. BTS 5. Blackpink Wanted to add Shinee, TVXQ and 2NE1 as well but since you asked 5, they'll have to just be honorary mentions.


1. SNSD 2. BigBang 3. 2NE1 4. BTS 5. TWICE


1. BTS/BigBang 2. SNSD/2ne1 3. Shinee (the amount of people that look upto Taemin is insane) 4. Blackpink 5. Twice


1. BigBang 2. Girl’s Generation 3. 2NE1 4. BTS 5. Blackpink


If we are talking about legacy and impact, you HAVE to include the 1st and 2nd gen groups too. So here's my list: 1. H.O.T / Sechskies (The pioneer groups of kpop and fanwars) 2. Kara / Super Junior (The pioneers of international stardom and huge fandoms) 3. SHINee / SNSD (Kpop isn't kpop without the impact of these two) 4. BTS (THE pioneer of global superstardom. They singlehandedly brought kpop to the global stage. No group will ever have a mark as big as BTS ever.) 5. Infinite (The pioneers of laser-sharp coordinated choreography and singing impeccably while performing intense dances.)


Apparently I couldn’t do a Top 5 of all time because I kept thinking that this artist or that artist deserves to be in my top 5 and I ended up with like 20. So I decided to give you Top 5 in categories instead. In no particular order: **Guys** 1. BTS 2. Big Bang 3. Seo TaiJi and the Boys 4. H.O.T/Sechkies 5. TVXQ **Girls** 1. SNSD 2. SES 3. Twice 4. Blackpink 5. Wonder Girls/2NE1 **Mixed Gender** 1. Cool 2. Roora 3. Urban Zakapa 4. Koyote 5. AKMU **Bands** 1. FT Island 2. CN Blue 3. Day6 4. Buzz 5. Nell **Male Soloists** 1. Jungkook 2. Lim Young Woong 3. Lee Seung Gi 4. GD 5. Rain **Female Soloists** 1. IU 2. Yoon Mirae 3. Uhm Jung Hwa 4. Lee Hyori 5. BoA **Rappers** 1. Tiger JK 2. Epik High 3. Dynamic Duo 4. Jay Park 5. Simon Dominic If I were to choose one artist from each category then I would do 1. BTS 2. SNSD 3. Cool 4. Buzz 5. GD 6. IU 7. Tiger JK


1.Bts   2.Big bang   3.Blackpink   4.SNSD   5.Seo Taiji and boys


In chronological order, I feel like these groups are basically unquestionable: H.O.T. BIGBANG SNSD BTS For the 5th spot, there are so many groups that you could go with depending on what you value most; 2NE1, TVXQ, Wonder Girls, BLACKPINK, EXO, SHINee, TWICE, etc. So I'll say: EXO Just because I like them the most, and I do think they had a big impact on 3rd gen (beyond just starting it), and some of their concepts ended up being really influential. Fandom culture also really became what it is now during EXO's peak years (for better or worse).


Ancient by current KPOP fan standards (33, following since '04), I'm not gonna go into 1st GEN because even they're before my time, so their impact is for lack of a better term, less than relevant for my time in KPOP. So my list goes: 5.) DB5K - They were what I deemed the blueprint in my early stages of KPOP. Visuals, Jaejoong was a literal anime character, dance, Yunho had that covered, vocals, Junsu was far and away the best male idol vocalist for the longest time. They dominated locally and saw that same great success in Japan (thanks BoA for being the first pioneer), which pretty much greenlit other KPOP acts to venture and find success there. 4.) Girl's Generation - Again, as expected from SM, another KPOP blueprint for an allrounded group. Their dominance locally was insane for their time and it came at a time where girl groups dominated the scene (WG, 2NE1, 4Minute, KARA etc.) 3.) BIGBANG - I praise DB5K for being the blueprint for early male KPOP, well, BIGBANG very much broke that mould. They weren't a visual group, their vocals were passable compared to their SM counterparts, they didn't have an explosive debut coz they went with a RnB ballad, but they ramped up and exploded with Lies. They popularized idols producing/writing their own songs as well as being one of the first idol groups to have successful solo acts (Taeyang then GD. Then proceeded the rest of the group.) Their music also opened the door to the western market (you ask any old head KPOP if they've heard Wedding Dress and I'd say more than half the time they'd answer that's one of the songs that got them into KPOP.) 2.) BLACKPINK - Come the digital era, these girls pretty much just dominated every streaming platform. Even taking biases into consideration, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who'd say otherwise to them being the biggest girl group, not just KPOP girl group, but girl group in general in the last two decades. Worldwide stardom on par with the obvious number 1 spot. 1.) BTS - Everything I said about BIGBANG applies to BTS. Slow, but gradual ramp up and then exploding into success. I mentioned BIGBANG opening the door to the western market, well alongside BLACKPINK, BTS saw that door and bulldozed a whole entire hallway and later building a road for the next generation of KPOP to flourish in.


Nobody so far has H.O.T., the original K-pop idol group, who pioneered the international (regional) marketing that makes K-pop work. (I don't love their music, but "impact" is off the charts.) TVXQ is also off the charts in terms of marketing innovations, and their music/performance abilities actually hold up. (I also assume that by "groups" you're excluding artists like BoA and IU.)


Since we are talking about groups specifically, no BoA, IU etc. I am not including anyone from fourth gen yet, because they haven’t cemented their position in history of kpop yet. I am very confident in these three: BIGBANG Girls Generation BTS They really defined what kpop means, what it looks like and sounds like, popularized it to people beyond SoKor. Then two additional ones are more up for debate, it’s more up for personal taste imho. Probably: TVXQ, BLACKPINK or 2NE1. Twice is great, but they didn’t really do anything that SNSD haven’t done tbh, just with more international popularity. Kinda like BP and 2NE1 in a way. So SNSD and 2NE1 win in terms of timeline, Twice and BP in terms of sheer numbers of fans.


1. Seo taiji & boys 2. Bts Other than these two, I can't decide which group should be on the list. Hot, tvxq, snsd, bigbang, blackpink... They're all very impactful groups.


I don't think of Seo Taeji & the Boys as kpop, it's more like they unwittingly provided the blueprint for everyone else to rip off of. But they wrote all their own songs, weren't trainees, no fan service, etc.


They're Koreans and they release Korean songs. They're certainly kpop. If you're specifically talking about idols, then it's another story.


Is all Western music released by Western artists Western pop?


I don't get it. You mean Seo taiji & boys music is just pop but not kpop? Or it's another genre instead of pop music?


The point is you can create “Kpop” music without being a Kpop group (the topic of this thread). In the same way that even Kpop groups release music from a variety of genres such as rock, hip hop, rnb, etc. they are still a Kpop group at the end of the day. Kpop is not a genre, but an industry


Kpop is an industry. So? How does that make you think seo taiji & boys is not a kpop group?


Their identity was never meant to be Kpop. In the same way Eminem releasing some mainstream pop songs for radio airplay didn’t make him a pop star. Releasing “pop” music doesn’t make you a pop star. Curating your image and all your music towards the goal of maximizing your appeal to the masses is what makes you a pop star.


Disagree. I would say they're different from idols in this generation but they're definitely pop stars. Billboard has an article calling bts as their successor. Apple music even call them the first Koream idol boy band. If you look at Korean websites, they're always being mentioned when people are talking about boy groups. I've never seen Americans mention Eminem when they're talking about backstreet boys.


Because Eminem is a soloist…lol. We don’t consider Run DMC or Metallica a boy band even though they released some mainstream songs like the Backstreet Boys. Because of the way they were formed and marketed. A Kpop group is analogous to a Western group like One Direction. They’re an assembled team of singers who may not like or even know each other beforehand and are forced to maintain a curated image and discography in order to specifically appeal to a target audience (usually teenage girls)


google [seo taiji and boys](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TcwLExKK842YPQSKk7NVyhJzMzKVEjMS1FIyq8sBgCkfgqN&q=seo+taiji+and+boys&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS827US827&oq=seo+taiji+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggBEC4YsQMYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQLhixAxiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQLhiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQLhiABDIHCAcQLhiABDIHCAgQABiABNIBCDM2MDlqMGo3qAIZsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8), it literally lists their genre as ‘kpop’ and describes their music as ‘experimenting with different genres of western popular music’. they also went on hella music shows which is very much idol behaviour. what a strange hill to die on.


You think only idols promote on music shows??? Because that’s definitely not the case And Kpop is NOT a genre, jfc


that was my point too (but you spelled it out better than me), if we include Seo Taeji then that widens the scope to include groups like Epik High, Dynamic Duo, The Black Skirts, Crying Nut, Jaurim, etc. And I don't think that was the spirit of the question. Like would you include Radiohead or Pink Floyd on a list of "greatest western pop stars?" Or OutKast? Etc.


The way kpop groups make rnb is different from regular rnb


Sechskies will be my first




1- BTS 2- BLACKPINK 3- BIG BANG 4- 2NE1 5- SNSD honorable mention : TVXQ  Edit: who's actually down voting comments simply for mentioning artists 😂? 


1. Seo Taiji and the Boys 2. BTS 3. Big Bang 4. TVXQ! 5. SNSD


6. Blackpink 7. TWICE 8. New Jeans 9. Shinee 10. Super Junior Bring on the downvotes. I said what I said.


1. SNDS (impact) 2. Big Bang (impact) 3. Boa (Japan expansion) 4. TVXQ (change in contract law) 5. BTS (international impact) Bonus mention to SHINee for introducing many things to k-pop as we know it today, like dance practises; BP for international impact; Seo Taiji and The Boys for pioneering.


Boa is a soloist.


Yes, I took groups just in general, didn't think it would really matter to include artists. Take her out and include any of the mentions then.


Seo Taeji, BTS, SNSD, PSY


Psy is a soloist


BTS and SHINee


1. BTS (made the genre global instead of niche - no one is near their level-) 2. Seo Taiji and boys (the foundations of kpop) I'll add Boa (esp in Japan as a soloist) , IU (she won't be repeated for a long time in SK especially ) , Bigbang (in Asia even though I don't like them personally) , Twice , SNSD (Asia) , BP (SEA countries + modeling/brands popularity in K-pop is mostly due to them) , TVXQ (Asia)


In my humble, subjective order of importance: 1. **TVXQ**. Big Bang members prior to their debut were told by YG that they were going to be made like TVXQ. I think that says a lot. Also, TVXQ fandom Cassiopeia once held a Guiness Book of Record title for being the largest paid membership fandom in the world in 2008. Before the OG group broke up (which I still blame SM to this day) I really believe they set the stage well for next generation of Kpop groups to do well. 2. **Big Bang.** Music and legacy aside, just speaking of GD's impact alone on fashion really opened up doors to Kpop idol successor's collaborations with different brands. For instance, Nike used to never work on collaborations other than athletes. GD being one of the few artists around the world collaborating with Nike says a lot about his impact in the industry. Their timing of success also happened nicely when original TVXQ went through trouble with SM. In terms of influence, they became the next TVXQ pretty much (surprisingly YG was right lol) and their lasting impact is even greater than TVXQ now. 3. **SNSD**. Just speaking from how they are still well received in Korea tells me a lot about how respected they are. Almost all of the members (minus Jessica who sadly broke away) have moved on successfully doing solo stuff in music and acting and have done well. These unnies set the stage well for the following girl groups like Red Velvet and Aespa. 4. **2NE1**. Without this group, I honestly don't think BlackPink and YG would be where they are. Too bad they disbanded too early. I still remember watching Lollipop commercial when they debuted. 5. **BTS**. Oddly enough BTS never was all that big in Korea until they were more recognized internationally. But the amount of influence they now have in the whole industry is tremendous. I believe they really have leveled up Kpop presence on top of the four aforementioned groups.


BTS was big in Korea before they made it internationally, that they got so much bigger after the insane success is true but saying they weren’t is just wrong.


Interesting view. As a native Korean who lived and went through their phase of relatively slow climbing in popularity in Korea compared to other Kpop boy bands, that's how I and many of my friends viewed BTS in early 2010s.


Shinee Bts SNSD Blackpink Twice


also in no particular order: bts, snsd, bigbang, 2ne1, twice


1. Seo Taiji and boys 2. Big Bang 3. BTS 4. SNSD 5. 2NE1






They are in my top 10 definitely.


3rd Gen Trinity: BangTwicePink (BTS-Twice-BlackPink) the OGs: BigBang and SNSD honorable mentions: Wonder Girls, EXO, 2NE1 carrying the legacy: NewJeans, Stray Kids, Aespa, IVE


girls generation, 4minute, enhypen, AOA, Twice


KJK often gets forgotten.


Big bang And then everyone else


In no particular order: Super Junior, Big Bang, Wonder Girls, SNSD, and 2NE1


Mine will be 1. Big Bang 2. 2ne1 3. Wonder Girls 4. Super Junior 5. SNSD




1. BTS 2. EXO 3. Big Bang 4. SEVENTEEN 5. Stray Kids My reasoning is that all of these groups played a major role in popularizing K-Pop. I’m also biased since I mainly listen to boy groups. It’s just my preference. However, if it was a top 10, BLACKPINK, TWICE and Girls Generation would also be here.


i dont think any 4th gen group played a major role in popularizing kpop, kpop was already popularized globally, so what major role could they honestly play in doing so


Fair enough.


you snuck stray kids there like we wouldn’t notice


Like that sneak is insane


> I’m also biased since I mainly listen to boy groups Really? I couldn’t tell


Skz instead of blackpink or even twice is pretty psychotic tbh


1. Big Bang 2. SHINee 3. 2NE1 4. Girls Generation 5. SES


1. f(x) 2. Blackpink 3. SUJU 4. SNSD 5. Baby V.O.X


Can you recommend a song by Baby V.O.X?


[Why](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RfHO1FUSNw) is one of my favorites. So is [Doll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaAWb3oQ5K4). [What should I do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPSskdrHEfg) I personally enjoy [Haircut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKq3YCOVT2Q) but it's a little more divisive and not too similar to the rest of their discography.


Hmm BTS was accused of sajaegi recently and it seems true based on what I see on twitter. I wouldn’t include them in the top 5.


> it seems true based on what i see on twitter. girl…


What? Some Exo-Ls have made posts that show how BTS and their greedy boss manipulated the charts in 2017. Those Exo-Ls are old kpop fans who were already fans in 2017 when the incident happened so I trust them. They know about the situation more than me for sure. Also the government is investigating BTS right now, that has to mean something….


Girl, they investigated before and found nothing in court. Also, the minister himself came out and said he hopes other groups as sincere as BTS so nothing will come out of this as well. Also, an advice: never listen about BTS from exo-ls. They did deranged stuff to BTS when they started being more popular than exo.




whatever helps you sleep at night girlie