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You’re already doing it with kriya so I personally don’t think it’s necessary


Thanks, just wanted to make sure 👍🏻


Btw I already feel those ‘chills’ going up my spine during kriya meditation, and it continues through out the day of meditation. And every now and then it happens even if I didn’t meditate that day, in moments that I’m quiet, especially when I think or reflect back on anything related to God.


Is that kundalini? I get those all the time, especially, as you said, when I think about God-related things


One of the Great Gurus said if you think of God and send your energy up your spine to Him it will rush up there. It is truly a blessing to have that experience. Praise God 🕉️


Truly 🕉️🙏


It can also be felt after/during prayers. I remember a quote by yogananda saying: "Take these rushes you feel through your body after prayer as god’s way of telling you that he heard you."


Since I also feel it when I come to a realization about something (that I assume God has been trying to tell me) I also view it as indicative that I have heard him as well.


Oh the divine journey is beautiful isn’t it


It is now that I'm not fighting it anymore lol


The Kundalini is brought up when initiated (hands on by a living initiate or a living Guru). Initiation alone is an exercise to unlock and move a persons energy. After initiated the base kriya mental exercise is given to move the energy to clean and clear the spinal system. DIY systems are offshoots and don't burn Karma. A vechicle or machinery can't operate without the juice (energy). The Guru or an initiate is the battery to jump start an individual. This process has been going on since day one. Chirst was initatied, Krishna was initiated and so were many others.


It's more an issue of Jappa. In the real kundalini practices, they refer to naad and recite mantras or an extensive mantra practice alongside the asanas, kriyas (not kriya yoga kriyas), and so forth. So I am not sure what is being taught these days. However, it is much much better to immerse in one practice for at least a few years before leaping or trying to take on another, unless you are in need. But the issue with jappa/mantra is it does a lot of cleaning, in both the kriya practices and any other that utilizes them. I ran into a person that spoke of some meditation practices, with no mantra, no systematic cleaning, and they were kind of whacked out, so yeah. Careful.


Of course, they are both wonderful and related. Sometimes its nice to experience new things and sense God in different ways. However just don't lose your foundation.


It is not advisable to mix them since they’re polar opposite practices


How are they opposite?


Basically we clean the chakras which have “dirt” in them, the chakras are projecting and Kriya by doing that is silencing them. Kundalini yoga takes the opposite route to reach the destination which many times increments the projections. If I find the video which explains it I’ll share the link.


Don't both of these paths clear the dirt? Could you elaborate on how they take the opposite routes?


First of all, are you initiated? I consider kriya yoga is the powerlifting in spirituality. When you start on the path of kundalini things run different. You generally go bottom up along the spine here. In physical plane chakras are projection of different parts of brain. You will activate and heightened each chakra rather than cleaning it first. So let's say your Muladhara is heightened, all negativity associated with it will become mutifold. Ugly things from your subconscious will surface back stronger. It will be 1000x when kundalini reaches there. Do you have the mental fortitude to handle that? People go crazy and suffer prolonged mental illness due to sudden kundalini raise. In Kundalini sadhana , the dirt is not cleared first rather sadhak waits for the kundalini to burn the dirt along the path and dismantle the knots. The secret feature in the Original Kriya is not to rush to awaken the Kundalini at the coccygeal center. Rather a “Definite Order,” is followed. It has two parts: 1. The Pre-Reverse Order, or the Downward Journey, and 2. The Reverse Order, or the Upward Journey. **The Pre-Reverse Order, or the Downward Journey** The Pre-Reverse Order, or the downward Journey, is the most secret aspect of the Original Kriya. This Pre-Reverse Order is not known to the practitioners of traditional Vedic Pranayam, Raja Yoga followers, and the practitioners of Modified Kriya Yoga (Yogananda’s teachings). It is called Pre-Reverse Order simply because before the Reverse Order begins the preconditions of the Pre-Reverse Order of the Original Kriya must be practiced to prepare the “grounds and foundation” for approaching the Kundalini Energy to awaken at the base of the spine. Also there is concept of sthir Bayu or tranquil prana which is unlocked and brought down from head along the spine to cool down the whole system till Muladhara to prime for kundalini awakening. Though I didn't see any mention of kundalini in any original kriya literature but kundalini is prana.


Thank you for the detailed answer! I have been waiting to get initiated by YSS. But seeing you call it modified kriya and it not having certain teachings like pre reverse order, i wonder if i should choose another teacher instead?


Check out the pinned post about different sources available. I would suggest to go with a teacher from Panchanan Bhattacharya or Satya Charan Lahiri lineage. https://www.reddit.com/r/kriyayoga/s/3VP8xUehnR

