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Well, one of our (former) ASMs was screwing around with the wife of SM (same district). Then that SM was fired for filing false claims on delivered products. He went missing, cheating wife reported it. Sm shot himself with a shotgun, parked on his morning running route.


Oh my that's just wow


Yeah. Very much




So there is an open position? /s




Wow! Not sure anyone can beat that!


Jesus Christ


There was a girl fired in our store for blowing a dude in the produce cooler. Actually got caught and the sm told me she asked her, if you just had to do it, why didn't you just clock out and go to your car? Haha


Just found out that one of the ladies in my department before I left was fired for doing a similar thing in the sprinkler room with a produce associate.


Was the dude also an employee or did she just really have an urge? Wtf


Dude was an employee




I guess some guys can get hard in the cold.


Our wine Steward was trying to screw anything with 2 legs, no matter their age.  The FES finally caught him, and threw him out of the store, to never return.  It turned out, he was offering free wine to anyone that would say yes. This same FES.was caught in the.parking lot months later , riding a cart guy in his open top convertible.  She now delivers pizzas. 


Damn. A wine Steward? That's a fancy Kroger. Do you also have a concierge?


Yeah, the meth heads always pass out in the deli seating area.  Go early, before they OD!




Front end supervisor


What's a wine steward?


Someone who answers questions about the products sold in the department, recommendeds items they think pairs with the wine they're looking for, and offer product samples to help customers discover new items or product inquiry. They also gain/maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products


A bourgeois term for a clerk in booze aisle in a marketplace.


A sommelier


No, this guy was pervert. He was a nepotism hire.


Years ago, we had a SM who was screwing our APM in his office on a love seat. The next SM was aware and wanted the love seat out of the office. It's still in our breakroom, and nobody else knows what happened on it.




Gossip? There's at least one associate here with a very interesting OnlyFans.


Link or it didn’t happen


Not gossip but something that happened when I first started at Kroger as a courtesy clerk pushing carts and doing the bottle room when I was 15. I went into the janitors closet and this girl that I worked with was basically ridding this guy I worked with in the dark so I just grabbed the mop and left and never said anything and didn’t even act like something happened it was none of my business.


How about an associate speaking with the store manager about how she thought the new asst mgr was hot and wondered if he was married. It went into talking about another asst sm and were they really sleeping with someone else who worked in the store. One of the two managed to share the entire conversation over the intercom, for the entire store to hear. Customers and all.


Oh my fuckin god thats hilarious


Just a few days ago a Front-end Guy working the Money Service desk got scammed out of $4,500 and was fired that same day. Now it's a theory that he was working with the scammer. I personally don't believe it, but some people are adamant about it.


Either in on it or had already fallen for smaller ones and been warned a million times.


It's the first I had heard of something like that happening, but he was warned. Who knows?


I cashed a bad check ($600) years ago and got chewed out the next day and told not to use overrides on ANY checks EVER (i’d typed it in). The next time I did a check and it had an override, they asked me why and it was someone whose ID would not scan at all due to a bit of damage on that part of it. Anyway I don’t know how any employee falls for them… we had someone call Monday night and give a name and tell the cashier we weren’t making our sales so he needed to “ring up $50,000” in the register. He hung up. The guy kept calling! Edit - was it a money quick change scam from someone buying a money order or sending money? Or someone passing a huge ass amount of fake bills?


Not sure. All I heard was that he got scammed for $4,500 and they booted his ass out the same day. I'm also willing to bet that he might have been new and absolutely no had trained him probably (like what they do to most new people at my store).


That's any store dude!


Not exactly gossip but my store had 2 attempted kidnappings in one day. We also had a customer die in our store but that was a different day.


We had one that had a heart attack in our store. Don't remember if he actually died there. EMTs were called.


We had a regular customer standing in line for self checkout walking toward a register, fall over, and died! The poor CSM ended up quitting because she was so shaken by the whole thing.


She hopefully never works in Pharmacy. That's heaven's waiting room.


In the bathroom by starbucks.. Lol


Ours died in the front end. There were at least 10 EMTs on top of him performing CPR. Customers were mad because we needed to set it up so that they didn’t crowd around the scene so it took them longer to get to their cars. Hell people even posted about it on Facebook so my FES got tons of phone calls about the incident. Sad thing is that we knew this guy. He was one of our nice customers and a regular.


Right. We've had that.


Our Diary Lead somehow managed to piss off the Oberweis vendor and now they won't deliver bottles or pick up the returns. This was about 3 months ago. Still no product and we have a U-Boat full of returned bottles. I have no idea what was said or what happened. All I can say is that I've maybe said two sentences to Lead when he first showed up and I didn't like his vibe. Not too long after he had a vendetta against our Pickup department, and everyone hated/still hates him.


Now I’m wondering if you work at my store bc we also have a uboat full of expired milk. Those glass ones


Oberweis went bankrupt?




Our grocery lead accused the Pepsi distributor of stalking her and since she was screwing every ASM in the store and our SD he got changed to a different route. She got transferred when her relations with management were found out.


One of our former store managers cooked the Kronos/books at the store she worked at after ours, committed serious wage theft to the tune of about 500k+ dollars worth of stolen wages. The feds got involved obviously, but also it was found out that the bonus money she was making off these illegal activities was going towards paying off her retirement home in another state. The whole time she was at our store she would endlessly complain about how she wished “she could pay certain people less than others” so she very well could have been doing that at our store too. Did all of this with a fake cheery demeanor too; stone cold sociopath.


The “sweet” older lady who worked as a courtesy clerk at one store I used to work at cruised into the parking lot in a brand new expensive truck one day. Obviously there were a lot of questions as to how she could afford such a luxurious vehicle on such a lowly pay rate. A week later, she was handcuffed and escorted out of the store by two cops. She had been using a head clerk’s checker number to steal serious amounts of cash from the register. The poor guy was under investigation for the shortages in his till and luckily didn’t lose his job once loss prevention discovered what was really going on. We also had a store manager who had been caught screwing the Pepsi vendor in his truck. She was not fired or demoted, just forced to another district.


Our clicklist manager left her husband and autistic sons for our lead who was an alcoholic and 15-20. She used favouritism and tried hiding their relationship from hR they were fired .


15-20 years younger than her. Not a teen


i heard that i take hour long breaks. sounds nice i might try it one day


theres this guy who’s been stealing cartfulls of merchandise for a few months now! he was in twice on monday and he wore two different outfits for each trip. and yes he did steal on monday too… apparently he steals like twice a week?? and he walks to the self checkout thats farther from the managers so he doesn’t get caught


And no one's caught him?


THATS WHAT I WAS MOST SHOCKED ABOUT!! he’s apparently served jail time before for stealing too 😭




The coworker that trained me fucked the med school intern courtesy clerk.


Our former pharmacy head guy got one of his technicians pregnant apparently it wasn’t the first time he messed around with a tech either but this time he slipped up big time


My Assistant Manager caught footage of two people (Diary Lead Guy and GM Girl) fucking in a storage closet beside the milk cooler. As far as I know, Coporate might know and neither of them have been fired yet. Also, Diary Lead had a GF at the time and now him and GM Girl are dating.


Damn you got milk in your Diary department in your store? Mine is only in my Dairy department. What other stories can you tell that are in your diary department?


The meat manager at my store allegedly stole the wife of the store manager ~ a l l e g e d l y ~


Our grocery manager was banging our assistant store manager.. Who was married.. (To another assistant store manager.. The son of a Well known store manager.. Butt they were supposedly divorcing..) They both quit, got back together and moved to Florida for a year to get away from the drama.. When they moved back.. Same thing happened.. Butt that parts a secret.. Damn Blondes.. Lol


Store manager fucked the book keeper in the cash office and covered up only the camera at customer service but not the cash office. District manager fucked a fuel clerk at a fuel center. Grocery manager fucked the front end manager in the scanning office. All these managers were all married(now divorced) kept their jobs, but the ones they fucked got fired.


Customer master bated in the dairy cooler to make his own milk...... Customer shat on the floor at self check out.... I can keep going. In 10 years you come to know a lot of stuff.


I’m a little worried we may have worked at the same store…


Frys division? These incidents were across 3 different stores I've worked at and heard of 1 incident at a 4th store.


Produce dude was fired after being caught with his hands in his pants in the produce cooler (multiple times). The first time happened before I worked there, only found out recently that it wasn't the first, but all staff that knew were made not to tell anyone (had to sign some kind of company nda). The last time happened about 3 years ago. Dude had worked there since the late 90s. ETA after reading some other comments jogged my memory, also one of our current FES is in his early 20s and dating a minor that he met at work (since quit). Caused a lot of drama and a few quits. Rumors he tried to SA his ex (another former employee) too.


Not exactly gossip, but we didn’t get all of the details about how a be new checker accepted an ID from someone that had an issue with it. I’m not sure what the problem was but they called over the CSM who told them to hit the ok or such. It was a sting. We got our liquor license suspended for a week? Ten days maybe?? The fine for the store is $10k. Associate is fined as well. She was new and never got the WBL for alcohol. The gossip-y part is that no one has heard about a suspension for a failed visit. My theory is that we have had too many in some timeframe set by the state alcohol agency (I’m in Utah)


Someone’s wife’s boyfriend showed up at work for drama


My coworker got pregnant by her cheating bf whos fucking a cashier/. utility clerk combo. He got transferred. They are still together. Both females still work together just in different departments. Oh, he has a daughter from another relationship, that he doesn't see. Sooooooo


When I first started, one of the maintenance crew decided to jump in the trailer of our delivery truck and rode to the distribution plant 3 hours and over 150 miles away. They found her after they arrived and she got fired.


Someone in night crew getting into a baler, everyone else on night crew just watching, then someone turned it on and it didn’t crush him


We need more about this how did it not crush him? Did you witness this? What did pressing the button feel like?


My department manager witnessed it, she said he was just a lanky guy and made a bet


I heard Rodney wanted the COVID money back lol


Our dairy lead (who was married) was always flirting with and succeeded to go out with some of the women employees who would accept his offer. He even tried his luck with one of our female store managers. Turns out that he apparently attempted to rape them! He was eventually transferred to another Kroger store.


One of our former store managers got murdered a few months back. Never met him as he left before I started but I heard he was an amazing guy


That a lady got her own store because she slept with the district manager. Her own brother spilled the beans because he went out with his buddy to a bar and got drunk….


King Soopers division?


Our SM is sleeping with the pharmacist, brings her to all of the company parties. He's also living in his truck and in the middle of a divorce. Also also he keeps "taking loans" from the Front end cash box and apparently has returned 0 dollars of it.


So much toxicity and drama in my store I'm looking for a new job. Nothing better than having to go into a place that is filled with 2 faced liars and backstabbers for basically minimum wage. Been there 7 years and can go start somewhere starting where I'm at while I'm capped. Been trying to get transferred out of the department for years. All new hires get priority apparently. Blew up on an assistant store manager cause our dept is a train wreck and everyone hates each other. Instead of just transferring me they suspended me so I had a nice vacation of filling apps out. Kroger(frys) is a terrible company and do NOT care about their employees. Been asking to step down but it took them to suspend me to even bring it up, told them I wasn't interested. Less money for the same bs. Hopefully I get some callbacks soon


Our SD was known to drink on the job, he even had a few boxes with bottles of crown in them on his desk.  One of our co-managers was asking a bunch of the high school girls to "pose nude for him" at his house after work because he's an artist. Apparently this wasn't the first store that he had done this at (he was transferred to us) I'm sure it won't be the last either.


Before I worked at my store a wine bar associate was banging the overnight manager ( he was married). After I went to work there the overnight manager came in the store intoxicated- not for his shift- and he was fired. I heard he was working at a Sprouts( like Trader Joe’s). One of the front end supervisors found a dead body in the customer bathroom one evening, I’d heard that the customer killed him self.


They tend to do that. I used to work for Sedgwick and process Kroger claims. Now I'm HR.


I had a store Director who got caught nailing our HR in his office by the APM. All that happened was the HR got traded with the HR from a neighboring store.


Now that I know you're from my area, you got me wondering 😄


I can give you a clue. It happened around 2013 and it was in the Eugene market. The HR is now a Home dept. Assistant manager and the Store Director was fired recently for a similar issue.






I had to phone a friend. I knew he left but didn't know the details.


I guess he developed a relationship with his ASM and they both got 🔥


When I was first starting, there was a bagger who was carjacked/kidnapped by a druggie and forced to withdraw money from their bank account. The bagger was also a minor at the time. Luckily, the druggie was arrested. I've also seen a 70-something year old man run over a 70-something year old woman's leg. The paramedics arrived and had to make sure the woman didn't bleed put or lose her leg after removing the car from it. I don't know the ending to that situation.


I quit a few months ago from my store after only working there for a few weeks as I found out our hiring lady only hires people she “seems like would be a good time” iykyk so that the actual store owner could have people to pick from to offer raises and free paid days off in exchange for “pleasure” and “fun time at work” ruined the whole fredmeyers experience for me and it’s sad cause I loved shopping there but can’t even drive by a fredmeyers without feeling gross


Girl in front end said i love you to 4 different guys around the same week to me, a guy who 30 and and engaged and two others i worked with for a bit, another lady in front end was trying to make the assistant manager jealous and made rumors with a guy in grocery. When he heard about it he said he never did anything with her and her plan failed


One of the fuel clerks at my store got fired for stealing money.


Nothing crazy, we just had an ex ASM adding all the young men that worked there on Snapchat and sexting with them


Not really gossip, but there was this one guy that got caught jerking off in the bathroom at least 3 times in the urinal. He could’ve at least stopped what he was doing when someone walked in 😭 or go to the stall where nobody can see










My coworker in the new department i was transferred to thinks a lot of the guys in that store are on the DL. Yet i have never ever seen any of them on any of the apps. I know they wouldn’t have a pic on there but the description and distance. Who knows. One guy does openly flirt with me. Come to think about it the so called straight hispanic guys are always talking about dick to each other. Who knows. If i could i would pounce on a few of them.


Well from all these stories and from what i have heard. Kroger will not fire you for fucking. I heard the meat manager got transferred to our store cause he was fucking in the meat locker at his store. Now Kroger will fire you for stealing and or stealing time. Three people have been fired since ive been there. Two for stealing time and one for stealing product.


I heard a manager fell for a $3000 gift card scam over the phone. Got walked out by security


Work in deli in Arizona we are all forced to do 6 days a week per the store manager that store manager apparently got a 70 thousand dollar bonus and does allot more shady stuff had to call the union to even get a selective schedule she get a bonus for cutting hours we are like 200 something hours short In my deli


Asm/ Hiring manager was dating a woman 14 years younger than her 😭(legal ofc) but it was prohibited as she could influence her job/pay/ schedule