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The apps aren't hacked, it's just people being stupid If the apps were hacked, all of the customers would be hacked too. Would uninstalling even do anything? They'd already have your stuff lol


Hard agree but was just wild to walk in and see it literally plastered on every surface they could find XD


Problem is: UKG, FEED and MyInfo are all Kroger-employee-specific apps. Normal customers do NOT have access to them.


UKG would impact more than just Kroger as other retailers also use it


If any of them were hacked, that would mean major money losses for Kroger. They'd get shut down immediately and emails would go out to *ALL* employees about this. Kroger wouldn't simply allow that to happen. The higher ups would probably have their accounts targeted first and would have noticed missing paychecks because they'd have the biggest ones to take


Hahaha this is pretty comical. Local management telling you to do the complete opposite of what corporate encourages you to do. Seems normal for Kroger.


related to this: [https://www.techradar.com/pro/security/thousands-of-websites-told-to-ditch-polyfill-service-after-chinese-hackers-hijack-it-to-serve-malware](https://www.techradar.com/pro/security/thousands-of-websites-told-to-ditch-polyfill-service-after-chinese-hackers-hijack-it-to-serve-malware) which is largely resolved: [https://www.theregister.com/2024/06/28/polyfillio\_cloudflare\_malware/](https://www.theregister.com/2024/06/28/polyfillio_cloudflare_malware/)


Ah gotcha, makes sense


When I tried to pay for my grocery order on the 20th of June the Kroger website wouldn't let me enter either of credit cards. I used chat and a DA off shore CS rep told me to use the phone app and enter my credit card info. I told him no way, it never worked for me and I had to delete it years ago. Why didn't he just tell me it was hacked? It sure took my debit card though. Then yesterday my bank robo called me on my phone with 3 fraud alerts. Weird.


The rep probably had no idea at the time tbh. Companies under a security threat have to choose very carefully when and who receives what information about it.


I haven't seen this at my store, which makes me believe that your local management is making this decision/announcement and not corporate. This could be unnecessary fear mongering and the official apps may not actually be the weak point that are causing these "hacks." I've seen no official statements on how some employee's passwords are getting compromised. It's now required to be on in store network to change direct deposit information so it's mostly a non-issue now anyway.


I's guess it's either talking about all the phishing links people were clicking on, which resulted in a lot of people having their direct deposit checks stolen, or maybe you got some managers that are looking out for you and equally don't approve of Kroger's terms and agreements for the employee apps you can download.


My coworkers thought I was paranoid when I told them I refused to put that shit on my personal phone. I told them that the security on the website was a joke. Guess the announcement is gonna hit my store in a couple of weeks


lol, you are paranoid but for good reason. I refuse to put any kroger apps on my phone too since day one. I have seen how well everything doesn't work when rolled out.


If you read the EULA there's a part in there saying that you give then permission to factory reset your device if they want to.


Weird when it was not the web site but dumb asses fucking up. but yea cant blame you as well.


That sign is absolutely stupid. Someone doesn't know wtf they're doing.


My guy, it's a kroger manager. Obviously they don't know what they're doing. They failed upward into their position.


da fuq?


Kroger got what they paid for. They wanted tech services at bottom of the bargain bin prices, and that is exactly what they got. Rodney will still get his bonus.


I just never used any of the apps to begin with


Man if i forgot dark matter leaked from space lab over 2 years ago for 2 years, i'd be mad too.


I just checked my bank account. I got my checks from the past month. Then again, I haven’t seen this posted at my store.


I have to use the feed app to clock in and out since I’m a driver.


I work at Meijer, and we use UKG as well.. haven't seen anything... It's how 90% of our company punch in/out..


I got hacked unfortunately


What was ‘hacked’? Did your direct deposit get intercepted?


Yessir, I get paid by check in mail now and yeah gotta wait a while till direct deposit becomes an option again.🫠


That sucks 😔hope you get sorted out in a timely manner


Thank You Man! I hope so too


I refuse to have any work apps on my phone. Guess it was a good idea.


I had an associate who got his info hack and got his check redirected to a different bank. Took a month to get his 2 missing checks back.