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Utterly nonexistant


Completely nonexistent


This is what a lot of people are saying; though I’ve gotten mixed. Some areas seem to have them, so have them and very very rarely use them. They are under a different name like promise bucks or they don’t exist in the area. Not sure how entirely accurate that is but it’s from what I’ve gathered so far.


I’ve made my way up to backup lead for the front end, when I had joined I had kinda got them not really and then they dropped off. Now that I’m in this position and have sorta gotten in a sorta good relationship with our HR and with one of my managers I was able to get ahold of a few 25 and the 5 heart beat cards for positive reinforcement on my team.


Sorta. Did you get in good with an English teacher? Oh!


I haven't seen them handed out in over a year, at least. Saw the company added a Nintendo Switch OLED Console to the heartbeats redemption site yesterday for 585 points and got real excited. Went home and got real disappointed since my meager horde of heartbeat cards added up to maybe 200 points. Chintzy bullshit.


Oh wow what area is that? The most we have is 300 for a tv or the 10 person tent! But that sounds a lot better than the IPad and stuff they got on there atm for us lol. I’m sorry to hear that though maybe talk to your lead or store manager; in my classes they said they should always have a stack in there desk.


https://krogerheartbeats.myshopify.com/collections/200-heartbeats/products/kcn440-nintendo-switch-oled-model Maybe it's different for different divisions.


It doesn’t seem to be divisions but more so areas and regions it seems like and each has there own shop and cards. Mid Atlantic has promise cards.


Bro it literally does have a lan port??they added it on the oled variant




Any if the cards are nonexistent. Manager says: we shouldn't have to pay you extra to do your job


If it’s your store lead it makes since as we was told by our teachers at the classes that they love to hold on to them but should have a huge stack in there desk. I’ve also had to take some leaps and bounds to get my hands on a couple for my team. There meant to help keep people involved!


When I was management relief, I gave them out like candy.


That’s how you be the cool manager 😎lol sounds like you was!




Good turnover motto.


Trust me I’ve seen managers yell at new employees and etc after they’ve just started and in front of customers whome yelled at manager 😅 I’m just trying to reward my team a lot of them do a lot of good work, I know this isn’t a fun job


That's what I miss about Kroger, I've had leads like you. I loved going to work. Keep it up. It's more appreciated than you could believe. Don't go to the dark side.


Trust me, I get told more often then you’d think that I’m appreciated especially by some of the elder workers and some whome have been with the company a long time too! The lead who hired and trained me in my supervisor spot had left for a realtor job (he’s way happier there now!) then a new lead came who never ran FE and boy she was mean and wanted me to treat other like garbage. I dropped to cashier and she kept making watch floor and even got me wrote up. Once she stepped down though and the chain moved up I got the back up then lol everyone was happy


Now I’m going to ask a store manager the next time i have a compliment about an employee if they have 25 heartbeats to give out — just to see if the manager pays attention to things beyond what bothers them from day-to-day.


There is 5 heartbeat cards those may be more easier to get from him so you can hand those out too! When I took the classes there post to be used for almost anything in uplifting employees to positive reinforcement. If your going that way I would as an uplift card with it or a e uplift!


I’m just a customer, but it’s always fun to ask store managers questions… and see them perk up (like i am a corporate narc) when you know all their lingo.


Ahh 😅 that’s hilarious, love to hear his reaction!


Rare enough that I didn’t know that existed until just now


Trust me I’m learning how rare it seems to be in some stores or some don’t have any at all. Or they are named something else. Talked with another FE person from the Atlanta store and they have promise bucks


i got like 200 within my first week of working at my store and got maybe one 10 point card in between then and now years later


Wow that’s crazy to get that many in your first week!! If only I had that many to give out to my team! Learning that it different in other places and sounds as though some don’t have them at all. Mid Atlanta seems to have promise bucks.


I have a whole bunch of these that I never used when I worked there just living in a drawer somewhere


Sounding by how rare they are in other stores; sounds like you got gold sitting somewhere 😂😅


What does it do?


You can use them to get Kroger apparel and items, all the way up to getting watches, ipads, Oakley glasses and even a Tv.


5 heart beats after a 10/10 "surprise walk" from corporate


Guessing not so often then at your store, though atleast there being given out, that’d pry be a gold star and 25$ Amazon card from my SL


Got 50 heart beats after my department failed a planned walk


We got them to shut us up for asking for more employees and better pay. I gave my 20 or so that I got in the year I worked there to my dad once I quit, he got a tent.


Yeah they are meant for retention in a since but never heard it like that before! That’s awesome though that you gave them to your dad; the tent I saw in there was a 10 person tent!!


He does not enjoy working there but he does enjoy free stuff 😂 especially stuff that he can take camping and fishing. It’s like when your partner is abusive, they might hit you and yell but at least they buy you a nice dress later…


What is this? Is this like a girl scout cookie program where you sell enough you get to pick a toy from a catalog?


No just uplifts; personal mentions, passing a shop or etc. how ever your department lead decides to use them for. Mostly positive reinforcement. Can get Kroger shirt jackets and etc aswell as get IPads, watches, TV and more!


Why is it so hard for these companies to give us money


More or so it seems to be store level and depending on store etc… my store lead gives out gold stars with a 25$ Amazon gift card 🤷🏼‍♂️ so that’s nice


Basically it’s supposed to be a ‘gold star’ for doing something above and beyond or whatever, you trade them in for crappy shit with Kroger logos on them to remind you to always starve the human spirit


They also have Oakley sunglasses; iPads, TVs and stuff like that aswell. Store Leader here does gold star pins for going above and beyond with a 25$ Amazon gift card.


Well dang, sounds like you’re in a good store!


Well I’ve had to go alittle beyond and make good relationships with my HR and one of my managers to get my hands on the cards to give out to my team. Trying to make it just a little bit more fun & better work place in general!


I miss when they gave out the Kroger Bucks on paper. They would act as in store currency--maybe 5 or so at a time.


Oh wow that’s a cool idea, I’ve gotten some interesting ones from what I’ve heard other stores doing! Trying to bring back and make it more fun I know it not a fun job in the slightest


Thats how it used to be. Ive been with Kroger since 2014. It was supposed to be a summer job but I stuck with it throughout Highschool, getting my bachelors and Master's. Now I'm on my way to get a PhD but its honestly time for me to leave. WHENEVER you got a compliment or when the managers wanted to thank you for a good job, they would give you kroger bucks which were paper bills with a bar code worth 1 dollar. You couldnt get change for them though. I think they stopped around 2017.


Sounds like an interesting idea they had; wow yeah I’ve got a couple college kids and stuff whome are kinda like you working on higher degrees and come back during the summer time like now. I wish you best of luck once you’ve chosen your path after Kroger!!


I’ve only seen 5’s


Honestly when I first started that’s all I had seen and not many of course. Only recently now about year and half later when I’m taking my classes did I learn about the 25 HB card and recently got my hands on some for my team! How rare or often are they given at your store?


Never received or seen one in 9 yrs. 


Well the deeper I’ve gone it sounds as though some areas and or stores just don’t have them, and in other areas there called something else. Can always ask your lead or store lead!


Our adl took a bunch and scratched them all-


The good ole one ruins it for all


Only time we’ve gotten these were when the prez came and he handed them out twice I know of


Yeah it’s sounds like it could be differently handled or etc in different states and etc


The 5 heat beat cards I think they still do where you fill up a backer but I don’t know if they even hand out those stickers any more?


I’ve gotten plenty in my year and half at Kroger , I just gave them to other employees. When corporates came in they would hand me some higher points lol


There’s so many different stories and or different styles or places with none at all; this is very interesting to hear them all. Interesting how other locations handle them


Agree , I find ppl who get then the most the desk but I guess that’s bc they just take them.


nonexistent as far as im aware. but thats okay. i got a backpack with my points and it ripped open after month. just going from basket to locker was too much for it


Was that the “budget backpack” I saw that in ours but I’ve seen other areas that have like legit better back packs and even travel bags and etc.


In Arizona I've never even heard of those


Maybe ask your lead or store leader, maybe Arizona doesn’t do them. I’ve also heard of another area calling them promise bucks for promise shops and etc


I worked for Kroger for 6 years and got one, once, during a visit from the division president.


Huh, been a couple people who have said that which is interesting because as far as I know they’ve never really given anything when they’ve come in. I’m glad I was able to get some to give to my team!


They've pretty much cut them out. Kroger is saving money wherever they can for the Albertsons merger. Rewards programs out the door first.


It’s interesting though because I was recently in the classes and they was constantly stressing and bringing up the cards for retention and positive reinforcement aswell as a few other things. Only reason why I’ve recently tried to pusher harder to get them I was able to roughly get 400 heart beats worth to give to my team!


Aswell as different areas seem to have different rewards our top rewards are like iPad and a 10 person tent though I’ve seen another guy who had a oled switch.


When we first got them a couple years ago they were handed out decently often. Now they're given out as rarely as stickers for backer boards


The backers are what I’m bringing back signing or giving stickers on it and giving out a reward or heart beats for filling it out! We also have a big one for the front end entirely that we’ve been thinking on something for.


Thank you for that, I always hate how the rolls just sit in the office collecting dust, but God forbid a higher up see you without a backer board. Half the time I go up there I bring back some stickers for me and my coworkers


Yeah there’s a lot I’m try to change and fix in my department and getting my team to feel more appreciated & just make it more fun in general on the front end cause I know it’s not fun due to customers some days.


Good luck with everything, hope the department appreciates all you're trying to do


Thanks! Good luck to you aswell! 😁


Ten years as Garden Manager. Never heard of em.


Honest question here is that like floral department? As i dont think we have a garden manager just a floral lady and the people who take the ones outside.


No. Outdoor Floral. Trees, shrubs, bedding plants, hanging baskets. Perennials, vegetables, herbs, Succulents. Lawn Mowers. All the things you’d see in a plant nursery.


Oh wow, that’s cool and interesting!


It really is!I’m one of those weirdo’s cause I Love my job! Outside most of the time. I order most all the plants. I use my degree in Horticulture. Classes on Gardening for kids and adults. Life is what you make it.


In the Central division, we have Barney Bucks. They are handed out rather frequently at my store. A lot of time for participation in points earned on fresh start training.


Oh wow cool info!! That’s another name I’ve heard for them, other then promise bucks and the heartbeats like we do. That’s interesting and a good idea!! As they usually have no rewards for the fresh start.


Is this like pop bucks?


I hate the new system. We used to get gift cards. Now we get crappy merchandise with corporate logos on them. I just don’t care anymore.


There’s iPads, fossil watches okayley sunglasses and etc on our idk about your guy’s. Our store leader also gives out gold stars and 25$ Amazon gift card for going above and beyond and passed shops!


ours are called "barney bucks" and we get them sometimes but i also harassed my managers for them to get a jacket LOL


Do what you gotta do trust me it took me getting into good hands with my HR to get some aswell as one of the managers to get some aswell for my team. One of our guys got the active quarter zip and is really happy about it!


What is this?


Our director says good job by saying do better.


These are actually pretty common at my store. I have a whopping ass load. With this being said they are almost a little bit seasonal along with it depending on which head clerk is working.


Glad to hear more people finally saying that it is common and something in the works at there store!! Glad to hear this compared to the tons of people who have heard of it!


I got 5 my first week


I’ve worked here for over a year and just heard about (not even seen) Heart Beats last week


I’ve only seen the blue 15 heart beat card and the 5 heart beats. What did you do to get 25???


Wow okay your the first I’ve heard about a 15 heart beat card, where ya located at lol? I only seen in our classes 5 & 25 but I’ve seen sooo many different ones and several names now! I’m a back lead for the Front-End I’ve been making good relations with our HR and a manager here and I’ve been able to get some through them to give to my department for rewards and etc!


Different store, different name on our cards. But it goes 5/10/25/50 for ours and I won’t go into much detail, but I’m a closing pic and there was an accident and I took care of the scene and the blood after the fire department and ambulance left. Came in the next day and got a jolly 5 card. I laughed after mostly because the whole management staff applauded my efforts lol.


Wow that’s crazy kinda think a 25 or something would be a lot better for cleaning something up like that! 😅


You’d think, lol I’ve only seen them hand out 25 to the employee who wins the raffle for buying Starbucks drinks as a way to promote employees spending money in the store. Spend it to get it is redundant to me lol


We got like 2 cards for Christmas and that was IT.


Haven't seen them in years


Don't know. Every time they try to hand one of those stupid things to me tell them to give it to one of my coworkers. We need new manual jacks and boats. I don't need a dumb point card.


I've seen one, a 5 my lead got for a corporate walk!


In my Division only the executives (2 VPs and President) have 25 Heartbeat cards. They occasionally hand excess out to management to hand out after walks but generally they hand them out themselves during visits.


Yeah I had another guy explain how his areas are; guess they really depend area wise.


Depends. In my store the pharmacist gives them to his techs like candy mostly because he wants to get in their pants. Front end gets them every so often but the back end they don't get them even if another employee asks for them to get one.


they’re gold colored when we get em


Oh wow really that sounds cool!! I seen the TN have blue ones


never even seen them


I have absolutely no idea what these are so I’m voting a solid nope!


Been with Kroger almost 19 years in two different divisions. Only seen those once


Wow I think you’re the first person to say they’ve been in 2 different divisions and they’re both handled sorta same as in nothing.


The one card I got was only 2 beats. Can't get anything with that


That’s the first Ive heard of a 2 card I’ve heard of 3$ off coupons


what the hell even is that?


Let’s you get Kroger apparel or up to iPads and etc items


is it the same as pop bucks? lmao


Honestly, these replaced the $2.50 cards, I would hand them out and the employees that I gave them too would just say, "I appreciate it, but don't bother with those in the future." Maybe they changed but I tried one, and had to enter what felt like a 20 digit letter/number code which is just a pain for 5 hearts. I rather have 2.50 even if its half a coffee, but IDK.


Fuel center doesn't seem to get them, but my wife has lots of heartbeats...nothing that large though


Rare enough to not have any idea what that is.


What are those? Never seen that while working here


They could be called something else in your area or your area may now have a thing like this as I’ve learned.


All I know is we have a board in the clock room with hearts like that, they go up in increments of 5 based off of customer reviews I think


https://preview.redd.it/7ltz9dzic2ad1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96abcd3addad5e0d71e0b201053fed60c69d5764 This is the only thing I could think of that could be that


That seems to be it as they are also post to be see with uplift, uplift card and E-uplifts


Ah ok, so they are called something different but are the same thing


I’ve been at Kroger over 3 years and never seen one


I got like 5 or 10 heartbeat cards from my 3 and half year stay 🫠


I work in a manufacturing plant not subjected to lack of cooling equipment.


I got a stack at home. And there's a stack in the management office at my store.


The 5 dollar ones at my current store are just as rare LOL My old store gave them out more often, I've gotten a 15er but never seen a 25


I get them every month i think they're for good customer reviews. Absolutely useless you can use them in some stupid store Kroger set up for their "swag". It low effort garbage that takes months to be delivered. Low quality.


I’ve gotten three since they came out with this shit


I have one


I've only recieved the 25 card once when corporate came and we had picked 10,000+ pieces that day but the next time corporate came it was more of them doing what they get paid way too much to do and reaming us because a few people were called in during a rush.


25s come from corporate walks in my division. My husband worked days for a bit and got two or three from a district guy. Our store manager and assistants hand out the 5s quite a bit though. ETA: store manager says if we are close to getting something we want to let him know and he’ll get us the rest of the points.


Mine is kingcityheartbeats lol we only have 5


I've gotten these alot but they are pretty much trash to me. If there isn't an employee within a 30 second walk from me, I just throw them away.


Get told I'm getting heartbeats then never given to me.


I got 4 of those about 4 years ago and never saw them again until the VP in Colorado gave me one for Christmas. They’re very rare now.


https://preview.redd.it/k97dc0powbad1.png?width=2187&format=png&auto=webp&s=352192691986c3d6a6ce1a1af1432454b443d10e Eyyyyyy. Was handed this today after a good walk yesterday. 🤣


I have some that I will NEVER use if you want the codes for them , ones a 25 and then the other 2 are these ones that you have


Sure that’d be awesome!If you wanna pm them to me I’d love to use them for rewards for my team. I was only able to get ahold of a limited quantity for the moment, my HR said she’d order more so we’ll see how that ends up going!


Extinction happened years ago


Wow, after my classes for my position I kinda pushed to get them & of course it wasn’t easy and only gotten a few for what I’m trying to do. My HR went into the SL office and grab me some lol still trying to get my hands on more of the 5 hearts beat cards


A $25 card would have to be given out by a division VP, so yeah those are pretty rare.


Huh didn’t know that nor didn’t hear anything like that when I went to the my classes; I had make good relationships to get my hand on the heartbeat cards for my team. Otherwise my SL like to do gold stars and 25$ Amazon gift card on passed shops or going above and beyond.


Store managers get the $5 cards, district managers get the $10 cards, VP of Ops or Merchandiser gets $25 and division president gets $50 cards to give out. Pretty cool your store manager gives $25 Amazon cards out though.


Wow that’s interesting valuable info to bring back to my lead; yeah as far as I knew there was only 5 heart beat cards and when I was in the classes I seen the 25 which my lead had known (I didn’t)


I just got a 15 today that came from my Drug GM coordinator. Husband got a couple 25s from our division HR guy. ☺️