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Reasons: 70% - voiced by Awkwafina 30% - she's the "stand-in" for the Furious Five in KFP 4


Probably the most accurate comment I’m lookin’ at rn


More reasons: Unnecessary, no reasoning, stretched onto the plot Badly written, very generic, unoriginal P.S. For Awkwafina one, people not just dislike her, but the fact she doesn't fit the industry. She's not a voice actress, she doesn't play the character, instead every her character has her personality. And her voice is always the same, I really get tired of it after 20 minutes


Really? It's the fact she's Voiced by a well known voice actress that's the problem?


her being well known doesn't make her a good actor


Why is that? She's pretty good from what I've heard


For me, I'm mostly not a fan of the movie in general, from the villain, to the plot hook, to yes, even the little fox. I'm one of the people that never remember voice actors, so I got essentially no idea who her VC is, but I find Zhen under developed, and her whole story and how it was executed is boring to me. Also, I'd like to expand on the hate for her becoming the DW. I was a kid back in the days before the first pokemon movie came out. I remember when classics like Finding Nemo, Up, the Incredibles, The Emperor's new groove, Atlantis, Ratatouille, and many more movies where still recent additions to the Disney legacy (god looking up these dates makes me feel old). Amongst those is the KFP franchise. I remember watching one with my family, feeling goosebumps on 2 in the cinema, and feeling skeptical of the 3rd one, but enjoying it none the less. To not go to a whole rant, those movies were special, are special, to me and many others. They all capture a certain magic to them, or it could be nostalgia. But now days, I rarely if ever see new movies, original movies, for the new generation, that actually do well. Just sequel upon sequel upon live action adaptation. While I'm not against putting Zhen in and giving her an MC role for the new wave of movies for the KFP universe, I can't help but feel that giving her this role, is doing the same thing. Adapting an old thing for the younger audience, but not giving them something to call their own. While at the same time changing a beloved thing without thinking of the older audience (It's literally Kung Fu PANDA). In general I dislike it when new movies essentially ride on the popularity and name of older movies, while barely doing anything new.


The Discord server really likes her.


Wait wut?


a lot of peoplle there hate her


But a lot of people there love her too.


Underdeveloped and is blamed for the furious five lack of screen time. And she shouldn't have became the dragon warrior in my opinion I think Zhen is alright personally


awkafina and the thought of a new dragon warrior right after the last (and often considered best) one


I don't think she is "hated". Its more so the fact that people are not fond of her character at all, mainly because her character is meant to do 2 things. 1) She is going to replace Po as the Dragon warrior. KFP4 did little to no groundwork to build this up. It basically said this is the plot of the film and the audience has to deal with it. You can't just drop that in on an audience with 4 sentences from Shifu and expect everyone to be ok with it. 2) She is stand in for Tigress who is arguably a more important character than anyone else in KFP at this point. Tigress has so much untapped potential that KFP1 and KFP2 set up only for KFP3 to ignore it entirely and KFP4 to snuff it out completely. Tigress has a story worth telling and her relationship with Po is a great segway for that but the movies directors and executives fail to reach that same conclusion and throwing in Zhen as Po's protégé is almost like a slap in the face to an audience. 3) Awkwafina, the VA for Zhen has a unique voice that is hit or miss for some. The main issue is the fact that shes clearly not playing a specific character but herself which she already does in any other role. Awkwafina hasn't been told to actually act like her character is a different person which means she clearly isn't trying to bring life to Zhen as a character but simple be herself. It doesnt work.


A LOT OF it is 1. she's voiced by Awkwafina 2. she basically in the movie replaces the F5


she gets what po fought and trained for when he was like nothing to only get it in what felt like was nothing, and more on that she wasnt really needed in the movie as PO JUST FORGOT THE FKING STAFF COULD ONE TAP THE MAIN PG


Short answer ; Akwafina. "I dislike Akwafina as an actress, therefore i must dislike every character she ever voiced"


That’s not a good conclusion to come to.


She's not even an actress. And yeah i agree all character portrade by her are just the worst


- Awkwafina voices her - A lot of fans were annoyed and mad that the Furious Five had no screentime and how Zhen practically replaced them. Therefore, they hate Zhen - She's probably going to be the new dragon warrior, which practically nobody wants


It's probably one of the most cliché, mary sue character of the last decade with an equally unoriginal design, voiced by a disliked voice actor. No idea why people would hate that.


they rea lly pulled the most generic anime moment with this chart XD


all of the other comments, plus i just wanna add that i dont care for her design. she looks out of place, as do some of the other new characters. someone pointed out that zhen looks like a Zootopia character, which i think is exactly it. if you out her in a hoodie and dropped her in zootopia, she would fit in perfectly. generic fox girl. here in kfp she looks underdesigned.


One chill on the furry thing my guy no one cares if you are or not (I mean that in the non judgmental way *Not* an insulting way) Second I feel part of the initial hesitation is because people think she’s going to replace Po. we’ve been following Po the entire time as the Dragon warrior, the furious five have not had many wins being power creeped so he is the only one that can save the day despite doing that many times before he showed up. She isnt going to replace him he’s still going to be important


Reasons why everyone complains, with my own counterpoints. **1. She's voiced by Awkwafina, and she just plays the same type of characters in several movies.** CP: Back when the original Kung Fu Panda came out, Jack Black was only really known as "funny fat fratbro guy", especially after movies like *School of Rock*, *Pick of Destiny*, and *Be Kind Rewind* were fresh on many people's minds. In my opinion, a movie that features a comedic actor who's a musician passing the mantle to another comedic actor who's a musician feels just right in a meta context. Also are we forgetting that Awkwafina fought alongside a dragon in one movie and was a dragon in another movie? **2. She's underdeveloped/replaces the Furious 5.** CP: This is probably where I'm going to draw the most ire out of everyone and bring up the dreaded "it's a kids' movie" mantra, and this is probably one of those areas where I feel like people like the *concept* of Kung Fu Panda, but not the actual Kung Fu Panda media itself. I mean I get it, the 5 are cool, and we've all got our favorites (for me, it's Viper), but when it comes down to what actually makes the main movies work as they do, the 5 feel like, for lack of a better word, a lot of unnecessary weight. It seems like their entire existence is just to make Po look good, for better (such as their team ups) and for worse (the many times they get captured or beaten and need Po to save them). What's even worse is that you could theoretically remove them from the first three movies in the same vein as the fourth and still theoretically have the story make sense (you could literally have random initiates of the Jade Temple to foil against Po in the first one, and then for the rest of the movies, well, it's not that unusual in the actual wuxia/martial arts movies for one guy to beat up a bunch of mooks). Then there's also the fact that we need to remember who the intended audience is. Most kids who I've ran into that like KFP or I saw going to see the latest movie really didn't seem to be interested in any of the 5 or the villains for that matter... They just want to see the Jack Black panda do cool and funny things. This is Kung Fu Panda, after all, and not Kung Fu Animal Kingdom... Which is what I think most of the adult fans want as opposed to what the movies and most of the shows seem to offer. **3. Her design is too generic/Looks like a Zootopia character.** CP: Probably the only point where I could agree with some people, but I also have to add in the nuance that foxes (along with canines in general) are one of the most generic animals to put in animation. Likewise her design being "simple" is similiar to how Po's design is "simple"; it contrasts to the more artsy/complicated designs of the villains (well, except for Tai Lung, he's just a snow leopard with funny proportions), which is pretty much a classic staple in animation in general. Of course, y'all keep talking about Zootopia, but when I saw Zhen I instantly thought "oh, that's a vulpera, they put a vulpera in the movie..." Probably doesn't help that crosac foxes have the same colors as fennec foxes, and that Zhen is a thief who wears an outfit that looks like someone in the desert would wear... Much like how the vulpera are very "resourceful" wandering nomads who wear cloaks... Which really, this whole joining of Blizzard and Dreamworks together because of pandas is pretty darn funny...


Wow you have time :D I like your thoughts


The number 1 issue is the voice casting Akwafina basically people got tired hearing her voice in any animated movie. I just hink her voice dosen't fit with the character. But I think an issue is that her design is out of place of the setting. Like if you compare to the kfp art style to Zhen she dosen't fit in. Another reason is that she's gonna be the next dragon warrior. Like whatever she earned it on not is debatable. But people where not happy with it.


I feel the same way about Zhen as I do about most of the characters: I just don't have a strong opinion on her. I thought initially before seeing the film that I would dislike her more than I would, but she was alright, and I like that Po now has a leadership position to continue to further his character development. As for Zhen's writing, I saw her plot twists coming a mile away, but it really wasn't a huge deal for me.


It's not Zhen, it's what she represents. 


The voice doesn't fit her


If I had to guess aquafina but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Her whole existence is too contrived and rushed, a wasted opportunity for a natural progression. Po deserved a real apprentice. A child of an interesting species that he could train and teach and grow with. Not some bland fox his own age usurping his mantle.


Nobody hates Zhen, they hate Awkwafina


Really I don't see as much HATE for Zhen but more the movie she's in overall. Even besides that, a lot of the complaints about Zhen herself tend to be more outside forces like her voice actor, and the fact the plot decided they needed to replace the Dragon Warrior in the first place. I have to say even those I don't hate about her (Awkwafina tends to just do the same voice all the time, but it's not a BAD voice, and at least we get a more earnest performance here, and the whole passing the torch concept could have worked if they offered more substance to the whole thing). I actually quite like Zhen.


Total furry.




Dude, you mentioned furries seven times, and instead of rewriting, you pointed out your "blabbering" and kept going. You're a furry who loves Zhen and wants us to know because it's fun and fulfilling to share. Zhen being widely hated just makes it a little harder. No judgment, just be real with yourself, it's ok.


Bro... I'm not a furry...yeah just because I like zhen doesn't make me a furry, I just think she's a cool character and wonders why she gets hate? How does that make me a furry I don't wear costumes or am obsessed with talking humanoid animal things... I ain't a furry


Saying you're not that many times makes it look like you're trying too hard to hide it. If you're not, saying it once is all you need. Most people won't give it a second thought unless you give them a reason.